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So far Mila McManus MD has created 860 blog entries.

Aluminum Foil: A Toxic Habit

by Mila McManus MD

Tragically, using aluminum foil is a toxic habit that can have serious unintended consequences for our health and well-being.
Are You Wrapped Up In This Toxic Habit?

For generations, our parents and grandparents have used aluminum foil to wrap baked potatoes, line cookie sheets, and store leftovers in the kitchen. Today, outdoor grillers use it as one of many tools of this culinary art. Tragically, despite its convenience, using aluminum foil is a toxic habit that can have serious unintended consequences for health and wellbeing.

Aluminum Foil Is Pervasive

Toxicity concerns have arisen due to the increasingly pervasive exposure to aluminum foil. Foil debuted in 1911 in Switzerland when Tobler began wrapping its famous triangular chocolate bar, Toblerone, in it. Life Savers followed suit, wrapping their legendary candy in the shiny metal tube. Pre-formed, all-foil food packaging containers appeared on the market in 1948.  Now, a complete line of die-formed and air-formed foil containers and wraps are sold in every supermarket, used to package pre-made meals, and used in homes, fast food, and restaurants for takeout. Behind the scenes in restaurants, aluminum foil insulates and holds heated foods until served. Amazon offers aluminum reusable and recyclable party cups as an alternative to plastic [ Really?].

Toxic Exposure

The use of aluminum foil in cooking results in transferring aluminum into the food we eat. How much aluminum leaches into the food depends on the acidity, salt content, fat, temperature, and cooking time. Studies show that marinated foods with greater acidity and salt content, and longer, high-temperature preparations, consistently released higher levels of aluminum into the food. Heavy-duty aluminum foil also resulted in an even greater amount of aluminum being released into food. Toxicity is an especially high-risk concern for developing children under the age of three.

Studies have demonstrated that aluminum accumulation in the body is linked to neurological issues, including Alzheimer’s, autism, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease.  Aluminum also replaces calcium in bones, leading to weakness and higher fracture risk. Anemia is another downstream result when bone marrow cannot produce hemoglobin.  Our liver and kidneys can struggle to filter aluminum out of the body, resulting in dysfunctions such as liver disease, metabolic disorders, and kidney stones. Symptoms of aluminum toxicity include memory loss, confusion, coordination difficulties, bone pain, kidney dysfunction, and respiratory issues.

How to Reduce Exposure

  • Avoid using aluminum foil or cookware for cooking and food storage. Look for glass, silicone, stainless steel, ceramic, and parchment paper options.
  • If restaurant leftovers are part of your routine, put some safe storage options in your car and take them into the restaurant with you.
  • Avoid purchasing food in aluminum cans, containers, or bags with ultra-thin aluminum foil lining.
  • Avoid processed foods, over-the-counter medicines, and beverages in which aluminum crystals and salts prevent caking, serve as a binder, and act as a gastric antacid. Check your antiperspirant for aluminum, too!
  • Tap water is another source, more so in some areas than others. Have your water tested and use a reverse osmosis filter if levels are high.
  • Aluminum is a common adjuvant in vaccinations, making this another route of exposure.

To learn more about heavy metal toxicity, testing, and detoxification, talk to one of our healthcare providers.

Kick the Habit. Be Wise. Be Well.



Dordevic D, Buchtova H, Jancikova S, Macharackova B, Jarosova M, Vitez T, Kushkevych I. Aluminum contamination of food during culinary preparation: Case study with aluminum foil and consumers’ preferences. Food Sci Nutr. 2019 Sep 9;7(10):3349-3360. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.1204. PMID: 31660148; PMCID: PMC6804775.https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6804775/


By |2025-03-26T07:03:30-06:00March 27th, 2025|Articles, General|

Fructose: The Most Harmful Sugar

by Mila McManus, MD

Fructose, especially high fructose corn sugar (HFCS), has earned its title as the most harmful sugar, causing a plethora of health problems. 

Fructose, especially high fructose corn sugar (HFCS), has earned its title as the most harmful sugar, causing a plethora of health problemsAll sugars can be harmful, especially when eaten in excess. We always recommend reducing sugar intake as much as possible and limiting choices to real whole food, such as fresh fruit. 

