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By |2013-05-19T16:51:21-05:00May 19th, 2013|General|

Did you know?


  • is required for the catalytic activity of approximately 100 enzymes
  • Can shorten the duration of a cold is a natural aromatase inhibitor (i.e. slows the conversion of testosterone into estrogen)
  • supports normal growth and development during pregnancy, childhood, and adolescence
  • is required for proper sense of taste and smell
  • is found in high amounts in oysters

Zinc deficiency is characterized by growth retardation, loss of appetite, and impaired immune function. In more severe cases, zinc deficiency causes hair loss, diarrhea, delayed sexual maturation, impotence, hypogonadism in males, and eye and skin lesions. Weight loss, delayed healing of wounds, taste abnormalities, and mental lethargy can also occur. Many of these symptoms are non-specific and often associated with other health conditions; therefore, a medical examination is necessary to ascertain whether a zinc deficiency is present.

A wide variety of foods contain zinc.  Oysters contain more zinc per serving than any other food, but red meat and poultry provide the majority of zinc in the American diet.  Other good food sources include beans, nuts, certain types of seafood (such as crab and lobster), whole grains, fortified breakfast cereals, and dairy products.

Information obtained from http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Zinc-HealthProfessional/



It’s a Trifecta – of COVID, flu, and RSV

By |2022-11-10T07:56:30-05:00November 10th, 2022|General|

So Be Prepared, Not Surprised

By Mila McManus, MD

Public Health experts are already seeing significant COVID, flu and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) kicking up.

As we move into the cold and flu season, take precautions now to protect yourself and your family from infections.  Public Health experts from the American Medical Association are already seeing significant COVID, influenza (flu) and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) kicking up and going around. 

Be proactive! That means focusing on all of the key pillars of your health:

  • A whole food diet and good hydration – maintaining balanced blood sugar is important
  • Exercise
  • Keep your gut healthy – easy on the alcohol, sugar, wheat, and pain relievers, while taking your probiotic and drinking some bone broth.
  • Get quality rest and sleep
  • Avoid toxins and support detoxification – see gut health above and step into the IR sauna too!
  • Manage stress – take time for quiet meditation and/or deep breathing
  • Make use of appropriate supplementation – see below

For most, a healthy diet still cannot provide adequate nutrition for a strong immune system because of poor food quality, daily stressors, and the toxicity of our world.  Especially in light of COVID, flu, and RSV season converging, I recommend a daily minimum of vitamin D3, a multivitamin, and a quality probiotic. For those with compromised immune systems, or who are living and working in higher exposure areas, or traveling, a selection from the following supplements would be wise additions:  

  • Quercetin
  • Melatonin
  • Viracid™
  • Wholemune™
  • Vitamin C
  • Nebulizer Treatments with Vitamin C/DSMO/Magnesium or Glutathione (and other options to discuss with one of our healthcare providers)
  • Tri-Immune Vitamin Injections (available at our office).  These contain vitamin C, zinc, and glutathione
  • Immune Booster IV
  • Zinc
  • Silverbiotics Silver Sol™

All of these options along with common sense measures such as thorough hand washing and avoiding crowds will help to make your holiday season and winter a healthy experience.  If you are unsure about which supplements would be best for you, do not hesitate to consult with our medical providers for a customized plan that’s right for you.

Please also remember that we offer phone and Zoom routine appointments as well as urgent care appointments. 

Happy and Healthy Holiday Season!



MorningRounds@ama.custombriefings.com, October 24, 2022.

Is Monkeypox Next?

By |2022-10-28T11:53:38-05:00June 1st, 2022|Articles, General|

by Mila McManus, MD


Whether it’s Monkeypox, COVID, or flu and cold season, it is always a good reminder to our patients and friends that we should always be engaged in ensuring our immune function is operating optimally.  

What is Monkeypox and what do we know about it?

