P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

Recognizing a Good Supplement

by Mila McManus, MD

Supplements are not all created equal! On Amazon, 1 out of every 2 sold is counterfeit. Identifying quality supplements is quite complex.

Supplements are not all created equal! Natural products and supplement choices have exploded as Americans search for the next magic bullet for good health and longevity. On Amazon, 1 out of every 2 supplements sold is counterfeit.  More recently, the FDA threatened legal action against Amazon for selling male energy supplements that contained undeclared quantities of Cialis and Viagra in them.[1] Frankly, identifying quality supplements is quite complex. In this article, I will attempt to point out many of the variables I’ve discovered over the years in my efforts to ensure the best quality, potency, purity, and production standards.

First, generally speaking, you DO get what you pay for with regard to supplements, and there are also expensive well-known brands that should be avoided.  Still, if you are faced with making a decision when purchasing a supplement with no one to offer guidance, choose the more expensive and avoid the cheapest, generic supplements.

Second, carefully scrutinize the ‘other’ and ‘inactive’ ingredients on the labels and choose those with the fewest number of them. Binders, colors, coatings, sweeteners, and fillers are often potential allergens (e.g., yeast, gluten, corn, soy) or known carcinogens (e.g., food colors, talc, dyes, artificial sweeteners). Some harmless ones include silicon dioxide, cellulose, and citric acid.

Third, look for third-party tested supplements to ensure quality control and purity. One study of 55 different brands of vitamin D showed that the actual amount of vitamin D per dose varied from 9 to 146% of what the labels listed.  Several years ago, Consumer Labs studied numerous brands of multivitamins and nearly half of them didn’t have in the bottles what the bottles listed were in the bottles.[3]  Higher-end, reputable supplement manufacturers use the best raw materials, create formulations based on solid scientific data, and use third-party testing to ensure quality and purity of their products.  These factors command a higher price.

Fourth, be aware that common contaminants found in vitamins and supplements include mold, pesticides, and heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, and mercury.  You won’t see that listed on the label!   While USP, GMP, and NPA are common quality seals on supplements that suggest it has met at least some minimum quality standards, it does not necessarily ensure top quality. There are many top quality supplements without these seals.  Remember, supplements are not very regulated. So who are you going to trust?

Fifth, the amount of active ingredients varies widely across supplements.  A supplement may appear great because of numerous healthy ingredients listed, such as CoQ10, turmeric, spirulina, chlorella, ginger, fruits, and vegetables, but they may be insignificant amounts that aren’t doing much good, if at all.  It’s also noteworthy that the RDA (recommended daily allowance) is often very suboptimal.  For instance, the RDA for vitamin C may be enough to prevent scurvy, but it’s hardly an optimal amount to support immune function, alleviate seasonal allergies, and neutralize the onslaught of free radicals and chemicals to which we are exposed on a daily basis.

Sixth, when looking at nutrient labels on vitamin and mineral supplements, it’s important to know the difference between their forms. You’ll notice, for example, that there are several forms of magnesium.  Magnesium glycinate, magnesium oxide, magnesium citrate, and magnesium malate are all different chelated forms of magnesium.  If your magnesium supplement is magnesium oxide, it’s nothing more than a good laxative. You aren’t absorbing that magnesium for its internal benefits.  Calcium is another good example.  Calcium carbonate is very inexpensive and also not well absorbed.  If this is the form in your multivitamin, it’s time to find a better one.

Seventh, it seems intuitive that taking a ‘natural whole food’ supplement would be better than a synthetic form; however, that’s often not the case. A supplement claiming to have nothing but fruits and vegetables in it may be contaminated with pesticides, and it’s also difficult to get optimal doses of nutrients from fruits and vegetables.  Sure, it’s obviously important to eat your fruits and vegetables, but these days our bodies require much more than those can provide.  This is mainly due to depletion of nutrients available in soil, and increased toxins in the environment.   Another reason that whole food based supplements may not be ideal for some is the yeast content.  Yeast is a common allergen that could be affecting you without you realizing it.

Eighth, popularity does not mean quality. For instance, Centrum® is one of the most popular brands of multivitamin, however, it contains corn and soy (highly allergenic and genetically modified), 3 food dyes including red dye #40, Talc (yes, baby powder, and has been linked to cancer), and contains the cheapest and least absorbable minerals, namely calcium carbonate and magnesium oxide.

