P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

Arugula and Cucumbers

Healthy and detoxifying Fall crops!

by Nancy Mehlert

As we roll into September, October and November in Texas, you will begin to see local farmers’ markets and grocery store produce sections offering locally grown arugula and cucumbers.

Of all the foods we eat, few would disagree that vegetables are the most nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying and hydrating food you can eat.  It is also worth noting that they carry no risk to speak of – no one has ever eaten too many!   So let’s take a closer look at arugula and cucumbers since they are now in season and excellent choices for reducing inflammation and detoxifying the body.

arugulaArugula has been cultivated in the Mediterranean since time has been recorded and thus very much a part of the Mediterranean diet.  The French call arugula “rocket” lettuce.  The younger, paler leaves are mild in flavor while the more mature, darker leaves are described as peppery.  Arugula makes a wonderful salad base by itself or pairs nicely with other greens and lettuces. It is an excellent addition to pesto or soup and brings an eye-appeal to a slaw.

Nutritionally, arugula is in the cruciferous family and offers antioxidant benefits, detoxifying enzymes, an excellent source of fiber and vitamins A, C and K, as well as folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and manganese. You’ll be surprised to know that a serving even offers 3 grams of protein and critical B vitamins that help to support good HDL cholesterol while lowering the bad cholesterol.   Arugula is especially beneficial in preventing cholesterol from sticking to arteries, lowering blood pressure and increasing blood flow and improving blood vessel function so it’s a great choice for heart and circulation health, all because of the flavonoid content in it and its ability to increase nitric oxide levels in the body.

Studies conducted on arugula suggest that it may help to heal gastrointestinal ulcers and psoriasis as well as protect against lung, skin and mouth cancers.  Research is also pointing to arugula as an excellent detoxifier with the ability to remove both heavy metals as well as pesticides and herbicides from the body. Apparently, there are even ancient Roman writings suggesting arugula is an aphrodisiac especially when combined with chicory, dill, lettuce or lavender.

cucumberCucumbers also originated in the Mediterranean and are 90% water, which makes them an excellent hydrator.  There are over a dozen varieties, and they thrive in both cool and warm climates.  They are one of the most widely cultivated vegetables in the world. Varieties are usually identified as either a good choice for slicing or most suitable for pickling.  My favorite choice is the longer and thinner English cucumber also known as a gourmet or “burpless” cucumber.  These have such small seeds they virtually go unnoticed. I like to slice them, freeze them and add them to my water for flavor or make a salad like the recipe provided in today’s newsletter. They can also be sliced very thinly, lengthwise, to get a wonderful wrap for other veggies, hummus, cream cheeses, chicken salad or paté.  Finally, cucumbers are one of the best choices for juicing or blending a green drink.

Cucumbers have been used traditionally in India to treat headaches while the seeds have been found to be an effective diuretic.  They are an excellent source of vitamin K, C and B5 and also have a compliment of minerals including manganese, potassium, and magnesium.  Recent studies have shown that cucumbers contain powerful lignans that can reduce the estrogen burden in the body, thereby reducing the risk of several cancers including breast, uterine, ovarian and prostate cancers.  Another phytonutrient called cucurbitacins, are known to strongly inhibit cancer development.  Cucumbers are very alkaline, soothing to the stomach and gut and can help relieve nausea.

Cucumbers remain fresh the longest when stored at room temperature and away from any other fruits or vegetables that give off ethylene, a natural plant substance, as it will initiate a rapid ripening/rotting process.  Ethylene is especially ubiquitous in bananas, melons and tomatoes.


By |2016-09-07T05:28:37-06:00August 25th, 2016|Articles, General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

Inflammatory Foods

Inflammatory Fire Starters

by Nancy Mehlert, MSinflammatory foods

As I prepare to offer the list of the most inflammatory foods, I want to preface it by saying that, in my experience, changing what I eat has been one of the hardest ventures in my life.  That stems from the fact that I was a junk food junkie who was addicted to sweets and starch, struggled with portion and weight control, as well as emotional eating.  As a result, I walked into the door of wellness as a very inflamed, in-a-lot-of-pain, hot mess mama.  At the time, I had no idea food had anything to do with it.

The list of inflammatory foods below will, with certainty, have on it at least one thing you love and enjoy dearly, but, perhaps unbeknownst to you, is causing inflammation, pain, and/or illness.  I hope that you will be kind to yourself and start by getting one more thing on this list out of your diet and continue the journey to better health.

