P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

About Mila McManus MD

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So far Mila McManus MD has created 858 blog entries.

Testimonial-Rash disappeared, headaches gone, and Aetna reimbursement!

Rash disappeared, headaches gone, and Aetna reimbursement!
Dr. McManus,
I have a few updates and I just couldn’t wait until we talk on Thursday. First, I haven’t had a headache since October 18th (Day 10 of the yeast-free program and supplements). Second, the unexplained/undiagnosed rash I’ve had on one side of my neck for almost three years has been gone since October 21st (Day 13) … and I’ve intentionally NOT used the medication prescribed by Dr. (dermatologist) since starting the program on October 9th. Third, I sent a Medical Benefits Request with a copy of my Patient Receipt to Aetna on October 7th and Aetna sent me a check for $2,595 ($95 more than I requested) which I received October 21st! Aetna has not yet responded to my requests for the prescriptions or the allergy testing/drops.
I also wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed my nutritional consultation with Nancy on October 21st! It was informative, motivating and fun.
I still don’t feel much of a change in my energy levels, but I’m hoping that will change once my body gets used to the thyroid supplement (which I only started October 14th) and the allergy drops (which I only started October 18th).
Thanks for everything!
By |2012-10-10T12:18:59-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonial – Fertility Problems Resolved

Fertility Problems Resolved
Oh Sandra,
Do I have some news for you. Sorry I have not gotten back with you in a while, but things around our house have been a bit overwhelming the past two months. Looks like you can add fertility treatment to your treatment protocol, because I am pregnant after 4 years of trying and 2 years of infertility. A few months with you guys and boom, problem solved.

I have gotten off the progesterone but am still taking everything else, except the zinc, because the prenatal has 25 mg of zinc in it. I am doing fine and all hormone levels look good. Baby Boy is healthy and due in August. I know what a surprise.

By the way, Chad says to tell you thank you for doing what the traditional medical and fertility specialist were not able to do. We know that by getting off all the medications and going all natural not only physically helped me, but helped us to begin our family. Words alone cannot express how indebted we are to you and Dr. McManus.

Amy and Chad

By |2012-10-10T12:18:13-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonial – 21 year old with Rheumatoid Arthritis

21 year old with Rheumatoid Arthritis
from Ashley
I never imagined the impact this wellness program would have on my life. I was 21 years old and suffering from arthritis, estrogen dominance, seasonal allergies, muscle pain, insomnia, depression, mood swings, trouble losing weight, and severe fatigue. If I felt this bad now, how I would feel in 10-20 years?

After meeting with Dr. McManus, I realized I had hypothyroidism, a condition previous physicians were unable to catch. I also realized the importance of hormones and vitamins in our diets. Most importantly, I understood the effects everyday foods have on our bodies. When asked to eliminate certain carbs from my diet, I was quite hesitant… carbs were my #1 food group. However, I decided to accept the challenge. When I eliminated these carbs, I also eliminated my arthritis, muscle pain, depression, mood swings, fatigue… and I dropped 20 lbs! I feel amazing…better than I ever imagined that I could. Thank you Dr McManus for giving me a new life and hope for a healthy future!!!

By |2016-07-24T08:15:00-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonial- Allergy and Biotek Testing

Allergy and Biotek Testing
Hi Doctor McManus,
Just wanted you to know how glad I am that I did the Biotek Food Assessment. It has changed my life! I was shocked to say the least at the extent of my food allergies. It made so much sense once I saw the highly reactive foods list – BANANA, BREWER’S YEAST, EGGS, PINEAPPLE (the obvious ones that I already knew were milk, wheat, yogurt, sugar cane). Now I understand the price I will pay if I eat “my poisons”. It did not make any sense that my allergy problems were caused by pollens and environmental alone. Food allergies were the missing link. Of course, the hormones play an important role too and I seem to be doing well on them at the moment. How about that!!

Thanks for your health and wellness program. I have been on it a year now and am feeling so much better than when I began. I joined a fitness facility a few months ago and love it, love it, love it. Even my dog is amazed at my strength!!

See you in the new year. Have a Happy!

By |2012-10-10T12:16:18-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonial- 43 and “Normal”

43 and Normal
Hi Doctor McManus,
By the time I found Dr. McManus, earlier this year, I was getting really scared that something was terribly wrong with me. Over a two year period, I had gone from a healthy, energetic, fairly fit 41-year old woman to a 43-year old person I didn’t recognize. I had gained 30 pounds in spite of dieting and working out. I was tired and lethargic no matter how much rest I got. I started worrying and stressing over trying to get enough sleep so I could function normally in business and with my family. I felt like I was in a trance or fog about half the time. And the migraines…3-4 days every month with no relief. I went to a regular MD, poured my heart out, had all kinds of tests run, and I got a letter in the mail 3 weeks later saying, “Everything is normal, please contact us if you have any problems.” I was devastated, but at the same time, I became determined that I was not going to accept this as the way my life was going to be. My husband, through doing some research, found Dr. McManus. I have a hard time even explaining the dramatic change I felt in the first month after I started seeing Dr. McManus. She knew exactly what needed to be done to change my body. I put my trust in her, and in the process she gave me my quality of life back. The program is so comprehensive with the additional support from Kim and staff. I have a hard time believing there is a more dedicated, knowledgeable, compassionate, professional group anywhere in the country than these three women. Now, about 4 months later, I feel incredible. I have energy, no more headaches, no more brain fog, and I’m down about 15 pounds. My future is bright again and I will forever be grateful to Dr. McManus and her practice.
By |2012-10-10T12:12:31-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonial- Mind=Body=Soul