  • Unlike COVID, Monkeypox has been well studied and occurred in America in 2003 and is endemic to Western and Central Africa. While the CDC believes we will see more cases popping up in the United States in the coming days and weeks, it is not novel, and there are antiviral treatments for it.
  • This virus is a rare disease closely related to smallpox, and according to the CDC, the small pox vaccine is 85% protective against it. Positive testing for Orthopox, the family of viruses that includes Monekypox and smallpox, is used for diagnosis. Monkeypox is unrelated to Chickenpox.
  • Monkeypox is also not as easily transmitted as COVID, colds, and flu. It is largely transmitted through close, skin-to-skin contact, and is transferred by body fluids, virus sores, and respiratory droplets of people with lesions in their mouths and throats due to infection. Shared bedding and clothing with intimate partners is a possible method of transmission. Most recent cases around the world have been identified within the gay and bisexual communities.
  • There are two strains. One out of Central Africa and another out of West Africa that is less severe. So far, the several confirmed cases in the US have been the less severe strain. Also, the positive diagnoses have been found in individuals who are recently returned from international travel. A pandemic is highly unlikely.
  • Traditional primary care physicians are the best source for diagnosis and treatment.

What are the symptoms for Monkeypox?

  • Starts with flu-like symptoms, including fever, chills, headache, and achy muscles.
  • Swollen lymph nodes are also common.
  • After 1-3 days, a rash usually develops on the face, then can spread to the rest of the body.
  • Flat, circular lesions in different parts of the body that eventually turn into bumps filled with a clear fluid develop.
  • These bumps eventually become crusty and fall off.
  • Recovery usually takes 2 to 4 weeks.

Helpful Immune Boosters to Fight off Viral Infections

Daily Maintenance:

  • Multivitamin
  • Vitamin D3
  • Quality Probiotic
  • Vitamin C

Additional Support:

  • Tri-Immune Injections with Glutathione, Zinc, and Vitamin C
  • Viracid
  • WholeMune
  • Quercetin
  • Zinc 25-50mg daily

Finally, a healthy lifestyle including quality rest, stress reduction practices, exercise, avoiding sugar, handwashing, sunshine, and laughter are invaluable ways to support immune function.

For preventative support, we are happy to assist you in putting together an individual protection plan. Schedule an appointment with one of our medical providers to discuss the ideal plan for you.





COVID and the flu are here to stay.

By |2023-09-13T13:30:11-05:00March 26th, 2021|Articles, General|

By Mila McManus, M.D.

COVID and the flu will continue to be with us, so I wanted to remind everyone to please support your immune system and overall health to avoid bad outcomes. I recommend a foundational daily minimum of vitamin D3, a multivitamin, and a quality probiotic. Preventing any illness means staying true to an integrative approach that is attentive to all of the key pillars of your health.  Those key pillars include:

  • A whole food diet and good hydration – maintaining balanced blood sugar is key (did you know that sugar immediately suppresses your immune system for up to several hours?)
  • Moderate exercise
  • Keep the gut healthy – easy on the alcohol, sugar, wheat, and pain relievers, while taking your probiotic and drinking bone broth
  • Get quality rest and sleep
  • Avoid toxins and support detoxification – see gut health above and step into the IR sauna too!
  • Manage stress – take time for quiet meditation, practice yoga and/or deep breathing exercises
  • Make use of appropriate supplementation – see below

For most, a healthy diet still cannot provide adequate nutrition for a strong immune system because of poor food quality, daily stressors, and the toxicity of our world.   For those with compromised immune systems, or who are living and working in higher exposure areas, or traveling, a selection from the following supplements would be wise protective additions.

All of these options, along with common sense measures such as thorough hand washing and avoiding crowds, will help to keep you healthy this year. If you are unsure about which supplements would be best for you, consult with our medical providers for a customized plan that’s right for you.

Vitamin and Nutrient Injections

By |2022-10-10T21:15:08-05:00March 9th, 2021|

Vitamin and Nutrient Injections at TWIHWThere are many vitamins and nutrients needed for your body to function as it should. Sometimes, no matter how vigilant you are with a healthy diet and exercise, you could still be lacking in some specific areas that are holding you back from optimal health. At The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness, we offer our valued patients booster shots to help them achieve their health goals. Our team offers vitamin and nutrient injection boosters that each offer a long list of ways they can help to improve your quality of life.

