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So far Mila McManus MD has created 857 blog entries.

Coffee Talk

by Mila McManus, MD

Coffee is the NUMBER ONE pesticided crop in the world. Purchase certified organic coffee and use pure filtered water.

Coffee lovers and connoisseurs abound thanks to Starbucks and other similar West coast chains making coffee a work of art.  In America, at least 6 out of 10 people start their day with a cup or two. There is research which suggests health benefits such as protection from type 2 diabetes, heart attack, stroke, liver, and Parkinson’s disease – that is, if your coffee is not toxic.

Here’s what you need to know to make good choices:

  • There are no maximum pesticide residue limits set by governments despite the fact that coffee is the NUMBER ONE pesticide-sprayed crop in the world. It is estimated that there are at least 40 different pesticides and chemicals used on coffee crops around the world with little or no regulation to limit their use.
  • Mycotoxins are another common problem. These toxic compounds are produced by mold or fungus, and are formed on the beans before or after harvest, during storage, and during transport where there are damp, warm, humid conditions. Mycotoxins are a cause of many health issues. Some are known carcinogens (Aflatoxin B1 for example) while others cause kidney, liver, and brain damage.  In one sample of 66 different coffees, 33% of them had at least one mycotoxin on them.
  • Acrylamide is a potentially harmful chemical that is formed when the beans are roasted. There is no way to avoid them all together, however avoiding lighter roasts and instant coffee eliminate the highest levels.
  • Decaf is not necessarily any better and can be worse.  Chemicals are used to remove caffeine.  If you do choose decaf, make sure a cold or Swiss water process is used to remove the caffeine.

Here’s how to reduce exposure to the harmful toxins and chemicals in your coffee:

  • To reduce Acrylamide, choose dark roasted coffee.
  • Purchase certified organic coffee where pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, chemical fertilizers, and other potentially harmful chemicals cannot be used.
  • Seek out coffees that are stored in temperature-controlled areas and packaging to avoid humidity where mold and fungus can grow on the beans. Natural Force and Bulletproof coffees pride themselves in preventing mold growth on their beans. Avoid purchasing coffee beans from bulk containers.
  • You might want to consider reducing your coffee intake to lower you exposure to harmful molds and chemicals.
  • Other ways to improve the quality and healthfulness is to use filtered water and a pour over or unbleached paper filter rather than plastic pods which add plastics and vinyl to your coffee. These are known hormone disrupters that can lead to hormone imbalances, weight gain, and fertility issues, to name a few. 
  • Support organizations like the Environmental Working Group who work for you, the consumer, to ban the use of harmful chemicals in our food, soil, air, and water.

Enjoy a good cup of coffee by starting with the cleanest resources, organic coffee and pure filtered water.





By |2023-02-21T12:36:28-06:00February 22nd, 2023|Articles, General|

“Food” Made from Cultured Animal Cells?

by Mila McManus, MD

A concerning emerging area of food science, supported and encouraged by the FDA is making human food from cultured animal cells.

A concerning emerging area of food science, supported and encouraged by the Federal Department of Agriculture (FDA) is making food, for human consumption, from cultured animal cells. Here is how it works, according to the FDA[1]:

  • Manufacturers typically start with a sample of cells from the tissue of an animal, a process that does not require harm to, or death of, the animal. Some cells from the sample are selected, screened, and grown to make a “bank” of cells to store for later use.
  • A small number of cells are taken from the cell bank and placed in a tightly controlled and monitored environment (typically, a number of sealed sterile vessels of increasing size) that support growth and cellular multiplication by supplying appropriate nutrients and other factors.
  • After the cells have multiplied many times over into billions or trillions of cells, additional substances (for example, protein growth factors, new surfaces for cell attachment, additional nutrients) are added to the controlled environment to enable the cells to differentiate into various cell types and assume characteristics of muscle, fat, or connective tissue cells.
  • Once the cells have differentiated into the desired type, the cellular material can be harvested from the controlled environment and prepared using conventional food processing and packaging methods.