Here’s the list of inflammatory fire starters in the human body:

  • Fast Food
  • Packaged, processed food products/meals
  • Hydrogenated, trans- or refined fats and oils
  • Sugar
  • Gluten (found in certain grains including wheat, rye, barley, spelt, and oats but also very pervasive in processed foods and not always listed on the ingredient label)
  • Casein (a protein found in all milk products, especially dense in cheese and also hidden in other products)
  • All grains, even gluten free grains (corn, rice, etc.)
  • Any food to which you are allergic or sensitive, tested by IgG/IgE reactions
  • Daily and/or excessive alcohol consumption
  • Medications (prescription as well as over-the-counter, and any other substance that is foreign and unrecognized by the body)
  • Chemical additives to our foods, especially artificial sweeteners, MSG and nitrates/nitrites, antibiotics and hormones, just to name a few.

There’s a compounding effect: the more of these you routinely consume, the more inflammation you can expect to have in the body.  Inflammation precedes most disease, especially and including autoimmune disease.  Inflammation is anything that hurts, is red, hot or feverish, swollen, bleeding, or raw. So whether you struggle with headaches, heartburn, leaky gut, allergies, high blood pressure, muscle or joint pain, hemorrhoids or eczema, you must face the reality that inflammation exists.  Consuming inflammatory foods is very highly likely contributing to the inflammation.  The inflammatory cascade can also be triggered by medications, infections, stress, hormone changes, neurological and metabolic factors.

Need help?  Call (281) 298-6742 today!


By |2016-07-29T10:11:55-06:00July 29th, 2016|Articles, General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

Could You Be Next?

Do you have, or are you at risk for, an Autoimmune Disease?

By Nancy Mehlert, MS and Mila McManus MDautoimmune diseases

While rare in underdeveloped nations, autoimmune diseases have become a 21st century epidemic, with one in six people in America living with autoimmune disease. Some of the increasingly common autoimmune diseases of our times include Hashimoto’s thyroid disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease (i.e., ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease), psoriasis, and celiac disease.  What you may not realize is how easily anyone can end up with an autoimmune disease if inflammation is not addressed aggressively and in a timely manner.  Here’s why:

Your immune system is designed to protect and defend you from potential invaders; those microbes and substances which should not be in your body, including bacteria, parasites, yeast, fungi, chemicals (e.g., plastics, pesticides, petroleum, heavy metals), and anything else that looks foreign and mysterious to  your body. There are varying theories as to the exact etiology of autoimmune disease. Traditionalists tend to blame genetics or occasionally allow that infectious disease may stimulate it.  Others in the functional and integrative medicine fields give genetics significantly less credit and recognize inflammation as an underlying common thread to all autoimmune diseases that have become chronic and systemic. Simply put, autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system loses its ability to distinguish friend from foe and begins to attack its own tissues, whether that be an organ, nerves, joints, bone, or other tissues. Most functional integrative practitioners also recognize the gut microbiome (i.e., the colonies of various microbes in the gastrointestinal tract) as providing the vast majority of our immune system, and so connect a compromised microbiome and consequent gut inflammation, as well as related gut permeability (aka “leaky gut”), directly to the onset and progression of autoimmune disease.  So while definitions and causes of autoimmune diseases vary, what is consistent among them is a systemic inflammation partnered with the body attacking itself, most likely involving underlying gut UNhealth. Lack of gastrointestinal symptoms does NOT equal a healthy gut.  Moreover, let’s not underestimate the role of stress as it triggers and/or exacerbates all that ails you.

Treatment methods also vary.  Traditionalists will simply seek to stop the immune response with anti-inflammatory medications and immune suppressing medications, all of which have serious side effects and fail to address the source of the problem.   Functional medicine seeks to find the chronic sources of inflammation in the body and correct these areas, working to restore optimal function and offer healing.

Understanding the concepts above about autoimmune disease can help you see that, if you don’t identify and put out the fires of inflammation in the body, they can lead to some very serious diseases. Moreover, it follows that your best defense against autoimmunity is to choose a balanced lifestyle that avoids common sources of inflammation, and address any inflammation at its source if, or when, it does appear.

The human body is complex.  Just as a car needs the parts of the engine, properly assembled, AND gas, AND oil, AND tires, AND brake fluid AND filters, the human body has many parts that must function together properly and be cared for properly in order to remain disease free and healthy.  There is not a simple pill or diet or an exercise that can cure or prevent autoimmune disease.

