P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

About Mila McManus MD

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So far Mila McManus MD has created 857 blog entries.

Salmon Cakes with Caper Sauce

salmon cakes with Caper sauce

Serves 2


  • 6 ounces raw salmon, skin removed and diced into small cubes
  • 1 egg
  • ⅓ cup ground walnuts
  • ½ cup chopped fresh Italian parsley
  • 1 tsp dill weed
  • ¼ tsp sea salt
  • Pinch of cayenne


  • 3 tbsp grass-fed butter
  • 1 tsp capers
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • sea salt to taste


1. Combine salmon, egg, ground walnuts, parsley, dill weed, sea salt and cayenne together in a bowl and refrigerate for 1 hour or up to several hours. Form into 2 patties.

2. Preheat oven to broil. Place salmon patties on a lightly greased baking dish and broil for 5-7 minutes on each side.

3. While salmon is broiling, melt butter and combine with capers, lemon juice and sea salt to taste.

4. Top salmon patties with melted butter-lemon-caper sauce and serve.







By |2016-03-28T10:05:10-06:00March 25th, 2016|General, Recipes|

Employee of The Month


Renee Long has been a member of the staff here at TWIHW as a Medical Assistant since 2011. With over 30 years of experience helping women with nutrition and eating disorders, and her years of service here working closely with the medical team and our patients, it is no surprise that Renee has a wealth of knowledge. Because Renee is a very compassionate care giver, her patients trust her, request her and look to her for guidance and instruction. Behind the scenes her co-workers consider her an in house mom often seeking her out for her nurturing style or simply because she’s a great friend and listener with an infectious laugh. She has a huge heart for people and furry critters and she is always ready to jump in for a rescue if she sees one having a tough time. She likes a good challenge, a good problem to solve, and with an amazing drive and passion she will persist to resolution. She’s a loving wife, a dedicated mom, and an adoring grandmother who enjoys RVing, cooking, and helping others.

By |2016-03-28T10:06:02-06:00March 25th, 2016|Articles, General|

Brain Builders and Brain Drainers

By Mila McManus MD and Nancy Mehlert MS

The human brain is home to more than 100 billion nerve cells that serve as the central command center for the human body. Neuroscientists have confirmed that we do have the ability to make new brain cells, a process called neurogenesis. Learning new things, having sex, and engaging in aerobic activities all increase neurogenesis, whereas stress and poor sleep decrease it. Not surprisingly, scientists have also discovered that nutrition plays a very significant role in the ability to make new brain cells. This means we can be very intentional about taking care of our brain to promote new cell growth thus improving memory, mood and a keeping a sharp mind as we age.

brain lifting wts

Brain Drainers

  • Keep carbohydrates in check, avoiding boxed, packaged and processed foods, especially grains and pastas as well as gluten, and sugar.  All of these convert rapidly to sugar, a highly destructive substance to the brain.  Read Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter.
  • Avoid alcohol. It’s a depressant, it’s inflammatory, and inhibits neurogenesis of the region of the brain involved with memory.
  • Avoid foods high in Omega 6 which are inflammatory fatty acids.  This includes natural and processed oils from corn, soybean, cottonseed, canola, grapeseed, safflower and sunflower.
  • Toxins-we are exposed to toxins 24/7.  Every time we drink, eat, take a breath or shower, we are absorbing toxins.  We don’t all detoxify at the same rate. Consider genetic testing that will help determine how well you detoxify. Also consider heavy metal testing.  Aluminum, for example, increases acetylcholinesterase, the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine.  Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter involved with memory.  Learn more about toxin “blocks and tackles” here.
  • Prescription drugs (and well, illicit drugs, too, of course).  Statin drugs commonly prescribed for high cholesterol are among the worst offenders.  You can also read our series on the dangers of other commonly prescribed drugs, such as antihistamines.
  • Electrosmog-this is the invisible electromagnetic radiation emitted from products such as cell phones, cordless phones, wi-fi, baby monitors, and cell phone towers.  While the dangers of electrosmog are still controversial, we believe this is a real threat.  Studies have shown, for example, that electrosmog emitted from mobile phones increases blood brain barrier (BBB) permeability. The BBB protects our brains from toxins, for example, so if the permeability is increased, consider the flood gates to be open!
  • Infection-it’s gross to think about, but we all have a LOT of microbes (bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeast, parasites) taking up residence in our bodies, including our brain. Lyme disease, for example, is very difficult to diagnose accurately with blood tests, and is known to have a link to brain diseases such as MS, ALS, and Alzheimers.  Candida, a form of yeast, produces over 100 neurotoxins.
  • And, as mentioned above, stress and poor sleep

