P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

L-Theanine, Magnesium, and Lithium Orotate

The good news about doing a genomic test and finding out what SNPs you have is that, in most cases, there are a number of supplements that can support and help the body work around those mutations.  Magnesium, Lithium Orotate, and L-theanine are three good examples. 

For those who discover they have SNPs (mutations) on the GAD gene, two options for alleviating related symptoms (e.g., anxiety, insomnia) would be to use L-theanine and/or magnesium.  You should consult your medical provider for the best supplementation options for your genetic SNPs.  Click on the links below to read more about L-theanine and magnesium.



Another common mutation that is found in people with anxiety, ADD/ADHD, and/or insomnia is on the COMT gene.  Lithium orotate is one of several supplements which can support and assist the body to work around this mutation. Click here to learn more about Lithium Orotate.


We recommend nutrigenomic testing to determine your genetic profile, and consultation with your medical provider to discuss the best supplementation options for you.  For testing and consultation, contact our office today at 281-298-6742.

By |2020-06-05T06:39:40-05:00June 5th, 2020|Articles, General|

Supplement Cocktail for Constipation

constipation cocktail 2

There are many possible solutions for the relief of constipation or sluggish bowel function.  If you struggle with constipation or difficult bowel movements, please see a health care provider for proper evaluation.  Constipation can be a serious health issue and can be caused by many factors (see main article).

Safe supplements to aid in relieving constipation include:

Magnesium citrate improves gut motility.

Probiotics help to maintain a healthy digestive tract and microbial community which promotes optimal digestion and regularity.

Digestive Enzymes help to promote complete digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats while also increasing nutrient availability and reducing food intolerances.

Aloe Vera helps to reduce inflammation and improves bowel frequency. Be sure to choose a pure, preservative free, organic aloe very gel or juice.

All of these supplements are available in our office at The Woodlands Institute for Health and Wellness.

By |2016-07-06T07:38:52-05:00July 6th, 2016|Articles, General|

Magnesium L Threonate

Magtein-Logo-600pxMagnesium is one of the body’s most abundant minerals and estimates suggest that up to 80% of Americans don’t get enough of this mineral. There is no such thing as a 100% magnesium supplement because magnesium needs to be bound to another substance and that substance will affect bioavailability, absorption and its stool softening or laxative effect. It can be confusing when deciding which form of magnesium is best for you. One of the newer and emerging types of magnesium is called Magnesium L Threonate, a magnesium salt of L-threonic acid which is a vitamin C metabolite. It has been shown in animal studies to cross the blood-brain barrier and penetrate cell membranes while having no laxative effect. Animal studies have shown that Magnesium L Threonate (trademarked under the name Magtein™) increased learning ability, working memory and both short and long term memory. These improved brain functions, along with the fact that magnesium supports a large number of physiological functions, bone health, energy and metabolism, just to name a few, have made magnesium L Threonate a favorite new form of magnesium. Testimonials speak to improved memory, mental focus, energy levels and clarity.

It’s important to use a high quality well manufactured form of Magnesium L Threonate to avoid cheap binders and allergens. We offer Dr. Mercola’s formulation that is specially formulated for high absorption and high penetration characteristics in a non-GMO, hypoallergenic encapsulation.

By |2016-03-28T11:16:29-05:00March 25th, 2016|Articles, General|

Magnesium-The Antidote to Stress

magnesium for stressThink of magnesium as the relaxation mineral.

Anything that is tight, irritable, crampy, and stiff — whether it is a body part or even a mood — is a sign of magnesium deficiency.

This critical mineral is actually responsible for over 300 enzyme reactions and is found in all of your tissues — but mainly in your bones, muscles, and brain. You must have it for your cells to make energy, for many different chemical pumps to work, to stabilize membranes, and to help muscles relax.

Much of modern life conspires to help us lose what little magnesium we do get in our diet. Magnesium levels are decreased by excess alcohol, salt, coffee, phosphoric acid in colas, profuse sweating, prolonged or intense stress, chronic diarrhea, excessive menstruation, diuretics (water pills), antibiotics and other drugs, and some intestinal parasites. In fact, in one study in Kosovo, people under chronic war stress lost large amounts of magnesium in their urine.

Food high in magnesium: Kelp, wheat bran, wheat germ, almonds, cashews, buckwheat, brazil nuts, dulse, filberts, millet, pecans, walnuts, rye, tofu, soy beans, brown rice, figs, dates, collard greens, shrimp, avocado, parsley, beans, barley, dandelion greens, and garlic

  • The RDA (the minimum amount needed) is about 300 mg a day. Most of us get far less than 200 mg.
  • Some may need much more depending on their condition.
  • Most people benefit from 400 to 1,000 mg a day.
  • The most absorbable forms are magnesium citrate, glycinate, taurate, or aspartate, although magnesium bound to Kreb cycle chelates (malate, succinate, fumarate) are also good.
  • One potential side effect is diarrhea, which can be avoided if you switch to magnesium glycinate or a topical form.
  • Taking a hot bath with Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) is a good way to absorb and get much needed magnesium.

People with kidney disease or severe heart disease should take magnesium only under a doctor’s supervision.

The above is taken from: http://drhyman.com/blog/2010/05/20/magnesium-the-most-powerful-relaxation-mineral-available/#close

By |2015-04-23T12:40:49-05:00April 23rd, 2015|Articles, General|

Supplement of the Month- Magnesium

Magnesium is the second most abundant element inside of human cells and serves literally hundreds of functions. It is a regulator of over 300 biochemical reactions and plays a vital role in generating energy within the cell. Magnesium is a macro-mineral, memagnesiumaning it is needed by the body in large amounts and it must be provided through diet and supplementation.

As it relates directly to blood pressure and the cardiovascular system, magnesium is a blood vessel dilator or relaxer. Magnesium often functions in the body along with calcium, sodium, and potassium to create homeostasis or a balance with in the body. These electrolytes, when out of balance, can have a negative impact on nerve impulses, muscle contractions, and heart rhythms.

It is estimated that 75% of Americans are magnesium deficient and a magnesium- poor diet is the norm. Processed and sugary diets, phosphoric acid in soft drinks, prescription and over the counter medications, calcium supplements, and soft water can all contribute to deficient intake and absorption of magnesium. Alcohol, aging, illness, stress, and digestive disorders can also increase vulnerability to deficiencies in magnesium.

Improving nutrition and supplementation are pivotal to achieve optimal health.

Ask your healthcare provider if you would benefit by supplementing with magnesium and your nutritionist how to increase your intake through diet. There are a number of supplemental forms of magnesium and one can be recommended that best meets your health challenges and needs. Some forms have more of a laxative effect and others have less of a laxative effect. There are also topical forms of magnesium that would not have any laxative effect.

*The product information provided is for educational purposes and is not intended as either diagnosis or treatment of any disease, nor does it replace professional medical advice.  (The FDA makes us say that)

*Warning: Please consult a health care professional before using these products.

Source: http://www.ancient-minerals.com/magnesium-benefits/


By |2015-03-09T21:40:18-05:00March 9th, 2015|Articles, General|