P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

Supplements that Support your Immune System

immune system support

Support your Immune System

When it comes to prevention and protection, the following supplements that support your immune system make a great basic arsenal of weaponry to have handy to incorporate when you sense your immune system is under unusual attack or stress. Depending on the supplement, increasing the amount you are already taking or adding a couple of them into your daily supplement regimen for a number of days can help to bolster the immune system and/or attack germs that have entered the body. Work with your wellness provider here at TWIHW to develop a strategy that will meet your individual needs.

  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Silver Sol
  • Probiotics
  • Echinacea – (caution: people with certain allergies (e.g. ragweed) may have adverse reactions to Echinacea)
  • Essential Oils – stay tuned next month for more on essential oils and their many uses such as immune system support and cleaning the house!


*The product information provided is for educational purposes and is not intended as either diagnosis or treatment of any disease, nor does it replace professional medical advice. 
*Warning: Please consult a health care professional before using these products.









By |2014-08-02T09:16:06-06:00August 2nd, 2014|Articles, General|

Defending the Borders, Part III

Being Proactive Against Invaders

This month, we’re closing this series by encouraging you to have a strategic lifestyle that protects your Body Nation. It is proactive and anticipatory in nature.

In military terms, this concept is well demonstrated by the events of 9/11 and the Boston Marathon attack in 2013. When events like this occur, our governments stop to ask the question, “How did this happen and how do we prevent it from reoccurring?”

Do you ever look at your health this way? Do you ask yourself what events occurred that left you exhausted, or with a cold, flu, stomach virus or yeast infection?   And more importantly, what can you do going forward to prevent this from happening again? Here are simple proactive and defensive strategies to prevent attack.

Make Wellness Your Lifestyle Routine

Our lifestyle choices direct us in one of two directions: toward disease or toward wellness. Where are your choices taking you? Adopting a healthy lifestyle for life is the single greatest step you can take toward staying well and protecting your health. The core foundational pieces must include:

  • Food and water choices that truly nourish the physical structure of the body.
  • Spiritual or meditative time for mental health and self-respect.
  • Quality sleep for healing, balance, detoxification and restoration.
  • Routine exercise for strength, stress reduction and stamina.

Are you taking good care of yourself? Get started on a commitment to continually adjust your lifestyle to achieve balance in this foundation for wellness.

Anticipating What Lies Ahead

To avoid getting caught off guard, like our nation did with 9/11, you will find it helpful to anticipate possibilities and take protective, preventative measures. Here are examples of what this looks like:

  • Crazy Busy Week Ahead: Schedule and plan non-negotiable self-care appointments for wise food choices, adequate sleep, exercise and quiet time.
  • Germy Places: Anticipate airplanes, hospital visits or being in crowded venues and increase probiotic intake for a day or two before, during and after. In addition, keep you hands clean and off of your face. (The more people you are around, the more likely germs will be passed).
  • Life’s Most Stressful Events: Recognize that the most difficult life events require a wellness strategy. A dying parent, loss of a job, divorce or loss of someone you love each demand streamlining your life by delegating what you can, stepping away from some commitments for a time, and investing more time in self-care and wellness. Consider professional help, rally friends and family for support, ask your wellness provider about diet and supplements that can help to ease anxiety, reduce inflammation and improve rest.
  • Feels Like You Are Coming Down With Something:

       o   At bedtime, increase your military force right where you need it by opening a probiotic capsule and dumping its contents on the back of your tongue before putting your head on the pillow. Doing this places military forces right in the ears, nose and throat.

         o   Consider adding or increasing supplements that boost your immune function such as probiotics, Silver Sol, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C. (See Supplement of the Month section in this newsletter.)

      o   Focus on anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, antioxidant foods (see the Nutrition article in this newsletter.)

  • General Maintenance and Upkeep: Seasonally, take time to cleanse your body through juicing, fasting, eating raw or some similar cleansing technique that works well for you. Consult with Nancy Mehlert, our nutritionist, for methods that will meet your individual needs.
  • Take Direction from Your Body: Most of us are miserably out of relationship with our body. It does speak to you, so learn to listen to it! Listen for thirst, pain, exhaustion, fullness, or hunger and respond with provision. If a craving exists for a healthy food such as a vegetable, nut, or meat, then meet that demand by getting that exact food. (Be aware of malware messages for donuts, ice cream or chips. If you get those messages, some other malicious invader is attacking you).
  • Get Out In Front of Potential Trouble: If you know you have to have x-rays taken or a certain medical procedure will involve antibiotics or steroids, put a dietary and supplemental plan in place to protect and maintain your gut bacteria by increasing probiotic doses and consulting with your wellness provider for assistance.

