P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

SOT (Supportive Oglionucleotide Therapy) For Lyme and Other Infections

By Mila McManus MD

RGCC lab has facilities globally and offers cutting edge testing and integrative therapies for infections and cancers.

SOT (Supportive Oglionucleotide Therapy) is a treatment that effectively silences the genes that are expressed in microbes’ genomes that are allowing them to survive. Your chromosomes contain genes which consist of strings of nucleotides.  These nucleotides are ‘read’ by RNA.  The RNA is then translated into proteins and this is how genes are expressed.  SOT is called ‘anti-sense’ which means it creates a string of nucleotides which bind to the RNA, rendering it ineffective, and therefore it cannot be translated into proteins. By silencing genes that are critical for the microbes’ survival, the microbes will die. SOT will kill the microbes without harming the body; however, as with any other therapy used to treat infections, herxheimer reactions can occur.  This is also known as ‘die-off’ or ‘healing crisis’.  We have a protocol in place for patients to follow that will mitigate the incidence and severity of herxheimer symptoms.  SOT is administered intravenously every 4 to 6 months as needed and remains active in the body for 24-28 weeks. Most people require 1 to 2 SOT infusions per microbe.  Furthermore, if a person has Borrelia and co-infections, treating the most active infection may allow the body’s immune system to recover enough to handle the other infections on its own.


RGCC offers a highly sensitive PCR test for Lyme and other infections.  With these results, a patient will know what infections are present, as well as which ones are most active/prevalent.   The lab then uses these results to make the SOT, and it is very specific to each microbe.  The PCR test must be repeated prior to each SOT because microbes often mutate and the SOT’s target gene may change.  Once your blood is drawn at our office and shipped to the lab in Greece, results typically take 3 to 4 weeks.  And once SOT is ordered, it will be custom made and arrive at our office in another 3 to 4 weeks. 


For Price List, click here.

For a list of the bacteria and viruses for which SOT can be made, click here.

If you’d like more information, call our office (281-298-6742) to schedule an appointment.

By |2022-10-10T17:03:09-06:00March 30th, 2020|General|

Integrative (i.e., Alternative, Complementary, and Supportive) Cancer Therapies

By Mila McManus MD

Integrative (i.e., Alternative, Complementary, and Supportive) Cancer Therapies
Photo courtesy Medical News Today

According to cancer.gov website, 38.4% of people will have a cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives.  That’s over 1 of every 3 people.  Fear is a natural tendency.  The saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” always brings to mind cancer first.  If you do get (or have) a diagnosis of cancer, you should know that there are a lot of integrative (i.e., alternative, complementary, and supportive) therapies to consider exploring.

Some of what I’m presenting in this article are therapies I have had some experience with and/or offer at TWIHW. Others I’ve learned from colleagues, research, conferences, and patients. I make NO claims about the effectiveness of any of these therapies, and this list is, by no means, exhaustive. Furthermore, you can assume that most, if not all, of the items listed below are not formally FDA-approved. Also, I want to point out that “unproven” is not synonymous with “ineffective”.  Medical school focuses heavily of teaching us how to manage diseases with FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs. We aren’t trained on using nutrition, for example, to manage disease or treat illness.  Training us to use diet, vitamins, and other natural substances is a conflict of interest to Big Pharma’s bottom line.

I never encourage patients to choose conventional over alternative therapies or vice versa. It is important TWIHW patients know their available options. TWIHW will support patients’ decisions whichever treatments they choose.  Most of the time, my patients will choose some form of conventional treatments–surgery, chemo, and/or radiation. We aim to support their healing and mitigate their side effects using complementary therapies like these:

