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With the 2010-2011 flu season here, so is the wonderment on whether to get a flu shot or not! You’re not the only one confused and perhaps this article will assist you with your decision. Last year, the swine flu, tagged as “pandemic,” was actually much less than the media warned. Statistics show that flu mortality rates were only a third of an average year. Although 170 million doses of swine flu vaccine were in the U.S., only 90 million doses were used. That says that less than 1/3 of our population fell into the hype of flu shot mania.
It’s not just an ordinary flu vaccine being promoted this year-it’s the new trivalent vaccine, which may be even more reactive than the monovalent. That means that this vaccine is a three-in-one, containing influenza A, influenza B, and 2009 pandemic swine flu (H1N1) strains. Administering this highly suspect formulation to Americans can have potentially disastrous implications.
According to Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a special government committee has been created to investigate last year’s H1N1 vaccine for signs that it may be associated with more adverse reactions. What the committee found out provisionally is there were three signs of trouble with the H1N1 swine flu vaccine used last year:
All vaccines are immune suppressive-that is; they suppress your immune system, which may not return to normal for weeks to months. Not only do flu shots weaken your immune system, expose you to toxins, but may cause allergies and other adverse reactions. The flu vaccine has now been officially listed as a Category C drug. What that means is that Category C is for drugs that do not have enough human or animal studies to establish safety. Thimerasol-containing vaccines are considered hazardous waste and can’t be thrown into a garbage can, poured down a sink or flushed down a toilet because of the mercury-they’re considered environmentally toxic. Yet, humans are injected with it. Flu shots don’t work — Yes, you read that correctly. Besides being full of complications, flu vaccines simply don’t work to decrease flu incidence or flu mortality. Healthy and health-conscious people tend to get the vaccine and may come down with flu less often, not because of the vaccine itself, but because they are healthier to start with. The best way to prevent flu is through proper nutrition, and getting plenty of vitamin D, lowering stress and getting the right amount of sleep.

Article obtained from mercola.com

By |2012-10-03T11:24:22-06:00October 3rd, 2012|Articles|