Here are many of the likely factors to consider as you seek to avoid or treat an autoimmune disease. We recommend that you partner with a functional/integrative practitioner to explore the following:

  • Check for hidden infections caused by yeast, viruses, bacteria, and other parasites or pathogens.
  • Identify food allergens and sensitivities with IgE and IgG testing so that they can be removed as a source of immune attack and invasion.
  • Identify inflammatory foods and beverages, as well as medications, which contribute to overall inflammation, and avoid them.
  • Identify vitamin, mineral, and other nutrient deficiencies. Healing and recovery will require them. They help to regulate the behavior of the immune system.  For example, vitamin D and zinc deficiencies have been well studied as common culprits involved with inflammation.
  • Address your gut health by restoring the military force of beneficial bacteria that protects you, while simultaneously eliminating the inflammation there.  The gut needs to be healed, sealed and re-militarized!
  • Identify possible sources of chemical exposure and minimize ongoing exposure. Consider your past and present exposure to pesticides, heavy metals (e.g., mercury, lead and arsenic), petrochemicals, Roundup (an herbicide), plastics, fragrances and other beauty care products. All of these are invaders that create havoc, disrupt normal bodily processes and create real and significant inflammation. They are pervasive and present in our routine daily lives but can be dramatically minimized with an intentional approach.
  • Consider utilizing PEMF as a complement to your other treatments.
  • Address your stressors.  Stress is an inflammatory trigger.  According to Dr. David Marquis, a Diplomat American Clinical Board of Nutrition, “ when you engage in an argument and your cortisol levels increase or you are burning the midnight oil to finish a project and your thyroid hormone levels fluctuate, both are examples of chemical changes in the body that create immediate, real time intestinal permeability, resulting in absorption of partially undigested food, toxins, viruses, yeast and bacteria to pass through the intestines into the bloodstream where the immune response attacks”. Learn to balance your life, practice deep relaxation, exercise regularly but not excessively, ensure quality sleep and maintain healthy relationships. Care for your mind, body and spirit – your whole, integrated being.









By |2016-08-01T08:57:27-06:00July 29th, 2016|Articles, General|

Proteolytic Enzymes (Protease)


by Mila McManus MD

Proteolytic Enzymes, or Protease, is a supplement which serves multiple purposes that support the immune system and all inflammatory processes.  They are extremely useful as part of a holistic regimen in the treatment of cancers, chronic infections, digestive issues, cardiovascular disease, and auto immune diseases, just to name a few.

Proteolytic enzymes, or proteases, are produced in our stomach and pancreas and used in the digestive process to break proteins down into amino acids.  Many people have heard of protease as a component of digestive enzymes taken as a supplement at meals to support healthy digestion; however, proteases have many systemic (i.e., full body) uses and are essential to good health.  When taken between meals, protease is absorbed through the gut lining and into the blood stream where they begin to distribute throughout the body to serve many critical functions, including:

  • Improving blood flow.  Under a microscope, healthy blood cells are dispersed and fluid, while unhealthy ones are clumped and crowded, or sticky.   UNclumped cells have more surface area to accept nutrients, oxygenate, and rid themselves of debris.
  • Improving circulation of blood which helps to repair and heal.  Blood and its components deliver nutrients to cells, removes waste from cells, delivers oxygen to the brain, muscles and tissues, and transports immune cells to sites of infection, inflammation and damage.
  • Stimulating the immune system by pairing up with white blood cells, working to make the immune system more precise and efficient.  This results in fewer colds, allergies, and infections.  Improved detoxification frees up the immune system to focus on real threats and also helps to manage the inflammatory response, thereby reducing  allergies, inflammation and pain, and overreaction to minor triggers.
  • Improving detoxification through removal of metabolic waste, environmental toxins and helping to maintain a clean and healthy internal environment.  Proteases help to break down and eliminate damaging, allergenic, or compromised proteins and thus reduce inflammatory responses. Proteases also break down defensive biofilms created by pathogens (e.g., bacteria). These pathogens create the biofilms in the body to hide themselves from the immune system.  Once revealed again, the immune system can attack those pathogens and eliminate them. Breaking down biofilm also allows medications, such as antibiotics, to reach their targets.

I like to think of proteases as a great cleaning crew that goes all over the body to scavenge for waste, cleaning up debris and removing the sticky film on surfaces that make it hard to tell what is underneath. Dirty=irritated and inflamed.  Clean=calm and peaceful.

Talk to your healthcare provider about proteolytic enzymes, or proteases.  Whether you are well and want to be preventative or if you suffer from any kind of inflammation, pain, organ or system dysfunction, compromised immune function, metabolic or genetic disorders, cardiovascular or circulatory concerns, you should consider proteases. We carry Transformation Enzyme formulas and can recommend the best one for you.

