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Dr. McManus’ Blog- Health Articles:2022-10-10T22:33:55-06:00

Blog - Health Articles

Mila McManus MD, Medical Detective

When Experience Matters!

The Woodlands Institute publishes Health Articles specifically designed to keep you updated with relevant wellness news.  In these newsletters, you’ll find valuable information regarding supplementation, fitness tips, and recipes.

TWIHW has been serving the community since 2004. Dr Mila McManus and her highly trained team at The Woodlands Institute for Health and Wellness are winners of numerous awards, including Living Magazine Best Of Readers’ Choice awards over the years: Best Functional Medicine Practice, Best Weight Loss Center, Best Bio-identical Hormone Practice.

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Heart Attack Prevention:

State of the Art Cleerly Coronary Analysis To Detect Artery Plaque by Mila McManus MD Our medical providers often refer patients for coronary artery calcium [CAC] scans which are used to detect and quantify atherosclerosis [hardened and calcified plaque].  There [...]

Articles, General|

Twelve Weight Loss Hacks

by Mila McManus, MD Weight loss never seems to be as simple as just changing diet or increasing exercise.  Often, it is more of a multi-faceted approach that stimulates the body to burn fat. For example, we know that diet, [...]


CGM’s – Continuous Glucose Monitors

A Weight Management Option For Understanding Yourself Better  by Mila McManus, MD Continuous Glucose Monitors [CGM’s] are a more recent breakthrough in biomedical technology. In a minimally invasive way, CGM’s help individuals to track blood sugar in real time.  While [...]