Brain Builders

  • Consider Cognitive assessments to quantify cognition. See a quantitative and objective measure of your cognitive health to help complement any existing subjective assessment methods you’re using as part of your care.
  • Consider Intermittent Fasting, a scheduled pattern of eating which includes fasting, with normal eating restricted to a small 6-8 hour window of time each day.  Calorie restriction promotes neurogenesis.
  • Seek out foods and supplements high in Omega 3 fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory and make up 15 to 20% of your cerebral cortex.  Good food sources include wild Pacific/Alaskan salmon and sardines, egg yolks from pasture raised chickens, chia seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, organic extra virgin olive oil and grass fed beef.
  • Your brain loves flavonoids – a very powerful antioxidant essential in the brain’s constant war against oxidation. Great sources of flavonoids include blueberries, dark chocolate, curcumin (found in the spice, curry), kale, citrus fruits and Brussels sprouts just to name a few.
  • Improve your gut health.  Research has revealed that the health of your brain is largely dictated by the blend of microbes in your gastrointestinal tract.
  • Optimize your hormones with a functional medicine specialist.  Slow thyroid function, for example, clearly causes slow brain function.
  • Boost oxygen! Improving circulation to the brain will provide more oxygen to the brain, thus facilitating brain function.  Consider ONDAMED, gingko biloba, and Neo40 to help achieve this.
  • Magnesium L-Threonate
  • And, as mentioned above, learning new things, having sex, and engaging in aerobic activities.

Call us at 281-298-6742 and let us help you improve your brain function.

Grain Brain by Dr. David Perlmutter
By |2018-09-12T12:38:27-06:00March 25th, 2016|Articles, General|

Magnesium L Threonate

Magtein-Logo-600pxMagnesium is one of the body’s most abundant minerals and estimates suggest that up to 80% of Americans don’t get enough of this mineral. There is no such thing as a 100% magnesium supplement because magnesium needs to be bound to another substance and that substance will affect bioavailability, absorption and its stool softening or laxative effect. It can be confusing when deciding which form of magnesium is best for you. One of the newer and emerging types of magnesium is called Magnesium L Threonate, a magnesium salt of L-threonic acid which is a vitamin C metabolite. It has been shown in animal studies to cross the blood-brain barrier and penetrate cell membranes while having no laxative effect. Animal studies have shown that Magnesium L Threonate (trademarked under the name Magtein™) increased learning ability, working memory and both short and long term memory. These improved brain functions, along with the fact that magnesium supports a large number of physiological functions, bone health, energy and metabolism, just to name a few, have made magnesium L Threonate a favorite new form of magnesium. Testimonials speak to improved memory, mental focus, energy levels and clarity.

It’s important to use a high quality well manufactured form of Magnesium L Threonate to avoid cheap binders and allergens. We offer Dr. Mercola’s formulation that is specially formulated for high absorption and high penetration characteristics in a non-GMO, hypoallergenic encapsulation.

By |2016-03-28T11:16:29-06:00March 25th, 2016|Articles, General|

Energy Medicine

energy medi

by Mila McManus MD

We use energy medicine every day in main stream as well as alternative medicine. If you’ve ever had an x-ray, mammogram, MRI, CT scan, or ultrasound, then you’ve experienced the wonders of energy medicine. Besides using energy for diagnostics, we use energy for therapies, such as with ultrasounds and lasers. If you’ve ever had acupuncture, you’ve experienced energy medicine. When you understand that our bodies, the universe, and everything in it are made up of energy and molecules, you can begin to understand that energy medicine is not voodoo.

What most people experience in modern medicine is chemistry, e.g. pharmaceutical drugs, when it comes to treating their ailments. I’ve been a physician for many years and my main focus has been using chemistry (hormones, vitamins, dietary interventions, and when necessary, pharmaceuticals) to treat and detoxify my patients. Well, since 2018, The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness has been exploiting the powers of the universe and the body’s innate ability to heal itself. We incorporate energy medicine to facilitate healing and I’ve seen some pretty amazing things using a device that emits pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF). There are many PEMF devices out there and they are not all created equal. Our technology is top notch and my only regret is not having this device years ago!

