P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

Kisspeptin – Missing Your Frisky?

by Mila McManus, MD

A reproductive hormone called kisspeptin may be a treatment option for low sexual desire in men and women.

Two promising studies are suggesting that a reproductive hormone called kisspeptin may be a treatment option for low sexual desire in men and women.

In 2022, a randomized clinical trial of 32 premenopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder, kisspeptin administration was found to modulate brain processing, for sex and attraction, in functional neuroimaging, psychometric, and hormonal analyses. Kisspeptin’s modulation of brain processing correlated with psychometric measures of sexual aversion and associated distress.[1]

In 2023, one randomized clinical trial of 32 men tested the effects of kisspeptin on sexual brain processing in males with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Findings showed that kisspeptin significantly modulates brain activity in key structures of the sexual-processing network compared to placebo. In addition, kisspeptin increased sexual behavior and sexual desire. [2]

With these two studies, a foundation has been laid for kisspeptin’s efficacy and clinical therapeutic treatment for both men and women with low libido and/or low sexual attraction and desire.  There were no observable or reported adverse effects.  Kisspeptin had no significant negative effects on mood and anxiety, nor did it affect blood pressure or heart rate.  Correlations suggest that kisspeptin may reduce sexual aversion and associated distress.

Ask your healthcare provider if this may be a good option for you.

Better in the Bedroom is Better for your Health. Be Well.

[1]Layla Thurston, MD, PhD1Tia Hunjan, MD1Natalie Ertl, MSc1,2; et al. Effects of kisspeptin administration in women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(10):e2236131. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.36131. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2797718

[2] Mills EG, Ertl N, Wall MB, et al. Effects of kisspeptin on sexual brain processing and penile tumescence in men with hypoactive sexual desire disorder: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2023;6(2):e2254313. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.54313. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2800937

By |2023-06-27T11:03:10-06:00June 28th, 2023|Articles, General|

Bears Repeating: RUN from Sucralose a.k.a Splenda

by Mila McManus, MD

The researchers saw that sucralose caused DNA to break apart, putting people at risk for disease and gut health problems.

It continues to baffle my mind that, despite what research reveals over and over again, our food industry continues to get away with putting harmful ingredients in our food! 

In 2012, we published our article in our newsletter regarding a 2008 study about Splenda, which you can read here. Then last year, we reiterated the harmful effects of all artificial sweeteners, and you can read that here, where we talked about two more studies done in 2008 and 2018 showing the toxicity and harm to our friendly gut bacteria caused by artificial sweeteners.

So here we are, 15 years since the first study, with many more studies under our scientific belt, and still, neither the FDA nor food industry has accepted responsibility for removing these toxic sweeteners from our food. Even WebMD and Cleveland Clinic have acknowledged the serious concerns, as has the FDA. 

The most recent study done exposed human blood cells and gut tissue to sucralose. The researchers saw that sucralose caused DNA to break apart, putting people at risk for disease and gut health issues. Equally concerning is how toxic it is in very small amounts, so even one food item eaten once a week with Splenda in it can do considerable harm.  The only amount of Sucralose that is safe is NONE.

All this to say, it’s important to take your own responsibility to know what you’re ingesting since the Powers that Be don’t seem to care. Protect your gut from the ravages of Splenda/Sucralose, as well as aspartame, saccharin, neotame, Advantame, and acesulfame potassium-k.  All of them are well known to interfere with the normal and healthy activity of the gut, and to cause DNA damage. They are clearly linked to weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, Type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and cancer.  And we know that when the gut is not healthy, it is communicating inflammation messages to the brain and the rest of the body.

Eat real food, take a probiotic, and choose stevia, monk fruit, and/or erythritol as better, healthier sweeteners.

Be well!