IV and Injection Flyer: View for current Pricing and Specials

Benefits of Vitamin B12 Injection

If you rely heavily on coffee and energy drinks to get you through the day, you could likely benefit from a vitamin B12 booster. This gives you a natural energy boost to help you enjoy life to the fullest. You can take Vitamin B12 oral supplements, but when you have them injected, it bypasses the digestive system and will give you almost instant results. Whether you are trying to achieve optimal athletic goals or are simply looking to solve a vitamin B12 deficiency, you can rely on TWIHW. There are several ways that a vitamin B12 booster could help to improve your quality of life.
– Can increase energy levels
– Boosts metabolism & aids in weight management
– Can improve quality of sleep
– Can improve mood and emotional health
– Boosts immune function
– Can increase hair growth


LIPO-B12 (Amp-Mic-b12) injections are used to help release fat throughout the body by specifically targeting its primary fatty deposits, namely the abdomen (stomach), inner thighs, neck, buttocks, hips, and underarms. They contain Methionine, Inositol and Choline (fat burning substances) in addition to Carnitine, Adenosine and Vitamin B12.

How Amp/MIC-B12 Injections Work

When Amp-Mic-B12 injections are administered in combination with a low-calorie diet and regular exercise, they help the body to eliminate fat, while simultaneously increasing your energy levels both via the energy released by fat metabolism and the energy properties of vitamin B-12. The formula in the LIPO-B12 Injection:

  • Adenosine-Mono-Phosphate (AMP). An intermediary substance formed during the body’s process of creating energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from food. In order to maximize energy production at the cellular level, the intermediate compounds like AMP must be present in sufficient amounts to drive the biochemical reactions in the Krebs Cycle (body’s cycle to produce energy). AMP appears to be beneficial for correcting low energy production due to mitochondrial dysfunction and may also have a significant impact on stabilizing biochemical imbalances that result from impaired metabolism. 
  • Methionine. An essential amino acid, which means that it is not synthesized in humans. This amino acid acts as a fat burner assisting in the breakdown of fats within the liver; helps to lower cholesterol thereby preventing excess fat buildup in the liver and throughout your body’s circulatory system; is helpful in preventing and relieving fatigue. Other reported benefits include: improvement of liver disease; skin tone and elasticity; nails; hair; and cardiovascular and muscular functions. It has also been used to treat premature ejaculation, chronic depression, pancreatitis and Parkinson’s disease. Foods containing Methionine: cheese, eggs, fish, meats, spinach, potatoes, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, and select other plant seeds
  • Inositol. Is a B vitamin that promotes the health of cell structures and nerve conduction; aids in the metabolism of fats; helps reduce blood cholesterol; and participates in the action of serotonin, a neurotransmitter known to control mood and appetite. Has been shown to be of help for the treatment of depression, panic disorder, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and fatty liver. It is also important for optimal brain function. Inositol deficiency may manifest as symptoms of constipation, high cholesterol, vision problems, and hair loss. Foods containing Inositol : nuts, beans (especially red beans and kidney beans), grains, cantaloupe melons, and oranges.
  • Choline. Is an essential nutrient that helps to support the liver in its processing and excretion of chemical waste products. Moreover, it is required for the transport and metabolism of fats and cholesterol, which is important for the healthy support of the endocrine, cardiovascular, and hepatic systems. Choline can promote liver health by maintaining cholesterol homeostasis. Also Choline, has been shown to specifically aid with memory, and to support the maintenance of a healthy nervous system. Foods containing Choline: peanuts, soybeans, wheat, chicken, fish, beef, cauliflower, eggs, and lettuce.
  • Carnitine. Plays a critical role in energy production. It transports long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria so they can be oxidized (“burned”) to produce energy. It also transports the toxic compounds generated out of this cellular organelle to prevent their accumulation. Given these key functions, carnitine is concentrated in tissues like skeletal and cardiac muscle that utilize fatty acids as a dietary fuel. Foods containing Carnitine: meat, fish, poultry, and milk.
  • Adenosine. Adenosine monophosphate (AMP) is a substance the body creates on the way to making adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a source of energy used throughout the body. ATP is everywhere in the body and is called the body’s “energy currency”.
  • Vitamin B-12. It plays an important role in DNA replication, the normal functioning of the nervous system, and the formation of all cells of the body. Vitamin B-12 injection has been shown to boosts energy and overall metabolic rate; assists in the burning of stored body fat; detoxifies the body; increases red blood cell production; maintains a healthy liver; helps regulate sleep, mood, appetite and energy; works synergistically with other nutrients to improve health; and slows aging. Foods containing Vitamin B-12: fish, shellfish, meat, eggs, and dairy products.

