P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

Bioengineered Food: Are You Eating It?

by Mila McManus, MD

You may be eating bioengineered food! The final US disclosure law allows many circumstances in which it can be kept private from US consumers.

The requirement to disclose bioengineered food became effective in 2022. Unfortunately, the final rule released by the Department of Agriculture in 2018 allowed many circumstances in which bioengineered food can be kept private from US consumers so that you may be eating it! Bioengineering is synonymous with GMOs, genetically modified organisms, and genetically engineered products. 

How is Genetic Modification Done?

Genetic modification is accomplished when scientists introduce genetic material [DNA] from a different organism into another plant or animal. Usually, this is done by transferring new DNA into a different plant cell and growing those cells in a tissue culture until the plant develops. Then, the new plant produces the seeds used by farmers who farm GMO crops. Bioengineering food aims to make it more resistant to harsh climates, insects, or viruses, thus increasing production volume.

Is Bioengineering Safe?

Many people have concerns about the safety of bioengineered foods. Research is ongoing and unclear, and the long-term effects on safety are unknown. The National Academy of Sciences and the FDA claim that bioengineered foods are safe to eat and pose no risk to your health. However, there are reports of allergic reactions, concerns that they may contribute to cancer development, and a theoretical risk that consuming them could result in antibiotic resistance. Nutrient density has also decreased, posing additional concerns.

There are also environmental concerns. According to the Environmental Working Group [EWG.org], the hope was that GMO crops would require less herbicide use and increase yields. However, over the past twenty years,  the use of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, has increased vastly. Glyphosate has been classified as a carcinogen. Unfortunately, that means genetically modified foods are also laden with a potentially carcinogenic herbicide.

How Do I Know If a Food is Genetically Modified?

Manufacturers can disclose that a food contains genetically engineered ingredients in four ways. The first is to write “contains bioengineered ingredients” on the package.  A second way manufacturers can opt to disclose is by displaying the USDA bioengineered symbol on the back of the package.  

A third way is for the manufacturer to include a QR code on the food package that takes you to an online webpage with the disclosure information.  Lastly, the manufacturer can provide a phone number on the package to call and ask about the genetically engineered ingredients.

Common GMO Foods

Over 90% of sugar beet, canola, corn, soybeans, and cotton [the source of cottonseed oil] in the United States are bioengineered. In addition, some potatoes, summer squash, papaya, apples, and alfalfa are also genetically modified. Atlantic Salmon have been genetically engineered since 2015, as have other farm-raised fish such as trout, catfish, tilapia, and flounder.  Many GMO crops also become “other ingredients” listed on product labels. For example, corn appears as cornstarch, corn syrup, or corn oil.  Where sugar is used, it is most often sourced from genetically modified sugar beets. 

Our Thoughts

Our medical and nutritional expertise, and instincts, tell us the human body functions best with normal, nature-made food rather than food altered by science. Due to the lack of research and the substantial increase in inflammatory diseases, including cancer, diabetes, autoimmunity, allergies, and cardiovascular disease, it seems prudent to avoid genetically modified foods whenever possible.  The USDA Organic certification does not allow bioengineering or pesticides, so buying organic food is the best option. Another good option is to purchase foods with the Non-GMO Project Verified symbol.

Be wise. Eat real food.






By |2024-11-07T12:26:29-06:00November 13th, 2024|Articles, General|

Pasture-Finished Beef: A Better Choice?

by Mila McManus, MD

Pasture-finished beef resulted in fewer environmental impacts, metabolically healthier cattle, and nutrient-dense beef for people.

We often get asked if pasture-finished beef is really a better choice than regular beef. Nature recently published the results of one of the most in-depth comparisons of beef from two different finishing systems: pasture-finished on range and grain-finished in a feedlot. Over 1500 compounds were profiled. Pasture-finished beef resulted in fewer environmental impacts, metabolically healthier cattle, and nutrient-dense meat for people, suggesting that it is, indeed, a better choice.

Environmental Gains

Feedlots, or concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), negatively impact the environment by concentrating animal waste and other hazardous substances that pollute the air and water with their runoff.  Finishing cattle in this way also consumes huge amounts of grain and the water needed to grow them. Feeding cattle grain, which is not their natural diet, also creates poor digestion and increased flatulence, contributing to air pollution.