By |2023-06-21T12:04:48-06:00June 22nd, 2023|Articles, General|

HiPhenolic: Weight and Cardio Support

by Mila McManus, MD

Orthomolecular has recently presented a new supplement called HiPhenolic,  designed to support weight management and cardiovascular health. It is a very pure, high concentration blend of polyphenols. HiPhenolic has scientifically demonstrated favorable shifts in metabolic targets such as maintaining blood pressure levels, improving satiation (i.e., fullness), and controlling appetite.  As a result, it can assist with both weight loss and cardiovascular support.

HiPhenolic contains an extract blend of lemon verbena, hibiscus flower, green coffee bean, and magnesium.  In two, double-blind, placebo-controlled, and randomized studies, hibiscus and lemon verbena extracts have been shown to work synergistically on the activation of the energy sensor AMPK and promote optimal metabolic efficiency through the modulation of fat metabolism. In both studies, there were improvements in weight, body fat percentage, waist circumference, and maintenance of blood pressure and heart rate in normal ranges. HiPhenolic lowers the hunger hormone ghrelin and increases our satiation hormone, leptin.

Green coffee bean extract has shown benefit in blood pressure control, optimizing lipids, decreasing body weight, and improving metabolism and glucose (aka blood sugar) disposal.  Magnesium has many benefits including blood pressure regulation, blood glucose control, muscle and nerve function, protein synthesis, and plays a role in maintaining energy levels and metabolic efficiency.

Hiphenolic may be taken as a stand-alone, or may be added to other weight loss protocols.

Call (281) 298-6742 or email admin@TWIHW.com to our yours today! Supply is limited due to high demand and frequent back orders.

Be Well, Live Well.

Reference: Ortho Molecular Products, Supplement Facts and Provider Resource Sheets.

*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any illness or disease. The content and recommendations contained on this website have not been reviewed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are solely the opinion of the author. Content contained on this website is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never increase, reduce or discontinue any medication or treatment without first consulting your doctor.*

By |2023-06-14T12:16:44-06:00June 15th, 2023|Articles, General|

Muscle Mass: Are You Strong Enough?

By Pamela O’Connor, MD

Lower muscle mass has been associated with delayed recovery, higher surgical complications, longer hospital stays, increased drug toxicity, overall poorer quality of life and higher all-cause mortality.

How important is your muscle mass?  Some health experts say it is turning into a new “vital sign” – something that we should be paying close attention to.  Lower muscle mass has been associated with delayed recovery, higher surgical complications, longer hospital stays, increased drug toxicity, overall poorer quality of life and higher all-cause mortality.

Skeletal muscle is the most abundant tissue in our bodies, representing 40% of our body mass.  After eating a meal, about 80% of the circulating glucose (i.e., sugar) is deposited into our skeletal muscle.  That makes it a logical connection – as muscle mass decreases with age, that change is now thought to be a key driver of insulin resistance and prediabetes.

Muscle is also now recognized as having some immune regulatory properties, so less muscle mass leads to deterioration of the immune system (which for the elderly population is a leading cause of death).  In fact, sarcopenia (decrease in muscle mass) now predicts the risk of getting community-acquired pneumonia.

Resistance training is how we can optimize our own individual muscle mass.  This type of exercise results in getting stronger (which relates to better balance and stability), AND offers a notable secondary benefit of an increase in metabolism. Muscles require a large amount of energy to keep them healthy and functioning properly.  Building stronger muscles also strengthens your bones, which increases bone density.

Additional advantages include balancing of hormones, such as growth hormone, testosterone (for men AND women), estrogen and insulin (can improve insulin sensitivity and decrease glucose levels).  Many also see increased libido, better mobility, decreased pain, improved cognition and mood, better sleep and it has been proven to help people live longer.  For heart health, resistance training can decrease blood pressure, improve cholesterol and triglycerides, and decrease visceral fat.  Visceral fat collects around organs, including the heart, and releases many pro-inflammatory chemicals.

What would qualify as resistance training?  Lifting weights, using resistance bands, as well as body weight exercises all fall into the category of resistance training.  There is a magic sweet spot where you perform at a high enough intensity to stimulate the muscle enough to get the desired physiologic changes, but you don’t want to overdo it.  Perhaps one of the most important aspects of resistance training is to allow sufficient rest for full recovery (when the muscle building takes place).