Anticipating possible damage, taking proactive steps, and developing a well balanced lifestyle will lead you to wellness.

By |2014-08-02T08:45:03-06:00August 2nd, 2014|Articles, General|

Foods That Defend You

Foods with Antimicrobial Properties

We usually think of our food as a source of nourishment in the form of protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Are you aware that there are many foods that have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties and help to attack and destroy unwanted visitors such as the common cold, disease-causing bacteria, and yeast? Here are some of the best food antimicrobials that can work in your defense on a daily basis:

Coconut Oil

The best source for caprylic and lauric acids, coconut oil provides antifungal and antibacterial protection whether ingested or applied externally. Butter from grass fed cattle is another excellent source of these acids while olive oil contains Oleuropein, also known to be an effective anti fungal.

Garlic and Onions

Known for their antibacterial properties, these two foods have been used all over the world to treat major and minor diseases. The active ingredient is sulfur which serves to reduce inflammation, protect against pathogens and cancer, and also is a strong anti-oxidant, attacking free radicals in the body.

Cabbage (and other relatives)

While all vegetables and fruits offer good sources of Vitamin C, which serves as a natural antibiotic and antioxidant, cabbage takes first place in this category. A one-cup serving of cabbage offers 75% of the daily-recommended amount of Vitamin C and is also rich in sulfur. Broccoli, kale, cauliflower, horseradish, and Brussels sprouts are also top notch choices included in this family of protective foods.

Fermented (Living) Foods

This old-world tradition of preserving foods is not very common today though it is making a come back as health practitioners and nutritionists gain renewed respect for probiotics and the importance of the protective role they play in the health of the human body. Fermented foods provide extremely high doses of probiotics compared to what can be found in most probiotic supplements. To learn more about fermented foods, click here


Be sure to include as many herbs as possible every day as you prepare and season your food. Here are some of the most powerful and also easy to incorporate options: Allspice, Basil, Caraway seed, Chili pepper, Cinnamon, Coriander, Cumin, Curry, Dill, Fennel, Ginger, Marjoram, Mint, Mustard, Nutmeg, Oregano, Parsley, Pepper, Rosemary, Sage, Tarragon, Thyme, and Turmeric.

By |2014-07-23T07:05:22-06:00July 23rd, 2014|Articles, General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

Insomnia-Causes and Treatment Options

Causes of Insomnia and Treatment Options to Help You Sleep

By Mila McManus MD

This article isn’t about obvious causes of insomnia, such as heartburn or chronic pain.  Its focus is on some causes of insomnia about which you may not realize, and some suggested treatment options.

Potential causes of insomnia:

  • Hormonal imbalance or deficiencies despite normal lab results. Symptoms matter as well. Click here to test yourself for hormonal imbalance and deficiencies, such as low thyroid, estrogen dominance, and low T.
  • Adrenal fatigue (another form of hormonal imbalance). Click here to test yourself for adrenal fatigue
  • Poor sleep hygiene (e.g. working in bed, watching TV in bed, trying to sleep with a nearby light on)
  • Shift work-if you work sometimes during the day and sometimes during the night time hours, this will cause disruption of your circadian rhythm (internal clock)
  • Certain medications, prescription or over-the-counter (e.g. ADD medications, decongestants, diet pills)
  • Neurotransmitter imbalance-these are chemicals in the brain. There are tests available to check for this
  • Stress (it makes everything worse, doesn’t it!)
  • Ambient temperature, mainly temperatures above 70 degrees, can affect your quality of sleep
  • Alcohol-while it may help you fall asleep, it affects your ability to stay asleep
  • Caffeine-some people are very sensitive and don’t realize that having a soda, iced tea, or coffee with lunch can affect their ability to get to sleep at night

Treatment options

  • Get your hormones balanced and optimized. Call 281-298-6742 today for help.
  • Avoid napping during the day-it confuses your internal clock
  • Turn off the TV, turn off your cell phone, and turn off ALL the lights
  • Avoid caffeine after 10am
  • Talk to your doctor about which medications you are taking may be affecting your sleep. Call 281-298-6742 or click here for us to contact you to learn about how we can help treat the underlying reasons why you need certain medications so that you aren’t dependent on them.
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Manage your stress! We all have stressors, but we don’t all react the same way to stressors. It may be impossible to rid yourself of stressors, so work on managing the stress. Some options would be meditation, deep breathing exercises, EFT, massages, yoga, bubble baths.