Ninth, there are synthetic and natural forms of many vitamins.  Remember that synthetic means it has been man made through chemical synthesis. While some water soluble vitamins can be acceptable in their synthetic form, the fat-soluble dl-alpha vitamin E should be avoided! The best form of vitamin E is “mixed tocopherols”.

Overwhelmed?  Well, we’ve done our homework and offer several product lines at our facility to make your life easier. And we’re happy to ship them to you.

Be Well. Choose Health.

[1] https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-receives-fda-warning-over-male-energy-supplements-containing-viagra-2023

[2] https://www.westonaprice.org/health-topics/health-issues/dietary-supplements-what-the-industry-does-not-want-you-to-know/#gsc.tab=0

[3] O magazine, June 2004  (Article on Consumer Labs study)

 Other Resources:

Blog, Herbs and Supplements, Holistic & Functional Nutrition: Trending Topics/ July 26, 2023. The Hidden Dangers of Buying Supplements on Amazon and eBay.







By |2024-02-20T08:21:30-06:00February 28th, 2024|Articles, General|

Supplements – 4 Good Reasons You Need Them!

by Mila McManus, MD

In my clinical experience, most patients come into our practice with at least one or more nutrient deficiencies, and I recommend supplements. Why are so many people deficient in nutrients?

In my clinical experience, most patients come into our practice with at least one or more nutrient deficiencies, and I recommend supplements. Why are so many people deficient in nutrients?  Well, it’s certainly not due to a lack of food availability.  We have plenty of restaurants and grocery stores, and about 75% of the population is overweight or obese.

So why don’t we get everything our bodies need from the food we eat?

Here are the top 4 reasons:

  • Most of our soil is over-farmed and depleted of nutrients due to commercial agricultural farming operations (CAFO’s). Deficient soil grows deficient plants.
  • Most of our fruits and vegetables are harvested very early, before ripening, so that they can be shipped, stored, and distributed over long distances. Nutrients develop in the ripening process on the tree or vine and in the sunshine, so when they are picked early, they are already deficient. Once picked, nutrients are also lost as the food ages and is exposed to heat. By the time we get our fruits and vegetables in the grocery store, they are very deficient in vital nutrients. 
  • Ultra-processed food, 85% of what is found in grocery stores and fast-food restaurants, is grossly deficient in nutrients due to the destructive nature of food processing. Any vitamins or minerals added back in by the food industry are cheap formulations that are not very absorbable by the body. For example, calcium carbonate is added to nut milks to claim they have the RDA (aka recommended daily allowance) of calcium, but this is not a form of calcium that’s well absorbed.
  • Our bodies are assaulted every day by our environment – stress, pollution, chemicals… just to name a few. Your body does an amazing job of coping with all of this; however, it does so by demanding more vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and quality nutrition. When your cells cannot obtain everything they need to do their jobs, you experience symptoms of illness, rather than wellness.

Hopefully this helps you understand why it’s important to supplement your diet properly with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Guidance from a trained medical professional will help to ensure you are getting what you need, in a form your body can absorb, while avoiding unnecessary ingredients and supplements. This also explains why we recommend a whole food diet, organic and regenerative farming practices, and a healthy lifestyle.

Of course, that brings us to the next obvious question. In a vast marketplace capitalizing on the supplementation craze, how do you know what supplements are worth buying?  Stay tuned! Next week we will address the many important considerations when choosing supplementation.

By |2024-05-08T22:35:07-06:00February 20th, 2024|General|

What is Synbio Milk?

by Mila McManus MD

Synbio milk is not  recognized by spell check, and you might best not recognize it either. Synbio milk is synthetic.

Everyday a new-fangled food shows up in the grocery store. Consumer BEWARE! Synbio milk is not  recognized by spell check, and you might not recognize it either. Synbio milk is synthetic. The Oxford Dictionary defines “synthetic” as made by chemical synthesis, especially to imitate a natural product. This is another example coming from the food engineering world that believes we can replace whole foods with lab-grown, chemically concocted alternatives that are wholly equivalent to the original ancestral real food diet. Reality check…. that’s simply impossible.

