P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

“I am so glad I found Dr. McManus.”

I am so glad I found Dr. McManus.

After going to 5 doctors in conventional medicine I finally decided to branch out to functional medicine. I am so glad I found Dr. McManus. She treated each one of my many symptoms which ranged from anxiety, awful reflux, sleep issues, moodiness, but most of all a nerve issue. She set out a detailed plan with diet, supplements and testing. I felt so much better after the diet reset and taking the proper nutrients my body so desperately needed. Dr. McManus’ whole staff is extremely well trained to help you with anything that comes up. I loved the weekly email check-ins while on the diet cleanse. They give you the resources to help you and they really want you to feel your very best.

From Lana P.


By |2018-06-20T20:22:52-05:00April 16th, 2018|General, Testimonials|

“Continuing to Stay Strong”

Continuing to Stay Strong

Good Morning Dr. McManus,

I thought I would start your morning off with some good news.

T’s health is continuing to stay strong. She made it through the second little bug since the summer – again with no antibiotics or steroids needed to clear the congestion…and no secondary infections. 🙂

Additionally, she is now ranked #3 in the state in women’s pole vault and acing all her senior classes.

R has not deviated a bit from the health reset protocol and has minimum flare ups from his gout. He is down 20 lbs and not slowing down.

Thanks again to your entire team for your program, expertise and support. You and your team are very appreciated and I hope you have a wonderful week!


By |2018-05-08T14:06:12-05:00March 12th, 2018|General, Testimonials|

“Best Decision I Have Made!”

Best Decision I Have Made!
I found Dr. McManus through a friend and I’m so glad that I did! My weight was spiraling out of control and I was just miserable! I had a hysterectomy 7 years ago and never really had anyone “manage” my HRT, I needed help. She helped me balance my hormones to help me work on weight loss and it worked! I was finally able to sleep without sleeping pills and my weight started to go down! Dr. McManus and her staff are just amazing! They really helped me in a time when I was just desperate for a change, best decision I have made! Thank you!

-Kristi N.

By |2018-04-16T10:40:22-05:00February 26th, 2018|General, Testimonials|

“I feel more like myself”

I feel more like myself
Hi Sandra-

Thank YOU for your continued patience & support with me over the years. After the B-shot, Ondamed treatment yesterday & starting back on supplements Saturday, I’m feeling much better (at least 75% better).  Given how badly I was feeling, it feels miraculous! 🙂

I  feel more like myself today, (with) improved flexibility/mobility/energy.



By |2018-04-16T10:42:45-05:00January 5th, 2018|General, Testimonials|

“That day changed my life.”

That day changed my life.

I had a complete hysterectomy in my late thirties and the shift in hormones lead to a 75 pound overall weight gain despite “healthy eating” and exercise.  On November 20, 2014, I had met with Dr. McManus regarding my frustration and she suggested a Ketogenic way of eating.  That day changed my life.  After scientific research which educated me on the correct way to follow a nutritional Ketogenic way of eating.  I have continued eating a Ketogenic Diet for over 3 years and have gone from 45+% Body Fat to 25%, with a goal of 20%.  It is a sustainable and maintainable way of eating and has led me to continuing my education as I continue to build muscle and burn fat.  –Lisa A.

By |2018-02-26T14:17:55-05:00December 8th, 2017|General, Testimonials|

“I am extremely thankful and grateful”

I am extremely thankful and grateful

Dr. McManus, because Thanksgiving is upon us, I was thinking about things I am grateful for. Simply put, I am extremely thankful and grateful for you, your staff and the work that you do. The more I interact with you and your staff, the more I appreciate each of you. I am very thankful to God for you. He has used you to bless me and many, many others. You could have done many things with your life and taken many different directions but you used your trials and tribulations to help others instead of wallowing in self pity and bitterness. Thank you also for standing up for the truth. It takes courage to do that especially in the face of criticism. You are a doctor, a woman and a person of principle and that is a blessing to all of us. May God, who is sovereign, merciful, loving, forgiving and just, bless you with every good thing. May He fill you with His wisdom and give you His peace, courage, strength and love all the days of your life. May His light continue to shine through you so that others may see your good works and glorify Him.