By |2014-10-01T05:54:19-06:00July 9th, 2014|Articles, General|

Have a New Husband by Friday

by Mila McManus MD

Improve Your Relationship

Ladies, have you been frustrated that your husband doesn’t acknowledge your presence when you walk into the room?

Gents, have you ever felt that you are on a completely different wavelength than your wife?

If you could use some help in the communication and/or relationship department, whether you are male or female, please read on!

A couple of years ago, a patient of mine told me about a book called Have a New Husband by Friday. The title may be a bit off-putting to some of you, but please give it a chance. This book was written for women, by a male therapist. So men, encourage your women to read this book, for YOUR benefit.

This patient of mine told me that it saved her marriage. I was intrigued! Over the next year, I recommended this book to several other women and started getting positive feedback. I decided to then read it myself to see what all the hype was about, and felt it would be prudent to know what I was recommending to people. I must say, I didn’t think

I needed to read the book, but once I did, I was very glad that I did. It helped me understand how men are wired differently and gave me great insight on how to better communicate with my husband, regardless of the situation. Dr. Kevin Leman, the author, explains to women that they can’t change their men, but they can change themselves in how they communicate with their men which, in turn, can effect changein their men.

Let me give you an example. Dr. Leman explains how the male and female brains are wired differently and that men can’t multitask like women can. Imagine holding an infant with your left arm on your hip, talking on the phone, holding it between your ear and shoulder, stirring the pot on the stove with your other arm, and watching the news, all at

the same time. Men, I dare you all to try. Simple experiment, that’s all I ask. This author says you can’t do it. So, ladies, when you walk into a room as you are asking your husband a question and he’s on his laptop or watching TV and doesn’t acknowledge your existence or answer your question, don’t assume he’s simply ignoring you. He might not register that you walked into the room or even were speaking to him. So next time, try walking into the room, engaging him first with “Honey?”, wait for him to look at you (if it doesn’t work right away, repeat), and then ask your question. The book has many other examples and suggestions.

By the way, the author also has a book called Have a New Kid by Friday (haven’t read it yet, so unable to comment on it at this time).

Happy reading!

have a new husband by friday




By |2014-06-30T15:05:47-06:00June 30th, 2014|Articles, General|

Defending the Borders Part II

Avoiding what destroys your protective force of beneficial bacteria in your gut.

This month we want to focus on how to recognize all of the threats to Your Body Nation and ways to avoid them. Keep in mind that your gut microflora, when properly balanced and healthy, will contain mostly beneficial bacteria, but will also always have a small amount of pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes.

Unfortunately, a product of eating and breathing is bringing in some of the bad guys. Like our nation and our communities, there will always be a presence of the harmful microbes. The goal is to have your strong protective force of probiotics in place to manage, control, and prevent the harmful ones from flourishing. So as you build your strong protective force for Your Body Nation, the next two steps are to:

1) avoid what destroys your protective force of beneficial bacteria.

2) avoid giving the pathogenic bacteria (the bad guys) food and fuel to grow.

Here are the specifics:

1) Avoiding the Killers

When you look at the list of probiotic killers, you will appreciate the toll our fast paced, highly advanced technological society is having on human health. Carefully examine the list. Avoid everything that you can by making lifestyle changes. Minimize exposure to the others as much as you can and then keep taking your probiotics and consuming fermented foods to replace what you cannot control losing.

Here are the enemies:

  • Antibiotics and Antibacterials – think big in this arena. The obvious killers are prescription antibiotics but antibiotics are also found in grain fed beef and other Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) used in the meat processing industry. It also includes all milk used to make dairy products where the cows have been fed antibiotics as well. Another sneaky place is in household cleaning or personal care products that claim to have antibacterials in them. A common one to watch for is Triclosan, found in hand soaps and toothpaste.
  • Steroids (especially long term use)
  • Birth Control Pills
  • Radiation – X-rays, microwaves, chemotherapies, cell phones, computers
  • Splenda (aka Sucralose) – this is the most common artificial sweetener used in most of the “sugar free” foods today from soft drinks, sugar free cookies, ice creams, and bread products as well as in many protein drinks and food bars.
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) – the most common are soy, corn, cottonseed, canola, and summer squash. Genetically modified organisms don’t technically kill your favorable gut bacteria, but rather genetically alter them, causing gene silencing, which can shut down our own physiology. Epidemiological patterns show there’s an identical rise in over 30 human diseases correlated with our increased use of glyphosate and the increased prevalence of genetically engineered proteins in our foods. *
  • Chlorine – watch for it in tap water used in drinking, bathing, washing clothes, and also in swimming pools and hot tubs.
  • Flouride – tap water, toothpaste, dental gels, some pharmaceuticals (e.g. Cipro), non-organic grape juices and wines (vineyards use a pesticide called cryolite with high levels of fluoride) and black and green teas (especially bottled and instant varieties made from older leaves which contain highest levels of fluoride).