  • Mega doses of intravenous vitamin C
    • In 2019, I attended the IV C Academy at the Riordan Clinic in Kansas.  Dr. Hugh Riordan received a patent in 1997 for the treatment of cancer with IV Vitamin C.  You can read more about the benefits of mega dose vitamin C here.
    • To learn more about how vitamin C fights other diseases, I highly recommend Dr. Thomas Levy’s book Curing the Incurable.
  • Essiac tea is a blend of herbs that supports detoxification pathways and supports immune function.
  • Fucoidan is a component of seaweed that has demonstrated the potential for anti-cancer effects, immune modulation, inflammation control, cardiovascular support, and stem cell activation.
  • Protocel is a non-toxic liquid formula that interferes with the metabolism (energy production) and cell membrane integrity of cancer cells, without harming normal, non-cancerous cells in the body.
  • Ketogenic diet, a very low carb diet thought to help treat cancer, by drastically reducing glucose in the body to ‘starve’ cancer cells to death. Reducing glucose is very important, because cancer uses glucose for energy rather than oxygen.  Dr. Mercola wrote a great article about this in 2013 and you can read it here.
  • ONDAMED (biofeedback with PEMF) is an energy medicine device. It applies frequencies (‘signals’) to the body that jump start healing processes.
  • Exercise -many studies show that an exercise program may help cancer patients live longer and have a better quality of life.
  • Essential Oils –in particular, frankincense, peppermint, and lavender for possible cancer benefit
  • CC cream -I very recently learned about this from a colleague. Information on this website is quite intriguing.
  • Melatonin -This is a link to a one-hour video presentation by Dr. Shallenberger discussing all the many ways that melatonin fights cancer.
  • RGCC lab in Greece, offers cutting edge testing and integrative therapies for all types of cancer and has facilities globally.
    • RGCC lab testing includes a vast blood panel that:
      • 1) detects the number of circulating tumor cells
      • 2) tests cancer cells for sensitivity/resistance to natural substances (e.g. turmeric, vitamin C) and conventional chemotherapeutic agents
      • 3) monitors a known cancer
      • 4) screens for cancer
    • Simply having a clear scan and normal tumor markers does NOT mean you don’t have cancer stem cells in your body waiting to wreak havoc.
    • The lab can make cancer vaccines and a therapy called SOT (supportive oligonucleotide therapy).
      • Cancer Vaccines, aka ATA (autologous tumor antigen), are made up of antigens used by the body’s immune cells to determine what cells should be attacked or left alone.
        • Specific antigens are found on cancer cells in the patient’s blood, administered back to the patient intravenously or subcutaneously (under the skin).
          • This stimulates the immune system to attack the specific cancer cells in the body without harming the body’s normal cells. 
        • ATA is administered over 9 weeks, i.e. once a week for 3 weeks, then off for 3 weeks, and then once a week for another 3 weeks.
        • If needed, the protocol can be repeated 3 months after the last injection.
      • SOT treatment effectively silences the genes within cancer cells that are allowing the cancer cells to live. Your chromosomes contain genes which are strings of nucleotides.  These nucleotides are ‘read’ by RNA.  The RNA is then translated into proteins and this is how genes are expressed.
        • SOT is called ‘anti-sense’ which means it creates a string of nucleotides which bind to the RNA, rendering it ineffective, and therefore it cannot be translated into proteins. This will cause cell death (aka apoptosis) of circulating tumor cells and cancer stem cells in primary and metastatic tumors. 
        • Bcause it causes massive tumor cell destruction which can cause a potentially life-threatening condition called “tumor lysis syndrome”, there are some restrictions for using this treatment. 
        • For example, if a patient has wide spread cancer, or a large tumor burden, in highly vascular areas such as liver or lungs, that person may not be a candidate for SOT until the tumor burden can be reduced by, e.g., the vaccine treatment, other alternative therapies, or conventional chemotherapy, surgery, and/or radiation.
        • SOT is administered intravenously as a one-time dose, every 4 to 6 months.
        • The SOT remains active in the body for 24-28 weeks. Maximum dose is 3 full doses (or 6 half doses) for every 12 months. 
        • And even if a patient is unable to get his or her cancer cell count to zero, SOT can be used for years to control cancer.
  • Other nutrients, herbs, and options to explore include mistletoe, turmeric, vitamin D, hyperbaric oxygen, acupuncture, quercetin, and proteolytic enzymes.

And the list goes on…

If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, it is my professional opinion to have an Oncologist and a Functional Medicine Specialist to partner with on the cancer fighting journey.

As you can see, there is a lot of information out there and it can be time-consuming, confusing, and overwhelming. Remember, nothing is going to help 100% of people, 100% of the time. If you’d like more information, call our office at 281-298-6742 to schedule an appointment.



RGCC lab


The Metabolic Approach to Cancer by Dr. Nasha Winters

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by Dr. John Lee.

Knockout by Suzanne Somers

By |2023-03-22T16:52:33-06:00March 4th, 2020|Articles, General, Recommended Reading|