Dr. John Fagan is a molecular biologist who worked with the U.S. National Institutes for Health for almost a decade. The co-founder and chief scientist at the Health Research Institute (HRI) now, Fagan says this “synbio milk-like product” contains compounds that have never before existed in the human diet. In fact, through cutting-edge mass spectrometric technology, he identified 92 unknown compounds![1] 

Fagan says you can’t say this is nutritionally like milk in any way. The same concerns exist with animal free meat. In both cases, mysterious compounds are detected that don’t exist in real milk or meat.  These compounds are so uncommon, they have yet to be named. They have never been found in the human food chain. None of these compounds have been tested for safety by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration[2], and they have been put on the market by the FDA that we are paying taxes to watch and make sure our food is safe.

This is an excellent example of the ultra-processed food [UPI’s] criteria we discussed in a recent article about the NOVA food classification system used in the Food Engineering industry. It is a globalist and profit driven system, vastly opposite from agricultural ranching and farming. Be tuned in for industry buzzwords such as “precision fermentation”, a term in biotech industry being used to piggyback off the popularity of the truly health-promoting natural fermentation we encourage you to consume.[3] The processes are wildly different! The long-term outcomes are entirely unknown, but the marketing techniques are stealthy.

Be wise. Eat real. Cherish Health.


[1] The Checkout, Episode 157, Dr. John Faga’s Concerning New Findings About “Animal Free” Dairy.

[2] Food Business News October 27, 2023

[3] Mercola.com, article Synbio Milk, Dairy-free. December 2023.

By |2024-02-14T10:53:10-06:00February 15th, 2024|Articles, General|

Are High Smoke Point Oils Good for Health?

by Mila McManus, MD

Many chefs will attribute a high smoke point as culinary benefits but is it possible that we should consider if it is healthy?

The most popular culinary chefs on your cooking channel are likely proponents of cooking in plant oil {vegetable or seed oil], such as olive, avocado, peanut, grapeseed, sesame, or canola oil.   Most hot preparation recipes call for one of these.  Many chefs will attribute a high smoke point and light flavor as culinary benefits to using them. But is it healthy?

Industrially Manufactured -What is a high smoke point oil? High smoke point oils are produced by manufacturers using industrial refinement processes such as bleaching, filtering, and high-temperature heating. The refinement process serves to extract and eliminate the extraneous compounds that burn, or smoke, at a certain point. This also makes the oil shelf-life longer[1]. This industrial refinement applies to most of the oils labeled “high smoke point” including avocado, canola, cottonseed, grapeseed, olive, peanut, safflower, soybean, and sunflower oils. Refinement increases manufacturers’ profitability while making them more pro-oxidative, pro-inflammatory, toxic, and nutrient deficient[2].

Damaged and Adulterated – Cooks are focused on taste – not necessarily on what is in the best interest of your body. Light, heat, water, and air are enemies of cooking oils. For this reason, it doesn’t make health-sense to cook with them. Whether cooking with high temperatures for short duration [think searing a roast in a pan at 375-400°], or lower temperatures for a longer duration [think roasting vegetables for 30 minutes at 350° or higher], heat will breakdown and destroy these cooking oils. They are not structurally secure chemical formulas. There is considerable speculation that, much like olive oil and grapeseed oils, avocado oil is also being refined, tainted, and blended with cheaper seed oils.  At this point, it’s difficult to discern a clean, unadulterated oil from a damaged one on the grocery store shelf. Carefully selected unrefined olive and avocado oils are healthy choices for cold preparations which allow  you to reap the natural, unadulterated benefits of these mostly mono-unsaturated fats.

Toxic to Cells – Research is revealing how toxic these oils are to your mitochondria, the organelles found in every cell in your body necessary to produce energy and keep the cell alive and functioning[3]. Research suggests refined vegetable/seed oils [i.e. avocado, canola, cottonseed, grapeseed, olive, peanut, safflower, soybean, and sunflower] are implicated in the rise of lifestyle diseases of today, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. These oils are found in all processed foods, fast food, and most restaurant food[4]. They are on the oil aisle touted as high smoke point options.

