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“She has the sparkles back in her eyes!”

She has the sparkles back in her eyes!
Hi Dr. McManus –
Just wanted to share some continued good news with T.  She is back conditioning 5 days and week and training with a coach.  No dizzy spells and she is just having normal soreness with good recovery time.
We made it through her usual back to school cold/allergy/sore throat/congestion/cough stuff in less than a week with no ear or sinus infection, antibiotics or steroids.  (HOORAY!)
No complaints of stomach aches in over a month (she is off dairy completely, but still not 100% gluten free).
Even through all the illness and injury last year, she pulled off top 10% of her class and is making it look like a cake walk with all A’s to start this year.
We are so thankful for you and your team. She has the sparkle back in her eyes 🙂
By |2018-04-16T10:46:32-05:00October 7th, 2017|General, Testimonials|