Pasture-finished beef helps maintain grasslands and the earth’s soil. The ecosystem is sustained when croplands are rotated with grazing lands, allowing cattle manure to naturally build nutrients for healthy crops.

Metabolically Healthier Cattle

When cattle are allowed to pursue their food of choice, grass, they are metabolically healthier (less flatulence!), have improved mitochondrial function, and lower oxidative stress. Allowing the cow to eat and live in its natural environment reduces animal stress and provides the best for the animal’s welfare.

Significant Differences in Nutritional Analysis of Meat

Pasture-finished (100% grass-fed and finished) proved notably higher in many nutrients. It was almost three times higher in certain antioxidants, including vitamin E, and nine times higher in vitamin B3 than in grain-fed beef.  The anti-inflammatory Omega 3 content was four times higher in grass-finished beef, resulting in a healthy Omega 6 to 3 ratio.  Consuming pasture-finished red meat is associated with improved cardiometabolic health.   Equally important, the pasture-finished meat did not have antibiotics observed in it like the grain-fed feedlot cattle.  Finally, long-chain saturated fatty acids were also enriched in pasture-finished beef. Higher circulating levels of these fats are associated with a decreased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease in humans.

If you have access to pasture-raised beef, it’s worth choosing for the extra nutrients that support optimal health, and for avoiding toxins and other inflammatory chemicals. Check out Butcher Box and Wild Pastures for pastured, biodynamically raised cattle, and other organic clean meats.

Healthy Cows. Healthy People. 


Gill, Chris. Is Feedlot Beef Bad for the Environment? (pitchstonewaters.com, 2/1/2016)

Evans, N. et al. Pasture-finishing of cattle in Western U.S. rangelands improves markers of animal metabolic health and nutritional compounds in beef. Scientific Reports: Nature Portfolio. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-71073-3.

By |2024-11-05T08:08:09-06:00November 6th, 2024|Articles, General|

Water: Can You Drink Too Much?

by Mila McManus, MD

Drinking water to remain hydrated is foundational in a good health plan.  Is dehydration a common problem? Can we drink too much water?

Drinking water to remain hydrated is foundational in a good health plan. More and more people are carrying water and setting personal hydration goals. Due to the increased focus on hydration, the marketing of hydration supplements is at an all time high. Is dehydration a common problem? Do we know how much water the human body really needs? Can we drink too much water?

8 X 8 Is A Myth

The popular rule of drinking eight glasses of water daily (a.k.a. the 8 x 8 rule) is not scientifically backed by research. Dr. Heinz Valtin of Dartmouth Medical School attributed it to Fredrick J. Stare, a renowned American Nutritionist from the early 20th century. Stare’s commentary on hydration was misinterpreted and incomplete. While he suggested drinking at least six glasses of water daily, he also remarked that most of this can be obtained from any beverage, fruits, and vegetables. In 1945, the Food and Nutrition Board recommended about 2.5 liters of water a day, with most of this quantity contained in the diet.

Enough is Enough

While clean hydration is essential, it’s a misconception that we must drink water all day. Valtin concludes that most people drink enough or even too much water. Exceptional circumstances where intentional hydration is important include strenuous physical activity, sauna use, long airplane flights, and dry, arid climates. However, drinking more water than the natural human thirst mechanism dictates may worsen athletic performance and destabilize sodium balances in the blood. It IS possible to waterlog the human body to a toxic degree, which can lead to swelling in the brain and even death.

Hydration is More Complex than Just Drinking Water

Many variables impact human hydration, including exercise, diet, climate, salt intake, genetics, ability to sweat, and stress. The human body has a highly effective mechanism called thirst that operates ahead of dehydration to inform you when water is needed. Respond accordingly by drinking liquids or eating water-rich sources such as fruits and vegetables. It’s wise to have water on hand.

Judging Your Hydration Status

Here are some simple steps to judge your hydration status:

  1. Look for clear urine. The brighter yellow or denser color of your urine, the more likely you are dehydrated. (Please note, though, that certain vitamins will continue to make your urine bright yellow)
  2. Pinch your skin. If it returns quickly to position, you are hydrated. If it does not, then you may be dehydrated.
  3. Listen to your body. Dry mouth, headaches, and hunger can be your body telling you to drink water.
  4. Limit water consumption with meals to avoid digestive issues. (water dilutes your digestive juices and enzymes)
  5. Increased exposure to heat and sweating may increase thirst. Be prepared.