Basic exercises to use as a start would be squats, lunges, pushups, and planks.  Another great aspect of resistance training is that many people can get noticeable results with only 2 short workouts per week. 

Schedule an appointment if you want to discuss more specifics about strategies for building more strength and muscle mass, regardless of your age or gender. We all need to treat our muscle mass as a vital aspect of good health!


Di Stefano, Sal.  (2021). The Resistance Training Revolution. Hachette Book Group, Inc.

Dr. Mercola Article. (October 29,2021). You Can Get Stronger and Healthier as You Age!

Robbins, Tony, & Diamandis, Peter M.D., & Hariri, Robert M.D., PhD. (2022). Life Force. Simon & Schuster

By |2023-06-07T09:52:51-06:00June 8th, 2023|Articles, General|

Sunscreen: Summer Skin Care Matters!

by Mila McManus, MD

Sunscreens can be some of the most toxic substances to put on your skin.  Remember that your skin is your largest organ.

As the warmer months approach, make sure you are ready to properly protect your family’s and your skin from the sun. Sunscreens can be some of the most toxic substances to put on your skin.  Remember that your skin is your largest organ. It covers your entire body and is filled with capillaries (tiny blood vessels) that feed into your larger blood vessels which circulate throughout the body. Your skin is HIGHLY absorptive. Because of the need to re-apply,  it is easy in one day to get a big dose of toxic substances onto and into your body in short order. As a result, the sunscreen you choose really matters.

Sunscreens are a well-known source of toxic chemicals, including hormone disrupters, carcinogens, and others. While there are many, the most concerning seem to be oxybenzone (hormone disruptor), methylisothiazolinone (allergenic, skin sensitivity), and retinyl palmitate (a form of vitamin A believed to speed the development of skin tumors and lesions).  

We highly recommend that you use the Environmental Working Group (ewg.org) consumer guides. They have an updated Sunscreen guide for adults, children, and babies. They write very insightful and helpful summaries of their findings and evaluate the ingredients of hundreds of products to protect you.  There are many price ranges, choices, and sources. Here is the link:  


Perhaps even more important is to take other simple, non-toxic precautions first such as:

  • During the heat of the midday sun, wear protective sunglasses, hats, and t-shirts and stay in the shade.
  • There really is no such thing as perfect sunscreen. It really should be used as a last resort as a protective measure. But if you must, choose the best.
  • We DO need some sun exposure for good health. Just 15 minutes of time in the sun every day, without sunscreen, helps the body to create about 10,000 units of natural vitamin D. Choose late morning to late afternoon hours and limit the time to 15 minutes to avoid skin damage.

So before you head out to the garden, or over to the lake, beach or hiking path, be sure you have everything on hand to protect your family and yourself from damaging your skin.

Happy Spring and Summer! Be well! Stay well!


By |2023-05-31T11:56:34-06:00June 1st, 2023|Articles, General|

Dark Chocolate, Lead & Cadmium

By Mila McManus, MD

...tested 28 different dark chocolate bars and found 23 of them to contain potentially harmful levels of lead, cadmium, or both.

Last January, Consumer Reports urged several chocolate producers to reduce the amount of lead and cadmium found in their dark chocolate products. A corporate accountability organization called You Sow tested 28 different dark chocolate bars and found 23 of them to contain potentially harmful levels of lead, cadmium, or both. The exposures were considered concerning for those who consume one ounce or more per day.

Heavy metals, such as lead and cadmium, are especially harmful for pregnant women and children because they can negatively affect brain development and lead to lower IQ.  They have negative effects on others as well, of course. Frequent exposure to lead in adults can lead to nervous system problems, hypertension, immune system suppression, kidney damage, and reproductive issues.

Brands with the highest levels included:

High in Both Lead & Cadmium – Theo Organic Dark 70%, Trader Joe’s The Dark Chocolate Lover’s, Theo Organic Extra Dark Pure, Lily’s Extremely Dark, and Green & Blacks Organic Dark.  All of these had 120-145% lead levels and 101-229% cadmium levels.

