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What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause
By: John R. Lee, M.D., Jesse Hanley, M.D., and Virginia Hopkins

Review: Once again, Dr. Lee discusses the importance of natural progesterone replacement; but he is now focusing on women between thirty and fifty years of age. Women who are experiencing puzzling mood swings, fatigue, weight gain, breast tenderness, memory loss, migraine headaches, irregular menstrual cycles, cold hands and cold feet or any variation of these symptoms are dealing with the phenomenon – premenopause. These same women are being offered multitudes of antidepressants, counterfeit hormones or even surgery as their solution. However, none of those treatments address the “simple” underlying problem of hormone imbalance, specifically a drop in progesterone levels. Dr. Lee provides information on the safest and most effective treatments.

By |2012-10-27T08:51:33-06:00October 2nd, 2012|Recommended Reading|