Omega 3:6 Ratios – Vegetable/seed oils are also extremely high in omega-6 fats, even when fresh from the source. While we need omega-6 fats, they are very easy to get from our diet. Most people eating the standard American diet, which is highly processed, consume five times more omega-6 fats than omega-3 fats, creating excess oxidation, inflammation, and toxicity. One good example of a common health outcome of eating too many Omega-6 fats is excess LDL cholesterol and a high total cholesterol.  Lowering omega -6 fats in the diet and increasing Omega-3 fats contribute important antioxidant, anti-inflammatory benefits for the whole body and can lower LDL cholesterol and improve total cholesterol. But omega-3 fats are much more difficult to get through the diet.  Getting the proper balance of Omega-3 to omega-6 oils requires action from both aspects: reduction of vegetable/seed oils high in omega-6 fats and increases in quality sources of omega-3 fats such as wild anchovies, mackerel, herring, and cod liver oil, as well as grass-fed beef, pasture raised eggs, walnuts, and appropriate supplementation[5].

Carcinogenic Potential – The smoke point of an oil, also known as the burn point, is where the oil breaks down and releases free radicals and a substance called acrolein, the chemical taste and smell of burnt oil. Acrylamide is the common substance released from burnt plant foods such as potatoes, found to be cancer causing in mice[6]. Extremely high heat cooking will most likely result in oxidation and release of toxic acrylamides from the food being cooked. So whether it’s from the oil, or the food being cooked, the natural structure of both the oil and the food [meat, veggie, egg, etc.] are also being de-natured, reducing its nutrient value and increasing its toxicity. It’s best to minimize high heat cooking.

Solutions – Use saturated fats for medium high, medium, and low heat stovetop, roasting, and baking. Saturated fats, which are solid, not liquid, at room temperature, are structurally double bonded chemical formulas. That is what gives them their solid nature. They tolerate light, heat, and air much better than the oils already mentioned above. Our earlier ancestors left butter on the counter all the time. They are also generally lower in Omega 6 content, and higher in Omega 3, less easily oxidized, and less inflammatory or pro-oxidative. They are good for brain and heart health and promote absorption of important fat soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K which promote healthy bones, skin, and vision, just to name a few. They tolerate heat better for longer periods of time, offer better nutrition, and are not industrially refined  in the first place. Start with an undamaged oil the way it is found in nature such as ghee, butter, beef tallow, pork or chicken fat, and coconut oil. Ideally, animal fats should come from animals that ate their natural diet grazing and foraging, and should be organic whenever possible. All animal fats have a smoke point equal to or higher than avocado or olive oil. The French are well known for cooking in duck fat. The flavor is delightful.

Cook wisely. Be Well.

[1] https://www.seriouseats.com/cooking-fats-101-whats-a-smoke-point-and-why-does-it-matter#toc-chart-smoke-point-index

[2] Knobbe, Chris A. (May 14, 2023). The Ancestral Diet Revolution. Ancestral Health Foundation.

[3] Rogers, Kara. (January 9, 2024) Science & Tech: Mitochondrion. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com.

[4] Knobbe, Chris A. (May 14, 2023). The Ancestral Diet Revolution. Ancestral Health Foundation.

[5] https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/12-omega-3-rich-foods. Updated October 6, 2023. Accessed 1/18/2024.

[6] https://www.cancer.net/blog/2023-01/can-eating-grilled-or-charred-foods-cause-cancer

By |2024-02-07T10:45:10-06:00February 7th, 2024|Articles, General|

Vibration Therapy

15 minutes a day of whole-body vibration three times a week may aid weight loss, burn fat, enhance blood flow, build strength and more.

Sessions can be as little as a few minutes, with benefits really taking effect with at least a 10-minute session. Vibration therapy may aid weight loss, burn fat, improve flexibility, enhance blood flow, reduce muscle soreness after exercise, build strength and decrease the stress hormone cortisol.1

Other Benefits

  • Improves Circulation
  • Improves Bone Density
  • Enhances Lymphatic Flow and Drainage
  • Improves General Fitness
  • Combats Cellulite

While you’re enjoying it, check in on social media to show everyone how cool it is!

Vibration therapy is offered in our Longevity Room, along with red light therapy and infrared sauna.  

Learn more here!

Ref: https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/expert-answers/whole-body-vibration/faq-20057958

By |2024-05-08T22:44:03-06:00January 31st, 2024|Articles, General|

The Electrolyte Craze and What to Choose

by Mila McManus, MD

Most of the electrolyte products we have examined do not use the most bioavailable forms of the electrolytes the human body can absorb.

