P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

About Mila McManus MD

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So far Mila McManus MD has created 849 blog entries.

Stem Cells-The Future of Medicine or Dangerous Science?

by Mila McManus MD

I began learning about the miracles of stem cell therapy several years ago at a functional medicine conference. I saw pictures of scarred heart tissue from a heart attack that disappeared after the injection of stem cells.  It was quite amazing. I didn’t pay much attention to the potential applications in the real world until some information landed in my lap a few years later. Since then, I’ve been doing a lot of research, watching a docuseries and other videos, reading books, studies and articles feverishly, attending lectures at conferences, and sharing notes with colleagues.  Today I’m presenting some details about what stem cells are and what they do, as well as the risks, benefits, uses, and controversy.

Definition of stem cells:

Stem cells are the cells in our bodies that act as our raw materials.  They can self-renew, meaning that they can create more new stem cells, or they can differentiate into (i.e., turn into) other types of cells, such as blood cells, bone, muscle, and organ tissues.

Types of stem cells:

There are 2 main types of stem cells.

  • Hematopoietic stem cells give rise to all types of blood cells
  • Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) form bone, muscle, fat, heart tissue, etc.

Where stem cells are sourced from:

  • Bone marrow
  • Adipose (i.e., fat) tissue
  • Embryos (illegal in the US)
  • Umbilical cord blood or tissue
  • Amniotic membrane and fluid
  • Menstrual blood/tissue

Couple of fascinating facts about stem cells

  • Doubling time (i.e., how long it takes for stem cells to replicate themselves) slows as we age. In a fetus, stem cells double every 24 hours.  In a 35 year-old, they double every 48 hrs.  In a 65 year-old, they double every 60-72 hours. This means that, at the end of 30 days, 1 fetal stem cell will become 1 billion cells, and 1 stem cell from the 35 year-old will become only 32, 000 cells, and 1 stem cell from a 65 year-old will yield a dismal 200 cells.
  • The number of stem cells declines with age.  In newborns, 1 out of every 10,000 cells is a stem cell.   In an 80 year old, 1 in every 2 million cells is a stem cell (see graph)

Benefits of stem cells:

  • Reduce inflammation
  • Modulate the immune system (strengthen it when/where weak, and dampen overactivity)
  • Anti-microbial
  • Regenerate tissues
  • Anti-aging due to ability to repair damaged tissue
  • Stimulate angiogenesis (i.e., formation of new blood vessels, which then carry oxygen and other nutrients to tissues for healing and optimal function)
  • Stimulate your own stem cells to work better and harder

Risks of stem cell therapy:

  • Infection (extremely rare. You are at risk from infection any time you have any type of injection with a needle)
  • Lack of benefit for various possible reasons
  • Growth of unwanted tissues
  • Transient fever or flu-like symptoms

Various applications for which stem cells have been used and/or studied

  • Cancer treatment
  • Chronic inflammation (e.g., autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia)
  • Arthritis in various joints
  • Healing of torn ligaments and tendons
  • Neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimers, Parkinsons, stroke, etc)
  • Aesthetic procedures (e.g., improving skin appearance, facilitates better results with face lifts)
  • Autism
  • Diabetes
  • Emphysema
  • Wound care
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Heart disease, heart failure

The Controversy surrounding stem cells:

