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Testimonial – Blood Pressure and Cholesterol to Brag About

Blood Pressure and Cholesterol to Brag About
January 2006 held promises of a wonderful new year, however I physically felt horrible everyday. Like many people I made my new year’s resolutions, but I felt so lethargic that I couldn’t even muster up energy to think about feeling better. I was tired and sluggish, felt bloated much of the time, had indigestion a couple of times a week and I felt like I lived and moved in slow motion.

Finally, in mid-March I made the decision to take control of my life and not just be an observer, live in discomfort or be older that I already am! My first visit with Dr. McManus was such a relief and filled me with hope. I gained confidence that day that I didn’t have to live in slow gear or feel bad anymore and that I was not alone in making changes and moving forward with new ways of living my life.

Unlike some, I was not taking any medications, vitamins or supplements before my first visit with Dr. McManus. You can imagine what a change it was for me to swallow a jillion pills twice a day! Yikes! I was a bit anxious about being faithful to that part of my life changes. Then, there was the Yeast-free diet! What was interesting was that I was more concerned about taking so many pills than I was about not eating bread! That was a shock, since I love bread so much. But, I knew that every time I would eat something not on the Yeast-free eating program I would feel bad…I didn’t want to feel bad anymore. It took a couple of weeks for me to connect all the dots…vitamins, supplements and thyroid pills to a new way of eating to exercise. But, that was such a crucial shift for me. I was now living and thinking holistically making the body, mind and spirit connections that made the difference in my life.

Now seven months later my blood pressure is something to brag about, my cholesterol has dropped 30 something points, I have lost 30 pounds and my energy and enthusiasm is over flowing. I know that I have a great team that is walking through this time with me. One of the best decisions that I have ever made was to contact Dr. McManus and to actually step into the new way of living that she offered to me. Many thanks to Kim and the medical staff for giving me the tools and encouragement for the journey.

Rev. Mary

By |2012-10-31T05:59:40-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|