2) Stop Feeding the Pathogens

The second step is to keep the pathogenic bacteria and yeast that normally inhabit your gut from growing out of control. Routine exposure to the following is like giving ammunition to the enemy. Here are the key items that promote and encourage the overgrowth of pathogenic (bad) bacteria in the gut.

  • High carbohydrate diets, especially from highly processed foods that include grains (wheat, corn and rice), potato, sugars, some chemicals. This translates into most of our bread and bakery products, cereals, pasta, chips, snack foods and fast foods.
  • Sugar, in all forms
  • Dairy products, especially fat free and reduced fat (thus high in lactose, also known as milk sugar) as well as sweetened yogurts, ice creams, and puddings.
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Stress (take steps to cope better, learn to relax, get exercise and quality sleep)

Now that you know what your looking for, you are well equipped to protect your Body Nation from the enemy and keep your own military force strong and in full control.


By |2014-06-27T09:17:05-06:00June 27th, 2014|Articles, General|

Digestive Aid

Digestive Aid for Acid Reflux and Other Ailments

Digestive Aid supports proper digestive function by supplying hydrochloric acid from betaine HCl and pepsin for enhanced protein digestion.  It also provides nutrient cofactors B1, B6 and zinc which support the body’s own production of HCl.  Additionally, Digestive Aid includes Gamma Oryzanol and Fucoidan which soothe, support and strengthen the protective stomach mucosa.

While counter intuitive, heartburn and reflux can be symptoms of depleted stomach acid, rather than too much.  Over the counter drugs and prescription drugs commonly used for heartburn and acid reflux actually can do more harm than good by blocking the production of acid in the stomach making it very difficult for foods to be properly broken down for digestion.  A healthy diet combined with probiotics, digestive enzymes, and when necessary, increasing Hydrochloric Acid with meals through the use of Digestive Aid can offer a four pronged approach to improve or resolve most digestive issues.


*The product information provided is for educational purposes and is not intended as either diagnosis or treatment of any disease, nor does it replace professional medical advice. 
*Warning: Please consult a health care professional before using this product.






By |2014-06-27T08:35:19-06:00June 27th, 2014|Articles, General|

Are you the Commander-in-Chief?

Take charge as Commander-in-Chief of your Nutrition.

The distinguishing mark of a great military force is its leader. When we read about great military leaders like Julius Caesar or Alexander the Great, we are told about what they “conquered” or “took control over”. Are you The Commander-in-Chief of Your Body Nation?

It is an important question to ask. Who is in charge? Maybe it is your doctor saying food does not matter? Your spouse who does all the cooking? Your children who bind up your time or demand fast food? Or is it possible no one is leading and your food choices are at the mercy of advertising forces, restaurant menus, or your mood?

In the practice of nutrition and in my own personal journey, I’ve noticed it is easy to make excuses for the reasons we don’t eat right. Most of us know what we should eat. Life is what gets in the way every day. We work long hours, travel, and attend corporate functions. We have a busy social life with friends. We have children with packed schedules, games to play, and homework to do. We are involved in weddings, divorces, graduations, or caring for the sick. We move, change jobs, or have financial difficulty. We celebrate. These are the events that seem to become our excuses for not making wise leadership decisions for the good of our Body Nation.

I want to challenge you to the truth today. You are the only person who can truly lead your Body Nation. You are the only person who raises hand to mouth to put food in it. You also have a highly organized and capable brain that provides the skills you need to learn, exercise choice, plan ahead, communicate with others and, most of all, protect and defend your Body Nation. I want to challenge you to own your nutrition pathway. You are The Commander-in-Chief and you can conquer the lifetime challenges that try to take over. If we don’t take care of ourselves, how can we take care of others? Taking ownership of your health and making your nutrition a priority along with quality sleep, exercise and stress management will lead to a life well lived.

