P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

7-Keto DHEA

Keto Weight Loss

One of the most important DHEA metabolites is 7-Keto DHEA (commonly referred to as 7-Keto).  Unlike DHEA, 7-Keto does not convert to estrogen and testosterone.  This provides increased utility that can be used for a myriad of adrenal and other health benefits without the same level of concern relative to feeding into the sex hormone pathways.

7-Keto is called 3-acetyl-7oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone, a naturally occurring metabolite primarily produced in the adrenal glands, skin and, to some degree, in the brain.  Just like DHEA, 7-Keto peaks in our early 20’s and declines over time to about 50% by age 50. [1]

7-Keto is known to have beneficial effects on immune function. A four-week study of 7-Keto supplementation improved immune function in elderly men and women.[2] In the study, the group given 100 mg of 7-Keto twice daily had a significant decrease in immune suppressor cells and a significant increase in immune helper cells.  There were also reductions in diastolic blood pressure and an increase in neutrophils.

It has also been used in clinical practice for its ability to support fat loss via thermogenesis.  These pathways also support healthy triglyceride levels.

Morning and mid-afternoon dosing with 25 mg twice a day, then increasing as needed to higher dosages supports the natural bio-rhythm of the body and allows for support of balancing cortisol levels that are high in the morning and decline throughout the day. It is also noteworthy that 7-Keto can also help with Raynaud’s Syndrome.[3]

[1] Marenich LP.Excretion of testosterone, epitestosterone, androstenedione and 7-ketohydroepiandrostenedione in healthy men of different ages. Probl Endodrinol (Mosk). 1979 Jul;25(4):28-31

[2] Zenk JL, Kuskowski MA. The use of 3-acetyl-7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone for augmenting immune response in the elderly. Presented at meeting of FASEB, April 17, 2004.

[3] Ihler G, Chami-Stemann H. 7-oxo-DHEA and Raynaud’s phenomenon. Med Hypotheses. 2003 Mar;60(3):391-7

*The product information provided is for educational purposes and is not intended as either diagnosis or treatment of any disease, nor does it replace professional medical advice.  (The FDA makes us say that)

*Warning: Please consult a health care professional before using this product.

By |2020-03-02T07:45:40-05:00October 19th, 2017|Articles, General|

Health Benefits of Fermenting Foods

Fermentation, or culturing, is the conversion of carbohydrates to organic acids using a combination of favorable bacteria under anaerobic (without oxygen) conditions.    These microorganisms protect the food from pathogenic bacteria and mold and when eaten, also repopulate the gut lining with these same favorable bacteria.

An age-old practice in many cultures around the world, traditionally fermented foods provide many benefits to human health.  The favorable bacteria in fermented foods, in combination with the slightly acidic environment created by them, deter the growth of pathogenic bacteria and can destroy super bugs currently resistant to most antibiotics.  Fermented foods also help to balance the production of stomach acid by increasing the acidity of gastric juices if stomach production is inadequate or helping to protect the stomach and intestinal lining when too much acid is produced.  Fermented foods also help the body to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps with the movement of the bowel, thus alleviating constipation.  It also helps to improve the release of digestive juices and enzymes from the stomach, pancreas and gallbladder, thus acting as powerful digestive aids.

The good news is that with a little practice, just about anyone can master the simple practice of fermenting food.  You can enhance the health benefits of your food at considerable savings over purchasing traditionally fermented foods from farmer’s markets, health food stores and on line sources.

There are many great resources to learn how to ferment foods.  One very good resource is www.culturesforhealth.com where you can find out about all the many ways to ferment foods in traditional ways as well as using starter cultures, supplies and u-tube instructions and great recipes.  Today’s recipe ideas come from this web page as well as the product used to ferment the foods.  One of the best cookbooks available for old world cooking including the art of fermentation is Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig.

