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A Simple Thing, Profound Effects

Nutrition Nugget By Nancy Mehlert, MS


I wanted to remind you about a simple thing with profound effects: harmful oils in our food. In my opinion, it is one of our “big rocks” for reducing inflammation, preventing disease and improving health.  Yet you may be surprised how easily they can sneak back into your pantry, cabinets and refrigerator.  Strictly avoiding these has huge health benefits and can dramatically improve your lipid profile and reduce many factors for disease.  Watch out especially for salad dressings, hummus, mayonnaise, chips and snacks, restaurant food and fast food. Even brands that seem otherwise cleaner or healthier can have these harmful oils. If you see the words expeller pressed in front of the oil, it is slightly less refined.


Here’s why: These oils are highly processed and damaged. Your body has no good use for them. They interfere, obstruct and cause damage. They are often stored as garbage in your fat cells. They are well documented to cause inflammation, oxidative stress, elevation of LDL cholesterol levels, harm to endothelial cells lining your blood vessels, damage to gut bacteria, DNA damage and have glyphosate residues in them which harm your gut lining and increase permeability. [i]    You can see why we recommend total avoidance if at all possible.

Here are the oils to avoid:

  • Soybean oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Safflower oil
  • Canola oil
  • Corn oil
  • Cottonseed oil
  • Hydrogenated oil
  • Refined Palm oil

Healthy oils are unrefined or gently refined without harmful chemicals such as hexane.  Better choices are olive oil, avocado oil, butter, ghee, beef tallow, duck fat, cocoa butter, macadamia nut oil, coconut oil, almond oil, unrefined palm oil and palm kernel oil.  Check out salad dressings and oils made by Primal Kitchen, Spectrum Brands and Chosen Foods as good examples of better choices.  Your body knows how to make good use of undamaged, natural oils.   There have been controversies and issues in the olive oil industry over the last decade, so our current recommendations are to stick with high quality olive oil made in the United States, Australia or Chile. Cobram Estate and Bragg olive oil are other reputable resources.  Mediterranean olive oils have been found to be contaminated and blended with many of the damaged oils listed above.  

Coconut Oil and Olive Oil Article

Audit your kitchen and take a simple step with profound effects for the entire family.

[i] https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/01/07/replace-dangerous-oils-with-healthy-fats.aspx?utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=mail&ut



By |2019-01-17T13:35:31-05:00January 17th, 2019|General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

Cooking with Oils

by Nancy Mehlert, MS

cooking oils

When you think about including fats in your diet, remember that you are a living being.  Your cells are smart and cannot be fooled.  They are filled with DNA and memory.  Your cells recognize and utilize undamaged fats in highly productive health-giving ways if you consume them in their natural state.  Beware that man gets engaged in doing things that damage the structure of fats including applying heat, bleaching, esterifying, hydrogenating, and using chemical solvents.

Once you’ve purchased undamaged oils, be sure to not destroy them with your own cooking methods.  There is great controversy and discrepancy about temperature tolerance when cooking with oils if you search on line and explore resources for this information.  The safest most conservative approach for good health is to rely on saturated fat sources for cooking and save monounsaturated fats such as olive oil for cold preparation only.

We recommend that your everyday cooking fats/oils for good health be a saturated (a strongly bonded molecular structure) fat such as butter, ghee, tallow, or coconut oil. It is important to choose a good source where animals have eaten their natural diet (pastured), where the animal has not been given antibiotics or hormones and has been raised in a humane and natural environment.  This includes beef tallow, duck fat and pork lard.  Epic is a brand you can look for in the market or online. Coconut oil should be organic, pressed, and free from refining, bleaching or deodorizing.  If the producer knows and cares, it will usually be well described on the packaging.  See our Product of the Month in this month’s newsletter for more details.  For the highest temperatures on the stovetop, oven or on the grill, coconut oil and ghee are your best bet; however, we recommend that you limit or avoid extremely high temperature cooking as a matter of routine due to the damaging effect it has on the food and thus your health.  Low and slow cooking is healthier.

By |2016-05-04T06:00:14-05:00May 4th, 2016|Articles, General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|