Personal Nutrition: Take a Close Look
By Nancy Mehlert, MS.
When it comes to personal nutrition, seasonal changes offer a great opportunity to pause and examine what our diet looks like at this point in time. As we move into Spring, here are three simple examinations you can put your personal nutrition under the magnifying glass:
- When is the last time you tried a new food or changed up your food routine?
Since there are not 15-25 foods that can offer all of the macro and micro nutrients we need, it is important to rotate foods often, expand the number of foods we eat, and increase our variety for good health. This is especially true of vegetables, nuts, seeds, and even meat choices.
- Have you slid down the slippery slope?
It happens to the best of us! Too many sweets, too much fruit, eating gluten again, too many nights a week with alcohol, eating out a lot more, buying more packaged food, over eating, eating before bed, not drinking enough water…. Whatever your slippery slopes are, is it time to get back on track?
- When is the last time you stopped your routine for a detoxification of some sort?
It is a toxic world, and everyone benefits by scheduling some routine detoxification efforts a couple times a year at least. Consider some fasting, a detoxification diet, a Health Reset Program, ONDAMED, or HCG to promote cleansing, weight loss, or healing.
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