As we can see, all the components of the LIPO-B12 injection are present in food that we eat and in nature. By injecting it into our muscles we can rapidly achieve high concentrations which many researchers and physicians believe results in more effective mobilization and elimination of abnormal fatty deposits. 

Glutathione Boosters

Glutathione is an antioxidant that is produced in cells. There are three amino acids that make up this powerful antioxidant: glutamine, glycine and cysteine. If you are looking for a way to take your skin to the next level, glutathione boosters may be the way to go. Glutathione actively fights against the aging process in your skin so your skin is smoother, clearer and healthier. While you can take an oral glutathione supplement, the injections have proved to be far superior at delivering the results you are after.

Benefits of Glutathione Boosters: Not only does glutathione provide you with several skin benefits, but this booster offers many other health benefits as well.
– Reduces oxidative stress
– Reduces cell damage in fatty liver disease
– Improves insulin resistance in older individuals
– Fights against autoimmune diseases

Benefits of Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid, also known as Vitamin C, is an antioxidant that plays an important role in the body. It not only protects the body’s cells from damage, but it is also needed to maintain the health of skin, teeth, bone, cartilage, and blood vessels.
– Encourages Wound Healing
– Prevents Cell Damage
– Builds Collagen

Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is necessary for mineral homeostasis and proper formation of bone. The major biological function of Vitamin D is to maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus.
– Helps fight disease
– Anti-oxidant
– Helps bone strength
– Helps muscle strength
– Boosts weight loss

Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium is important for many systems in the body, especially the muscles and nerves.
– Lowers blood pressure and improves insulin resistance
– Prevents and relieves headaches
– Decreases anxiety/ depression 
– Lowers risk of osteoporosis
– Eases muscle and menstrual cramping
– Improves Cardiovascular health, sleep, and cognition

Benefits of Tri-Immune

Tri-Immune is a power-packed immunity blend of Glutathione, Ascorbic Acid and Zinc that is the ultimate immune system enhancer. This high concentration blend of nutrients helps maintain a healthy immune response.
– Decreases inflammation 
– Optimizes healthy cell function 
– Aids in wound healing
– Strengthens weakened immune system

Benefits of NAD+

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, more commonly referred to as NAD+, is found in every cell in the body and is essential to life. As a coenzyme to Vitamin B3, NAD+ participates in more reactions than any other vitamin-derived molecule. It helps transfer the energy we get from food to the rest of the body and is a cornerstone to maintaining healthy internal organs and neurological systems.
– Fights the physical effects of aging 
– Reduces depression and anxiety, while improving sleep and mental clarity
– Mitigates effects of EMF exposures
– Combats chronic fatigue
– Helps autoimmune/ inflammatory diseases
– Can help with weight management

Magnesium, Tri-Immune, NAD+, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, AMP/MIC-B12, Vitamin B12 & Glutathione Injection Booster Shots & More in The Woodlands, Texas (Just Minutes away from Houston, Texas)

It is clear that there are many more benefits that come from injections over taking an oral supplement. If you are looking for that edge that will help you achieve your optimal health goals, the team at TWIHW can assist you with our booster shot services. Call 281-298-6742 today to schedule your appointment.


