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The amino acid L-arginine is considered the most potent Nutraceutical ever discovered, due to its powerful healing properties, and is referred to by scientists as the Miracle Molecule. The remarkable properties of L-arginine were validated by the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine, and since then have created a frenzy of interest in the Pharmaceutical and Nutraceutical fields.

Medical researchers have gathered enough clinical evidence to bring L-arginine to the forefront of modern medicine as an accepted treatment for a variety of human ailments. The L-arginine phenomen is changing standard treatment methodologies in heart disease, immune function, adipositygenerated diseases, genetic growth deficiencies, high blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, and human aging.

Columbia University refers to L-arginine as the “magic bullet” for the cardiovascular system. Over 10,000 L- arginine citations were compiled by Columbia University researchers in their quest to document the clinical benefits of this simple amino acid. It is now taught to medical students at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons.
The Nobel Prize landmark discovery of the functions of Nitric Oxide (NO) elucidated the fact that without NO, human life would be impossible. Even more revolutionary was the irrefutable evidence that L- arginine is the body’s chief source for creating Nitric Oxide.
Twenty years ago, the idea that a simple and humble amino acid could change the face of medicine would have been dismissed. Now, physicians, researchers, and scientists are embracing the effectiveness of Larginine and its use has become mainstream.

BENEFITS & FUNCTIONS The efficacy of Larginine as a therapeutic agent has been validated by thousands of clinical studies.

The benefits and functions attributed to oral ingestion of Larginineinclude:

Precursor for the synthesis of Nitric Oxide (NO)
• Stimulation of the release of the most important antiaging hormone in the body, growth hormone
• Improves immune function
• Reduces healing time of injuries (particularly bone)
• Reduces risk of heart disease
• Natural Alternative to Viagra
• Increases muscle mass
• Reduces adipose tissue body fat
• Helps improve insulin sensitivity
• Helps decrease blood pressure
• Alleviates male infertility, improving sperm production and motility

Obesity is characterized by increased levels of insulin (high glycemic foods and drinks) and by subnormal growth hormone (GH) release. Insulin promotes fat and carbohydrate storage while GH stimulates lipolysis (fatburning). The insulin/growth hormone ratio is significantly higher in obese humans than in lean humans. The combination of high insulin and low GH exacerbates the obese condition. L-arginine is the main oral agent responsible for restoration of GH in humans, and administration of 8 to 12 grams of free form L-arginine taken at bedtime on an empty stomach 30 minutes prior to Delta sleep reinstates normal GH levels.
Pharmacology, 1988, 36:2, 106-11
Above information taken from Arginine Research website
Necessary disclaimer: Consult with your physician or other health care provider before taking any new supplements

By |2012-10-03T10:21:25-06:00October 3rd, 2012|Articles|