Electrolyte powders and drinks are the current craze in the health and nutrition industry. There are a plethora of brands flooding the market to capitalize on the craze and make everyone think they need them. Most of the products we have examined do not use the most bioavailable forms of the electrolytes the human body can absorb. In many cases, they are unbalanced between sodium and potassium which can also be problematic for some people.  Other brands are significant sources of sugar and destabilize blood sugar which you want to avoid doing.

People who are generally healthy, hydrate well, and eat their vegetables, fruits, and nuts daily, probably don’t need an electrolyte mix.  It may be more necessary with more extreme forms of exercising and sweating. There may be individual imbalances and/or circumstances where a medical provider may recommend a supplement. Prolonged diarrhea or vomiting may call for electrolyte replacement.  In any case, if you are going to use an electrolyte supplement, you want to choose carefully and wisely.  We encourage you to talk to your medical provider to determine if an electrolyte supplement is necessary for your individual health and wellness. 

In light of the demand, interest, and poor market quality of most electrolytes, we have identified and now carry a quality electrolyte supplement that is properly balanced with bioavailable electrolytes.

Electrolyte Forte by Biotics Research is a powder that is added to eight ounces of water or other liquid.  It is flavored with a subtle fruity taste and gently sweetened with monk fruit. The sodium-potassium balance is appropriate for most people and the product is gluten and dairy free. The electrolytes, which are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, and potassium are in bioavailable forms along with vitamin C and taurine for optimal absorption.

If you need or want to take electrolytes, this in one we can get behind. Stop in or order on line and give it a try.

Be well.

Ref: Biotics Research Practitioner Literature

By |2023-12-29T10:48:46-06:00January 28th, 2024|General|

NOVA – Everyone needs to know about it!

by Mila McManus, MD

NOVA is the most widely used food classification system according to degree of processing. The way they are classified may surprise you!

NOVA is the most widely used food classification system according to the degree of processing. Understanding the categories can be helpful for choosing less processed foods.  The way they are classified may surprise you!  

Food processing refers to any deliberate alteration in a food occurring between the production of raw foods or food ingredients and the point of destination or consumption of a final product. Food processing also varies in purpose, including preservation, safety, quality, availability, convenience, innovation, taste, sustainability, and extent of processing[1]. Not all processing is bad or harmful to your health. What is becoming unquestionable is that Ultra-processed foods [UPFs] are responsible, in large part, for common lifestyle diseases such as obesity and diabetes.  These were rare a century ago.


Group 1 – Unprocessed or minimally processed foods

                Included in this group are edible parts of plants and animals [i.e. vegetables, fruits, meat], as well as algae [i.e., spirulina, chlorella], fungi [i.e., mushrooms], and water.  Food may be crushed, dried, fermented, pasteurized, ground, or frozen, but may not have any additives such as salt, sugar, oils, fats, or other culinary ingredients.

Group 2 – Processed Culinary Ingredients

                Included in this group are substances mined or extracted from nature such as spices, salt, herbs, seeds, nuts, olive oil, sugar, vinegar, starches, honey, syrups extracted from trees  [i.e., maple], and butter.

Group 3 – Processed Foods

                Included in this group are relatively simple food products made by adding processed culinary ingredients from Group 2, such as sugar and salt, to unprocessed Group 1 foods. They can be baked, boiled, canned, bottled or fermented. Additives can be included to enhance shelf-life, protect properties of unprocessed foods, prevent the spread of microorganisms, or make them more enjoyable.  Examples include cheese, canned vegetables, salted nuts, fruits in syrup, and dried or canned fish.  Breads, pastries, cakes, biscuits, snacks, and some meat products fall into this group when they are made predominantly from Group 1 and Group 2 foods.

Group 4 – Ultra-Processed Foods [UPFs]

                Formulations of ingredients, mostly of exclusive industrial use, typically created by a series of industrial techniques and processes. Group 1 foods often compose a small proportion of their ingredients or are even lacking entirely.  Ultra-processing often introduces food substances of little or no culinary use, such as hydrogenated oil, modified starch, protein isolate, and high fructose corn syrup.  Processes include extrusion, molding, and pre-frying, along with the addition of various cosmetic additives, including those for flavor enhancement and color.

