One Easy Step – Eliminate Aluminum Foil
By Nancy Mehlert, MS

We often talk about taking baby steps in a longer journey to good health. One easy and important step is to reduce or eliminate the use of aluminum foil in cooking. Aluminum foil is used by many to wrap breads for heating, cook foods in the oven or on the grill and to cover dishes while baking. Researchers found that any food in contact with aluminum foil while cooking leaches surprising large amounts of aluminum directly into the food. Acid foods such as tomato and lemons result in even greater leaching.
Aluminum serves no biological function in the body and is neurotoxic to human health. Many health experts link aluminum use to Alzheimer’s, brain inflammation, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and impairment of iron metabolism. Early symptoms of aluminum exposure include depression, headaches, abnormal heartbeat, dry skin, gastrointestinal complaints, and frequent infections. Aluminum toxicity includes more severe symptoms of paralytic muscular conditions, memory loss, and confusion.
Routine usage over time results in aluminum accumulating in the brain, lungs, kidney, liver, and thyroid. As it accumulates, it causes oxidative stress, tissue damage, and inflammation. Chronically, this can lead to disease.
Reduce exposure by eliminating aluminum foil and aluminum cans from your kitchen. Cook in glass, stainless steel or ceramic cookware and storage containers.
Look for aluminum in body products such as deodorant and antacids and switch to aluminum free options.
Filter your water to ensure removal of aluminum and fluoride.
Natural detoxifiers for aluminum include cilantro, cruciferous vegetables, onion, and garlic.
High dose Vitamins C, N-acetyl-cysteine, and turmeric are also excellent at detoxifying and alleviating the adverse effects of aluminum.