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Creamy Coleslaw

Courtesy www. from pasta to paleo .com

Serves 4-6


4 cups cabbage (purple, green or a mix) shredded

2 carrots, peeled and shredded

2 green onions, root end removed, and sliced thin

Coleslaw Dressing

1 cup avocado mayo

2 tablespoons grainy mustard

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon celery seed

½ teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

1 teaspoon sea salt


  1. 1. In a large bowl, whisk together mayo, grainy mustard, apple cider vinegar, celery seed, black pepper and salt.
  2. 2. Add shredded coleslaw, carrot and green onion. Using tongs, mix the cabbage with the dressing, until evenly coated.
  3. 3. Cover and refrigerate for 10 minutes to an hour to allow flavors to develop and salad to chill.
By |2020-07-07T09:56:23-06:00July 8th, 2020|General, Recipes|

Cabbage and Pomegranate Salad

Edited from The Ketogenic Kitchen, by Domini Kemp and Patricia Daly

Serves 6-8


1 large head of red or white cabbage, sliced or grated

½ teaspoon salt

Juice of ½ lemon or lime

2-3 tablespoons olive oil

2 pomegranates, seeds removed

1 red onion, finely diced

¼ cup chopped mint

Black pepper to taste



1. Slice or grate the cabbage in a food processor (or purchase pre-shredded red or white cabbage in the produce section of grocery store).

2. Place the cabbage in a large bowl and season well with the salt, massaging it and tossing it into the slaw. Allow to sit for at least 10 minutes.

3. Remove the seeds from the pomegranate. There are several good you tube videos showing how to do this and it’s very easy when done correctly.

4. Add the lemon or lime juice. Lemon juice will be more tart, lime juice a little smoother.

5. Then add the olive oil and toss.

6. Finally add the pomegranate seeds, diced onion, fresh mint and some freshly ground black pepper.

Notes and Serving Suggestions: Stores well in the refrigerator for several days.  The red cabbage makes a fall festive color combination of red and green. Pairs well with lamb or fish.


Net Carbs: 13.3 grams

Fiber 7.1 grams

Protein 2.8 grams

Fat 6.9 grams

By |2018-10-01T07:43:36-06:00September 20th, 2018|General, Recipes|

Bacon and Cabbage Roast

Serves 4

From www.paleoleap.com

Bacon & Cabbage Roast




  • 1 green cabbage, cut into 6-8 wedges

  • 6-8 slices of uncured bacon, cut into small pieces

  • ¼ cup ghee or butter, melted

  • Sea Salt and ground black pepper

Bacon and Cabbage Roast Casserole


  1. 1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

  2. 2. Wash, dry then cut the cabbage into 6-8 wedges.

  3. 3. Place wedges in a roasting pan and salt and pepper as desired.

  4. 4.Pour the melted ghee or butter over each piece slowly, allowing it to soak in between the leaves.

  5. 5. Top each wedge with bacon pieces, so that as they cook, the bacon flavor and fat will soak down onto the wedges.

  6. 6. Cover and cook in the oven for 25-30 minutes.

  7. 7. Remove the cover and cook another 25-30 minutes until bacon is crispy and cabbage is golden brown.


By |2018-01-17T13:56:58-06:00January 17th, 2018|General, Recipes|

3 Quick Kitchen Tips

Kitchen Tips


  1. 1. If you run a stainless steel skewer through the middle of a sweet potato before putting it in the oven, it will cook faster. The metal absorbs the heat and helps to cook the potato from the inside out. Doing this reduces baking time by up to 50%!


  1. 2. One way to make cabbage and kale more palatable, raw or cooked, is to break it down by massaging it with your hands.  After you wash it, put shredded cabbage or torn pieces of kale in a bowl. Lightly salt and add a little lemon or lime juice and then, after washing your hands well, knead and massage the vegetables for 2 minutes to soften them.  This will take away the leathery texture of kale and the severity of the coarseness of cabbage.  Then make your salad or cook the veggies.


  1. 3. Never put away left overs without portioning them into single servings.  You will always have food for the road, ready to pack and go.

By |2017-10-03T20:47:55-06:00October 3rd, 2017|General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

Goitrogens-(a.k.a. stuff that negatively affects thyroid function)



By Nancy Mehlert, MS

There’s no doubt that, if you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or Hashimoto’s (autoimmune thyroid disorder), you have searched the internet for information and come across references to goitrogenic foods (i.e. goitrogens) with the preponderance of sources recommending avoidance. These goitrogenic foods are primarily found in the raw Brassica or cruciferous vegetables which include, but are not limited to, arugula, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, and Brussels sprouts.