Being a big believer in prevention the wellness program really grabbed my interest. Knowing that my body is made of three very distinctive parts, mind, body, and soul, it soon became apparent to me that I was focusing so much attention on my quest for knowledge and wisdom that I was allowing my body to become neglected. Just like a new automobile can have state-of-the-art equipment, we all know that it goes nowhere without fuel. Discovering Dr. McManus’ Wellness Program has become such a blessing to me. I have to be honest that when first starting the program a year ago it sounded too good to be true. Now that I have been active for a year I can testify that my energy level is greater, I haven’t had cold or sinus issues, and I sleep more soundly at night. However, the greatest part of the program is having a doctor that is accessible and holds me accountable. Dr. McManus listens, cares, and provides a personalized program designed just for you. I am very pleased and thankful that I have found this wonderful way to gain good health. My sincerest thanks to all that are involved in such an outstanding program.


By |2012-10-10T12:09:42-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonal- Never Too Old

Never Too Old

Who would have thought that at my age I would have been giving a testimony about a life changing experience? Well I’m living proof that you are never to old to change. My only regret is that I wish that I would have listened to my old uncle who kept telling me to get healthy and my illnesses would disappear. Wow, that sounded so simple. But somehow so profound. I was having migraine headaches almost daily and acid reflux to the point that I was on meds twice daily. I had severe IBS, Asthma, TMJ and major depression. And did I mention just exactly how much money I spent on supplies for all my maladies.

I was hospitalized for medicine overload in my pancreas. When my doctor told me that I had to stop taking so many medications or that I would no longer have a pancreas and without a pancreas I would die, welllll, that is when he and a very close friend of mine referred me to Dr. McManus. I am living proof that without God and Dr. McManus I would not be here to give my testimony. I honestly can say without a doubt that I am “DRUG” free, even my nebulizer, yeah! I have lost so much weight and feel fantastic! I have no symptoms of any of the above mentioned. Who would have thought??? I am a true believer in healthy nutrition and supplements. Thank you so much to the entire staff of The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness for their terrific support.


By |2012-10-10T12:08:56-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonial- Drug Free and No More Dry Eyes

Drug Free and No More Dry Eyes

I feel GREAT! For the past six days I’ve gone drug-free, with only minor symptoms. Could this be the euphoric feeling I’ve been longing for? Since you last emailed me on possible other issues, I’ve incorporated Probotics, Fish Oil & Vitamin E for dry eyes, and I got new lens that fit better on my eyes and are specifically made for dry eyes. I’ve worn my lens for nearly 6 hours each day. But I also have done lawn work, rode in a convertible and walked for miles outside with NO problem. Is this treatment really happening for me? I’m bursting with joy and I can’t contain the victorious feeling I’m having. I’m a little afraid of the next front because usually it brings suffering, but the recent one never gave me a problem. Please tell me I’m on the path to recovery because I have a lot of good news to spread to others.

Happy Gina

By |2012-10-10T12:08:24-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonial- Recovery After Breast Cancer

Recovery After Breast Cancer

On April 7, 2004 I was told the words so many women of us fear, “You’ve got breast cancer”. Praise God that I am healed, but the road has been long and hard. I did it all: chemo, radiation, bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. On August 29th I had my last reconstruction surgery. During chemo I gained about 7 pounds, and after chemo I added on another 7. Chemo puts you into menopause, and tamoxifen helps keep you there. By October, 2005 I was physically exhausted and depressed, using all my available will power just to take care of my 4 kids. The thought “I am so tired” permeated my life. The hot flashes were debilitating – one per hour, 24 hours a day. It felt like someone was sucking the energy out of me with every hot flash! I tried every medicine that my oncologist recommended for hot flashes, and ended up on a synthetic progesterone. After researching that drug, I decided that natural progesterone was the better alternative. I found Dr. McManus and talked with her about my health issues, and my fear of hormones because of my breast cancer. I was also having several surgeries and Dr. McManus helped me adjust medications so that the side effects of the antibiotics and the stress on my body have been minimized. My recovery after each surgery has been amazingly fast, which has been a real blessing. I am taking a low dose of progesterone to help with the hot flashes and menopause. This summer I was swimming 1 mile 3 times a week, walking a mile every day, and doing Pilates. I am now walking about 3 miles a day since I can’t swim for a few weeks due to my surgery, and I went to Pilates this week! I have also lost about 7 pounds and I feel great. Now, if I could only stay on a consistent low carb, low sugar diet! Even though I know that I feel best on that diet, I get lazy and go back to old habits. One day at a time…
By |2012-10-10T12:07:49-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonial – BC/BS Reimbursement

BC/BS Reimbursement
Hi Mila,
Just wanted you to know that I’m feeling much perkier day by day. And MUCH more optimistic, less depressed (in fact, not depressed at all). Wow!

Another HUGE thing – Blue Cross, Blue Shield covered all the bill except for $634.00!!! YIPPEE!

This is so great – to feel that I’m feeling better (what a difference, too). I could hug you right now!!


By |2012-10-10T12:07:14-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|