Taste of Fall!
Adapted from www.ketoconnect.net

Keto Pumpkin Bread
Makes 3 mini loaves, or
one standard 8 X 4 loaf pan.
Would work well as mini muffins also.
6 large pasture raised eggs
1 ½ cups Almond, Pecan or Hazelnut Flour
½ cup organic pumpkin puree, make it generous
1 ½ teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
4 tablespoons Erythritol and/or Monk Fruit (recommend Lakanto Monk Fruit)
¾ teaspoons vanilla extract
6 tablespoons grass fed butter, melted
¾ teaspoon sea salt
¼ cup chopped walnuts or walnut pieces
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter the pans to prevent sticking.
2. Combine all ingredients, except walnuts, into a bowl. Mix with a hand mixer or using a food processor.
3. Fold in ½ of the walnuts into the batter.
4. Pour the mixture into greased pans and top with the remaining walnuts.
5. Bake mini muffins or mini loaves for 30 minutes. If using the larger single loaf, bake until sides pull slightly away from the pan and a toothpick comes out of the center clean about 45-55 minutes.
Note: This recipe has wonderful texture and taste. However, it does not rise much so loaves and muffins are not high, but flat. Still good, just different and may not be what you expected. Well worth it though.