Listen to your body. Drink when thirsty. Eat your vegetables. Be Well.




By |2024-11-01T06:29:35-06:00November 1st, 2024|Articles, General|

Severe Calorie Restriction: Helpful with Cancer Treatments?

by Mila McManus, MD

Severe calorie restriction may support cancer treatment by enhancing T-cell populations that target tumor cells.

A recent clinical trial suggests that short-term, severe calorie restriction (called a fasting-mimicking diet) results in biological effects that may be helpful in cancer treatment.  Cancer Discovery, the American Association for Cancer Research journal, published the report.

Severe, short-term calorie restriction activates the immune response and is also safe and inexpensive. Combined with standard anti-cancer therapies, the biological impacts included a decrease in blood glucose, insulin, and growth factor. In addition, there was a reduction in peripheral blood immunosuppressive cells and enhanced T-cell populations, which can identify and target tumor cells. The severe calorie restriction generated a metabolic “shock” that activated immune cells, boosting other cancer treatments’ antitumor activity.

The fasting-mimicking diet consisted of a five-day severe calorie restriction.  The diet was a low-carbohydrate, low-protein, plant-derived diet. Patients were given up to 600 calories on the first day, and up to 300 calories were given on days 2, 3, 4, and 5. The total calories consumed over the five days was up to 1800.  Patients repeated the cycle every three or four weeks for up to eight weeks.  Between fasting cycles, there was a refeeding period of 16-23 days, during which patients were not restricted but guided to adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

One of the most valuable findings for the severe calorie restriction diet was that patients did not experience progressive weight loss common to cancer patients. Rather, the patients were able to maintain weight. Additionally, the diet is tolerated by the majority of patients, with fatigue being the most common side effect.

We do not recommend severe calorie restriction or fasting-mimicking diets without consulting your medical provider first.  This may not be the best protocol for every situation, and you should ask your medical provider if it is right for you. 

Be well.




By |2024-10-23T09:12:54-06:00October 24th, 2024|Articles, General|

Prebiotic Soda: A Good Choice for Gut Health?

by Mila McManus, MD

The beverage industry is flooding the marketplace with pre-biotic soda pop and promoting it as a “healthy” choice for gut health. Is it?

As more people move away from classic sugary sodas, the beverage industry is flooding the marketplace with prebiotic soda pop and promoting it as a “healthy” choice for gut health. These popular beverages include brands such as Olipop, Culture Pop, Poppi, Wildwonder, and Turveda, to name a few.   But are these soft drinks truly good for your gut?

Prebiotic soft drinks contain a kind of fiber called inulin, which is very good for your gut health.   It helps you to maintain a healthy digestive system by supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria called probiotics.  Fibers like inulin act like Miracle Grow for your favorable gut bacteria. In simple terms, prebiotic fibers nourish probiotics.

Here’s the catch. The amount of inulin needed daily to achieve gut health benefits would need to be eight or more grams, making it necessary to drink four or more of these beverages daily. In addition, that would significantly increase sugar intake, which would cancel out all the potential benefits of the prebiotic inulin. Soda is not your best option for optimizing gut health.

If you really want to improve and optimize your gut health, you need a high quality source of prebiotics and probiotics. The easiest way to get prebiotic fiber is to eat the foods that contain it.  Prebiotic fibers that feed your favorable gut bacteria include whole foods such as greens, kiwi, onions, jicama, avocado, leeks, apples, bananas, and flaxseeds.  Another affordable and practical way to increase prebiotic fiber is to use a quality product such as Heather’s Organic Prebiotic Acacia Senegal Fiber.

As for probiotics, high quality fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, and yogurt, can all support a healthy digestive system.  We also recommend that our patients take a quality probiotic as a routine supplement to ensure a strong population of good, favorable gut bacteria.  In addition, we recommend rotating your probiotics every once in a while, e.g., every 3 to 6 months. For instance, take a broad spectrum probiotic for a few months, and then switch to, or add, S. boulardii for a few months.  Then switch to a spore biotic for a few months, and so on.  The beneficial microbes in your gut support your immune system and contribute directly to overall physical and mental health.