The negative effects of high fructose sugar intake include:

  • Fatty liver
  • High Triglycerides
  • Weight Gain
  • Leptin Resistance
  • Increased gut permeability, or leaky gut
  • Hunger and sugar cravings
  • Increases uric acid, which contributes to Cardiovascular Disease, cognitive decline, and kidney stones, to name a few
  • Is more addictive than cocaine
  • Causes insulin resistance

Fructose is a simple sugar found in fruit, vegetables, and some natural sweeteners. High fructose corn sugar [HFCS] is a manufactured sweetening additive derived from corn, a heavily subsidized [think cheap] crop. Over the last 50 years, HFCS use by the food industry has increased considerably worldwide. Other names are corn syrup, glucose-fructose syrup, isoglucose, or crystalline fructose. It is used to sweeten ultra processed food and beverages. Manufacturers love HFCS because, compared to regular sugar, it is sweeter, cheaper, and produced in abundance.  However, it is a main culprit contributing to the dramatic rise in lifestyle diseases over the last several decades.

The body’s preferred source of fuel is glucose, the form of sugar we are “wired” to use. While fructose is a simple sugar, the liver must convert it to glucose.  Once converted, it is used for energy if the blood needs glucose, or it will be stored in the liver, or fat cells.  The process of converting fructose results in a waste product called uric acid, a key contributor to gout and heart disease.  A good analogy would be to say that glucose is a clean fuel and fructose is a dirty fuel that pollutes your body.

High fructose corn sugar is a combination of fructose and glucose made from corn starch. It is cheaper and sweeter than cane sugar. It is found in soft drinks, bread, juices, ice cream, canned fruit, canned soup, ketchup, sweetened dairy products, cakes, cereal bars, salad dressings, and many other manufactured foods. We recommend eliminating these foods for a multitude of health reasons, notwithstanding the ones listed above.

We also recommend avoiding corn syrup, honey, and agave nectar as they are predominantly fructose. It is best to limit fresh fruit to no more than 2-3 servings a day. Grapes, watermelon, jackfruit, and dried fruits are intensified forms of fructose, so best avoided or limited. Small fresh fruit is a better choice and offers natural fructose. Fructose in fruit isn’t what’s causing disease in most people. Naturally occurring fructose in fruit is part of a complex web of nutrients and fiber and does not exhibit the same biological effects as the high fructose found in corn sugar.  Along with the fructose in a piece of fruit you’re also getting fiber, hydration, vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients your body needs.  Good choices include apples, apricots, berries, melon, citrus fruit, kiwi, cherries, pear, plum, and peach. A portion is about the size of a tennis ball, or ½ to 1 cup of fresh bite-sized pieces.

If you need help eliminating harmful fructose from your diet, our staff nutritionist is available to guide you to healthier choices that are best for your unique body and health status.

Eat Well, Be Well.


Dr. David Perlmutter, author of Drop Acid: The Surprising New Science of Uric Acid



By |2025-03-19T08:09:12-06:00March 19th, 2025|Articles, General|

Basil Seed: Yes Indeed Eat This Seed!

by Mila McManus MD

Yes, indeed, eating basil seeds is good for you. For centuries, they have been used as a natural remedy in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.

Have you ever heard of eating basil seeds? They are indeed very good for you! Basil seeds have been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for centuries as a natural remedy for indigestion, ulcers, diarrhea, fever reducer, and protection against radiation. They stimulate the nervous system and protect against oxidative DNA damage and gene mutations. Other names for them are sweet basil, sabja, and tukmaria seeds.

Nutritional Benefits

These tiny black seeds aren’t just for growing basil herbs but are deeply nutritious edible seeds. Similar to chia seeds, basil seeds are a nutritional powerhouse and are often referred to as a superfood or a functional food. Check out these impressive nutrition facts!

Basil seeds:

  • Are lectin-free, unlike the chia seed. For information about lectins, look here.
  • Are a substantial source for calcium, magnesium, and iron.
  • Contain significantly higher concentrations of vitamin E than flaxseeds.
  • Are an excellent antioxidant.
  • Are anti-inflammatory and have anticancer properties.
  • Are full of healthy unsaturated fat, quality protein, and all of the carbohydrates are fiber, making them ideal for maintaining stable blood sugar.
  • Are high in soluble fiber, including pectin, which nourishes favorable gut bacteria, promotes satiety, helps with blood sugar control, and improves cholesterol.  Basil seeds have TWICE the fiber as chia.
  • Are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. One tablespoon provides the recommended daily intake.