  • There are currently thousands of ongoing studies using stem cell therapy for various diseases
  • Big Pharma wants its piece of the pie
  • Large universities are fighting for patents to get their piece of the pie
  • Researchers are working on manipulating stem cells to become patentable drugs
  • Embryonic stem cells are controversial in their own right and are illegal in the US. They are still used in other countries
  • Story of people going blind with stem cells-this was about 3 patients undergoing experimental injections of stem cells directly into their eyes.  The theory is that it was a chemical preservative in the stem cells that caused the blindness, and not the stem cells themselves
  • Tumor growth with stem cells—has been only with use of embryonic stem cells
  • They are NOT FDA approved (they are natural, and therefore not under the jurisdiction of the FDA)
  • Most uses of stem cells are considered ‘off label’
  • Yours vs theirs argument: Proponents of “autologous adipose” derived stem cells (i.e., cells obtained from your own fat tissue) argue that it’s better to use your own cells than those of another person (e.g., umbilical cord from a healthy full-term newborn) because you run the risk of contracting a communicable disease, particularly one that hasn’t even been discovered. While that’s a valid theoretical risk, it’s important to note that 1) no such infection has ever been reported, and 2) umbilical cords are obtained only from healthy, full-term, prescreened newborns and mothers.  Furthermore, the tissue banks test for infectious agents beyond what blood banks do for blood transfusions.  The argument on the allogeneic side (using other people’s cells) is that MSCs lose activity and potency with age, so why use old dysfunctional cells when you can use young, active, and robust cells.  Studies have proven, in vitro, that younger MSCs work better than older ones.
  • Injection of expanded cells is not legal in the US (yet).  Expansion means that cells are obtained and then cultured for several days to increase the volume of cells by orders of magnitude (e.g., from millions to billions). One can culture the cells in the US, but then the patient must travel to another country to have those cells injected or infused.
  • According to Dr Neil Riordan (published in 2017), “over 40 studies published on the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in a wide range of chronic and acute health conditions have been found to have no serious adverse reactions. In particular, there have been no adverse events reported with the use of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells, which appear to have the highest safety profile among the four most commonly used MSC types: bone marrow, fat tissue, menstrual blood, or umbilical cord.”
  • Dr. Riordan also stated in his book that in 2012 a meta-analysis was conducted that included 8 randomized controlled trials of patients receiving MSC treatment for a range of disease conditions. The only adverse reaction that the analysis detected was transient fever. They found NO evidence of cancer, immune reaction, organ system complications, toxicity, infection, or death.

If you’d like to learn more about regenerative medicine, call us at 281-298-6742.


Stem Cell Therapy: A Rising Tide by Dr Neil Riordan

The Healing Miracle docuseries




By |2023-01-23T14:58:17-06:00June 2nd, 2019|General|

“I am thankful…”

I am thankful…

Hi Doctor M:

Lately I’ve been thinking about TWIHW and thought you might need a word of encouragement. No matter how well things are going there is always some frustrations, disappointments and serious challenges along the way. Whenever these things happen to me, I can get discouraged. I used to save notes I would get from people [that] I had helped. If I was sliding down hill emotionally I would read some of them and it would remind me and help me to get reoriented in my thinking for the better. It was not an egotistical thing but an encouragement to help me realize that things were not as bad as they seemed to be. I have, as well as many, many others, a deep appreciation for you and the work you do. You are genuinely a real person who, as a doctor, has a deep concern for the well being of your patients and are willing to do whatever it takes to help. You have used and continue to use all of your attributes to improve the health and welfare of all your patients. You are very, very smart and proactive but not obnoxiously pushy. You have a kind heart and a gentle demeanor. The love you have for your work and people really shines through to all those around you. An interviewer once asked Luciano Pavarotti about any criticism he received after all the hard work he did performing. His response was that it was not work for him because it was something he enjoyed and loved to do, so any criticism was swept aside. I think that is the way you are. If you are not, then it is the way you should be. Sweep the criticism aside. I am thankful as are many, many other people for you and all that you do willingly and graciously. You keep hitting home runs and we all greatly benefit from them.
May the good Lord give you the strength, ability, courage and enthusiasm to continue what you are doing and peace of mind and heart while you are accomplishing wonderful things for others.

P.S: Maybe you should keep this for a rainy day.