Ditch the soda pop. Eat real. Be Well.




By |2024-10-09T06:33:21-06:00October 10th, 2024|Articles, General|

Store Brand Medicines – Are they Safe?

by Mila McManus, MD

Over-the-counter medicines, especially the lower-cost store brands, often contain dangerous ingredients that most consumers may be unaware.

Over-the-counter medicines, especially the lower-cost store brands, often contain dangerous ingredients. Most consumers recognize that the active ingredients are the same at a lower price point but may be unaware that carcinogens and other dangerous ingredients lurk within the inactive ingredients.

MSN recently highlighted a Bloomberg analysis of government data revealing that the government is aware that some store-brand medicines contain benzene, a potent carcinogen.  Several dozen store-brand drugs have been identified, including generic/store-brand extended-release mucus relief (name-brand Mucinex); the Walgreens version of Anbesol, an oral pain reliever; Walmart’s Equate brand face moisturizer with sunscreen; and Rite Aid’s version of Bengay muscle rub.

Cheap for a Reason

Generic drugs, from eye drops to cancer treatments, are linked to factories using unsafe practices and dangerous ingredients, often to cut costs. However, it’s important to note that the retailer whose name is on the package (e.g. Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Kroger) is not responsible for the quality of the products it sells.  The oversight and liability lie with the manufacturer.  US regulators have allowed drugmakers to use benzene even though international authorities ban it elsewhere.

Drugmakers resist FDA regulation changes because of the dramatic cost and time involved in making an ingredient change. Cleaner and safer ingredients, additional testing, and another round of FDA approval make ingredient swapping expensive, which means a higher sticker price. Moreover, it is important to not put your full faith behind FDA regulations for protection against dangerous ingredients in any packaged product!

Simple Solutions

We see many patients who rely on over-the-counter store-brand products for insomnia, reflux, and allergies.  As we find with supplements, it is necessary to screen selections carefully and make the better choices.  Here are some simple steps you can take to protect yourself from dangerous ingredients:

  • Take advantage of our team at The Woodlands Institute for Health and Wellness, your resource for safe and effective supplements and over-the-counter solutions.
  • Rather than medicating your sleep, digestive, or allergy issues, let us help you find and address the root causes.  
  • If you must purchase an over-the-counter medication, try sticking with name brands while you seek solutions for addresssing root causes.

Be careful out there. Be well.

Reference: MSN.com. Bloomberg: Cancer-Causing Benzene Is Used to Make Store-Brand Cold Relief Medicine. August 12, 2023.

By |2024-10-02T07:23:52-06:00October 3rd, 2024|Articles, General|

Ozonated Oils

by Mila McManus, MD

Ozonated organic oils are a chemical-free, natural skin and body care approach! Ozone is bubbled through oils, then captured and preserved.

Consider organic ozonated oils for a chemical-free, natural option for skin issues, and for overall skin and body care!  Ozone is also known as activated oxygen, or 03. When oxygen and the sun’s rays come into contact, activated oxygen forms. Ozone contains three oxygen atoms rather than the two atoms we usually breathe (i.e. O2).  The third atom becomes a scavenger, destroying pollutants, odors, free radicals, and pathogens such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria. Moreover, yes, this is the same ozone that you hear about in the sky and air. Ozone is BAD for inhalation in large quantities because it can damage the lungs and cause severe coughing. Our lungs don’t have the antioxidant capacity to neutralize the oxidizing effects of ozone.  Used in other ways, though, ozone can be quite beneficial!  Read more about it here

Ozone (03) gas is bubbled through oils, then captured and preserved, forming a simple application to nourish skin and improve appearance. Oils that are more highly unsaturated, such as hemp, sunflower, avocado, and olive oil, hold onto more ozone, increasing the ozone concentration, and the ozone scent is, therefore, stronger. More saturated oils, such as coconut and jojoba oils, don’t hold on to as much ozone and are better choices for those with sensitive skin.

Benefits of Specific Ozonated Oils

Ozonated Organic Olive oil forms a soothing, oxygen-rich skin salve.  It may be helpful for blemishes, age spots, wrinkles, and fine lines, as well as soothing skin irritations, redness, and treating bug bites.

