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Banana Ice Cream (dairy-free)

Banana-Ice-Cream-RecipeServing Size ½ cup

5-6 Servings

  • 4-6 Medium, Ripe, Peeled and Frozen Bananas
  • ¼ tsp Organic Vanilla Bean
  • 1 tsp of honey (Optional)
  • 2 Tbsp of Hot Water

Organic whole vanilla beans are available in the spice section of better grocery stores.  Take one Vanilla Bean, slice it down the middle and use a knife to scrape the inside of the whole bean which should yield about ¼ tsp of vanilla bean.  Combine all of the ingredients in a food processor or other powerful blender (such as a Bullet, Vita Mix, or Ninja) until a smooth, scoopable consistency is reached.  Place in a glass dish topped with dark chocolate (60% or higher) shavings or chips, nuts or cold espresso on top.  Since banana can be quite naturally sweet, we do recommend this as a special treat and within the portion recommendation provided, especially for those seeking to stabilize blood sugar levels, lose weight, or manage diabetes.

Recipe provided compliments of Melissa Humphries, The Primitive Diva

By |2014-08-02T08:53:18-06:00August 2nd, 2014|General, Recipes|
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