P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

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So far Mila McManus MD has created 857 blog entries.

Sacred Cow

An excellent documentary with a compelling message!

By Mila McManus, M.D.

In a well thought out documentary, Sacred Cow focuses on the great meat debate. The documentary explores the environmental and health impacts on humans, cattle, and the ecosystem when we commercially produce beef. It also explains and demonstrates the benefits of a healthy, sustainable, conscientious food system. The first part of the documentary is fairly graphic with animal handling, but it then moves into a beautiful and outstanding demonstration of the natural life cycle of all living things and their deep connectedness, guided by a noble and responsible way of resolving issues around raising and eating meat.

To learn more about the book and the movie, Go to https://www.sacredcow.info/ .

By |2021-02-24T06:33:31-06:00March 3rd, 2021|Articles, General|

Food Gums: What matters is dosage.

by Nancy Mehlert MS

Food gums are plant sourced food additives used as thickening, stabilizing, and emulsifying agents. The most common gums are agar agar, arabic, locust bean, guar, acacia, gellan, xanthan, and carrageenan.   They are very common in dairy, nut milks, and non-dairy yogurt and cheese replacements, salad dressings, baked goods, and many gluten free foods. They do not provide any valuable nutrition.

Most people seem to be fine consuming gums, however if you have digestive issues, such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhea, you may want to closely examine how many foods you are consuming that have gums in them.  While a small amount in one food is generally recognized as safe and harmless, many people who count on pre-packaged and gluten free foods, as well as non-dairy dairy replacements, are actually consuming more than they realize. While all the gums are used in very small amounts, often times multiple gums will be used in one product, making the amount more than it seems.

Xanthan, carrageenan, and guar gums are polysaccharides, banned from the popular FODMOPS diet due to their impact on digestive issues. Guar gum feeds pesky bad bacteria in the gut and can cause significant bloating. Carrageenan gum is a possible source for monosodium glutamate (MSG), and has been known to cause stomach inflammation. It is currently being investigated more closely by the FDA.

To summarize, be aware of the sources of gums you are consuming, realizing that less is likely better, especially if you have a sensitive digestive system.


Dessey, Mira. The Pantry Principle; The Woodlands, Texas: Versadia Press, 2013.

https://chriskresser.com/harmful-or-harmless-carrageenan/, accessed on 1/23/21

By |2021-02-24T06:13:18-06:00February 24th, 2021|Articles, General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|


by Mila McManus, MD

Poly-MVA is emerging as an important nutritional therapeutic means of supporting immune health, mitochondria, and cellular repair.  It is a patented type of palladium lipoic acid complex composed of lipoic acid, the mineral palladium, and thiamin bonded in one molecule. Poly-MVA also contains other vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. There are many methods of delivery, including IV infusions, injections, oral administration, and via nebulizer. It can even be injected locally around wounds to help them heal.  

Poly-MVA works by a novel mechanism of action: poly-MVA quenches free radicals in the body and turns those damaging molecules into energy.

            Damaged molecules→→→→ENERGY

Then the electrons get donated back to the cell via the electron transport chain where they do a one-two punch. First, the energized electrons introduce cell death of abnormal cells. Second, the immune system is also strengthened as normal, healthy cells are supplied oxygen and protected from oxidative stress.



Studies are proving promising for Poly-MVA therapies suggesting:

  • Improved length and quality of life with its anti-aging properties
  • Extreme effectiveness in boosting the immune system.
  • Increased wellbeing and energy levels.
  • Non-invasive support for cancer treatment
  • Non-invasive support for stroke recovery
  • Promising help for those with other degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis.
  • A safe, and effective therapy with no contraindications*.  A detoxification “Herxheimer” reaction has been observed.

You can learn more about Poly-MVA here.

*If you have a severe allergy to sulfa, you should first take a small test dose orally and increase as recommended by healthcare provider

The Woodlands Institute for Health and Wellness is now offering Poly-MVA therapies. To find out if Poly-MVA is the right option for you, speak to one of our medical providers.