Ozonated Organic Sunflower oil is helpful for skin irritations, redness, bug bites, blemishes, age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles, and it can also be used on pets!

Ozonated Organic Hemp oil forms a water-resistant oxygen-rich gel excellent for swimmers.  It may help soothe minor skin irritations, bug bites, blemishes, and is useful for wound care.  This formula is strongest and may not be suitable for sensitive skin.

Ozonated Organic Coconut oil is a deep-penetrating skin emollient.  It makes an excellent daily moisturizer and massage oil.  It works well as a contouring cream to help the appearance of dimpled skin and is safe for sensitive skin.

Ozonated Organic Castor oil fights infections thanks to its antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. Ozone destroys bacteria and viruses, so the oil and the ozone make a great defensive team.  

Ozonated Organic Avocado Oil holds moisture and does not dry as fast as other oils. This quality makes the effects last longer and allows the ozone to work. It is also high in Vitamin E, phytosterols, and healthy monounsaturated fats, which add to the benefits your body derives from use.

Ozonated Jojoba oil is nearly identical to the skin’s oils.  It is ideal for sensitive and blemish-prone skin and is highly effective as an everyday face or body moisturizer.

Visit our e-store or come to our office to purchase your own ozonated signature oil sample pack with seven trial-size jars. Other selections and special orders are also available.

Be Radiant. Be Well.

References: 2022, Pur03. LLC, product brochure.

By |2024-09-25T12:01:30-06:00September 26th, 2024|Articles, General|

3-3-3 Technique for Anxious Feelings

by Mila McManus, MD

The 3-3-3 technique stops your anxious thoughts, increasing your mindfulness, and bringing you back into the present moment.

Are you feeling pressed?  Are anxious thoughts preventing you from making the most of the present moment? Does your mind easily wander off to worrying about things you can’t control?  Give this 3-3-3 technique a try to bring you back into the present and increase your mindfulness. It’s simple and useful for all ages, and repeatable until you feel calm and back in the present moment.

The Technique: Look, Listen, Move

When you feel pressed, agitated, or anxious:

  • Look for three things you can see. Observe their details, colors, shapes, and uniqueness.
  • Listen for three sounds you can hear. Listen for both obvious, louder sounds, such as the air conditioner, and more subtle ones like crickets or the sound of silence.
  • Move three parts of your body. For example, wiggle your toes, roll your shoulders, and take a deep breath, paying attention to each sensation.

How the Technique Works

The 3-3-3 technique interrupts the flow of anxious thoughts.  It also grounds you back into the present moment. We only have so much attention to give to any moment. If we divert that attention to what we can see, hear, and experience in our body, the anxious feelings are denied attention and will decrease.

Calming the autonomic nervous system’s fight or flight mode is mission-critical to good physical and mental health. The 3-3-3 technique engages the senses, promotes mindfulness, calms the stress response, turns off your triggers, and relieves muscle tension.  

Look, listen, and move. Be well.



By |2024-09-19T06:49:18-06:00September 19th, 2024|Articles, General|

Aflatoxin: A Common Problem

by Mila McManus, MD

Aflatoxin is a mold identified as a human carcinogen and is one of many harmful mycotoxins that can enter the human body and cause illness.

Aflatoxin is identified as a human carcinogen and found in human tissues. It is one of many harmful mycotoxins that can enter the body and cause illness. Two species of mold, Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus, produce aflatoxin.  Once ingested, the body turns it into by-products with high carcinogenic potential.

People burdened with aflatoxin experience symptoms such as food allergies, developmental delay, growth impairment, damage to the gut, liver, and kidneys, inflammation affecting the heart, and increased risk for liver cancer, viral hepatitis, and parasite infestation. Research has shown that consuming aflatoxin through the food supply is one of the main causes of liver disease.

Aflatoxin develops in commonly eaten foods that are grown in wet, warm environments. This includes peanuts, peanut butter, corn, nuts, and other grains. While people in third-world countries are more likely to be impacted by aflatoxin poisoning, it is also common in developed nations where corn and peanut products are predominant in the food supply. Even a tiny amount of aflatoxin in the food supply can spread and cause problems. The severity of the impact will depend on factors such as current state of health, level and duration of exposure, strength of immune and digestive systems, and overall diet quality.