J. S.

By |2019-07-01T14:01:48-06:00June 1st, 2019|General|

Fresh Strawberry Salsa

Low Lectin Salsa, by Claudia Curici from www.furtherfoods.com

Makes 4 Servings


4 large organic strawberries (or 6-7 smaller)

3 tablespoons finely chopped red onion

1 to 2 tablespoons fresh, chopped cilantro

Juice of ½ lime

Salt and pepper, to taste

1 to 2 tablespoons olive oil


  1. 1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
  2. 2. Taste and season with salt and pepper.
  3. 3. Refrigeration for 15-30 minutes will allow seasonings to infuse and intensify.

Serve with Beanitos, Siete Chips or Mary’s Gone Crackers. Works well with avocado also.  This would be a nice topping for chicken breast or fresh fish.  This recipe is quite fool-proof – numbers and measurements do not need to be exact to be delicious.

Each serving: Calories: 67; Total Fat: 5g; Saturated Fat: 1g; Monounsaturated Fat: 4g; Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g; Sodium 36mg; Potassium: 107mg; Carbohydrate: 5g; Fiber 1g; Sugar:3g; Protein: 0g.

By |2019-06-02T11:01:03-06:00May 23rd, 2019|General, Recipes|

Learning a New Nutrition Lifestyle

By Nancy Mehlert, MS

Your current nutrition lifestyle is a deeply ingrained habit.  You are good at it.  You do it without thinking.  It’s second nature.

Learning anything new takes learning and practice.  To learn a new language, sport, or to drive a car requires that you learn it and then practice it, over and over again.  Practice will involve mistakes, discovering techniques, recognizing pit falls, learning lessons from mistakes and repetition, until overtime, you become proficient.  With even more practice, you will become a pro.   Your future Nutrition Lifestyle requires the same effort.

It is unrealistic to expect a 28 day diet or a 40 day program to result in lasting change.  Most of us don’t obtain a degree, learn to speak a foreign language or get highly proficient at a new job in 28-40 days.

We become highly proficient at something when we accumulate experiences and then become wise and proficient because we have had those experiences.  

Experience is what makes children into adults.

Experience is what makes the amateur into a pro.

Thus, changing your nutrition lifestyle will involve a process that ebbs and flows.  It will involve good days and bad, wise choices and poor ones, periods of time where you are mentally strong and other times when you feel drained and unable to control anything.  It will involve practicing new foods to eat, new thoughts to think, new ways to plan and shop, new ideas and new concepts.  It will involve getting educated, exploring your own body, emotions and experience.

Learning and practice require one more thing…. TIME.   Part of the commitment involved when we take a new job or become new parents is the commitment of time.  When we decide to make something important, something else may have to take a back seat for a while until we learn proficiency.  When we focus on something intently, and make it a priority, we will see learning, growth and change.  Learning a new Nutrition Lifestyle will require this kind of dedication until your new lifestyle becomes second nature. It is an endeavor well worth pursuing. When we have our health, we can live fully.

By |2019-06-02T10:58:08-06:00May 23rd, 2019|General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|


The Do-It-Yourself Health Reset Protocol Kit

Do-It-Yourself Health Reset Protocol Kit,
Click the image to order your DIY Kit

What is it? 

The Health Reset Protocol has been a standard of treatment since TWIHW’s beginning.  This 28-day dietary protocol is designed to:

  • Improve gut health and the microbiome
  • Identify food sensitivities
  • Balance blood sugar and reduce inflammation
  • Detoxify the body
  • Practice a healthy way of eating
  • Be the first step to addressing any health issue or symptom

If you are looking to improve your health, feel better and alleviate symptoms such as indigestion, heartburn, gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, weight gain, sinus issues, skin rashes, brain fog, allergies, autoimmune disease, depression, or anxiety for example, this is a great place to start.

What’s different about this kit versus becoming a patient and seeing the doctor?

This kit is a good option when you want to clean up your diet and feel even better.  It is also an economical way to improve your health when other options prove too expensive for your taste or budget.   This version of the Health Reset Protocol uses a gentle, less potent approach to healing the gut, making it safe and simple enough to administer without the oversight of a medical doctor. The kit is $299.00 and includes all the necessary supplements, instructions, and recipes.

