P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

Unusual Signs and Symptoms of Low Thyroid Function

By Mila McManus MD

thyroidMany of you out there know some of the common symptoms of low thyroid function, such as fatigue, weight gain, constipation, headaches, hair loss, depression, and cold intolerance.  I’ve also explained to many of you how the thyroid functions in the body.  Think of this gland as your engine.  If your engine is too ‘revved up’ (i.e., hyperthyroid), bodily functions will be overactive, such as overactive nerves causing jitters, shakiness, anxiety, fast heart rate, palpitations, and high blood pressure. Bowels may be overactive causing excessive bowel movements or loose stools.  Temperature gets higher, metabolism gets faster, and so on.  If your engine slows down (i.e., hypothyroid), bodily functions slow down.  Energy gets lower, brain function gets slower, mood is lower, bowels are slower, pain threshold is lower, temperature is lower, metabolism is slower, and so on.  It’s also important to note that some symptoms can occur on either end of the spectrum.  For instance, you can be tired if thyroid function is low or high.  You can lose weight or gain weight on both ends of the spectrum.  You can be shedding hair when thyroid is under-active or overactive.  And also noteworthy: 1) symptoms can vary, such as you may have normal bowel function, but have other symptoms of low thyroid, and 2) having normal thyroid labs does NOT mean that your thyroid is functioning adequately. (You can read about that here.)  Moreover, there are many factors that affect how well your thyroid functions at the cellular level, including diet, gut health, stress, toxins, vitamin deficiencies, and imbalance of other hormones in the body.

Having said all of that, today I wanted to share some less well known signs and symptoms that may indicate a thyroid problem:

  • High cholesterol
  • Anxiety
  • Dry patches on elbows
  • Slow speech
  • Fluid retention
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Insomnia
  • Severe menstrual cramps
  • Downturned mouth
  • Acne
  • Twitching of the eyelid
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
  • Dizziness
  • Mild elevation of liver enzymes
  • Gallstones
  • Recurrent bladder infections

If you think you may have low or suboptimal thyroid function, you can test yourself here with our online symptom checker.

Dr. Pamela Smith lecture at A4M conference 2015






By |2016-10-04T08:03:19-06:00October 4th, 2016|Articles, General|



Iodine is an essential element and perhaps the biggest piece of the puzzle when it comes to thyroid hormones.  One of Iodine’s main functions is in the production of thyroid hormones, but is detected in every organ and tissue. It is essential for healthy thyroid function and efficient metabolism, and there is increasing evidence that insufficiency correlates with numerous diseases, including fibrocystic breast disease and certain cancers. Iodine is a potent anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, and anti-viral agent.  It has four significant roles in your body, namely to maintain your weight and metabolism, to develop brain and cognitive function in children, to optimize fertility and to strengthen your immune system.

Please consult with your holistic healthcare provider before adding, or  adjusting your dose of, an iodine supplement.

Prothera, Inc. 2015 Patient Catalog, pg. 107














By |2016-09-22T13:24:07-06:00September 22nd, 2016|Articles, General|

Goitrogens-(a.k.a. stuff that negatively affects thyroid function)



By Nancy Mehlert, MS

There’s no doubt that, if you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or Hashimoto’s (autoimmune thyroid disorder), you have searched the internet for information and come across references to goitrogenic foods (i.e. goitrogens) with the preponderance of sources recommending avoidance. These goitrogenic foods are primarily found in the raw Brassica or cruciferous vegetables which include, but are not limited to, arugula, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, collard greens, mustard greens, kale, and Brussels sprouts.

Goitrogens can be drugs, chemicals, or foods.  In terms of food, goitrogens are naturally occurring compounds found in many foods to varying degrees.  Some older research on animals only has suggested that goitrogens might suppress thyroid function by interfering with iodine uptake, thus inhibiting the production of thyroid hormones.  This, in turn, would result in goiter (enlargement of the thyroid).  So understandably, in an effort to do the right thing for your health, you may have felt very compelled to remove these foods from your diet.

Anytime someone suggests removing vegetables from the diet, especially groups of vegetables, my ears really perk up!  There are obvious “man-u-factured” food products and sugar which we would all do well to remove from our diets for improved health, but it goes against common sense to remove foods from the earth which our ancestors have eaten for centuries.  Moreover, without question, vegetables are deeply nutritious.  Where else can we get as many minerals, vitamins, fiber and phytonutrients that serve as antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, cancer fighters and detoxification supporters?  Does eating them really pose a risk or threat to the thyroid?

I join in agreement with most leaders in the functional medicine community who argue that these foods contain far more beneficial nutrients relative to the goitrogenic activity.  Many of these foods help the body to produce glutathione, a very powerful antioxidant necessary to fight Hashimoto’s disease because it modulates and regulates the immune system, puts down the fires of autoimmune flare ups and protects and heals thyroid tissues.  Glutathione also detoxifies the liver while cruciferous vegetables in general are well studied for their protection against cancers, thyroid cancer included.

Dr. Fuhrman states it well: “The fear of eating cruciferous vegetables or that those with hypothyroidism should reduce or avoid the consumption of kale or other cruciferous vegetables is unfounded and does a disservice to the community.  Whether you have normal thyroid function or hypothyroidism, there is no benefit for you to avoid or restrict your intake of cruciferous vegetables.” He goes on to state that “No human study has demonstrated a deficiency in thyroid function from consuming cruciferous vegetables.”