I don’t know about you, but there are many, many questions to ask about this process.  This is MAN-ufacturing at the highest level. The end product is truly man made and a far cry from real whole food produced in nature the way nature is intended to be. It also seems important to state the obvious: The FDA and USDA have not exactly protected us from other harmful foods like fast food, candy, damaged oils, and toxic additives, much less from cancer causing plastics and the like. Why are we confident that making food from cultured animal cells will be a safe adventure?

It poses many questions. Will the health of the animal be ensured before using its cells? What are the “appropriate nutrients and other factors”? How is “appropriate” determined and what does it mean? What are “other factors”? What are “additional substances” and who determines what those are and how they are selected and added? What happens in the process of a small number of cells reproducing into billions and trillions?  Is there multiplication of bad cells in there too?  What is man doing to make cells differentiate into “cell types and assume characteristics” of muscle, fat, or connective tissue? Does that mean it produces fake or synthetic muscles, cells, or connective tissue or is it really bio-identical? What is involved in the “controlled environment” and what happens in the “conventional food processing and packaging process” to further produce it – what chemicals? What artificial flavors and texturing? What preservatives?  In the end, is this really real food at all? Will there be any trials to see if this is harmful to mice or people? 

I am a medical doctor originally trained in the traditional education system. People are brilliant and many wonderful life-giving discoveries in medicine have made our lives much better. But it also remains true that we have not been able to solve some of the biggest problems through science and technology. Afterall, the leading causes of death in 2020[2] still included heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes, so there is still much we have not solved. All that to say, I’m not sure at all that this idea of fake, man-made meat product is wise or going to help us solve health problems, but rather add to them. Most of these health problems today go directly back to lifestyle – how we eat, exercise, sleep, toxin exposures, and hydrate. We also must continue to elucidate what impact cell phones and Wi-Fi are having on health. With better real HEALTH care, wise lifestyle choices, much can be done to reduce disease. On so many levels, the traditional medical model is fostering disease instead of stopping it. Let’s get real. Eat real food. Choose Health and Wellness.

[1] https://www.fda.gov/food/food-ingredients-packaging-human-food-made-cultured-animal-cells, accessed on December 1, 2022, 4:38pm.

[2] https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm#print


By |2023-02-13T12:19:14-06:00February 15th, 2023|General|

Uric Acid –A Common Denominator for Dementia, High Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar, and Weight Gain

by Mila McManus, MD

Did you know that high uric acid levels play a central role in increasing our blood sugar, blood pressure, and body fat?

It is fairly common knowledge that high levels of uric acid in the human body can cause Gout, a sudden arthritis which attacks joints causing significant pain, swelling, redness, and tenderness in joints.  It usually affects one joint at a time, typically a big toe or knee. Did you know that high uric acid levels play a central role in increasing blood sugar, blood pressure, and body fat?  In fact, elevated uric acid levels are now being considered as a diagnostic criterion for metabolic syndrome. It’s possible to have high uric acid levels without any obvious symptoms…until the wheels fall off the cart!

Elevated uric acid levels lead to endothelial dysfunction (think of tight/stiff arteries rather than relaxed and dilated blood vessels), increased oxidative stress, microvascular damage, reduction in nitric oxide bioavailability in the endothelial lining, and contributes to cognitive decline as it directly and indirectly damages blood vessels of the brain. Endothelial cells are the main type of cell in the lining of blood vessels, lymph vessels, and the heart. Consequently, elevated uric acid levels negatively impact health in the cardiovascular, blood circulatory, metabolic, and lymphatic systems, as well as joints.

