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BMI Loses Primary Status

by Mila McManus, MD

It has been clearly proven to me that the Body Mass Index, or BMI, was an inadequate way to define all people.

Over the last two decades of my practice, it has been clearly proven to me that the Body Mass Index, or BMI, is an inadequate way to define all people as underweight, normal weight, overweight, obese, or morbidly obese. This has been the American Medical Association’s standard gauge for healthy weight, until now.

Thankfully, in recent weeks, the American Medical Association has agreed to advise doctors to pay less attention to BMI as the only standard.  Body composition, belly fat, waist circumference, and genetic factors will also now be taken into account. The action came as a result of mounting evidence that it is an inaccurate predictor of individual health risk.  The BMI scale is based primarily on data from white people, so the issue here is that body shape and composition vary among racial and ethnic groups, genders, and age groups. 

The AMA’s statement further added that “overemphasis of bodily thinness is as deleterious to one’s physical and mental health as obesity.” The organization asks doctors to help patients “avoid obsessions with diet and to develop balanced, individualized approaches to finding the body weight that is best for each of them.”

At last! Promotion of the idea of individualized medicine! 

Be you. Be well. Be here at TWIHW where personalized medicine is the standard.



By |2023-07-06T05:54:56-06:00July 6th, 2023|General|

“I made a stunning recovery!”

I made a stunning recovery!

from Donna S.

I began treatment with you in June 2008. I was obese, full of candida, thyroid and hormonal imbalance, adrenal fatigue and

was feeling sick and hopeless. Within a few short weeks of following the yeast free protocol and getting the right medication and

supplements, I felt better than I had in decades. My energy returned, my palate changed and I lost 50 pounds. I was actually

eating more food, than when I was shut down and ill. My food was fuel, and my body processed it! I made a stunning recovery, and

had the energy and stamina to lead a busy fulfilling life. I was working in a career that I love, singing and vocal coaching.

In 2010 I was diagnosed and treated for tonsil cancer. Because of your work in building my health and wellness, I was going into treatment

in the best physical condition possible to face the rigorous cancer treatment ahead of me. I was strong, well nourished, and optimistic.

I walked through radiation on two feet, and came out on the other side with a complete cancer free result. I was one of very few

patients with my type of cancer who got through treatment without a feeding tube. I am still singing and training musical theatre artists,

Praise God! The work you do is truly life changing. I am so grateful for your wisdom and insight into diagnosing and treating each individual case.


Thank you!

By |2017-08-26T08:49:47-06:00July 19th, 2017|General, Testimonials|