Get a Squeaky Clean Start to the New Year- detox
So January has arrived fresh and new, brimming with possibilities for each of us. Moving forward, putting the past behind us and seeking newness are inherently built into our minds as we move into a new year. Nutritionally, though, you may feel like you are lugging a bit of holiday jolly right along with you into the New Year and not feeling all too jolly about it now. For many it is added pounds, for others it is fatigue and poor digestion and for yet others it is a general malaise, or aches and pains. After all, these are often the effects of the extra indulgences of too much sugar, processed foods, food additives, alcohol, and overeating that are common during the holidays. As Dr. McManus focuses our main article this month on anti-depressants, it is worth noting that our food is a very common source of many anti-nutrients that contribute to depression. So what to do about it?
How about letting your partners in wellness at TWIHW help you get back into gear for a great new year? Whether you want to get help re-vamping your diet, implementing a more formal detoxification program, participating in a weight loss program, finding accountability or starting out the year with a health and wellness check up where goals for your improved health can be identified, we can help! With every one of these approaches, we can offer a multitude of steps that you can take to help detoxify the body employing a wide range of practices from 7 to 21 day detoxification programs, juicing, fasting, cleaning up the diet, utilizing supplements, and promoting weight loss. The good news is that there is a personal plan for you. Not everyone can fast, not everyone wants a strict diet and the same protocol is not right for everyone. Cleansing the body can be done through many avenues and in a way that is achievable for you. Schedule your nutrition appointment today to start fresh, get clean, and feel great for the New Year!