By Nancy Mehlert, MS
Fall is here, the weather is changing, and the holiday season is quickly approaching.

We wish each of you a wonderful season celebrating with family and friends. I hope you can find many things and people for which to be thankful. Know that all of us at TWIHW are thankful for you!
Early November is a good time to make a few plans that can make your holidays healthier. Today we are providing two low carb, yet delicious recipes for holiday enjoyment that will delight both family and friends. They are so good, no one will know they are actually healthy for you! There are many more holiday recipes on our Resources/Recipes tab at and in our Health Reset Protocol Cookbook, which was newly revised and expanded this year. If you don’t have a copy, be sure to get one!
When seasons change, the human body seeks change also.
Listen to your body and nourish it well. Consider incorporating warmer foods such as soups and stews and winter squash.
As sunlight diminishes, you may feel better if you get into the sunshine during the warmer parts of the day to increase your Vitamin D level and maintain a brighter mood. If that is not possible, you may want to increase your vitamin D3 intake. This helps to boost your immune function for the flu/cold season and keep your spirits bright.
If your activity level increases or decreases as a result of the changing seasons, then adjust your food intake accordingly. Some are very active during summer months but less so in the winter and visa versa. Making dietary adjustments can prevent weight fluctuations and give you a better sense of balance and energy.
I like this Julia Child quote: “This is my invariable advice to people: Learn how to cook. Try new recipes. Learn from your mistakes. Be fearless. And above all, have fun!”
Best wishes for a delightful and fun holiday season. Eat well. Be well.