By |2021-02-17T09:14:56-06:00February 17th, 2021|General|

Allulose : A New Healthy Sugar Alternative?

by Nancy Mehlert, MS

You may have noticed allulose showing up on the grocery store shelf or on an ingredient list of a packaged food.  It came to my attention about a year ago, and I’ve been watching and waiting to hear more about it from nutritionists, doctors, and scientist in the functional medicine realm.

As I’ve mentioned before, maintaining balanced blood sugar and avoiding toxic chemical substances are both foundational to good health.  These are two factors we use to determine the healthfulness of a sweetener.  As you may know, we are generally supportive of monk fruit, stevia, erythritol, and xylitol. Each of these are derived from natural sources such as fruit, herbs, and bark with minimal processing in most cases.  They also move through the upper digestive tract without being converted to energy (i.e. not metabolized, having little caloric value, and therefore not elevating blood sugar levels). For the same reasons, allulose is another promising option on the scene now[1].

Allulose is found naturally in fruit and, at the molecular level, it is similar to fructose (a less favorable sugar). Allulose has 95% fewer calories than sugar and has about 70% of sugar’s sweetness. The most interesting potential found in animal studies for allulose suggest that it may actually lower blood glucose, reduce abdominal fat, decrease insulin resistance, and decrease fat accumulation in the liver. In one meta-analysis of human trials, when allulose was given with carbohydrate containing meals, it was found to decrease post-meal glucose levels by 10%.  Dr. Peter Attia, author of the referenced article, has personally put allulose in his morning coffee and observed a drop in his blood glucose level. It appears that allulose, rather than raising glucose levels, drags glucose with it to excretion through the kidneys.

Allulose feels like and tastes like sugar. Animal studies have shown no toxicity at high doses.  Literature suggests very few side effects. Digestive issues related to using allulose appear to be temporary and mild, especially compared to the sugar alcohols such as xylitol. It can be substituted 1:1 in recipes, and most people note no strange aftertaste or mouth sensation. One characteristic worth noting is, when allulose is used in baking, it does turn brown, so it can make baked goods darker than expected.

You will find Allulose in some HEB grocery stores and online.

[1] Peter Attia, MD, https://peterattiamd.com/replacing-sugar-with-allulose/, Dec 6, 2020.


By |2021-02-09T06:21:02-06:00February 10th, 2021|General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

Our Best Supplements for Weight Loss

By Mila McManus, M.D.

**Real patient results

Many of you may be wanting to clean up your diet and perhaps shed a few pounds. Needless to say, eat healthfully, eat less, and move more are top three foundational steps to weight loss and weight management. You may be interested to know that there are several supplements that also support weight loss and weight management!  If you are deficient in them, your battle of the bulge may be an uphill one. Consider adding these to your weight loss strategy. 

Collagen[1] – The most abundant protein in the body, collagen makes up the majority of your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and skin.  As we age, we produce less of it, resulting in sagging skin, achy or swollen joints, less energy, and a decline in muscle mass. Adding collagen can help support appetite suppression, satiation, increased lean muscle mass, and improved metabolism.

Curcumin[2] – Found in the Indian spice turmeric, curcumin is an anti-inflammatory agent, and obesity is considered a low grade inflammatory disease. In fact, over-eating causes inflammation. Curcumin also helps to regulate metabolism by increasing a hormone called adiponectin. In one study of 1600 people, curcumin helped reduce weight, inches in the waist, and over all body mass index. Curcumin also helps liver detoxification, and increases fat burning, which in turn boosts weight loss.

5-htp – Naturally occurring in the body, this amino acid derivative is a precursor to serotonin. Serotonin is produced in the intestinal tract and brain and is important for mood, promoting calmness, and sleep.  It can also be helpful with reducing carbohydrate cravings and supporting healthy eating patterns.  (stress eat much??)

Hepatothera[3] – Successful dieting and detoxification require support for the liver to perform its many duties.  This Klaire Labs product is designed to support cellular levels of glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, and super oxide dismutase (SOD) – the crucial antioxidants that protect hepatocytes and help detoxify everyday foreign substances helping to strengthen the liver against every day challenges.  Moreover, some studies suggest that, because toxins are stored in our fat cells, the more toxins we carry, the more fat the body wants to make to sequester them.