From a dietary standpoint, the best way to prevent elevated uric acid is to eat and drink a clean, whole food diet while maintaining stable blood sugar. Most importantly is to avoid excessive fructose from fruits, all high fructose corn sugar/syrup, as well as other high fructose sweeteners such as honey and agave nectar. High fructose corn sugar is found in fast food, breakfast cereal, bread, and baked goods, sweetened dairy products, candy, canned fruit and soups, and soft drinks as well as salad dressings, ketchup, and energy drinks. Grapes, watermelon, and dried fruits like cranberries, raisins, apricots, and apples are also intensified forms of fructose.

To have your uric acid levels checked, discuss dietary adjustments, or explore ways to manage gout and other health issues related to high uric acid levels, schedule an appointment with one of our healthcare practitioners or nutritionist on staff.

If you want to take a deeper dive into learning about uric acid, I recommend reading Dr. Perlmutter’s book called Drop Acid (also available on Audible).

Reference: OrthoMolecular – Uric Acid, practitioner informational sheet/UAX-Pro. Permission granted 1/16/2023, NH.

By |2023-02-01T09:04:40-06:00February 1st, 2023|Articles, General|

Sitting is the New Smoking!

by Mila McManus, MD

The combination of both sitting more than six hours a day and being less physically active was associated with a 94 percent increase in all causes of premature death rates in women.

 You may be old enough to remember when it was common to have smoking sections on planes and in restaurants, and when smoking was allowed just about everywhere. Once the physical dangers were recognized, our nation finally launched a huge campaign against smoking and this was successful with greatly reducing the number of smokers today.  Now there is a new health problem that has taken it’s place. 

The combination of both sitting more than six hours a day and being less physically active was associated with a 94 percent increase in all causes of premature death rates in women and a 48 percent increase in men, compared with those who reported sitting less than three hours a day and being most active.”  Tony Robbins

Exercise and movement continue to be a key pillar for good health and disease prevention. Walk more than you stand, stand more than you sit, sit more than you recline.  Every step counts. Consider a standing work station. Set a timer when sitting to remind yourself to get up and move every 45 minutes to an hour. Monitor your steps with an app on your cell phone.  Keep moving!


Robbins, T. (2022) Life Force. New York: Simon & Schuster,326.

By |2023-01-16T11:27:15-06:00January 18th, 2023|Articles, General|

Breathing: Is it Part of Your Lifestyle?

by Mila McManus, MD

Our breath has enormous, life-giving power. The quality of our lives depends on the quality of our breathing.

Breathing has enormous, life-giving power and perhaps we take it for granted or don’t think about it much. But the quality of our lives depends on the quality of our breathing.

We cannot think about health and wellness without thinking intentionally about our breathing. The way we breathe directly impacts our emotional and physical states. When you are stressed, you may have noticed that you barely breathe at all.  During an anxiety attack or moment of panic, our breathing can become rapid, causing hyperventilation. Adam Hadhazy suggests in “Fear Factor: Dopamine May Fuel Your Dread, Too.”[1], that we can even become addicted to our anxiety as a result of the dopamine secreted to cope with the anxiety. Dopamine is made in the brain and secreted into the blood stream as part of the brain’s reward system.  

How we breathe affects our mood, energy, mental clarity, and calmness. That’s an old and well known concept. Originating from India thousands of years ago, yoga has taught the importance of how we breathe. Biblical teachings from Jewish tradition include our breath and life coming from God and giving understanding and thus calmness, meaning being still and having no anxiety.[2] In many languages, dialects, and religions, breath is synonymously used for spirit, soul, life, and life energy.[3]

Here are several simple techniques[4] that you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle to increase your health, mental clarity, spirit, and soul.

The Navy SEAL Way – To calm the nervous system, mind, and emotions, Navy SEALs are taught to inhale for a four count through the nose and exhale to a count of four through the mouth. They also teach an 8/8 pattern, slowing down breathing to an inhalation lasting 8 seconds and then exhaling for 8 seconds.

 While You Walk – Take a minute to do this “segmented” 4/4 pattern while you walk. Inhale for four seconds, then hold that breath for four seconds, then exhale for four seconds, then hold your breath again for four seconds before inhaling again. This rhythmically synchronizes your breath and your steps.