 Using Basil Seeds

It’s best to soak basil seeds for 15 minutes [1 Tablespoon in 8 ounces of water or other liquid] before using them in recipes, unless the recipe contains a lot of liquid, such as a soup, in which case pre-soaking would not be needed.  The seeds will triple in size and then can be added to smoothies and protein shakes, used in homemade lemonade and other drinks, soups, salad dressings, yogurt, puddings, and oatmeal.  If using them in baked goods, you can grind them and use them to replace part of the flour rather than adding them soaked.  They also can be used as an egg replacer; 1 tablespoon soaked in 3 tablespoons of water will replace one egg in a recipe. You will find many recipes on the web as well as numerous quality brands.

Yes indeed! Eat this seed, and be well.



Calderón Bravo H, Vera Céspedes N, Zura-Bravo L, Muñoz LA. Basil Seeds as a Novel Food, Source of Nutrients and Functional Ingredients with Beneficial Properties: A Review. Foods. 2021 Jun 24;10(7):1467. doi: 10.3390/foods10071467. PMID: 34202798; PMCID: PMC8303141.

By |2025-03-12T06:09:48-06:00March 13th, 2025|Articles, General|

Ingredient Stacking: Have You Been Duped?

by Mila McManus, MD

Have you been duped by ingredient stacking? It is a marketing ploy used by food manufacturers to give you the wrong impression of reality.
Ingredient Stacking – Sugar

Has ingredient stacking duped you?  It’s one of the many marketing ploys food manufacturers intentionally use to deceive you  about what’s in their products.  Manufacturers are supposed to list ingredients in descending order, based on the amount/volume used. One of the ways they can prevent listing sugar or sweeteners first is to use two or more types of sweeteners so that the first ingredient can be something other than sugar. With over 56 common names for sugar, it is easy to be duped. Let’s look at a two ingredient stacking examples.

Look at the first picture below (“Example One”). In this example, the manufacturers got foods perceived by most people as protein into the first two positions. However, continue down the list, and you will see that there are six more sweeteners: tapioca starch, erythritol, allulose, cane sugar, monk fruit extract, and stevia leaf extract. If the ingredient list were truly transparent,  “sweeteners” would be listed as the first ingredient since they make up the greatest amount/volume used!  Ingredient stacking is a clever, dishonest technique used by food companies to lie with food labels. And by the way, soy protein isolate is a genetically modified and molecular isolation of only part of the soy molecule in an air puffed format – an ultra-processed food. Allulose is a new darling on the food sweetener stage, but early research suggests that it harms the gut biome, so we advise you to avoid it as well.

Next, look below at Example Two. Here is another excellent example of ingredient stacking. The second ingredient is sugar, but there is more of it as you move down the stack.  Next comes brown sugar, corn syrup, and tapioca starch, all used to sweeten the product. By using different sweeteners in lesser amounts, the manufacturer can elevate the milk, cream, flour, and cocoa to the highest level on the list. Also note that three gums, and the subtle note at the bottom that this food CONTAINS BIOENGINEERED INGREDIENTS, should inspire you to return it to the freezer case at the grocery store.

Ingredient stacking happens with other ingredients besides sugar. You will find wheat gluten and gum stacks if you pay close attention.  Ingredient stacking, health claims on the front of the package, and the package itself, should alert you to caution.  We can go so far as to say if the package has any health claims on the front of it, it is another duping marketing ploy.  The trending health claims now are plant-based, more protein, gluten-free, and a good source of Omega-3. But none of that assures you that it is a healthy choice! Read the ingredient list and fine print first. Then carefully examine the Nutrition Facts for fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Ideally, continue eating real whole food from the produce section, meat and fish counter, legumes, lentils, split peas, and nuts.

Don’t be duped.  Limit packaged food. Eat the real thing. Stay well.



Example One
Example Two
By |2025-03-04T06:03:06-06:00March 6th, 2025|Articles, General|

Gluten Hides in Unexpected Places

by Mila McManus, MD

Gluten hides in unexpected places, not only in unsuspecting foods but in many other items that may surprise you!

Gluten hides in unexpected places, not only in food sources, but in many other items that may surprise you!  First, let’s define gluten and explain why you should care.  Then, we’ll provide examples of its hiding places.

What is Gluten?

