P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

“I honestly did not think I would have seen the benefits so soon.”

from   L.S.

I am definitely seeing the benefits of this cleanse and all the supplements Dr. McManus prescribed. I have more energy, my skin is beautiful, and for the first time I don’t have swelling in my hands and feet (so bad I want to amputate). My pain is about 10% better. But, the best thing I have noticed (for the first time in my life) I am never hungry or crave anything. Trust me I have tried all the DIETs: healthy eating / organic/ algae-E3 Live/ Isagenics/ pills/ cleans/ Eat right for your blood type/ Keto/ Paleo/ Mega Cleans/ Starvation/ and fad DIETs and all I do is DIE every time. Lol.  I finally have hope today, instead of wishing I would die or better, someone put me out of this misery. I honestly did not think I would have seen the benefits so soon. I am losing weight. I lost 7 lbs. I don’t even care about the number, I’m just glad all my work is paying off and I can fit in my clothes comfortably.  Thanks, and tell Dr. McManus she is an Angel

By |2020-03-03T12:25:15-05:00March 5th, 2020|General, Testimonials|

“I’m more healthy and I have lost over 100lbs.”

I’m more healthy and I have lost over 100lbs.

I started the yeast cleanse diet in March of 2019. With the help of Dr. McManus and Nancy, I was able to work through it, do some things my own way, and take it slow. I’ve been eating better since. I’m more healthy and I have lost over 100lbs. I have a better self-image and more confidence. The photo(s) was taken in December 2019.

-E. W.

Photos courtesy of E.W.

By |2020-02-27T12:19:42-05:00February 2nd, 2020|General, Testimonials|

More Surprising Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight


by Mila McManus MD

In 2014 I published an article on “Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight“.

Today I’d like to expand on that partial list (didn’t mean to wait 3 years to do that!)

So besides the reasons listed in the above link, here are a few more to add to the list:

  • Poor sleep quality and sleep deprivation cause an increase in ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite, as well as cause a decrease in leptin, a hormone that tells you to stop eating.
  • Not staying hydrated.
  • Not eating enough calories.
  • Stress-yes, stress.  Its effects are evil in every way.
  • Gut health
  • Excessive fruit intake because the sugar in fruit, fructose, more easily stores as fat than other types of carbs.

Check out this month’s specials which are dedicated to helping you lose those pesky pounds!



By |2017-02-23T15:23:59-05:00February 21st, 2017|Articles, General|

Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight

If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say, “I can’t lose weight despite diet and extreme exercise,” I would be a gazillionnaire. Issues with weight gain can be quite complex and everyone has a different opinion about what a healthy diet looks like.  There are many reasons why you potentially can’t lose weight despite exercise.  You may understand the concept of portion control and benefits of exercise, but did you know this:

  • Inflammation affects metabolism. Inflammation stems from various factors, but one in particular is a food sensitivity. You may not realize that, for instance, the eggs or wheat in your diet is sabotaging you because of an underlying food sensitivity. Another source of inflammation is alcohol. (Of course, the calories from alcohol don’t help either).
  • Nutritional deficiencies affect metabolism. Are you deficient in iodine, selenium, omega 3s or iron perhaps?
  • Muscle mass helps to dictate metabolism. Are you working on increasing muscle mass and not simply trying to jog off your behind and belly fat?
  • Results will be much quicker by working on your diet, rather than trying to overcompensate with exercise.
  • Your thyroid function may be low despite normal lab results. Test yourself for low thyroid symptoms.
  • Hormonal imbalances indirectly affect thyroid function, which in turn affects metabolism. Have you heard of estrogen dominance?
  • Medications can affect your metabolism such as birth control pills, antidepressants and beta blockers.
  • Toxins may be sabotaging your efforts. We are all constantly exposed, but some more than others. Plus, some of us don’t eliminate toxins as quickly. A good detox may be helpful! Read our article on how to detox your body and search our site for detox recipes that will help you get rid of harmful toxins.

Call 281-298-6742 today to learn how we can help you start losing weight today! We also invite you to try our healthy diet recipes that are sure to spice up your taste buds AND help you feel better. The Woodlands Institute also offers an amazing nutrition program under the leadership of amazing nutrition consultants.




By |2018-05-21T13:52:06-05:00June 3rd, 2014|Articles, Ask Dr McManus, General|