Oxygenation for Detoxification – this method promotes elimination of toxins and stimulates the lymph system while enhancing energy, state of mind, and sense of well-being. The pattern or ratio is 1:4:2. For example, an 8:32:16 ratio is to inhale for eight seconds, hold your breath for thirty-two seconds and exhale for sixteen seconds. Determine your ratio depending on your natural capacity and comfort. You could do 6:24:12 or whatever ratio works for you.

Teaching yourself and your children (or grandchildren, students, patients, clients, friends) these techniques can be a great way to improve quality of life and cope with daily stressors.

Make it part of your lifestyle. Breathe well, Live well.

[1] Adam Hadhazy, “Fear Factor: Dopamine May Fuel Dread, Too,” Scientific American, July 14,2008, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fear-factor-dopamine/.

[2] Job 32:8

[3] https://manabreathwork.com/history-of-breathwork

[4] Tony Robbins, (2022). Life force: How new breakthroughs in precision medicine can transform the quality of your life & those you love.(12,292-293)

By |2023-01-10T13:02:00-06:00January 11th, 2023|General|

A Potential Lyme Vaccine?

by Mila McManus, MD

Researchers are looking for volunteers, age 5 and above, in the United States and Europe to test a potential Lyme vaccine.

According to the Associated Press, researchers are looking for volunteers, age 5 and above, in the United States and Europe to test a potential Lyme vaccine made by Pfizer and French Biotech Valneva. It aims to target six Lyme strains by attacking an “outer surface protein” of the Lyme bacterium called OspA that is present in the tick’s gut.  It is estimated that a tick feeds on a person for about 36 hours before the bacteria from the tick spreads to the victim. (this time delay is controversial, though, as many believe that microbes from ticks can be transmitted much earlier) That delay gives time for antibodies the tick ingests from the vaccinated person’s blood to attack the germs right at the source.  According to Dr. Gary Wormser, a Lyme expert at New York Medical College who is not involved in the new research, most vaccines work after a person is exposed to the germ. This new Lyme vaccine, however, works a step earlier by preventing the transmission of infection in the first place.

This is not the first vaccine for Lyme. In 2002, the first Lyme vaccine for humans was pulled off the market for lack of demand. Made by GlaxoSmithKline, it was controversial with about a 75% effectiveness rating and unsubstantiated reports of joint-related side effects. It had also not been tested for safety with children. Since then, people have had to rely on toxic bug spray and careful physical examination.

Lyme disease, the tick-born illness, is a rapidly growing problem as cases rise and warm weather helps ticks to expand their territory. Black-legged ticks, also called deer ticks, carry Lyme-causing bacteria and are present in Texas. The infection initially causes fatigue, fever, and joint pain. Sometimes, but not always, the first sign is a red, round bull’s eye rash. Early antibiotic treatment is crucial, but it can be hard to tell if you have been bitten by a tick because the sneakiest ticks are in the nymph stage of growth and are the size of a pin head. Untreated Lyme can cause severe arthritis, damaged heart and nervous system. Symptoms can linger even after treatment. Moreover, ticks carry numerous disease-causing microbes, not just Borrelia bacteria that cause Lyme disease.

Lyme disease, both acute and chronic, is more rampant than ever, and the incidence has been grossly under-estimated by the CDC. Obviously if Big Pharma is interested in a vaccine, the disease is a big enough problem to warrant solutions. We will be watching to see how this story evolves and if a vaccine gets FDA-approved.

We have a number of therapies and approaches to strengthen the immune system and support the body’s natural immune defenses to manage and reduce the symptoms caused by Lyme disease.

For more information regarding symptoms, testing, and treatment, contact one of our Wellness Consultants by calling 281-298-6742.




By |2022-12-14T09:32:47-06:00December 15th, 2022|General|

Omega 6 fats: Are All Nuts and Seeds Ideal?

by Mila McManus, MD

Omega 6 fats are very prevalent in the Standard American Diet (SAD), and it is easy to consume too many.