Gluten is a protein network made up of gliadin and glutenin. Gliadin and glutenin form an unbreakable web that gives bread structure and makes it light and fluffy. The most common sources are wheat, barley, and rye grains. Wheat comes in many varieties, such as durum, emmer, semolina, spelt, farina, farro, graham, Kamut, and einkorn. Oats are naturally gluten-free but are often cross-contaminated with gluten in the fields or during manufacturing.

Why Should I Care?

Gliadin makes up 70% of gluten’s protein and is the culprit in damaging the gut biome.  

  • In Celiac disease, people are sensitive to both gliadin and glutenin, and the gliadin damages the lining of the intestine.
  • In gluten sensitivity or allergy, there is no damage to the lining of the intestine, but intestinal permeability is increased, allowing inadequately digested food particles and toxins into the bloodstream.
  • Gliadin can also trigger tissue injury by disrupting the immune response.
  • In studies using human cells in a lab, gliadins have been shown to reorganize the intestine’s thin, flexible cellular fibers, resulting in excessive permeability. To help you visualize, the gut should look more like a fine wire sieve, not a larger holed colander.

Since gliadin cannot be removed from gluten, a gluten-free diet is the best approach to avoiding damaging the gut biome. Unfortunately, this is not as easy as avoiding bread, pasta, and pizza. Let’s examine the more obvious and sneakier hiding places of gluten.

Where Does Gluten Hide?

The Celiac Disease Foundation has the most detailed list of hiding places of gluten, which you can access here .  Beyond the bread, pasta, and pizza products made with wheat flour, some of the most unexpected hiding places for gluten include:

  • Brewers yeast, noodles, cereals (oat, rice, and corn-based), sauces, and gravies.
  • Granola bars, French fries, potato chips, processed lunch meats, candy, and candy bars.
  • Malt vinegar, soy sauce, flour, or barley enzymes can be used to make soup, salad dressing, marinades, and brown rice syrup.
  • Pre-seasoned meats, self-basting poultry.
  • Eggs served in restaurants where pancake batter is added to the scrambled eggs or omelets.
  • Beers, ales, lagers, malt beverages, and malt vinegar are made from gluten-containing grains.
  • Cosmetics such as lip gloss, lipstick, and mascara.
  • Oral care and dental products
  • Herbal and nutritional supplements
  • Over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs
  • Playdough!

Look for this new Certified Gluten-Free symbol when shopping. Be cautious when eating in restaurants. A healthy gut biome is one of the best tickets to good health. Please don’t ruin it. Be well.


The Celiac Disease Foundation. https://celiac.org/.


By |2025-02-26T07:11:54-06:00February 27th, 2025|Articles, General|

What is Helleborus?

by Mila McManus, MD

Helleborus is a homeopathic remedy extracted from the Christmas Rose plant with pharmacological effects on the body without side effects.
Helleborus niger or Christmas Rose plant

What is Helleborus?  Helleborus is a homeopathic remedy extracted from the Christmas Rose plant. Also called Helleborus niger, it contains a wealth of substances with pharmacological effects on the body without side effects. See my video about it here.

A German physician named Samuel Hahnemann started homeopathy two hundred years ago. Homeopathic medicine uses highly diluted plant, animal, and mineral substances to stimulate the body’s healing mechanisms naturally, and Helleborus is just one of many homeopathic remedies. In homeopathy, extremely powerful but tiny therapeutic doses of natural extracts are used with little to no unpleasant side effects or danger of toxic reactions. 

Helleborus has many anti-inflammatory effects. It can help with chronic pain, arthritis, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune diseases. It also helps fight cancer by inducing apoptosis, where cancer cells blow up and die. It can also cause cytotoxic effects, directly killing cancer cells. Other uses include traumatic brain injury, depression, and anxiety, as well as to alleviate seizures and improve cognition. It has also been used for the treatment of some gynecological issues. It has a diuretic effect (meaning it helps eliminate excess fluid) and antifungal and antibiotic properties. It is an immune modulator and has antioxidant properties. 

Please talk with your healthcare provider at The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness to see if Helleborus is right for you.  

**Note: Helleborus is not an FDA-approved therapy. (This doesn’t mean it can’t be used, it just means that it won’t be standard-of-care, or covered by insurance).