Fiber – Essential to good gut health, fiber cleanses the intestinal tract.  It is essential to keeping bowels moving, assists with feelings of fullness, and feeds your favorable gut bacteria. It is important to drink plenty of water when taking fiber.

L-Tyrosine – This amino acid helps to boost chemicals in the brain that affect energy, mood, and appetite.  It is also a precursor to thyroid hormone.

So eat healthfully, eat less, move more,  and consider complementing your efforts with one or more of these supplements, all available in our office. Cheers to better health!

[1] https://www.naturalhealthynews.com/4-of-the-best-supplements-for-weight-loss/, published Saturday, December 12, 2020

[2] https://www.naturalhealthynews.com/4-of-the-best-supplements-for-weight-loss/, published Saturday, December 12, 2020

[3] https://klaire.com/hep-hepatothera, accessed on 12/16/2020

By |2022-10-10T16:59:59-06:00January 13th, 2021|General|

Benefits of ONDAMED include:

• Increases oxygenation and circulation
• Stimulates detoxification and supports weight loss
• Reduces pain, swelling, inflammation
• Speeds healing and repair
• Improves sleep and mental focus
• Reduces effects of Wi-Fi and cell phone EMF

10,000+  scientific  papers  and  2000+ double  blinded studies to back up its claims

Read more about Energy Medicine here.

Listen to Dr. McManus explain ONDAMED on Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution podcast here.

Schedule your appointments today!

By |2020-12-09T13:09:13-06:00December 11th, 2020|General|

Nebulizer Solution Available

Nebulizer treatments are great for Sinus Congestion!  Can also help with infections, headaches and migraines, asthma, and allergies!
Can be done in office or at home.

Take Home Solution:

$29, 1 dose

$49, 2 doses

In office: (unless you have COVID, of course, then see the at-home options above please)

$39 per session


  • DMSO (or Silver Sol used for patients with Sulfur allergies) -helps the vitamin C and magnesium penetrate into tissues. Also a great biofilm buster!)
  • liquid Magnesium (opens airways, can alleviate headaches)
  • liquid Vitamin C (natural antimicrobial, antihistamine)

*   One nebulizer mask with tubing included per purchase


By |2020-12-09T16:04:08-06:00December 11th, 2020|General|

COVID/Flu Protection For the Winter

By Mila McManus, M.D.

COVID and the flu will travel into the new year with us, so I wanted to remind everyone to please support your immune system and overall health to avoid bad outcomes. I recommend a foundational daily minimum of vitamin D3, a multivitamin, and a quality probiotic. Preventing any illness means staying true to an integrative approach that is attentive to all of the key pillars of your health.  Those key pillars include:

  • A whole food diet and good hydration – maintaining balanced blood sugar is key (did you know that sugar immediately suppresses your immune system for up to several hours?)
  • Moderate exercise
  • Keep the gut healthy – easy on the alcohol, sugar, wheat, and pain relievers, while taking your probiotic and drinking bone broth
  • Get quality rest and sleep
  • Avoid toxins and support detoxification – see gut health above and step into the IR sauna too!
  • Manage stress – take time for quiet meditation, practice yoga and/or deep breathing exercises
  • Make use of appropriate supplementation – see below

For most, a healthy diet still cannot provide adequate nutrition for a strong immune system because of poor food quality, daily stressors, and the toxicity of our world.   For those with compromised immune systems, or who are living and working in higher exposure areas, or traveling, a selection from the following supplements would be wise protective additions.

All of these options, along with common sense measures such as thorough hand washing and avoiding crowds, will help to make your holiday season and winter a healthy experience.  If you are unsure about which supplements would be best for you, consult with our medical providers for a customized plan that’s right for you.

By |2020-12-09T15:52:23-06:00December 11th, 2020|General|

Do you or your family suffer from seasonal allergies? 

Do you want to avoid the pain and inconvenience of allergy shots? 
Would you like to treat your environmental allergies in the comfort and convenience of your home? 
Now is the time to try sublingual immunotherapy!
$150 off testing
Appointment must be scheduled by Dec 31st and testing done by Jan 31st, 2021.
Call 281.298.6742 or email info@TWIHW.com today for details!  
By |2020-11-23T12:39:53-06:00November 16th, 2020|General|