 It’s not difficult to distinguish the dramatic shift from Group 1, 2, and 3 foods to the UPFs in Group 4. UPFs are not real foods, but rather are fabricated, created, engineered substances, and often contain ZERO Group 1 food. A new synthetic milk, genetically engineered from yeast, was found to have ninety-two mysterious, unknown compounds in it![3] [more on that to come] Ultra-processed foods now make up 75% or more of the foods found in grocery stores, and about 58% of the calories that U.S. adults and children ages 1 and older consume in a day, according to an analysis of federal data collected from 2001 to 2018[4].  Virtually all fast food falls into Group 4 UPFs!  Most food products in a bag or package are also UPFs. More and more, studies are linking diets high in UPFs with increased risks for obesity, Type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and depression.

According to Mira Dessey, The Ingredient Guru and nutrition educator, and author of The Pantry Principle (2013),  the top ten food ingredients most harmful to our health[5] , and found in UPFs, are:

  • Artificial Colors [FD&C Red #2, for example]
  • Artificial Sweeteners [Sucralose, Saccharin, Aspartame are the most common]
  • BHA & BHT
  • Brominated Vegetable Oil
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Hydrogenated Oils
  • Mono-sodium Glutamate, a.k.a. MSG
  • Sodium Benzoate
  • Sodium Nitrate/Nitrite
  • Soy, Corn, Cottonseed, and Canola oils

Grand Takeaway:  If it is cheap, tasty, and convenient, or marked as “low in sugar”, “heart healthy”, even “gluten-free”, it is most likely a Group 4 UPF.   

 Mira says, “ You are what you eat. Don’t be fast, cheap, and easy.”  

 Make Group 1 and 2 NOVA your primary sources for food and observe the difference and quality of your life and health!

Be Well!

[1] Capozzi, F., Magkos, F., Fava, F., Milani, G.P., Agostoni, C., Astrup, A., & Saguy, I. S. (2021). A multidisciplinary perspective of ultra-processed foods and associated food processing technologies: A view of the sustainable road ahead [Review]. Nutrients, 13, 3948. http://doi.org/10.3390/nuf13113948

[2] Heldman, D. R., & Lund, D. B. (2011) Beginning, current, and future of food engineering: A perspective. In J. M. Aguilera, G.V. Barbosa-Canovas, R. Simpson, J. Welti-Chanes, and D. Bermundez-Aguirre (Eds.), Food Engineering Interfaces (pp. 3-18). Springer Publishing.

[3] The Checkout, Episode 157, Dr. John Fagan’s Concerning New Findings about “Animal Free” Dairy, 21:00.

[4] Petersen, Andrea. (November 15, 2023) How eating ultra-processed foods can affect your health. The Wall Street Journal (A14).

[5] Dessey, M. NE (October 17, 2023), Top 10 Food Ingredients to Avoid. Instagram.

By |2024-01-11T07:00:28-06:00January 11th, 2024|General|

Maintain your weight loss with TWIHW.

Congratulations on maintaining your weight loss with TWIHW! We understand that maintaining weight loss can be a challenge, so we want to ensure you have the best resources to help you stay on track.

At TWIHW, we offer a variety of weight management tools that can help you maintain your weight loss or reach new goals. Because you have completed the 8-week initial cycle of our weight loss protocol, you can purchase Semaglutide in 4-week cycles, which range in price from $299 to $499. The dose you can restart will depend on the time since your last injection. Our team will be able to provide more guidance.

In addition to Semaglutide, we also have other tools to assist you in maintaining your weight loss or reaching new goals, such as sugar craving protocols on ONDAMED, metabolic rate analysis on Metacheck, nutrition counseling, and our latest program that uses continuous glucose monitors (aka CGMs) to monitor your glucose 24/7 and see how your body reacts to food, stress, and activity.

We also have some supplements that can help with weight management, such as hiphenolic, and some injectables, such as NAD and Lipo-B.

If you’d like to learn more about how TWIHW can help you keep the weight off in 2024 and beyond, please contact our team. We look forward to continuing on your wellness journey with you.

Best regards,


Congratulations on maintaining your weight loss with TWIHW! We understand that maintaining weight loss can be a challenge, so we want to ensure you have the best resources to help you stay on track.
Weight Loss Protocol at TWIHW
By |2024-05-08T22:49:23-06:00January 4th, 2024|General|

Herbicides and Adolescent Brains

by Mila McManus, MD

Herbicides are the most common class of chemicals. Exposures to (herbicides) are associated with worse brain function among adolescents...