High Lead – Tony’s Chocolony Dark, Lily’s Extra Dark, Godiva Signature Dark, Chocolove Strong Dark, Lindt Excellence Dark, Endangered Species Bold + Silky Dark, Trader Joe’s Dark, Hu Organic Simple Dark, Chocolove Extreme Dark,  and Hershey’s Special Dark Mildly Sweet. All of these had 134-265% lead levels.

High Cadmium – Beyond Good Organic Pure Dark, Equal Exchange Organic Extra Dark, Lindt Excellence Dark, Scharffen Berger Extra Dark, Alter Eco Organic Dark Blackout, Pascha Organic Very Dark Dark,  and Dove Promises Deeper Dark. Cadmium ranged from 112-253%.

While every bar had some level of lead and cadmium, those found to have the lower and safer levels when consumed in moderation are Mast Organic Dark, Taza Chocolate Organic Deliciously Dark, Ghirardelli Intense Dark, Ghirardelli Intense Dark Twilight Delight, and Valrhona Abinao Dark. In these selections, lead ranged from 14-63% and cadmium ranged from 40-73%.

Heavy metals lurk in the cocoa solids of the cacao bean and are higher in the darker, over 65% cacao by weight, chocolates. Cocoa butter is the other solid portion. The heavy metal concerns can extend to other products such as hot cocoa, brownie mixes, and cake mixes. The older a tree becomes, the more heavy metals are passed from the soil into the tree. Additionally, different countries vary in the heavy metal contents of their soils. Heavy metals also tend to increase during the drying process while beans lie on the ground or near roads in the sun.  One way to reduce the heavy metal content is to mix beans from a variety of soils.

Michael J. DiBartolomeis, PhD, a toxicologist and former official at the California Department of Public Health who has researched heavy metals in chocolate, says that while he cautions pregnant women and children from eating dark chocolate, he doesn’t tell most people to give it up, just to know the risks and not overdo it. Consider adding detoxification strategies such as exercise, sauna, proper hydration, regular bowel function promoted through a high fiber diet, and frequent rotation of a wide variety of foods. Ask your provider if heavy metal testing is right for you.



Doctor’s Data Inc., Descriptive Texts for Lead and Cadmium, 1999-1921.




By |2023-05-23T11:23:01-06:00May 24th, 2023|Articles, General|

Fructose: The Most Harmful Sugar

by Mila McManus, MD

Fructose is increasingly in the forefront as causing significant health problems and its use by the food industry has increased considerably.

All sugars are harmful for us, especially when eaten in excess. We always recommend reduction of sugar intake as far as you possibly can. Fructose is increasingly in the forefront as causing significant health problems.  

The negative effects of fructose include:

  • Fatty liver
  • High Triglycerides
  • Weight Gain
  • Leptin Resistance
  • Keeps you feeling hungry
  • Increases uric acid which contributes to Cardiovascular Disease, cognitive decline, and kidney stones to name a few
  • Causes insulin resistance

Fructose is a simple sugar found in fruit, vegetables, and some natural sweeteners, and is also added to a wide variety of processed foods and beverages. Over the last 50 years, fructose use by the food industry has increased considerably.

The body’s preferred source of fuel is glucose, the form of sugar we are “wired” to use. While fructose is a simple sugar, the process of converting it to glucose must be done by the liver.  Once converted, it will be used for energy if the blood needs glucose, or it will be stored in the liver, or in fat cells.  The process of converting fructose results in a waste product called uric acid, a key contributor to gout and heart disease.  A good analogy would be to say that glucose is a clean fuel and fructose is a dirty fuel that pollutes your body.

High fructose corn sugar is a combination of fructose and glucose and made from corn starch. It is cheaper and sweeter than cane sugar.  It is found in soft drinks, bread, juices, ice cream, canned fruit, canned soup, ketchup, sweetened dairy products, cakes, cereal bars, salad dressings, and many other manufactured foods. We recommend elimination of these foods for a multitude of health reasons notwithstanding the ones listed above.