Often people are puzzled why their LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol remain high, which is normally accompanied by inflammation. One reason could be an excess intake of linoleic acid, an Omega 6 fatty acid.  We need this in small quantities for good health, but in excess, it drives inflammation.  Omega 6 fatty acids are very prevalent in the Standard American Diet (SAD), and it is extremely easy to consume too many. Balancing Omega 6 fats with anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fats is also part of the health equation. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to obtain adequate sources of Omega 3 fats.  As a result, it takes an intentional effort to limit intake of Omega 6 fats while intentionally consuming Omega 3s in order to reduce inflammation in the human body. In both cases, quality also matters!  

We often talk about main sources of Omega 6s which are highly inflammatory. They include canola, soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, safflower, and corn oil – all found in processed and packaged foods, salad dressings, fast foods, and restaurant foods.  In addition, meat from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) has high amounts of Omega 6 fatty acids. This includes most of the beef, pork, chicken, and eggs in grocery stores and restaurants. Animals such as these are fed genetically modified corn and soy in feedlots, and thus are higher in Omega 6s.  Alternatively, when animals eat their normal instinctual diet, such as grass, insects, and scavenged food from nature, there is an increase in Omega 3 fats and a significant decrease in Omega 6 fats.

Another important consideration is to evaluate your seed and nut sources. Below is a chart showing the percentage of Omega 6 linoleic acid that is found in various nut and seed sources. Moreover, many of these nuts and seeds are found in protein powders, food bars, oils, and flours. Many of the higher Omega 6 nut and seed sources still offer considerable nutritional value, so the idea here is not to completely avoid them, but to rotate and moderate your intake.  Also note that peanuts and cashews aren’t really nuts.  They are legumes!  So even though, e.g., cashews are listed as ‘non-inflammatory’ with respect to omega 6, they are high in lectins, which for some people, poses major health issues.

a chart showing the percentage of Omega 6 linoleic acid that is found in various nut and seed sources.Eating real whole food from optimal sources really matters to overall health and longevity. One good example is 100% grass-fed and finished beef and lamb or pasture raised chicken that eats insects and grass.. When eating their instinctual diet, these meats (and eggs) have benefits such as helping with weight loss, improving immune function, regulating blood sugar levels, boosting cardiovascular health, and promoting proper growth and development. 


  • When you consume linoleic acid, choose organic, non-GMO whole food sources including grass-fed beef, chicken, and eggs.
  • Avoid processed and CAFO meats, potato chips and other junk and processed foods, and store-bought salad dressings.
  • Increase Omega 3 non-inflammatory oils by eating wild-caught Alaskan Salmon, cod liver oil, herring, anchovies, and sardines or supplement with a high quality, carefully chosen Omega 3.
  • Rotate nuts and seeds and avoid making the higher inflammatory nuts and seeds your routine “go to” choices. Instead, enjoy the rotation of macadamia, hazelnut, cashew, and pistachio nuts, keeping in mind every source from nut butters to protein bars.


Axe, Josh, (2018, September 6). Linoleic acid helps improve brain, heart, skin, bone and reproductive health. www.draxe.com.

Levy, Jillian, (2022, March 14). 16 Omega-3 foods your body needs now. www.draxe.com

Mercola, Joseph, (2022, September 9). Ultra-processed food – The worst choice for planet and health. www.mercola.com

By |2022-12-04T11:00:27-06:00December 7th, 2022|General|

It’s a Trifecta – of COVID, flu, and RSV

So Be Prepared, Not Surprised

By Mila McManus, MD

Public Health experts are already seeing significant COVID, flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) kicking up.

As we move into the cold and flu season, take precautions now to protect yourself and your family from infections.  Public Health experts from the American Medical Association are already seeing significant COVID, influenza (flu) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) kicking up and going around. 

