What is it?
Migra Spray is a patented over the counter homeopathic medicine intended to be a comprehensive approach for the treatment and prevention of migraine headaches (MigraSpray can also be effective for treating the pain and symptoms associated with menstrual cycles as well as tension headaches and hangovers). Use it for the rapid treatment of a migraine attack or use it daily to reduce or eliminate the onset of migraine headache symptoms.
MigraSpray is made available only through healthcare professionals. MigraSpray is not available through chain retail stores or outlets.
The efficacy of MigraSpray in treating acute migraine attack was clearly demonstrated in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind crossover trial for migraine headache relief drawn from a general population. APPROXIMATELY 88% OF THE PATIENTS STUDIED HAD RELIEF IN AN AVERAGE OF LESS THAN 7 MINUTES.
MigraSpray was shown to be highly effective in preventing migraine in a study of patients suffering from frequent migraines conducted by Dr. Fred Pescatore, Director of the Centers for Integrative and Complementary Medicine in New York City and Dallas. The participants in the study used MigraSpray each day and APPROXIMATELY 90% HAD THEIR MIGRAINE ATTACKS ELIMINATED AS LONG AS THEY CONTINUED WITH REGULAR DAILY USAGE.
MigraSpray is now available for purchase at TWIHW.
*information obtained from migraspray.com