COVID/Flu Protection For the Winter

By |2020-12-09T15:52:23-05:00December 11th, 2020|General|

By Mila McManus, M.D.

COVID and the flu will travel into the new year with us, so I wanted to remind everyone to please support your immune system and overall health to avoid bad outcomes. I recommend a foundational daily minimum of vitamin D3, a multivitamin, and a quality probiotic. Preventing any illness means staying true to an integrative approach that is attentive to all of the key pillars of your health.  Those key pillars include:

  • A whole food diet and good hydration – maintaining balanced blood sugar is key (did you know that sugar immediately suppresses your immune system for up to several hours?)
  • Moderate exercise
  • Keep the gut healthy – easy on the alcohol, sugar, wheat, and pain relievers, while taking your probiotic and drinking bone broth
  • Get quality rest and sleep
  • Avoid toxins and support detoxification – see gut health above and step into the IR sauna too!
  • Manage stress – take time for quiet meditation, practice yoga and/or deep breathing exercises
  • Make use of appropriate supplementation – see below

For most, a healthy diet still cannot provide adequate nutrition for a strong immune system because of poor food quality, daily stressors, and the toxicity of our world.   For those with compromised immune systems, or who are living and working in higher exposure areas, or traveling, a selection from the following supplements would be wise protective additions.

All of these options, along with common sense measures such as thorough hand washing and avoiding crowds, will help to make your holiday season and winter a healthy experience.  If you are unsure about which supplements would be best for you, consult with our medical providers for a customized plan that’s right for you.

Protect, Prevent, Prevail

By |2020-05-01T06:13:41-05:00May 1st, 2020|Articles, Ask Dr McManus, General|

By Mila McManus, MD

One of the most interesting questions that medical personnel are asking during this viral event is “Why do some people get the infection and never have symptoms while others get critically ill or die from it?”  One clear pattern continues to surface: those with compromised immune health and multiple health issues have been at greatest risk for poor outcomes.

Now, more than ever before, we see the value of taking care of our health so that we are able to mount a protective response to external threats such as viruses, parasites, bacteria, and toxicants.  Reflected in the reports regarding fatalities from the Coronavirus is the clear message that those who were, and continue to be at greatest risk, are those who suffer from chronic disease, such as obesity, diabetes, auto-immune disorders, cardio-vascular disease, and otherwise compromised immune systems. Overall health matters more than ever in these uncertain times. While we cannot control what’s in the environment, we have at least some control over our body’s ability to cope with environmental assaults.

Protect: First line minimum considerations for good health include a number of foundational lifestyle choices.  Because our food, even at its best, does not offer all of the nutrition we need, supplementing with a multi vitamin and a probiotic is first line for everyone. A healthy diet is important, and first and foremost, eliminating sugar is critical, as sugar suppresses immune function.  Stress also suppresses immune function. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, and removing unnecessary stressors are important for good immune and overall health. Quality and quantity of sleep is also foundational since it’s when we sleep that the body performs major maintenance, healing, detoxification, and resetting. And finally, washing hands frequently, and keeping them off your face, remains tried and true.

Prevent and Prevail: The minimum, however, may not be quite enough.  Especially if you are already compromised, have more exposures (healthcare workers, teachers, frequent travelers)  and/or simply want to be more vigilant (and we recommend that!), there is more you can do.  Combinations of the following are also excellent protections to build immunity and prevent infection.