Just about any food can be fermented but vegetables are one of the easiest places to start.  It is a very simple 3 step process of 1) choosing and chopping fresh organic vegetables, 2) creating the right liquid or brine, which is where the cultures are located, (usually water or celery juice with salt or a starter culture) and 3) properly packing the vegetables into a glass jar with the liquid brine and then allowing the fermentation to occur.

To help make it even simpler, today in our recipe corner we are recommending ways to ferment store bought foods by purchasing a vegetable starter culture (recommended brands listed below) and adding it to whole, all natural or organic store-bought food such as hummus, unsweetened applesauce or salsa.

We hope you will take the challenge and give fermented foods a try.  Here are some traditionally fermented vegetables available in grocery stores and on line:

  • www.immunitrition.com sells homemade fermented vegetables
  • Bubbies, Cortland Valley Organic and Farmhouse Culture are three reliable brand names to look for in better and whole food grocers.  You can also search on line for stores that carry them or in some cases, buy them direct from the producer.
  • Visit local farmer’s markets and natural health food stores for more resources and producers of traditionally fermented foods.
  • To purchase starter cultures consider Mercola Kinetic Culture, Body Ecology’s Culture Starter or Caldwell’s Vegetable Starter Culture.

At a minimum, buy a culture and try fermenting some of your store bought options.  You can’t beat fermented foods as a source for your favorable gut bacteria.  Many respected sources claim that several ounces of fermented vegetables consumed each day contain as many beneficial bacteria as a full bottle of a probiotic supplement!  It is time to build your military force and protect Your Body Nation.

By |2014-05-31T13:59:56-05:00May 31st, 2014|Articles, General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|


How to Pick a Probioticdefend your borders

Probiotics is the name used for the supplemental form of the favorable microflora so essential to overall health and immune function in the human body.  There are many probiotic supplements available in the marketplace today and a few important selection tips to keep in mind.

A good probiotic will have at least 4 or more different species of beneficial bacteria and should include members from the lactobacilli and bifidobacteria species or families.  The most valuable and commonly seen species include Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus salivarius, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Streptococcus thermophilus. Many probiotics also include FOS, or Fructooligosaccharides, which are considered a prebiotic because they provide food and nourishment for probiotics. FOS may or may not be present and it is not necessarily essential but ideal.

A good probiotic should have a concentrated amount of bacteria. It takes large doses to see improvement and restore gut bacteria.  Your gut is optimal when the microflora population is over 100 trillion.  We now recommend a probiotic that provides somewhere between 20 to 70 billion cfu (colony forming units) per dose for most people.  At a minimum, adults generally should take at least 15-20 billion cfu per day. Babies up to 12 months can have 1-2 billion; toddlers from 1 to 2 years can have 2-4 billion; children from 2-4 years can have 4-8 billion; children from 4-10 years can have 8-12 billion and from 12 to 16 years, an appropriate minimum dose is 12-15 billion per day.

It is important to slowly build up to the suggested minimum guidelines provided above.  Remember, these favorable bacteria get busy about the business of killing unwanted pathogens in the gut, so taking too much probiotic too quickly can result in unpleasant die off symptoms (fatigue, itchy skin, irritability just to name a few) which can be uncomfortable.  A slow, small step approach is the safest way to start taking probiotics although it is also interesting to note that it appears that overdosing is not likely if not impossible.

From our perspective at TWIHW, everyone should be taking a probiotic and/or eating fermented foods.  Our culture today places very destructive demands on our favorable microflora.  Stress, carbohydrates, alcohol, electromagnetic forces, antibiotics, steroids, antibacterial cleaning and body products, birth control pills, and Splenda (aka Sucralose) all contribute to the destruction of our favorable microflora, so we must be diligent at replacing them daily.

At TWIHW, we offer a wide variety of high quality probiotics to meet your needs in both capsule and powder formulations. Moreover, as is our custom, we are happy to take your order and have it ready for pick up or shipped directly to you.  Place your order here and start defending Your Body Nation today.

By |2014-05-31T10:40:21-05:00May 31st, 2014|Articles, General|