Here are some of the best ways to avoid aflatoxin:       

  • Limit or avoid consuming peanuts, corn, and processed foods made with them.
  • Ideally, store grains and nuts at home for a short period in cool, dry areas to prevent mold growth. Freezing can prolong freshness.
  • Buy peanuts, corn, grains, and nuts as fresh as possible, grown close to your location rather than in another country and shipped overseas. Small, organic farmers are more likely to harvest at the right time and store it correctly.
  • Soak, sprout, and ferment grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds to reduce mold content.
  • Some evidence suggests that eating antioxidant-rich, detoxifying vegetables such as carrots and celery can help clean the liver and reduce the carcinogenic effects of aflatoxin.

As we investigate the root causes of our patients’ symptoms, testing for mycotoxins is often necessary to create an effective treatment plan. Call (281) 298-6742 to inquire about the available testing options.

Be well!


Levy, Jillian (April 18, 2024). Aflatoxin: How to avoid this common Food Carcinogen. Draxe.com, nutrition articles.

By |2024-09-12T07:00:48-06:00September 12th, 2024|Articles, General|

Unusual Cancers: Can COVID Be Blamed?

by Mila McManus, MD

Findings show a glaring uptick in unusual, aggressive, late-stage, and multiple cancers since the COVID pandemic began.

Several cancer institutions and early national data are showing a glaring uptick in unusual, aggressive, late-stage, and multiple cancers since the COVID-19 pandemic began. While some experts have mostly dismissed the trend, many oncology specialists have refused to stop trying to understand if the coronavirus could somehow be igniting cancer.  This topic has been circulating around for a while now in the functional medicine world, and since this information recently appeared in my inbox from mainstream media (Washington Post), I thought it would be a good time to share it.

The exact biological mechanism of action is not clear. Although, as the science on the COVID virus has evolved, studies show widespread inflammation following infection. As a result, there is marked impact on the vascular system and infection in multiple organs that are vulnerable to cancer stem cell development. For Afshin Beheshti, president of the COVID-19 International Research Team and a cancer biology specialist, this has been a nagging paradigm igniting his passion to work with other interested oncology researchers to launch more studies to piece together the puzzle of coronavirus infection, long covid, and cancer. Striking findings point to the importance of the immune system in activating dormant cells, making sense to the idea that influenza or COVID could trigger inflammation, changing the immune microenvironment, and reawakening cancer cells.

Dr. Elroy Vojdani, a functional medicine physician and founder of Immunosciences Lab, has a different hypothesis. He conservatively estimates that since 1999, autoimmune disease in the US has been increasing by 8-10% every year. Vojdani attributes increased cases of cancer and auto-immunity to a massive dysregulation of our immune function. He proposed that, over time, immune insults have dramatically increased: increased rates of C-sections, less breastfeeding, early use of antibiotics, gut-busting drugs such as acid blockers, anti-inflammatories, and steroids, increased consumption of ultra-processed foods, and the depletion of our microbiome from glyphosate and other toxic exposure. As a result, when the COVID pandemic arrived, many Americans had lost the immune resilience to cope with the virus, leading to long-term increases in unusual cancers and autoimmune diseases.

The T-regulatory cell is an important immune cell in the human body. The largest population of them is in the intestinal gut lining. If your gut is compromised, so is your immune system. Treatment of all diseases by focusing on gut health, diet, and lifestyle is fundamental to restoring immune resiliency [the ability to bounce back from inflammatory attacks]. Specifically, a healthy gut is protective against the cascade of inflammation that leads to cancer, autoimmunity, long-covid, and chronic infections from parasites, molds, viruses, and harmful bacteria.

Whether or not the coronavirus is directly responsible for an increase in unusual cancers is unclear. It is clear that a resilient immune system is your best defense against disease, and this begins in the gut.

Restore the gut. Restore immunity. Be well.



The Root Causes of Inflammation & What You Can Do To Stop it. August 19, 2024, Episode 937, drhyman.com, The Doctor’s Farmacy podcast.

By |2024-08-28T09:17:10-06:00August 29th, 2024|Articles, General|