  • Choose to regularly visit a wellness physician (aka functional medicine specialist) to prevent illness and address issues at the root cause. (We appreciate your referrals to The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness!)
  • Improve nutrition, sticking to whole, real food that stabilizes blood sugar.
  • Take care of your mental health, manage stress and deal with emotional baggage.
  • ONDAMED Energy Therapy and InfraRed Saunas are excellent immune defense therapies.
  • Essential OilsOnGuard, Tea Tree (Melaleuca), and Eucalyptus are just three good air and hand sanitizers, can be diffused, used on dryer balls and in cleaning solutions.
  • Additional Supplements
    • Immune Strengthening: Wholemune, Viracid, Transfer Factor Multi-Immune
    • Vitamin C – oral and Mega Dose IV therapy
    • Zinc – 25mg daily (twice daily for 2 weeks with acute exposure or if ill)
    • Vitamin D – at least 2000iu daily. If potential viral exposure, then 25,000iu daily for 3 days.
    • Silver Biotic – oral liquid and topical gel. Excellent hand sanitizer and a natural anti-microbial.
    • L-lysine – 1000mg twice a day
    • Quercetin Bromelain Forte -Combination of quercetin, bromelain and vitamin C. Immune boosting and antiviral properties, as well as antihistamine properties. 
    • Protease – work up to 1 capsule 3 X a day between meals (2 hours away from food). This can cause upset stomach or diarrhea, so start with 1 capsule and increase daily as tolerated.  If you take any blood thinners, consult with your doctor, or pick other options listed here.

If you or someone you know needs help getting well and staying well, visit The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness so that next time a virus floats through town (and it will), you will be ready to protect, prevent and prevail!

Immune Boosters

By |2020-03-16T08:54:00-05:00March 16th, 2020|General|

If you fear Coronavirus (or flu), have been exposed, if you are sick,  have been in a big crowd, or if you’re going to be….here are some suggestions, and also a recipe for DIY hand sanitizer:
On Guard essential oil
Vitamin C -oral AND Mega Dose IV available
Zinc 25mg daily
Vitamin D at least 2000iu daily.  If/when potentially exposed to a virus, take 25,000iu daily for 3 to 5 days.
Nebulizer treatments! (with Vitamin C, Colloidal silver, etc)
Also, see below for DIY Hand Sanitizer
Stay Well,
Mila McManus MD


IV Allergy Buster

By |2019-10-01T09:35:24-05:00September 20th, 2019|General|

Relief for Allergy Sufferers

Need some relief from itchy and/or watery eyes, runny nose, congestion, sore throat, coughing, increased mucous, headaches, fatigue, hives, or asthma?  Want to give your immune system a boost?

IV Allergy Buster may be the perfect solution.  This allergy solution contains the B vitamins, Vitamin C, Glutathione, and Zinc needed to quell symptoms and boost immune response.  Delivered directly to the bloodstream for quick utilization, you can feel restored, revitalized, and replenished. Your immune system will thank you for the extra assistance.

We offer other IV nutritional therapies as well that help to address migraines, infections, fibromyalgia, leaky gut, and more.  For more information about IV nutritional therapies available at TWIHW, follow this link:

To schedule your appointment today, call 281-298-6742.

IV Nutrition in The Woodlands, TX

By |2022-10-10T18:22:05-05:00February 1st, 2019|

Benefits of IV Nutrition in The Woodlands, TX

IV (Intravenous) Nutrition Therapy has been used in hospital settings for decades and was first developed and tested by Dr. John Myers at Johns Hopkins University in the 1970’s.  Patients have reported significant improvements from IV Therapy for many conditions including fatigue, headaches, muscle spasms, PMS, seasonal allergies, sinusitis, asthma, anxiety, depression, stress, digestive disorders, nutrient deficiencies, toxicity, dehydration, hives, hyperthyroidism, infection, heart disease, and immune system support. 

If you are wondering if IV Therapy is for you, here is a list of the benefits to consider:

  • Quick delivery, quick utilization – IV Nutrition therapy delivers nutrients directly to the bloodstream where they can be utilized immediately. While you can’t expect IV Therapy to take the place of a good supplement regimen, it can be used in targeted ways to get quicker results than would be achieved taking nutrients orally. 
  • Therapeutic doses delivered to the cells – IV Nutrition therapy allows delivery of therapeutic (ie higher) levels to the blood stream in cases where it would be uncomfortable or digestively difficult to consume the same level orally. For example, when blood levels of Vitamin C are between 10-15 mg/dL, vitamin C  can help to overcome a cold and fight a virus.  This level can be achieved easily through IV therapy but would be very difficult, if not impossible, to reach through oral therapy. (read a book called Curing the Incurable by Dr Thomas Levy which is about all the benefits of high doses of vitamin C)
  • Immune Boosting Support – IV Nutrition therapy makes it possible to quickly deliver B vitamins, glutathione, zinc, and vitamin C as added support to the challenged and busy immune system. It can function much like bringing in air support to the ground troops to make the difference and win the battle.
  • Improved energy, resilience to stress– With IV Nutrition therapy you can begin to experience the favorable effects within hours. Depending on the therapy, examples include an increase in energy and stamina, the ability to think more clearly and a better mood.  B Vitamins help to relieve anxiety and stress while glutathione, our master antioxidant, supports detoxification. 
  • Immediate rehydration – IV Nutrition therapy provides optimal hydration to support all vital organ functions. When done often, it can prove preventative and protective in avoiding kidney stones, constipation and damage to muscles. It can be a great choice for athletes to replenish vitamins and minerals lost through excessive sweating, while also improving recovery time and  preventing muscle spasms and exhaustion.
  • Fights effects of environmental toxins – Toxins in our everyday environment can take a toll on your health and appearance. IV Therapy can supply the antioxidants needed to fight off signs of premature aging and help the body flush out harmful toxins more effectively. Glutathione is especially valuable for this purpose.
  • Preventative care – Therapeutic doses of vitamin C have been shown to be toxic to cancer cells and are effective at building immunity and improving resistance to chronic and upper respiratory infections.

Each drip is formulated by Dr McManus, due to the varying nutrients and vitamins, you must be a current patient and have labs completed within the past 6 months to receive IV Therapy at The Woodlands Institute for Health and Wellness. If you are not a current patient and you are interested in establishing for IV Therapy please contact our Wellness Consultants at (281) 298-6742, option 1.

With few exceptions, most can benefit from IV Nutrition Therapy.  Come experience it for yourself! 

IV and Injection Flyer 

Hydration IV
TWIHW Hydration IV Nutrition

Dehydration may not seem like a serious problem; however, it is associated with a long list of health issues including fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, dry mouth, muscle cramps, dizziness, and lack of mental clarity and concentration. Even mild levels of dehydration can reduce productivity by up to 50 percent.

Immune Booster IV
TWIHW Immune Booster IV Nutrition

Our immune system is essential for our survival. Without an immune system, our bodies would be open to attack from bacteria, viruses, parasites, and more. It is our immune system that keeps us healthy in our everyday lives. If you are traveling, around anyone that was sick, or if you feel like you are coming down with cold or flu like symptoms, this drip will give your immune system a boost!

Rapid Remedy IV (Myers Cocktail)
TWIWH Rapid Remedy - Myers IV Nutrition

The “Myers’ cocktail”, as it is known, is a specific combination of nutrients including Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium, and a complex of B vitamins. John Myers, MD pioneered the use of Intravenous (IV) vitamins and minerals as part of the overall treatment of various medical problems. This is a suped up version of the Myer’s cocktail.

IV Add-Ons

Methylcobalamin 1ml or 2 ml

Gives your body a natural energy boost while providing a wide variety of health and wellness benefits.

Vitamin C

Boosts immune system functions while being linked to many impressive health benefits, such as boosting antioxidant levels, promoting healthy skin and bones, and much more. Vitamin C fights infections, neutralizes toxins, and is a natural anti-inflammatory and antihistamine.


Master antioxidant with potent benefits including support of detox pathways in the liver, slowing the aging process, improving skin health, reducing muscle soreness, and more.


Reduces oxidative stress and fights infections.


Supplemental oxygen improves sleep, mood, mental alertness, stamina, and allows cells to carry out normal, everyday functions.

Advanced IV Therapy: Advanced formulations and protocols require labs, must be an active comprehensive wellness patient to receive advanced formulations.

Mega Dose Vitamin C

About Active Ingredients: Pre-Buffered (pH 7.4) Bacteriostatic Crystalline Powder Sodium Ascorbate (IVC) . Sodium Ascorbate harnesses the intrinsic sodium/potassium pump to provide increased intracellular bioavailability compared to traditional Ascorbic Acid formulations.