My advice remains the same.  We ALL benefit from food rotation, eating a wide variety of nutrient dense foods, especially vegetables.  Moderation and variety is the best way to ensure the optimal amounts of what the body requires.  All that to say if you are juicing large quantities of kale and/or spinach every single day, perhaps some rotation of greens is in good order for you!  Or if you are eating a vegan or vegetarian diet where the main vegetable choices made every day are from the cruciferous family, perhaps greater variety and reduction would be prudent.  Another strategy is to deactivate most of the goitrogenic compounds by cooking the vegetables.  Roasting, steaming, sautéing or blanching them resolves any potential concern.  Blanched and pureed, they can be frozen as ice cubes for a smoothie so they can still be added to juice each morning.

Finally, thyroid health is best protected, not by taking vegetables out of the diet, but by ensuring adequate iodine intake, stress management, cleaning up the diet, healing the gut, resolving vitamin deficiencies, removing toxins, and balancing hormone function.

By |2016-09-22T09:33:35-06:00September 22nd, 2016|Articles, General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight

If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say, “I can’t lose weight despite diet and extreme exercise,” I would be a gazillionnaire. Issues with weight gain can be quite complex and everyone has a different opinion about what a healthy diet looks like.  There are many reasons why you potentially can’t lose weight despite exercise.  You may understand the concept of portion control and benefits of exercise, but did you know this:

  • Inflammation affects metabolism. Inflammation stems from various factors, but one in particular is a food sensitivity. You may not realize that, for instance, the eggs or wheat in your diet is sabotaging you because of an underlying food sensitivity. Another source of inflammation is alcohol. (Of course, the calories from alcohol don’t help either).
  • Nutritional deficiencies affect metabolism. Are you deficient in iodine, selenium, omega 3s or iron perhaps?
  • Muscle mass helps to dictate metabolism. Are you working on increasing muscle mass and not simply trying to jog off your behind and belly fat?
  • Results will be much quicker by working on your diet, rather than trying to overcompensate with exercise.
  • Your thyroid function may be low despite normal lab results. Test yourself for low thyroid symptoms.
  • Hormonal imbalances indirectly affect thyroid function, which in turn affects metabolism. Have you heard of estrogen dominance?
  • Medications can affect your metabolism such as birth control pills, antidepressants and beta blockers.
  • Toxins may be sabotaging your efforts. We are all constantly exposed, but some more than others. Plus, some of us don’t eliminate toxins as quickly. A good detox may be helpful! Read our article on how to detox your body and search our site for detox recipes that will help you get rid of harmful toxins.

Call 281-298-6742 today to learn how we can help you start losing weight today! We also invite you to try our healthy diet recipes that are sure to spice up your taste buds AND help you feel better. The Woodlands Institute also offers an amazing nutrition program under the leadership of amazing nutrition consultants.




By |2018-05-21T13:52:06-06:00June 3rd, 2014|Articles, Ask Dr McManus, General|

Overcoming Depression Testimonial

Overcoming Depression Testimonial

by Mila McManus MD

As I was my first wellness patient, and depression was one of my many issues, I thought it would be appropriate to share my story this month since this newsletter focuses on depression.

I remember feeling depressed when I was in high school, but seemed mostly situational. College years were good, but developed anxiety. Two yrs into medical school, life was rough. I was exhausted and emotional and anxious all the time. I started on antidepressants and boy did it help a lot.  I went from a lot of emotion to NO emotion. It helped anxiety as well.  I craved carbs terribly and continued to have issues with insomnia which I first noticed in my early teens.  I also had issues with terrible allergies, constipation, headaches, PMS, reflux, high blood pressure, unexplained 80 lb weight gain over a 5 year period, and eczema, just to name a few.

OK, so in retrospect, I had severe adrenal fatigue, low thyroid function, I was riddled with yeast, and was nutritionally bankrupt.  Keep in mind that my labs were ALWAYS perfectly normal (so it had to be all in my head, right?). Over the years I tried several times to wean my antidepressant to no avail.  Of course now I know that it’s because I wasn’t addressing the underlying causes of my depression and anxiety in the first place.  Skip ahead to my first year in private practice as a family physician.  I’ve now accumulated 12 prescription medications and I’m 30 years old, going on 90. I lived on diet soda and fast food. Nobody taught me in medical school that it wasn’t healthy to eat that way.  Seriously!

Thank Goodness I found wellness, which is everything we doctors don’t learn in medical school.  I was able to discover that the underlying causes of my depression and anxiety were due to nutritional deficiencies, abnormal gut flora, hormonal imbalance, and having toxic overload. Within 2 weeks of starting bio-identical hormones, changing my diet, and taking a handful of vitamins, I was well on my way to shedding all 12 of my medications.  It did take about 6 months, but my antidepressant was the first to go.

I often wonder where I would be today, almost 11 years later, if I had not found wellness.  My story is unfortunately a very common one, and I hope reading this story gives you hope.  I feel so blessed every day that I get to pay it forward by helping other people overcome what ails them!

By |2014-10-20T12:50:10-06:00May 2nd, 2014|Ask Dr McManus, General, Testimonials|