And if you really want to ‘nerd out’, you can read a Scientific Brief.

By |2021-11-03T14:06:06-06:00July 22nd, 2016|Articles, General|

Supplement Cocktail for Constipation

constipation cocktail 2

There are many possible solutions for the relief of constipation or sluggish bowel function.  If you struggle with constipation or difficult bowel movements, please see a health care provider for proper evaluation.  Constipation can be a serious health issue and can be caused by many factors (see main article).

Safe supplements to aid in relieving constipation include:

Magnesium citrate improves gut motility.

Probiotics help to maintain a healthy digestive tract and microbial community which promotes optimal digestion and regularity.

Digestive Enzymes help to promote complete digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats while also increasing nutrient availability and reducing food intolerances.

Aloe Vera helps to reduce inflammation and improves bowel frequency. Be sure to choose a pure, preservative free, organic aloe very gel or juice.

All of these supplements are available in our office at The Woodlands Institute for Health and Wellness.

By |2016-07-06T07:38:52-06:00July 6th, 2016|Articles, General|

Aloe Vera Juice

The process of digestion is very complex. Digestion is the metabolic process that converts foodstuffs within the body for use. The process begins in the mouth where it is chewed and mixed with saliva to prepare it for swallowing. After swallowing, the food is pushed through the esophagus, which transports it to the stomach where it is further diluted and mixed with enzymes, breaking down the food to be absorbed in the intestines. Most of the absorption process begins to take place in the small intestine. Macronutrients, minerals, vitamins, trace elements and water are absorbed here before reaching the colon.  

The colon is the final step in the digestion process. The remaining water is reabsorbed in the colon as well as any substance that cannot pass through the intestinal wall such as dietary fiber.

Because the typical diet consists of many foods unintended for healthy digestion, maintaining a healthy digestive tract is important to the overall health of the body. Aloe vera contains numerous nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Studies have shown that aloe consumed orally promotes normal digestion and supports a healthy immune system.  It’s also very soothing and healing to the gastrointestinal tract.

Source:  http://www.nutrametrix.com


















By |2016-07-06T07:33:54-06:00July 6th, 2016|Articles, General|

All About Papaya

papaya 2

by Nancy Mehlert, MS

Here in Texas, you can find Papaya in the grocery store almost year around.  This fairly medium to large sized fruit is orange in color.  It grows well in any tropical area, but is native to southern Mexico and Central America.  It is especially helpful to mention papaya in our newsletter this month as we look at various aspects of digestive and bowel health, as papaya is well recognized as a fruit that aids in digestion, soothes an upset tummy, and provides a respectable amount of fiber to aid in regularity and digestion. And of course, the good news is, it has a great refreshing flavor which is nice for the hottest months of the year.

The magical ingredient in papaya is called papain which supports the digestive process by breaking down proteins and also improving absorption of them.  It is often extracted for digestive enzyme supplements and is also included in meat tenderizers. For those who suffer from low acid content in the stomach and have difficulty digesting meat, papain from papaya can be very helpful. Pregnant women struggling with morning sickness may find papaya to be a very soothing solution.  Research also suggests papain functions as an anti-inflammatory substance.

Papaya has other important nutritional qualities as well.  It has a very good Vitamin C and Vitamin A content, and these fight free radical damage in the body, creating an environment that protects against aging and disease. While very, very low in fat, the fat content is predominantly anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids.  Finally, papaya is also a good source of folate, an important B vitamin, as well as a source of calcium, potassium, and magnesium.

Try papaya chopped into a salsa, as a topper on a salad, pureed and blended with coconut milk to make a summer sorbet, sliced like melon or as a fruit to dip in a chocolate fondue.  The seeds, while edible, are surprisingly peppery in flavor and generally are discarded.

As a reminder to our readers, fruit offers a nice adornment or a nice finish to a meal, but, due to sugar and total carbohydrate content, one should be cautious about portion control and limit frequency of servings to 0 to 2 per day.

By |2016-07-06T06:45:24-06:00July 5th, 2016|Articles, General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

Are You Full of It?

frogby Mila McManus MD

Are your bowels moving at posted speeds? This article discusses various underlying causes of constipation and sluggish bowel function and how to address the issue naturally.  Laxatives are NOT the answer.  Read on to find out why.