We also recommend avoiding corn syrup, honey, and agave nectar, and limiting fruit to no more than 2 servings a day. Grapes, watermelon, jackfruit, and dried fruit like cranberries, raisins, apricots, and apples are intensified forms of fructose, so best avoided or very limited. Small fresh fruit is a better choice and offers natural fructose. Fructose in fruit isn’t what’s causing disease in most people.  Along with the fructose in a piece of fruit you’re also getting fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients that your body needs.  Good choices include apples, apricots, berries, melon, citrus fruit, kiwi, cherries, pear, plum, and peach. A portion is about the size of a tennis ball, or ½ to 1 cup of fresh bite sized pieces.

If you need help getting fructose out of the diet, our staff nutritionist is available to guide you to healthier choices that are best for your unique body and health status.

Eat Well, Be Well.


Dr. David Perlmutter, author of Drop Acid: The Surprising New Science of Uric Acid


By |2023-05-15T15:55:34-06:00May 17th, 2023|Articles, General|

Melatonin Gummies: Label does not Equal Content

by Mila McManus, MD

The study analyzed 25 melatonin gummy products and found that 22 of them, (88%!) did not contain what the label said they did.

It always seems worth repeating – supplements are not all created equal! A recent study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) demonstrated, once again, the lack of quality control measure that are too common with over-the-counter supplements. Moreover, this is much more common with cheaper brands.

This investigation was for melatonin gummies for a sleep aid. The study analyzed 25 melatonin gummy products and found that 22 of them (88%!) did not contain what the label listed. One of them contained only 75% of the advertised amount on the label, while another had 347% more melatonin than the package listed. Another brand did not contain any detectable melatonin at all. Gummies are a popular delivery method for children’s supplements which makes this all the more concerning.

The same has been found to be true for many other supplements.  I have written about this before and explained a number of concerns, including the distinction between whole food supplements and synthetic supplements, and I encourage you to read that here.

We want to make sure this does not happen to our patients, families, and friends. Supplements and protein powders are not a wise place to scrimp on your budget. The quality and purity of all of the ingredients, both active and “other” ingredients on the label, and the correct dosing as promised on the package, all add up to safety and effectiveness. We are also aware of many supplements that are being counterfeited on Amazon (more than half the supplements sold on Amazon are counterfeit!); another concern resulting in our recommendation that you also not buy supplements there.  The supplements that we recommend at our facility have been vetted, so you can have peace of mind.

Be wise, be safe, and be well.





By |2023-05-09T09:27:19-06:00May 10th, 2023|Articles, General|

Kiwi: A Tasty New Option for Constipation and Gut Health

by Mila McManus, MD

Scientific studies have shown that Kiwi Fruit, has the ability to promote good digestion and to ease chronic constipation.

Many people struggle with constipation or other gastrointestinal maladies. Scientific studies have shown that Kiwi Fruit, a long valued traditional Chinese medicine, has the ability to promote good digestion and to ease chronic constipation. Most medications for chronic constipation are not very successful and have traditionally helped fewer than half of the patients. They are also associated with cramping, bloating, and diarrhea.  This makes more natural approaches appealing.

Kiwi is rich in antioxidants and high in fiber. A potent anti-inflammatory, studies show that daily consumption of kiwi fruit improves the softness and bulk of stools, thereby increasing the frequency and ease of bowel movements while reducing uncomfortable straining.  Unlike laxatives, kiwi does not cause diarrhea. In one study published in Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, participants diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome consumed two green kiwi fruit a day for four weeks. The participants experienced significant increases in frequency of bowel movements, less colon transit time, and improved bowel function.[1] In another study,[2] kiwi fruit reduced straining better than psyllium fiber!