Be proactive! That means focusing on all of the key pillars of your health:

  • A whole food diet and good hydration – maintaining balanced blood sugar is important
  • Exercise
  • Keep your gut healthy – easy on the alcohol, sugar, wheat, and pain relievers, while taking your probiotic and drinking some bone broth.
  • Get quality rest and sleep
  • Avoid toxins and support detoxification – see gut health above and step into the IR sauna too!
  • Manage stress – take time for quiet meditation and/or deep breathing
  • Make use of appropriate supplementation – see below

For most, a healthy diet still cannot provide adequate nutrition for a strong immune system because of poor food quality, daily stressors, and the toxicity of our world.  Especially in light of COVID, flu, and RSV season converging, I recommend a daily minimum of vitamin D3, a multivitamin, and a quality probiotic. For those with compromised immune systems, or who are living and working in higher exposure areas, or traveling, a selection from the following supplements would be wise additions:  

  • Quercetin
  • Melatonin
  • Viracid™
  • Wholemune™
  • Vitamin C
  • Nebulizer Treatments with Vitamin C/DSMO/Magnesium or Glutathione (and other options to discuss with one of our healthcare providers)
  • Tri-Immune Vitamin Injections (available at our office).  These contain vitamin C, zinc, and glutathione
  • Immune Booster IV
  • Zinc
  • Silverbiotics Silver Sol™

All of these options along with common sense measures such as thorough hand washing and avoiding crowds will help to make your holiday season and winter a healthy experience.  If you are unsure about which supplements would be best for you, do not hesitate to consult with our medical providers for a customized plan that’s right for you.

Please also remember that we offer phone and Zoom routine appointments as well as urgent care appointments. 

Happy and Healthy Holiday Season!



MorningRounds@ama.custombriefings.com, October 24, 2022.

By |2022-11-10T07:56:30-06:00November 10th, 2022|General|

Wagyu, Kobe and more: Food Scam Alert

by Nancy Mehlert, MS


Last week, I drove by an Arby’s fast food chain where the sign read “Try Arby’s New Wagyu Burger”.  It made me laugh because of a book I read by Larry Olmsted[1] called  Real Food, Fake Food (2017). The chance that Arby’s would be selling a truly Wagyu burger is zero. But I’m sure many people are attracted to the fancy reputation of Wagyu. They fall for it. Pay the higher price, unaware that the beef is really no better or different than the standard Arby’s sandwich.

Kobe and Wagyu are names for Japanese beef. Wagyu means “Japanese cattle” and refers to four main  Japanese breeds, one of which is Kobe.  Either way, true Kobe beef requires a pure lineage of Tajima-gyu breed cattle that must be born in Hyogo, Japan, raised only on the local Hyogo grasses, water, and terrain. There are only about 3000 head of certified Kobe beef cattle in the world, and they live in Japan. That’s nowhere near enough cattle to serve the Arby’s food chain much less other restaurants around the world. This is a very exclusive, very limited supply beef.  With rare exception, Kobe, or Wagyu on the menu in America is a scam used to charge you more because you expect to pay for its reputation. At its best, it is a very successful marketing ploy, and at its worst, a pure scam.

Our government allows vendors to use these types of labels and names without proof of authenticity. The vendor steels the reputation of these unique Japanese cattle, and puts the name on their often very ordinary, or even cheap beef.

So be aware. Most labeling is oriented toward charging you more and/or getting you to purchase by using key words you believe are good, i.e. that it is somehow better or healthier.  The primary goal is profitability through volume sales and repeat business. However, what a label says may not be true at all. Words such as natural, cold pressed, fermented, aged, healthy, local, grass fed, and farm fresh are popular right now, but you should take no assurance that they mean what you think they do! All of them can be used on anything. There are no regulations which validate or verify their truthfulness.

