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Metabolic Rate Analysis2025-01-16T22:23:48-06:00

Metabolic Rate Analysis

Metabolic Rate Analysis to Manage Weight

For patients wanting to know how their metabolism is truly working, The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness has added MetaCheck, the world’s fastest metabolic measurement machine, to its already extensive care capabilities. As one of the newest pieces of professional medical equipment available on the market, MetaCheck allows our medical staff to quickly, accurately, and conveniently serve patients looking for insights into their own metabolic functions.

Check your metabolic rate with this machine.

The machine’s simple yet innovative explanatory printouts and patient-by-patient adjustments open the door to accurately measure your individual, unique metabolic rate. You will know with great accuracy how many calories your body requires to maintain weight or lose weight safely in no more than a 15 minute test. Read Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight.

To learn more about your personal metabolic rate, contact us today to schedule your appointment.