Goitrogens can be drugs, chemicals, or foods.  In terms of food, goitrogens are naturally occurring compounds found in many foods to varying degrees.  Some older research on animals only has suggested that goitrogens might suppress thyroid function by interfering with iodine uptake, thus inhibiting the production of thyroid hormones.  This, in turn, would result in goiter (enlargement of the thyroid).  So understandably, in an effort to do the right thing for your health, you may have felt very compelled to remove these foods from your diet.

Anytime someone suggests removing vegetables from the diet, especially groups of vegetables, my ears really perk up!  There are obvious “man-u-factured” food products and sugar which we would all do well to remove from our diets for improved health, but it goes against common sense to remove foods from the earth which our ancestors have eaten for centuries.  Moreover, without question, vegetables are deeply nutritious.  Where else can we get as many minerals, vitamins, fiber and phytonutrients that serve as antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, cancer fighters and detoxification supporters?  Does eating them really pose a risk or threat to the thyroid?

I join in agreement with most leaders in the functional medicine community who argue that these foods contain far more beneficial nutrients relative to the goitrogenic activity.  Many of these foods help the body to produce glutathione, a very powerful antioxidant necessary to fight Hashimoto’s disease because it modulates and regulates the immune system, puts down the fires of autoimmune flare ups and protects and heals thyroid tissues.  Glutathione also detoxifies the liver while cruciferous vegetables in general are well studied for their protection against cancers, thyroid cancer included.

Dr. Fuhrman states it well: “The fear of eating cruciferous vegetables or that those with hypothyroidism should reduce or avoid the consumption of kale or other cruciferous vegetables is unfounded and does a disservice to the community.  Whether you have normal thyroid function or hypothyroidism, there is no benefit for you to avoid or restrict your intake of cruciferous vegetables.” He goes on to state that “No human study has demonstrated a deficiency in thyroid function from consuming cruciferous vegetables.”

My advice remains the same.  We ALL benefit from food rotation, eating a wide variety of nutrient dense foods, especially vegetables.  Moderation and variety is the best way to ensure the optimal amounts of what the body requires.  All that to say if you are juicing large quantities of kale and/or spinach every single day, perhaps some rotation of greens is in good order for you!  Or if you are eating a vegan or vegetarian diet where the main vegetable choices made every day are from the cruciferous family, perhaps greater variety and reduction would be prudent.  Another strategy is to deactivate most of the goitrogenic compounds by cooking the vegetables.  Roasting, steaming, sautéing or blanching them resolves any potential concern.  Blanched and pureed, they can be frozen as ice cubes for a smoothie so they can still be added to juice each morning.

Finally, thyroid health is best protected, not by taking vegetables out of the diet, but by ensuring adequate iodine intake, stress management, cleaning up the diet, healing the gut, resolving vitamin deficiencies, removing toxins, and balancing hormone function.

By |2016-09-22T09:33:35-06:00September 22nd, 2016|Articles, General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

Foods that Defend You

Foods that Defend You

We usually think of our food as a source of nourishment in the form of protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Are you aware that there are many foods that have antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties which help to attack and destroy unwanted visitors such as the common cold, disease-causing bacteria, and yeast? Here are some of the best food antimicrobials that can work in your defense on a daily basis:

Coconut Oil

The best source for caprylic and lauric acids, coconut oil provides antifungal and antibacterial protection whether ingested or applied externally. Butter from grass fed cattle is another excellent source of these acids while olive oil contains Oleuropein, also known to be an effective anti fungal.

Garlic and Onions

Known for their antibacterial properties, these two foods have been used all over the world to treat major and minor diseases. The active ingredient is sulfur which serves to reduce inflammation, protect against pathogens and cancer, and is also a strong anti-oxidant, attacking free radicals in the body.

Cabbage (and other relatives)

While all vegetables and fruits offer good sources of Vitamin C, which serves as a natural antibiotic and antioxidant, cabbage takes first place in this category. A one-cup serving of cabbage offers 75% of the daily-recommended amount of Vitamin C and is also rich in sulfur. Broccoli, kale, cauliflower, horseradish, and Brussels sprouts are also top notch choices included in this family of protective foods.

Fermented (Living) Foods

This old-world tradition of preserving foods is not very common today though it is making a come back as health practitioners and nutritionists gain renewed respect for probiotics and the importance of the protective role they play in the health of the human body. Fermented foods provide extremely high doses of probiotics compared to what can be found in most probiotic supplements. To learn more about fermented foods, click here.


Be sure to include as many herbs as possible every day as you prepare and season your food. Here are some of the most powerful and also easy to incorporate options: Allspice, Basil, Caraway seed, Chili pepper, Cinnamon, Coriander, Cumin, Curry, Dill, Fennel, Ginger, Marjoram, Mint, Mustard, Nutmeg, Oregano, Parsley, Pepper, Rosemary, Sage, Tarragon, Thyme, and Turmeric.



By |2014-08-02T09:42:07-06:00August 2nd, 2014|Articles, General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|