Honestly, it is often hard to know the truth when it comes to food and personal care products. I find it often  revealing and helpful to check webpages, read mission statements, see who the leaders are, and see if they explain their processes and ingredients. Who owns the company and who are the shareholders? Sometimes I will submit a question or call to see if anyone will communicate or talk to me personally about their product. People with nothing to hide who have pride in their product are happy to communicate! It is also noteworthy that many small, honest companies who are successful are often bought out by larger companies. These companies then reduce the quality for greater profits.  That’s worth paying attention to as well.

Here’s one of Larry Olmstead’s articles about how this stuff works if you are interested in learning more.


Be wise, Not fooled, Eat Well

[1] Mr. Olmsted is a Senior Contributor at Forbes magazine. He specializes in Travel, Food, and Leisure. Because of his investigative nature, he began to suspect some false statements made about foods on American restaurant menus. So he began investigating laws, traveling to the source of many foods such as true Japanese beef, and learning about the true meaning of brands and names.  What he found were a myriad lies, scams, twists, and misleading uses, especially here in America. You can read more about his findings about seafood, olive oil, cheese, beef, and more in his engaging read, Real Food, Fake Food.


By |2022-10-28T07:44:31-06:00November 2nd, 2022|General|

Rapamycin: A True Anti-Aging Drug

by Mila McManus, MD

Rapamycin, also known as Sirolimus A True Anti-Aging Drug

Rapamycin, also known as Sirolimus, is a prescription drug derived from a bacteria found in the ground decades ago in the Easter Islands. Though a drug, it is a natural product with a 30 year history and a very high safety record. There are over 50,000 PubMed journal articles about rapamycin published since 1975.

Originally Rapamycin was used at high doses to prevent kidney transplant rejection by suppressing the immune system. It is also recognized to have antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties and is used in both oncology and cardiology.  Oncologist have found Rapamycin to slow solid tumor growth and also effective for a type of lymphoma. Cardiologists use Rapamycin in stints to open up arteries in the heart, thus cutting down on inflammation.

This is the kind of prescription drug profile that interests functional medicine professionals. A long history with very high safety standards, this natural product is not only helpful with transplants, cancer, and cardiovascular concerns, but at low doses, is also proving to be an effective anti-aging drug.

Here’s how Rapamycin works:

The human body has an enzyme that is in our cells known as mTOR. It is the key to our cellular activity and our aging process.  The mTOR enzyme drives the growth and aging in our cells. When we eat, we stimulate the mTOR pathway which is great for a 5 year old but as adults we do not need the same high level of mTOR activity. An active mTOR pathway drives the aging process and when always active, it also increases the inflammatory pathways which leads to diseases like cardiovascular, cancer, and Alzheimer’s, just to name a few.

Alternatively, when the mTOR is modulated, and slowed down, the process of autophagy occurs. The human body needs both mTOR and autophagy processes and they happen alternately, i.e., when one is stimulated the other is modulated or halted.  Autophagy is an important cleansing process needed in the body where we recycle things and clean out debris that is clogging things up. In the standard American diet and culture, we tend to eat too much and/or too frequently, thus driving a chronic, overactive mTOR pathway driving growth and cellular activity toward aging.  The good news is, Rapamycin, binds to the mTOR enzyme, slowing down its activity, and inducing autophagy. Autophagy is a repair process and needs to occur to restore youthfulness, detoxification, and healing.

Autophagy is stimulated by intermittent fasting, Rapamycin imitates fasting.   

Other Benefits of Autophagy:Rapamycin and Fasting

  • Enhance and modulate  immune function
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Clean up debris and remove it from the body
  • Enhance cellular repair and healing
  • Increase longevity and lifespan.
  • Protect against tumor growth

Patients who have used Rapamycin for anti-aging report increased energy levels, a more positive outlook, and reduced need for pain medication due to fewer aches and pains.

 If you are over 50, you may want to discuss Rapamycin with your medical provider to see if it is right for you.




By |2022-10-20T10:02:57-06:00October 20th, 2022|Articles, General|