More than 80,000 chemicals are registered for use today, and hundreds of chemicals are added every year. We do, indeed, live in a toxic world. Chemical exposure is pervasive.  Especially concerning is the impact this has on developing brains of children and adolescents. Herbicides, used predominantly in green spaces, homes, and industry are the most common class of chemicals. Exposures to glyphosate and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid [a.k.a. 2,4D] are associated with worse brain function among adolescents according to a study led by researchers at the Erbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science at University of California Sand Diego.

When 519 adolescents aged 11 to 17 were tested, glyphosate, a nonselective herbicide used in crops and for residential vegetation control, was detected in 98% of the participants. 2,4D, a broadleaf herbicide used on lawns, aquatic sites, and agriculture, was detected in 66% of the participants. Researchers assessed the participants in five neurobehavioral performance areas including attention, inhibitory control, memory and learning, language, visuospatial processing, and social perception.  The higher the amounts of 2.4D, the lower neurobehavioral performance in the domains of attention and inhibitory control, memory and learning, and language. Higher concentrations of glyphosate in participants was associated with lower scores in social perception.

Today, 20% of adolescents and 26% of young adults have diagnosable mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, impulsivity, aggression or learning disorders. We encourage you to buy organic and to think twice about what you use in and around your homes to treat lawns and control insects.  There are many more natural, chemical free options than ever before and can be very effective.

Also, we offer a toxicant test that requires a simple urine collection.  And we have many options to help detoxify the body from toxins and toxicants. 

Be Wise, Be Well.


MDLinx (October 11, 2023). Research finds commonly-used herbicide is harmful to adolescent brain function. https://www.mdlinx.com/news.


By |2024-01-01T12:31:15-06:00January 3rd, 2024|General|

Introducing the CGM Program! 

cgm sensor and app view for TWIHW CGM Program
CGM Sensor and App preview

What is it?  CGM stands for Continuous Glucose Monitor.  It is a device worn on the arm that provides the wearer with detailed information about how food, stress level, sleep quality, and activities impact blood sugar.

Stabilizing blood sugar is a foundational key to overall good health for everyone.

Who benefits from wearing a CGM? 

Anyone and everyone who wants to:

  • Optimize health and feel better.
  • Lose weight but finds it difficult to do so.
  • Understand how your unique body functions in relation to the foods you eat, your stress level, sleep quality, and activities.
  • Better manage diabetes.
  • Prevent low blood sugar.
  • Alleviate brain fog, fatigue, and mood swings.
  • Stop sugar cravings.
  • Reduce chances of getting a lifestyle disease [i.e., heart, autoimmune, cancer, diabetes, etc.]


  • Ongoing spiking of blood glucose leads to lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • Blood sugar spikes also affect metabolic function, leading to permanent damage.
  • The chronic spiking of blood glucose causes weight gain, non-alcoholic fatty liver, and the inability to utilize your fat stores as fuel.
  • Spiking your blood glucose also leads to a multitude of symptoms such as sugar cravings, extreme hunger pangs, energy crashes, brain fog, moodiness, digestive issues, trouble sleeping, waking up with heart palpitations, acne, inflammation, anxiety, and frequent colds.
  • To help you develop a healthy nutritional lifestyle by determining what triggers your blood sugar spikes so that you can balance your blood sugar.

The CGM Program includes:                 ($699 for current patients, $799 for new patients)     

  • Initial appointment with a medical provider [labs ordered if necessary]
  • Two Metacheck metabolism tests provide basal metabolic rate, caloric needs, and rate of metabolism.
  • There are two appointments with the nutritionist to examine, understand, and process the results captured by the CGM sensor—assistance with lifestyle and dietary adjustments to achieve your goals.
  • One meal plan that incorporates your specific dietary needs.
  • E-mail check-ins.
  • Two CGMs -one to wear initially and then again after two months. This also includes the Theia application download, where the patient will also keep track of activities and food intake to correlate with the CGM results. Results will be available in the app and at TWIHW with each nutrition follow-up appointment.

 For more explanation regarding our need for glucose, click here


By |2024-01-12T23:24:54-06:00December 13th, 2023|General|