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COMT, MAO, and GAD, Oh MY!

By Brad Mullens, SNP Specialist

You’re lying in bed and it’s after midnight.  Your brain will not shut off and you’re anxious about not getting a good night’s sleep again or worried about what tomorrow may bring.  You have taken your melatonin, gotten plenty of exercise that day, and are eating healthy.  You ask yourself, what am I doing wrong?  Is this a hormone related issue? Did I have too much caffeine?  Questions and thoughts pepper you brain and you are so tired of feeling the anxiety, sleep deprivation and the worry about what else may be going on.

Genetic testing of key genes can give your doctor the clues to help you create a workaround for genetic mutations otherwise known as SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms).  A SNP is a small mutation of a gene that creates weaknesses in the structure and function of proteins or enzymes, which, in turn, causes them to not work properly at the cellular level.

When you understand the “why” behind the annoying symptoms above that typically involve several genes like the MAO-A&B, COMT, and GAD1, you will be empowered with knowledge that you are not alone and that there are solutions to the problems.  These SNPs affect the turnover of neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin which can lead to difficulty regulating mood, behavior, stress level, focus, and sleep patterns.  These mutations also lead to buildup of glutamate, which is an excitatory neurotransmitter, and lower levels of GABA, which is inhibitory (think ‘calming’), and this leads to imbalances with several systems in the body.  When specially trained healthcare providers can see your genetic makeup, treatment plans can be more precise and more personalized. By recommending natural ingredients that bind to specific receptors on certain cells, amazing improvements with mood, sleep, energy levels, and focus can result.

If you’re a patient at The Woodlands Institute for Health and Wellness, talk to your provider there about genomic testing.  If you are not yet a patient there and don’t have a healthcare provider who offers this test, you can visit www.snpspecialist.com for more information on how to get tested.

In good health!

Brad Mullens

By |2020-07-07T09:51:13-05:00June 5th, 2020|Articles, General|

GX Sciences Nutrigenomic Testing

By Nancy Mehlert, MS

GX Sciences* is proud to introduce the most comprehensive nutrigenomics test available to validate your specific nutritional supplement needs. The scientific study of individualized genetics and nutrition is known as nutritional genomics or “nutrigenomics”. Nutrigenomic testing accurately identifies each patients’ genetic protein variations to identify sites of metabolic weakness. These key proteins are involved in enzyme conversion, nutritional delivery and signaling pathways in the cell. Expert physicians have designed a genetic panel that evaluates up to 55 of the most common, research backed, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that can affect a patient’s ability to regain and maintain their metabolic functionality. Abnormalities in specific polymorphisms can negatively affect many physiological and metabolic processes. Overcoming these metabolic weaknesses with the right supplement allows each patient to overcome their genetic weaknesses (SNPs) and maintain optimal health.

“As a practicing physician, the ability to test your individual, unique genetic footprint takes a lot of the guesswork out with regard to customizing a treatment regimen that gets you the best results”, says Dr. McManus, MD.  “We all have some minor genetic variants, aka mutations called SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) and 75% of all people have significant variations in the most important nutritional metabolism pathways that affect how we function.”  For instance, MTHFR mutation affects how our bodies activate and utilize B vitamins.  This in turn affects how well a person detoxifies, makes and clears hormones and neurotransmitters.  This means a  person would be more likely to have mood disorders, insomnia, cancer, heart disease, etc.  Two other common SNPs are the GAD and COMT.  These can cause lifelong anxiety.  The good news, and the reason to want to know, is that there are work-arounds for a variety of SNPs.

GX Sciences differs from 23&me in that it tests for many more relevant mutations and offers recommendations to address them. They offer several panels from which to pick and choose!  Check out this chart HERE to determine what panels are most relevant for your current health concerns.

You can pick up a saliva kit at our office, or we can ship a kit to you.  Prices range from $179 to $499. Turnaround time for results is typically 3 weeks.

* https://www.gxsciences.com/nutrigenomictest-s/113.htm

*Gx Sciences maintains your genetic information privately. They never have and never will sell, give away, trade or use personal information in any way other than to ship your package, call you about a shipment or offer you special discounting. No e-mail addresses are sold, traded, etc.! This has been a long standing company policy that will remain unchanged. Have peace of mind that your genetic information will never be shared.

By |2019-09-20T09:59:45-05:00July 25th, 2019|Articles, General|