OK, so not the cleanest or most fun topic we could come up with, but it’s an important one.  Sluggish bowel function and constipation are a serious matter with potential for contributing to, or causing, other health issues.  Toxic sludge, for one, will simply recycle back into your body, thereby increasing toxic load.  And toxic load is a cause of constipation!  The causes most people think of in relation to constipation are dehydration and lack of fiber in the diet.  While adding water and fiber to your diet are important for many reasons, I rarely find that these interventions alone will fix the problem.

Other causes of sluggish bowel function and constipation:

  • Inflammation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.  This includes Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis, but these are usually accompanied by bouts of diarrhea, bloody stools, and other symptoms.
  • Dysbiosis.  This is a fancy word for “the bacteria, yeast, viruses, and parasites living in your GI tract are out of balance”.  Have you ever had a course of antibiotics? Of course you have.  This is one of the main contributors to dysbiosis.
  • Low thyroid function.  EVEN IF your thyroid levels are normal, this does not confirm that your thyroid function is normal or optimal.  Test your thyroid function here with our online symptom checker.
  • Food allergies and sensitivities. Unfortunately, conventional medical doctors typically test for only IgE reactions to foods.  It’s important to test for other types of food sensitivities, such as IgG reactions.  The most common food sensitivities include gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, yeast, and corn.
  • Certain supplements, particularly calcium and iron.
  • Congesting foods, particularly gluten (wheat, rye, spelt, barley) and dairy (cheese, ice cream, milk, yogurt, cream)
  • Colon cancer or other conditions affecting your anatomy, such as scar tissue from surgeries or endometriosis.
  • Side effect of medications, including narcotic pain meds (e.g., hydrocodone), calcium-containing anti-acids (e.g. TUMS), certain antihistamines (e.g., Benadryl), certain blood pressure medications including calcium channel blockers (e.g., amlodipine) and diuretics (e.g., hydrochlorothiazide), and certain antidepressants (e.g., fluoxetine, amitriptyline)
  • Dependence on laxatives. The more you use them, the more difficult it’ll be to stop using them
  • Diabetes.  Diabetes can affect nerve function, including the nerves that control the function of the GI tract.
  • Neurologic diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
  • Magnesium deficiency
  • Poor dietary habits in general.  This makes sense because eating a lot of processed food will contribute to inflammation, magnesium deficiency, low fiber, and other health issues that lead to the need to take medications such as those listed above which further contribute to the problem.


  • Heal your GI tract by working with our functional medicine specialists.  This usually involves a customized vitamin/mineral regimen, detoxification support, dietary changes, probiotics, and hormone balance and optimization
  • Test for food sensitivities and/or start an elimination diet (e.g., eliminate all dairy and gluten from your diet for 4 to 6 weeks to see if bowel function improves.)
  • Work with our functional medicine specialists to address the underlying causes of what ails you so that you can potentially wean off your medications that are contributing to your sluggish bowel function.
  • Clean up your diet.  Schedule a consultation with our nutritionist on staff for help.
  • Supplements that can be very effective in alleviating your constipation include probiotics, magnesium citrate, aloe vera, and digestive enzymes.  We highly recommend that you work with a functional medicine specialist for advice on brands, doses, etc.  It’s also important to be properly evaluated.
  • Fiber can actually make constipation worse.  This sometimes should NOT be your first line of defense.
  • A word about Miralax (and other laxatives with polyethylene glycol as the active ingredient):  The FDA has added “neuropsychiatric events” to the list of potential side effects in relation to the use of these laxatives.  “Neuropsychiatric events” would include conditions such as memory loss, autism, depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, etc.  Polyethylene glycol is a string of ethylene glycol molecules.  Ethylene glycol is anti-freeze.  Need I say more?  Please remember that, just because you can get a drug over-the-counter, doesn’t mean it’s safe.
By |2016-07-06T06:40:59-06:00July 5th, 2016|Articles, General|

Oil Pulling for Dental Health

A Number of Benefits with Oil Pulling!cat swishing

Oil Pulling has been around for centuries, but might be better understood if it were called Oil Swishing.  It is a very simple procedure of putting a well-chosen oil in your mouth and swishing the oil around like mouthwash for 5 to 20 minutes, the purpose being to trap germs, toxins, and plaque in the oil and then to spit the oil out, leaving your mouth cleaner, fresher and in good health. It can even whiten your teeth.  The most commonly recommended oil is coconut oil, known for its antimicrobial effects, although sesame, sunflower, and olive oils are also often suggested.  It is suggested that coconut oil kills the bacteria that causes cavities and possibly gum disease, though there are more positive comments and experience of users to validate it than scientific research at this time.  Here’s how to perform oil pulling:

  • Select an organic, raw or cold pressed coconut oil.
  • You can soften ½ cup of oil by putting it in a jar, then place the jar in warm water, add 10-20 drops of clove or peppermint essential oil and then pour into silicone bite-sized candy molds and freeze or refrigerate.  These can be stored in a jar in the refrigerator and one can be used every day for oil swishing.
  • Another option is to place 2 to 3 tsp of coconut oil in the mouth.  It melts immediately. Swish for 5 to 20 minutes, then be sure to spit it out rather than swallow it, as it will be full of germs, toxins, and plaque.
  • You may want to consider where you will spit. It is not great for septic systems and potentially could clog up a sink on a cold day, so a trashcan may be the best option.
By |2016-05-25T09:17:23-06:00May 25th, 2016|Articles, General|

Coconut Water is all the rage. But is it good for you?????

by Nancy Mehlert, MScoconut water

Coconut waters have hit the grocery store aisles in the last year or two.  Every time I walk by them, there are more brands, more flavors.  So are they a good choice?  Certainly relative to a soft drink filled with phosphoric acid, caramel colors and sugar or artificial sweeteners I would have to say they are an improvement.  And most certainly in terms of hydration a coconut water is an improvement over the ever popular sports drinks laden with sugars, artificial sweeteners and food coloring.  But is it really all it is marketed to be?  Let’s take a look….

Coconut water is found in nature, inside of a green, young coconut usually harvested when it is 5-7 months old when it contains the most water.  These coconuts are about the size of a basketball! As the coconut matures on the tree, the coconut meats increase and the water decreases.

The coconut water from a young coconut is truly nutritious and has been consumed for centuries in tropical countries.  The elixir is so rich in electrolyte content that it has been used in emergency situations for IV hydration. Directly from the coconut, these waters are about 46 calories per cup and 10 grams of natural sugar. Potassium rich, it is in fact an excellent electrolyte beverage and offers about 600mg per 8 ounce serving.  It also has a little bit of sodium, calcium and magnesium too as well as a small amount of many other minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients.

Coconut water, because of these nutrient values, can help to lower blood pressure, support weight loss, increase athletic performance, boost energy, lower cholesterol, and relax muscle tension.  For those with kidney disease, it should be limited because of the high potassium content.

Knowing what comes out of the young coconut right out of the tree vs what lands in the store in a container becomes the main concern.  What happens in “man”ufacturing?  What should you be looking for when you buy coconut water in the store?

  •  Ideally, buy a fresh, young coconut and extract the water from it.  This is the real thing that nature created. Because the fresh coconut water is very perishable, you may find raw, fresh coconut water in a refrigerated section of a health store.
  • Second best choice if fresh is not available is to look for “cold pressured” coconut water which is very lightly processed with high pressure rather than heat, which helps to eliminate bacteria while maintaining a greater level of the vitamins and minerals.
  • If coconut water does not need refrigeration, you will likely discover that it has been pasteurized, meaning that a high temperature has been used to kill bacteria but it also destroys most of the natural vitamins and minerals in the product.
  • Coconut water made from concentrate should be avoided as it is the most processed form with little, if any, nutrition left in it short of sugar.
  • Because coconut water has a unique taste, many companies are now enhancing the taste with flavors or to cover up the fact that they are not using young coconuts but older more bitter coconut waters.  Avoid coconut waters with added sugars and flavors. The primary ingredient should be 100% coconut water.

While hydration is important as the summer months approach, by taking a few simple steps, you can stay hydrated and electrolyte-balanced.

  • Eat whole real food with plentiful vegetables and fruits which are a good source of water, fiber, minerals, vitamins and phytonutrients.
  • Eat foods that provide optimal levels of potassium, such as leafy greens, broccoli and cabbage, sweet potatoes, squash, bananas and avocados. Coconut water counts here IF the criteria above are met.
  • Eat hydrating foods just prior to and during activities in the heat such as celery, watermelon, cucumber, kiwi, bell pepper, citrus fruits, carrots and pineapple.
  • Drink enough water to result in urination every 3-4 hours at a minimum. Be sure to replenish the body with water following vigorous exercise especially in very warm or hot weather when increased sweating tends to occur.

My favorite alternative to real food as a hydration product with electrolytes is Vega Sport Hydrator.

Sources: http://draxe.com/electrolyte-imbalance/



By |2016-05-24T18:27:41-06:00May 24th, 2016|Articles, General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|