You may want to access our website at TWIHW.com and TAKE THE ONLINE SYMPTOM CHECKER.  This may help you determine if this over-the-counter version may be suitable for your needs or if you would benefit from a better option such as the in-house, practitioner-guided HRP or, our best choice, the Comprehensive Wellness Program.

The Do-It-Yourself Health Reset Protocol Kit is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women or children under 12 years old.

If you take medication for pre-diabetes, diabetes, or high blood pressure, please consult with your healthcare practitioner before starting this program. It’s not unusual for blood pressure and blood sugar to improve quickly and dramatically, and you’ll, therefore, need your practitioner’s assistance with adjusting your medication(s).

By |2024-03-12T23:03:10-06:00May 23rd, 2019|Articles, General|

Clean & Mean Pimento Cheese Dip

Makes 2 Cups

  • 1 cup shredded goat cheddar
  • 1 cup shredded Manchego sheep cheese
  • ⅓ cup avocado mayonnaise
  • ¼ cup chopped pimento or roasted bell pepper
  • 1 tablespoon dill

Shopping and Preparation Instructions:

  1. 1. Select a firm goat or sheep cheese.  Ideal choices include Montchevre Goat Cheddar Cheese and a Manchego sheep cheese. Pecorino Romano works too IF you like a very salty dip.  Use a grater to shred them.
  2. 2. Buy a jar of chopped pimento or roasted red bell pepper. Put it in a very small prep bowl and cut with scissors until pieces are small.
  3. 3. Choose an avocado oil mayonnaise such as Primal Kitchen, Sir Kensington’s or Chosen Foods.
  4. 4. Combine all ingredients together blending with a fork and refrigerate to allow flavors to develop.
  5. 5. Serve as a dip with Mary’s Gone Crackers or Beanitos. Store in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.
  •  Casein is one of the proteins found in milk and the protein from which cheeses are made. There are two kinds of beta-casein, A1 and A2.   Some cows produce both proteins( most breeds raised in the U.S.) while other breeds of cows, along with most other milk producing animals (goats, sheep, and camel) produce purely A2 milk. Recent research has suggested that milk containing A1 casein can potentially lead to adverse health outcomes including problems with blood sugar and cardiovascular issues.Some other health risks associated with A1 milk can be digestive issues, intolerance to dairy products, and even a slowing of cognitive processes.3

2. https://researchspace.auckland.ac.nz/handle/2292/4746

3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4818854

By |2019-04-23T14:14:01-06:00April 23rd, 2019|General, Recipes|


By Ortho Molecular Products

CitraNOX is formulated specifically to maintain healthy blood pressure levels by enhancing endothelial cell and arterial function.  Using a combination of high-dose L-cirtulline, quercetin and grape seed extract, CitraNOX delivers full-spectrum support to help maintain normal inflammatory balance, arterial elasticity, optimal nitric oxide levels, and blood flow.  Citra NOX provides a powerful formula for those seeking to optimize several mechanism of cardiovascular health.

*Information taken directly from the Ortho Molecular Product Information Sheet for CitraNOX.

By |2019-04-23T13:59:12-06:00April 23rd, 2019|General|

Is Stress Causing your Pain, or is Pain Causing your Stress?

By Guest Contributor Christine Prohl, BodyMind Coach and Integrative Massage Therapist

Edited by Mila McManus MD

We live in a world that values busyness and achievement and we’ve been taught to ignore the warning signs our bodies are sending us.

BodyMind coaching is a combination of a massage and a structured coaching conversation which helps guide people back into their bodies to create simple, yet powerful shifts so that they can move out of pain and frustration and into freedom and ease. It addresses all aspects of stress, physical and emotional.