When you hear the term “EMF”, you may be thinking of dangerous scattered EMF related to cell phones, laptops, wi-fi, and baby monitors (yes, baby monitors are the worst offenders!). PEMF devices use focused, therapeutic low doses that actually jump start the body’s healing process. PEMF also stimulates cellular detoxification. Imagine a bottle neck traffic jam on the highway due to construction on the road. Four lanes merge into one and it’s painfully slow to get from Point A to Point B. Now imagine the electrical highways throughout your body that are required for communication for your body to have any action (for instance, for you to raise your arm within a millisecond of wanting to raise your arm, your brain must send an electrical signal to your arm in order to contract the right muscles that allow you to raise it). Well, due to injuries, infections, toxins, and inflammation, our electrical highways can get traffic jammed. An injured joint, for example, requires not just blood supply to rush in, but also requires energy to get to that area to provide the correct signals for healing and function. PEMF therapies unjam that traffic to allow normal speeds of communication to allow the body to heal itself, whatever ails it. A great analogy I read about distinguishing the speed of chemical reactions (e.g. pharmaceutical drugs) vs energetic reactions is understanding the difference in how long it would take to walk across the country vs fly across the country. I’ve seen patients’ pain disappear immediately after a session before they’ve even left the office.   Not everyone responds this quickly though. What’s also pretty unique about the PEMF device that we use in our office is that it incorporates biofeedback which directs us not only to the specific frequencies with which someone should be treated at that particular time, but also helps us to locate the areas in the body that have the disturbance. And you might be surprised to know that the area where you may have pain, for example, may not be the area at which the PEMF needs to be directed.

Important benefits to note regarding the use of PEMF include:

  • Increases oxygen delivery to your cells
  • Improves ATP production (the energy source for our cells)
  • Enhances circulation
  • Speeds healing
  • Stimulates detoxification
  • Reduces pain
  • Reduces swelling
  • Reduces inflammation
  • No known side effects
  • Non-invasive
  • Non-painful
  • Non-pharmaceutical
  • Antioxidant properties
  • 10,000+ scientific papers and 2000+ double blinded studies to back up its claims

It’s important to understand that we cannot say that PEMF therapy “diagnoses, treats, or cures any disease”. It’s facilitating your body’s ability to heal itself. Also, the only contraindication to using PEMF therapy is pregnancy. Having metal implants (e.g. hip or knee replacements) does limit the areas that can be treated.

Check out our Current Promotions page for ONDAMED specials!

Click here to read one of many patient testimonials about ONDAMED.

Find upcoming information and demonstration sessions here.




By |2021-10-20T10:39:53-06:00March 1st, 2016|Articles, General|

The treatments I received over the course of just 2 weeks has changed my life…

The treatments I received over the course of just 2 weeks has changed my life...

Dr. McManus,

I’m certain when you considered purchasing the PEMF device that you were certain it could help your patients with various conditions, but were you prepared for not just helping but changing lives?  The treatments I received over the course of just 2 weeks has changed my life from one of constant pain and sleepless nights to 98% pain free and sleeping soundly!  I have had tendonitis in my left elbow and numbness in two of my fingers with 70% nerve conduction loss for over a year.    I am a medical professional, so I have tried months of NSAIDS, 30 days of continuous steroids and 3 steroid injections to try to relieve the pain to no avail. I finally had surgery in July and it did not work.  I had another surgery this past December, but it left my left elbow with hyper-sensitivity due to the relocation of the nerve.  I could not touch the inside of my left elbow, nor even have the sheets rub against it at night because it would cause severe pain.  I decided to try your PEMF therapy but was completely skeptical that such a device would do ANYTHING, but what was there to lose.  Well, to my amazement, after the first treatment, I could actually touch the area around my scar.  I couldn’t believe the machine had worked.  Now, after 2 weeks of treatment, I can not only touch the skin around the incision, but I can touch the incision and rub the scar to release adhesions.  I can wear my long sleeves without any pain.  Better yet, I can sleep!!  I want to thank you for thinking outside the box and doing your research to stay on top of what is out there to better the lives of your patients.  You and your staff have made such a difference in the quality of my life.  I will forever be grateful because I had just made up my mind I would live in discomfort forever and then you introduced me to ONDAMED.  I am recommending this treatment to all my friends who have a variety of issues, not just pain.  Additionally, on more than one occasion, the machine indicated I was having issues elsewhere before I ever mentioned anything to you that I was in fact having issues in that particular area.  This treatment works and it works well!  Again, thank you for staying vigilant.