Much of Kiwi’s therapeutic power comes from actinidin, an enzyme that helps to promote digestive  motility. Kiwi also contains pectin, which adds bulk to the stool and helps to treat both diarrhea and constipation.  Actinidin and pectin are both prebiotics, providing food for your friendly gut bacteria that are essential for good gut and immune functions.  Researchers compared the effect of kiwi fruit pectin to other commercial prebiotics and found that kiwi was the most effective in reducing the intestinal adhesion (aka stickiness) of disease-causing Salmonella bacteria. Furthermore, kiwi increases the stickiness of good, favorable gut bacteria found in probiotics.[3]

Kiwi is also an excellent source of Vitamin C, E, and potassium, and has 2.1 grams of fiber for an average sized fruit. They contain antioxidant citric and gallic acids as well as vision-boosting carotenoids such as lutein. Kiwi is also rich in glutathione, the body’s most powerful antioxidant that prevents oxidative damage to cells, and recycles vitamins C and E in the body. One kiwi a day has also been shown to lower the risk of stroke, blood clots, and heart disease.

A word of caution: For individuals who are allergic to pollen, rye, avocado, or bananas, you may also find that you react to kiwi fruit.  Additionally, those who are prone to kidney stones may want to limit it since they are moderately high in oxalates.

[1] Chang, Chun-Choa et al.”Kiwi fruit improves bowel function in patients with irritable bowel syndrome with constipation.” Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2010; 19(4):451-7.

[2] Bayer, Simone B, et al. Two gold kiwi fruit daily for effective treatment of constipation in adults – a randomized clinical trial. Nutrients 2022; 14(4146). https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14194146

[3] Naturalhealth365.com


By |2023-05-04T06:15:41-06:00May 4th, 2023|Articles, General|

Laundry Detergent: What’s in Yours?

by Mila McManus, MD

...recently banned laundry detergents ... after recognizing ... that 1,4-dioxane is a potential carcinogen found in laundry detergents.

Are you using Arm & Hammer Clean Burst, Tide Original, Arm & Hammer Sensitive Skin Free & Clear, or Gain Original + Aroma Boost? You may want to reconsider….

New York state recently banned laundry detergents containing more than 2 PPM of 1,4-dioxane after recognizing the health concerns that 1,4-dioxane is a potential carcinogen found in laundry detergents.

Exposure to 1,4-dioxane occurs by inhaling or ingesting contaminated air, food, or fumes from detergent, or from sheets or clothing that have been washed in the detergent. Exposure can also take place through skin contact (e.g., in lotions). Because it evaporates quickly, breathing the fumes pose the greatest risk, according to the Food and Drug Administration.

1,4-dioxane would not be included on an ingredient list because it enters detergent products through ethoxylation, a chemical processing that takes place in the manufacturing stage, and so is a byproduct of processing. It takes lab equipment to detect it.  Animal studies have flagged 1,4-dioxane as a potential carcinogen, although it is not the only harmful contaminant in laundry detergents. Skin irritation and rashes from popular laundry brands are common.

According to Lydia Jahl, PhD, a science and policy associate with Green Science Policy Institute, the best approach is to avoid detergents with ingredients like “polyethylene glycol (PEG), polysorbates, and chemicals ending in “-eth” or “oxynol” such as sodium laureth sulfate, which might suggest, though not confirm, that 1,4-dioxane is a contaminant.

The Environmental Working Group (ewg.org) has rated dozens of laundry detergents and at least twenty of them have received an “A” rating. Here are some of the cleaner, less toxic brand names:

Aspen Clean                                       Martha Stewart Clean                                    Puracy

Attitude                                              Nature’s Promise                                           Sensitive Home

Better Life                                          Dropps                                                           Seventh Generation

Common Good                                 O Organics                                                     Simple Truth Organic

Blueland                                             Earthley                                                         Whole Foods Green Mission

Dirty Labs Bio                                    Go By

365 Everyday Value                           Greenshield

9 Elements                                         Grab Green

Hello Bello                                         Presto!

Lazy Coconuts                                    PUR Home         

Be clean, Be Healthy.




By |2023-04-27T12:00:35-06:00April 27th, 2023|Articles, General|