Question : “I have heard that drinking moderate amounts of red wine is heart healthy. Do you have any insight on that topic now that we’re in the holiday party season?”
Question: “My daughter has decided to become a vegetarian. She’s including soy for protein in her diet. Is this wise or what would you recommend?”
Question :”What books do you recommend to learn more about cancer prevention and natural/alternative cancer treatments?”
2. Anti-Cancer by Dr .David Servan-Schreiber. This book is about how the author beat the odds when he was diagnosed with brain cancer. He focuses on nutrition, and the mind-body connection with respect to treating and preventing cancer
3. Outsmart your Cancer–OK, this one may seem way out there, but I have had some testimonials from patients who’ve treated their cancers with Protocel, which is described in this book.
Question: There’s so much information out there about Vitamin D. What are some important things to know about this Vitamin?
Question: What’s a bio-identical hormone?
Bio-identical hormones are sometimes used in children to treat mood swings, PMS, ADD/ADHD, acne, and stunted growth, among other health matters..
Physicians generally aren’t taught in medical school or residency training how to prescribe and use bio-identical hormones. Rather, training is focused on pharmaceutical drugs. As a result, 99.9% of physicians don’t offer bio-identical hormone therapies. Moreover, also due to lack of education and training, most doctors assume ALL hormones are created equal, meaning that they are all bad, cause cancer, blood clots and other serious or fatal health problems. Yet, abundant research has clearly demonstrated that when used appropriately by a WELL-TRAINED health care provider, bio-identical hormones ARE safe and effective and do NOT have the same side effect profile as typically prescribed synthetic hormones. It’s also important to know that anti-aging benefits, such as protecting against cancers, bone loss, heart disease, macular degeneration, and other conditions are being documented and published as the use of bio-identical hormones becomes more widespread.