By |2016-03-28T11:08:00-06:00March 1st, 2016|General, Testimonials|

Hemp is Healthy

hempBy Nancy Mehlert, MS

Hemp seeds are rising in popularity as a wise and healthy addition to a whole food diet and it’s not hard to understand why. Inside this seed is a deeply nutritious profile of healthy fats, generous fiber, quality protein and an amazing supply of vitamins and minerals.

So let’s get clear right away about the relationship of hemp seeds to marijuana.  Much like the difference between bell pepper and a chili pepper, both of which are in the pepper family but taste and look very different, hemp and marijuana are both members of the same plant family – cannabis.  BUT they are very different!  The psychoactive effect in marijuana is caused by Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).  Hemp foods contain only 0.001% of this and do not cause a false positive drug test, nor do they affect pregnant women or children or anyone else eating a quality hemp seed.

So why should you enjoy hemp seeds as part of a healthy diet?  Here are 9 really great reasons to include 3 Tablespoons of hemp in your diet often:

  • You can get an enormous amount of great nutrition in one tiny package.  Easy to add to foods and baking or just eat, it is an essential part of fast, portable, healthy food choices.
  • It has 10 grams of omegas, perfectly balanced between 3s and 6s and high in quality, more than flaxseed or chia seed.
  • The high quality Omega 6 called “GLA”, which stands for gamma linolenic acid, is promoted by the American Cancer Society as an anti-cancer compound.  GLA rich foods such as hemp have been observed to help with ADHD, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, PMS, rheumatoid arthritis and skin allergies.
  • It has 10 grams of vegetarian protein which is also hypoallergenic, and again, more than flaxseed or chia seed.  It contains all 20 amino acids AND, therefore, all 9 of the essential amino acids that our body cannot produce.  It is considered a “complete” protein.
  • Hemp is a very low carb food.  All of the carbs in hemp are fiber.
  • Magnesium deficiency is very common and 3 TBS of hemp offers an amazing 181 mg of magnesium.
  • Hemp seeds are also rich in calcium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and iron.
  • They offer a good source of Vitamin A as well as some B Vitamins and Vitamin D.
  • Hemp hearts are raw, whole food with just one simple ingredient.

Eat well.  Live Well.











By |2016-02-19T09:04:36-06:00February 19th, 2016|Articles, General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

Banana Hemp Heart Muffins (Egg free, Wheat/Gluten Free)


Banana Hemp Muffin




¾ cup almond flour (also pecan or hazelnut flour)

2 tbsp. coconut flour

2 tbsp. Hemp Hearts (hemp seeds)

2 tsp. cinnamon

¼ tsp. sea salt

½ tsp. baking soda

½ tsp. baking powder

1 large ripe banana, mashed

¼ cup unsweetened apple sauce (or 1 egg if desired)

1 tbsp. coconut oil, melted

2 tbsp. unsweetened almond, coconut, flax or cashew milk

1 tsp. vanilla extract



Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
Combine nut flour, coconut flour, Hemp Hearts, cinnamon, sea salt, baking soda and baking powder into a large bowl.
In a smaller bowl, combine wet ingredients, whisking together.
Add the wet ingredients to the dry and stir to combine.
Spoon batter into muffin tray and bake for about 15 minutes
Remove from the oven and let cool before transferring to a cooling rack.


Notes: This recipe doubles easily. The muffins freeze well.










By |2016-03-01T08:26:04-06:00February 18th, 2016|Recipes|

Dyvette Warren, PA-C

Dyvette 2016 for web

Dyvette Warren, PA-C, brings to this practice more than 14 years of experience in family and internal medicine working closely with men, women, and children of all ages. Her experience, knowledge and authentic compassion blend to make her patient care personal, creative and highly effective. Around here, we call her the Mary Poppins of medicine. She is joyful, boundlessly energetic, and deeply passionate. These qualities bear out in the way that she takes time and interest in each patient individually and the way all of her co-workers gravitate toward her. She is an eternal optimist, a great encourager and very confident. Dyvette seeks the cutting edge, has a constant thirst for new knowledge and is always generous in sharing her knowledge with others. She does all of this while gracefully keeping track of a busy family and participating in outreach and missions in her community and abroad.

By |2016-02-19T08:31:26-06:00February 18th, 2016|Articles, General|