Sincerely, J & M

By |2018-04-16T10:44:32-05:00December 4th, 2017|General, Testimonials|

“I felt better the first week!”

I felt better the first week!

I can’t say enough about Dr. McManus and her awesome staff. I love that you can email or call and ask questions whenever you have a need.
I needed to find something to help me feel better. I was taking antihistamines, meds for acid reflux, have food allergies and seasonal allergies, joint pain with inflammation in my entire body, weight gain and cholesterol medicine. The medicines I was taking were just covering up the symptoms.
I started with the yeast cleanse – I felt better the first week and have continued to feel less pain, reduced acid reflux and just feel better in general. After the yeast cleanse I started on the weight loss program. I’m loosing weight and feel so much better.

Looking forward to a much healthier me!

from L.G.

By |2018-04-16T10:51:07-05:00October 31st, 2017|General, Testimonials|

“She has the sparkles back in her eyes!”

She has the sparkles back in her eyes!
Hi Dr. McManus –
Just wanted to share some continued good news with T.  She is back conditioning 5 days and week and training with a coach.  No dizzy spells and she is just having normal soreness with good recovery time.
We made it through her usual back to school cold/allergy/sore throat/congestion/cough stuff in less than a week with no ear or sinus infection, antibiotics or steroids.  (HOORAY!)
No complaints of stomach aches in over a month (she is off dairy completely, but still not 100% gluten free).
Even through all the illness and injury last year, she pulled off top 10% of her class and is making it look like a cake walk with all A’s to start this year.
We are so thankful for you and your team. She has the sparkle back in her eyes 🙂
By |2018-04-16T10:46:32-05:00October 7th, 2017|General, Testimonials|

“Within the first week my daughters debilitating GI issues were GONE!!!”

Within the first week my daughters debilitating GI issues were GONE!!!

from Lynn W.

After 9 months of doctors appointments, multiple tests, co-pays, deductibles, time list from work and school…all with no answers, I took my teenage daughter to Dr. McManus at the suggestion of a friend.  My daughter suffered from chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain and fatigue.  I felt completely frustrated that none of the specialists (including the head of TX Children’s GI deptwere able to figure out what was going on. At the first appointment with Dr McManus she suggested a gluten free diet with a yeast cleanse based on my daughters symptoms.  I knew it would be a challenge based on the typical teenager diet my daughter had been following but out of desperation, we jumped – but not without a parachute.  We had a whole team of support people to help.  Nancy, an amazing nutritionist and Maddie our MA were there to help every step of the way. Within the first week my daughters debilitating GI issues were GONE!!! I can’t say enough about Dr McManus and her wonderful team…my daughter got an education about nutrition and health that will benefit her for the rest of her life.  I feel blessed to have found this amazing practice! Absolutely blessed!

By |2018-06-21T15:10:43-05:00August 26th, 2017|General, Testimonials|

“I made a stunning recovery!”

I made a stunning recovery!

from Donna S.

I began treatment with you in June 2008. I was obese, full of candida, thyroid and hormonal imbalance, adrenal fatigue and

was feeling sick and hopeless. Within a few short weeks of following the yeast free protocol and getting the right medication and

supplements, I felt better than I had in decades. My energy returned, my palate changed and I lost 50 pounds. I was actually

eating more food, than when I was shut down and ill. My food was fuel, and my body processed it! I made a stunning recovery, and

had the energy and stamina to lead a busy fulfilling life. I was working in a career that I love, singing and vocal coaching.

In 2010 I was diagnosed and treated for tonsil cancer. Because of your work in building my health and wellness, I was going into treatment

in the best physical condition possible to face the rigorous cancer treatment ahead of me. I was strong, well nourished, and optimistic.

I walked through radiation on two feet, and came out on the other side with a complete cancer free result. I was one of very few

patients with my type of cancer who got through treatment without a feeding tube. I am still singing and training musical theatre artists,

Praise God! The work you do is truly life changing. I am so grateful for your wisdom and insight into diagnosing and treating each individual case.


Thank you!

By |2017-08-26T08:49:47-05:00July 19th, 2017|General, Testimonials|