Easier said than done? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Buddy up with a friend for accountability.
  • Ask friends and family to not enable your bad food habits.
  • Practice Emotional Freedom Technique.
  • Keep bad food choices out of the house.
  • Schedule an appointment with me for help with meal planning and good substitutions to improve your pantry
  • Make small changes at intervals rather than trying to make one big radical alteration in your life (e.g. wean off diet soda, start exercising 5 minutes a day, or change your snack from chips to snap peas and hummus)
  • Recommended reading: Taming the Chew by Denise Lamothe, When Food Is Love by Geneen Roth, and Life is Hard, Food is Easy, by Linda Spangle.





By |2014-06-26T11:33:48-06:00June 26th, 2014|Articles, General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

Depressed? Need a lift?

Depression comes in many forms and has many possible causes. Rather than band-aiding your depression with an anti-depressant medication, The Woodlands Institute aims to detect and correct the underlying causes of your depression. Causes may be anything from a simple nutritional deficiency or hormonal imbalance to a reaction to a food. We’ll help you understand common depression signs so that you may identify depression symptoms in yourself, a family member or a friend. Then, we can also help you determine the best depression treatment for you.

We invite you to read our online article “Depression Symptoms & Treatments” for details on how depressed feelings affect all types of people and can be easily addressed with the right attention. Talking to a trained professional about your depressed feelings or those of a loved one is critical to resolving these feelings. Whether you’re a teen struggling with depression, a new mom who may be challenged with postpartum depression or a father who just isn’t energized about the things he once was, The Woodlands Institute is here for you.

Test yourself for hormonal imbalances that may be causing or contributing to your depressed moods. One culprit of your depression could be low thyroid, which we can also help address.

Contact us at now for a free consultation with one of our wellness consultants.

Click here to read a testimonial from a real patient of TWIHW who suffered with depression for many years.

By |2014-06-25T10:45:04-06:00June 13th, 2014|Articles, General|

Causes of Anxiety You May Not Know About

by Mila McManus MD

Are you anxious and don’t know why? Is your anxiety disproportionately high relative to the situation? Have you developed social anxiety? Let’s face it. We ALL have stressors in our lives, whether it’s related to work, family, finances, health, or the weather. We don’t all, however, react to our environments the same way. When you see a ‘traditional’ doctor about your anxiety symptoms, you’re likely to be prescribed a drug such as Lexapro, Klonopin, Xanax, or the like. These medications may provide relief, but they certainly bring with them many potential side effects, and the risk of physical dependence. Moreover, they aren’t addressing the underlying cause of your anxiety. Did you know:

  • A common, but frequently overlooked cause of anxiety is progesterone deficiency (aka estrogen dominance). Click HERE to test yourself for estrogen dominance and other hormonal imbalances.
  • Another common, but frequently overlooked cause of anxiety is adrenal fatigue. Click HERE to test yourself for adrenal fatigue symptoms and other hormonal imbalances.
  • Magnesium is an important mineral for the body and is a common deficiency. It may be that a person isn’t eating magnesium-rich foods, or that a person isn’t absorbing magnesium adequately due to an unhealthy gut (click HERE to test yourself for unhealthy gut), or that magnesium is being depleted due to a side effect of a medication, such as an anti-acid or a diuretic (“water pill”).
  • Low testosterone levels can cause anxiety.
  • Deficiency in B vitamins contributes to anxiety. B vitamins are necessary to help clear the body of adrenalin, a neurotransmitter released in times of stress.
  • Neurotransmitter (brain chemical) imbalance or depletion contributes to anxiety. Amino acids are precursors to neurotransmitters. If you aren’t eating the diet sufficient to provide dietary amino acids, you won’t be able to produce adequate neurotransmitters. In addition, certain medications, particularly anti-acids, block absorption of amino acids.
  • If your GI tract isn’t healthy, it will affect your serotonin, which is a calming neurotransmitter. While serotonin is a brain chemical, the vast majority is made in the gut. Unhealthy gut equals unhealthy production of serotonin.
  • Anxiety is NOT a Xanax deficiency.

In summary, anxiety can be caused by numerous hormonal imbalances/deficiencies, vitamin and other nutritional deficiencies, and gut issues. Our business is detecting and correcting the underlying causes of symptoms and disease. Call 281-298-6742 today or click here and let us help resolve your anxiety.




By |2018-05-21T14:10:05-06:00June 11th, 2014|Articles, General|