A Custom Integrative Massage uses various advanced techniques which are customized to the individual client’s needs. For example, a person may have tight fascia with constant muscle aches, or might retain fluid that needs draining by stimulating lymph flow. Another person may need to focus more on relaxation and mood with a lighter massage and some essential oils.

Sessions may include any combination of the following:

  • Swedish Massage – The most commonly offered and best known type of massage.  Excellent for stress relief, boosted immune system, improved sleep, reduced anxiety and reduced fatigue.
  • Deep Tissue Massage – Similar to Swedish but with deeper more specific pressure. Designed to increase circulation and reduce restriction and pain in the fascia and muscle tissue.
  • Neuromuscular Therapy – NMT  is a form of soft-tissue manipulation designed to treat the underlying causes of chronic pain involving the muscular and nervous systems.  It benefits you through reducing pain, improving posture, relieving trigger points. This type of massage is beneficial for relief of chronic pain, recovery from injuries such as whiplash or sports injuries, repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, postural problems, etc.
  • Sports Massage – Techniques designed to help prepare for or recover from strenuous activity or an athletic event.  It’s not just for athletes! It’s great for someone getting back into a workout routine or a weekend warrior who did too much yard work all at once.
  • Lymphatic Drainage – a very light touch technique to help clear out areas of lymph congestion.

Additional services that can be scheduled as individual appointments or as add-ons to the Custom Integrative Massage session include:

  • FasciaBlasting – Incorporates a massage tool specifically designed to reduce restrictions, adhesions and distortions in the fascia system of the body.  Great for pain relief and improved circulation.
  • Cupping – Includes the use of special cups on your skin to create suction.  Benefits include decreased pain and inflammation and increased circulation.
  • Infrared Sauna – There are many benefits to sitting in an IR sauna including pain relief and detoxification.
  • Essential Oils – Can be added to any service.  Certified pure therapeutic grade oils have been shown to help relieve pain, improve mood and promote a sense of relaxation.

Through a powerful combination of coaching and bodywork, we will notice where and how stress shows up in your body and learn to shift toward experiencing more clarity and contentment.  This intentional conversation is followed up with amazing bodywork to integrate these new insights on a physiological level.

The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness welcomes Christine Prohl to our facility!

She moved her office here on April 1, 2019.  She has been Dr. McManus’ personal massage therapist for years, and Dr. McManus recently transitioned to BodyMind coaching with her.

Testimonial from Dr McManus: “Christine is amazing at what she does! I’ve never known a massage therapist who offers, and excels at, so many different techniques.”

If you’d like to learn more about BodyMind coaching or integrative massage, you can contact Christine Prohl at 832-338-7792.

By |2019-04-23T13:47:03-06:00April 23rd, 2019|Articles, General|

“I feel better than I have in 7 years”

I feel better than I have in 7 years

Good Morning. When we first met, you asked me, “What are 3 things you want to change”? For me, I only wanted to change one thing, and by changing this one thing, # 2, #3, and anything else I wanted to change, would eventually fall into place. That #1 thing was to feel better inside this body. I didn’t put much stock in Ondamed, just like I didn’t put much stock into anything else people told me that, “well this works for 90% of all people”, for the past 6 years. Luckily, Ondamed put more stock into me than I did it. When I woke up this morning, I felt better than I have in probably the past 7 years. I didn’t wake up feeling like a truck ran me over, backed up, ran me over again and asked me to change the oil while I was down there. Putting things in perspective: I didn’t Mary Lou Retton off the mattress, but I was far from Robert DeNiro in the movie Awakenings. There isn’t really anything specific I can point out that changed, other than after the session, the headache that I walked in with was gone, and my dizzy symptoms have reduced a lot (knock on wood). That one session of Ondamed did more for me than doctors, tests and diets have done in the past 6 years. Thank you very much for the help, and have a good weekend.

By |2019-07-01T13:59:40-06:00April 23rd, 2019|General, Testimonials|