Balch, Phyllis A. Prescription for Nutritional Healing. 6th ed.(New York: Avery/Penguin Random House, 2023)


By |2025-02-17T15:55:37-06:00February 19th, 2025|Articles, General|

VW UTI Zoomer : This is a game-changer

The UTI Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness is a game changer in the treatment of chronic UTI's and interstitial cystitis.

by Mila McManus MD

Are you suffering from recurrent UTIs?  Do you struggle with Interstitial Cystitis?  Are you tired of undergoing multiple rounds of antibiotics without long-term relief? The UTI Zoomer by Vibrant Wellness is a game-changer. This panel goes beyond standard urinalysis testing by combining pathogen detection, antibiotic resistance gene detection, and detailed urinalysis – all in one simple urine test.

Up until relatively recently, urine was considered to be sterile, but newer technology has revealed that there’s a urobiome with many microbes in the urine, which can affect bladder and prostate health. The UTI Zoomer takes an in-depth assessment of urinary health by measuring a wide array of pathogens using advanced RT-PCR technology for precision results.  Included are:

  • Identification of antibiotic-resistant genes which is crucial for guiding appropriate antibiotic therapy, preventing ineffective treatments, and minimizing the risk of complications.
  • Urinalysis markers identify bacterial and fungal pathogens commonly linked to UTI, such as Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans.
  • The urinalysis evaluates key markers- glucose, bilirubin, ketones, specific gravity, pH, protein, nitrite, leukocytes, red and white blood cells, and epithelial cells, providing a complete picture of urinary health.
  • The panel offers personalized antibiotic and supplement suggestions to address the urobiome imbalances.
  • Results are provided with a detailed full report of findings and recommendations. Click here to view a sample report.

This comprehensive and integrative approach helps your provider make accurate evaluations and develop effective management strategies for urinary tract conditions, supporting a more tailored and successful treatment plan for you.

Ask your provider about the UTI Zoomer today and end the madness of chronic bladder and prostate issues.


Vibrant Wellness UTI Zoomer: Unlock a Deeper Understanding of UTI’s Webinar, Tue, Jan 21, 2025.

By |2025-02-13T05:58:18-06:00February 13th, 2025|Articles, General|

Overcoming Treatment Plan Shock

by Mila McManus, MD

When you visit a Functional Medicine physician for the first time, you may need to overcome the shock of your first detailed treatment plan.
Overcoming Treatment Plan Shock

When you visit a Functional Medicine physician for the first time, you may be shocked when you read your first treatment plan! These plans contain important information and instructions, and their length and content can feel overwhelming when you don’t feel well and are unfamiliar with how functional medicine differs from the traditional medical model. Let’s examine the reasons and benefits of detailed treatment plans and then find helpful solutions to overcoming the initial shock of getting one.

Why Is My Treatment Plan So Long and Complex?

Treatment plans are long and complex because you are a unique and complex individual. Unlike conventional managed medical care, our physicians practice individualized medicine. As the physician seeks to identify and address the root causes of disease, s/he must consider the gut biome, immune system, nutrition, genomics, lifestyle, stress, and your current symptoms, diagnoses, and concerns. This comprehensive individual approach to medicine combines advanced tests with time-proven protocols, therapies, supplements, lifestyle changes, and education. By the very nature of this comprehensive, individual approach, there is much to explain, recommend, and share with you! Your treatment plan is intended to give you confidence that there are healing solutions, and that your practitioner has a solid plan that fits your complex needs. It also reflects the content of your financial investment in your health and the partnership you are developing with your provider. And lastly, your treatment plan provides a thorough roadmap to reference as you progress towards better health and quality of life.

Solutions to Overcome Treatment Plan Shock

  • Recognize that while long and detailed, your treatment plan empowers you to begin making choices and begin healing.
  • Invest as much time carefully reading your plan as your provider spent preparing it for you. This will help you build a strong working partnership with your medical team.
  • Print out the plan. Sit down and read it thoroughly, first noticing the divisions: Prescriptions, Supplements, Lab Orders, Other Plans, and future appointments.
  • Start implementation by going to the “Other Plans and Follow-Up” section, where you’ll find Important Information and other recommendations.  Take in each action Item one at a time, and then move on to the next one.
  • Choose a different day to sit down with the Supplement Plan. Use a highlighter to mark timing and dose. Prepare your pill boxes and put non-pill supplements where you will remember to take them.

Still Overwhelmed and Struggling to Cope?

