IBS is cured!
IBS is cured!
Anonymous post online:
If you want cutting edge medicine with great results, I highly recommend this doctor. Why do others state having issues related to yeast candida? The answer is simple in that a large number of people have this in varying degrees, with all of the related accompanying health issues. There again, reading can easily confirm this through some research if you are so inclined. And sticking with a smart diet can be difficult for many, as they want good health but aren’t willing to give up Aspartame soft drinks, hormone induced food, or mainstream food with all of the chemical additives. This is a Wellness center, meaning it focuses upon a lifestyle change, where you can remain well for the foreseeable future with the correct lifestyle modifications. Oh, and my list of IBS symptoms vomiting, diarrhea, gas, and constipation are all gone now. Do I take any prescriptions? Nope. And my vitals are now outstanding and my brain is alert along with regular bowel movements. The dietician was wonderful and our meals are excellent. This last week I had a number of ladies standing at the microwave with their processed foods, while I ate organic meat and vegetables; yes, they picked up on the difference. Yes, I do take supplements, and if you do some real due diligence you’ll understand why (i.e. Suzanne Somers writings). My wife’s and daughter’s health are both dramatically improved as well. And I cant remember missing a recent day to illness. So I highly recommend this doctor, facility, and process.