Are you having a difficult time coping with your health circumstances?  Are you feeling anxious just thinking of starting your treatment plan?  Are you worried about whether you can make the life changes needed for the success of your treatment plan?  Would you find it helpful to have someone review your treatment plan with you?  If you would like to meet with our health coach/counselor, Nancy Mehlert, she offers services (virtual appointments) to help you gain insight into your circumstances, increase your coping skills and resilience, and find a way forward on your journey to good health. Click here to schedule an appointment.

Go forward. Get Well.

By |2025-02-06T05:58:05-06:00February 6th, 2025|Articles, General|

Mindful Eating Hacks for 2025: Part II

by Mila McManus, MD

Mindful Eating Hacks for 2025: Part II. Here are six more mindful eating hacks scientifically supported to improve health and nutritional lifestyles
Part 2 of 2

Welcome back to Part II: Mindful Eating Hacks for 2025. Last week, we introduced the idea that learning to be mindful about your eating habits can be transforming.  We provided the first six of twelve mindful eating hacks for better health in 2025. You can follow this link to read them. This week, we present the other six mindful eating hacks that are scientifically supported to improve health and nutritional lifestyles. Most of the habit hacks are easy to implement and don’t cost anything. Implement them individually or together for greater impact. You may want to try incorporating one each month during 2025.

SEVEN: Clean out your freezer, fridge, and pantry.  Mindfulness is much easier when every available choice in the house is a good one. The whole family can benefit by hacking this habit so that items such as candy bars, potato chips, soda pop, and ice cream won’t be kept in the house as a routine choice. Ultra-processed foods and the commercials about them on television are BOTH designed to trick your neurochemistry into craving them.  Don’t fall prey to the advertising.  Put clean, healthy choices in the house, and keep the bad choices off the grocery list. 

EIGHT: In response to hunger, hydrate first. Hack the hangry habit. When you think you are hungry, pause and think about drinking a glass of water.  This mindful eating habit can help curb your appetite.  One side note: avoid drinking too much liquid with your meal.  Liquids dilute your stomach acids and enzymes, and reduce the quality of your digestive process.  During meals, minimize your liquid intake to 4 ounces or less.  (Also, it takes 10-20 minutes for water to pass through your stomach, so after that, you’re good to go with respect to eating.)

NINE: Change the order in which you eat your meal. Eat some protein, healthy fats, and raw vegetable fiber first. Eat starches and sugar at the end of the meal.   Protein, healthy fats, and fiber are slower to digest, resulting in satiation, which is why this is a good mindful eating habit. Sugars and starches digest very rapidly, spike blood sugar, and create hunger cravings again.  Placing the slower-moving, longer-digesting foods first slows the starches and sugars afterward. For example, if you plan to have grilled chicken, rice, salad, and fruit, eat the chicken and salad first, followed by the rice and fruit. Eating a salad first is another good strategy for filling up with fiber in raw vegetables, then eating protein, followed by potato, rice, fruit, or sweets.

TEN: Stop eating at least three hours before bedtime. Quality sleep is a challenge for many people. One reason can be that the digestive process is preventing sleep from occurring. When food has had a chance to digest, this mindful eating hack allows the body to focus on the relaxation, repair, and cleansing that should happen during sleep. If your stomach is full and digesting, your body is distracted from other duties.

ELEVEN: Fast at least 12 hours per 24 hours. Food scarcity triggers the body to clean the house, eliminating waste, debris, and damaged cells. The process is called autophagy and occurs when food is avoided for 12-15 hours.  The good news is that you are already more than halfway there if you try to sleep at least 7-8 hours every night.  All you need to do is mindfully incorporate #10 above and do the same the next morning by delaying breakfast for 2-3 hours.  Drinking water, black coffee, or tea will not break the fast.  But you have broken the fast if you add anything with calories, such as creamer, sugar, or food. Mindfully fasting for 12 hours reduces snacking and energy consumption to fewer daily hours, often resulting in less overall energy consumption.

TWELVE: If it has a drive-thru, don’t eat there. When it comes to healthy food, convenience is not your friend.  If you want to take control of your health, you must face the truth about convenience foods.  Don’t be fast, cheap, and easy regarding your diet. If you are, you can expect disease and ill health.  This mindful eating hack will transform your health. Slow down, invest in your nutritional health, and allow a little more time in your schedule to eat healthfully.  This may be the last mindfulness habit hack, but it will have long-lasting beneficial outcomes for the entire family.

Here’s to mindfully eating your way to new habits and better health in 2025!




By |2025-01-29T09:31:57-06:00January 30th, 2025|Articles, General|

Mindful Eating Hacks for 2025

by Mila McManus, MD

Over the next two weeks, we will introduce you to twelve science-backed hacks to help you be more mindful and create new eating habits.
Part 1 of 2

Learning to be mindful about your eating habits can be transforming. Over the next two weeks, we will introduce you to twelve science-backed hacks to help you be more mindful and create new eating habits. Because we eat a few, to several, times daily, our eating habits are deeply entrenched, and we often don’t think much about them.  Most of the following hacks are easy to implement AND don’t cost anything, AND they will help you change how you think about your eating patterns. Implement them one by one or put them together for greater impact on your health!  

ONE: Eat until you are 80% full. This concept originates from Okinawa and is called “Hara Hachi Bu” in Japanese. It matters because there is a delay between your stomach being full and the leptin hormone communicating that to your brain. Be mindful that ultra-processed foods often contain ingredients designed to trick your brain so that it does not hear the fullness message from leptin, contributing to overeating, craving more, and metabolic dysfunction, including weight gain, diabetes, and/or dementia.  One aspect of mindfulness is learning to listen to your body and stop eating when you can still comfortably do some yoga or go for a stroll.

TWO: Sit down to eat and eat slowly. Digestion is accomplished through the parasympathetic nervous system, along with healing, recovery, and rest.  If you are stressed while eating, you do so in your “fight or flight” state through the sympathetic nervous system.  Science demonstrates that our gut permeability is increased during this stressed state, and our production and release of digestive enzymes are decreased, making for poor digestion. Thoughtlessly eating on the go can increase the likelihood of leaky gut and digestive discomfort. Mindful eating is eating more slowly and chewing your food longer. It helps decrease overeating as you are more likely to “hear” or experience the fullness message given by your leptin hormone.

THREE: Plan meals and snacks to avoid reaching the point of “hangry”. Failure to plan is a plan to fail. Once you hit the hangry (hungry and angry) place, odds are that your choices will also suffer. Maintaining steady blood sugar levels and avoiding severe spikes and drops is a fundamental habit hack to avoid most diseases. Being mindful of the need to plan, organize, and shop for your week will help you succeed.  Carry a cooler if necessary and plan balanced snacks such as mixed nuts, olives, apples, or celery with nut butter, fresh veggies, hummus or guacamole, grass-fed beef sticks, and/or a balanced, clean ingredient food bar such as the Aloha brand.

FOUR: Make sleep a priority. Poor sleep is directly correlated to poor eating habits. Skimping on sleep alters and disrupts your appetite hormones.  It stimulates ghrelin to communicate hunger messages and reduces leptin messages of fullness. And, of course, when you are tired, you have less emotional bandwidth to make better food choices in the first place.  Sleep is also when your body detoxifies, resets hormones, and recovers from stress.  Focusing your mind and thinking on prioritizing sleep is one of the most important habit hacks you can do for yourself.

FIVE: After eating, get moving. Muscles love glucose (i.e. sugar). This habit hack is one of the best ways to maintain stable blood sugar: get moving within 30 minutes of eating. Mindfully plan to walk, do some gardening, wash the car, or go for a family bike ride after meals. Enjoyable activity after eating reduces stress, promotes the body’s utilization of the food eaten, improves relationships, and helps with digestion and quality sleep.

SIX: Track your eating frequency. For a week or two, keep a journal of each snack and meal, including the time of day and how you felt emotionally or what you were doing before you went to get a snack.  Being mindful in this way helps you to identify emotional and distracted eating, and/or eating out of boredom. Scrolling the phone or watching TV while eating is not mindful and can lead to far more calorie consumption than your body can utilize.   You may want to move all eating to the kitchen table rather than the couch, desk, or bed.  This goes hand in hand with eating slowly until 80% full and will prevent you from mindlessly finishing off a bag of crackers or chips. It will help you see what emotions or events make you go to food to soothe you.  Then, you can find healthier ways to relax and soothe your emotions or relieve your boredom rather than doing so with food. Here’s a link to a simple practice to reduce anxiety without using food.

Stay tuned next week for the other six mindful eating hacks for 2025. In the meantime, start hacking and be well.



By |2025-01-22T10:12:36-06:00January 23rd, 2025|Articles, General|