  • Anti-inflammatory, Natural antihistamine, and neutralizes toxins
  • Lessens Pain After Injuries
  • Helps the body heal faster
  • Improves energy levels/fatigue
  • Fights infections like colds/flu or other viral/bacterial infections
  • In cancer patients, IVC is known to improve the response to cancer therapies because it alleviates the side effects of traditional therapies, improves appetite and helps patients remain more active.

High-dose Intravenous Vitamin C (IVC) is used to treat a wide variety of conditions and promote wellness. This protocol is recommended for individuals struggling with a long-term illness. There are many conditions that may benefit from IVC therapy such as Arthritis, Lyme disease, other bacterial infections, viral infections, pain after injury, and more.

PolyMVA IV Therapy

About active ingredients: Poly-MVA is a uniquely-formulated dietary supplement containing a proprietary blend of the mineral palladium bonded to alpha-lipoic acid and Vitamins B1, and also includes B2 and B12, formyl-methionine, N-acetyl cysteine, plus trace amounts of molybdenum, rhodium, and ruthenium. This formulation is designed to provide mitochondrial support and energy for compromised body systems by changing the electrical potential of human cells and facilitating aerobic metabolism within the cell.**


  • Improved length & quality of life with its anti-aging properties
  • Extreme effectiveness in boosting the immune system
  • Aids in weight management
  • May improve neuropathy
  • Increased wellbeing and energy levels
  • Non-invasive support for cancer treatment
  • Non-invasive support for stroke recovery
  • Promising help for those with other degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis

Poly-MVA is emerging as an important nutritional therapeutic means of supporting immune health, mitochondria, and cellular repair.  It is a patented type of palladium lipoic acid complex composed of lipoic acid, the mineral palladium, and thiamin bonded in one molecule. It’s MUCH more potent than regular lipoic acid. Poly-MVA also contains other vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. 

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration

NAD+ IV Therapy

About Active Ingredients: Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, more commonly referred to as NAD+, is found in every cell in the body and is essential to life. As a coenzyme to Vitamin B3, NAD+ participates in more reactions than any other vitamin-derived molecule. It helps transfer the energy we get from food to the rest of our body and is a cornerstone to maintaining healthy internal organs and neurological systems.


    • Fight the physical effects of aging
    • Reduce depression and anxiety
    • Mitigate effects of EMF exposures
    • Combat chronic fatigue and sleep disturbances
    • Help autoimmune and inflammatory diseases
    • Has a role in gene expression that’s associated with age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and other forms of dementia.

NAD+ stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a natural coenzyme of vitamin B3 (niacin) that is present in every cell in your body. The compound fuels metabolic reactions and drives your cells to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids. NAD+ therapy optimizes your own cells’ NAD levels so they rev up and provide you with more immediate energy.

Iron (InFed) IV Therapy

Iron is a mineral that the body needs to produce red blood cells. When the body does not get enough iron, it cannot produce the number of normal red blood cells needed to keep you in good health. This condition is called iron deficiency (iron shortage) or iron deficiency anemia.


  • Increased energy
  • Improved concentration
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Increase the levels of iron & hemoglobin in the body
  • Oxygenation to cells
  • Important for thyroid function


Mistletoe, or Viscum Album, is a plant that attaches itself to trees, such as apple, oak, maple, elm, pine, and birch. It is native to Europe and Western Asia, with medicinal uses dating back to ancient civilizations. The biologic extracts from this plant have broad applications in the field of oncology that have demonstrated consistent safety and effectiveness when used with the established treatment protocols. 

Mistletoe Therapy can be used in malignant and non-malignant tumors, for stimulation of bone marrow activity, along with conventional treatments to offset the side-effects of chemotherapy and radiation, such as nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite. It can also be used to diminish tumor-related pain and to reduce the risk of tumor recurrence. 

Did you know that the liquid extract of the Mistletoe plant has been used as an alternative method to treat cancer for close to a century?

Did you know that Mistletoe is one of the most widely studied and evidence-based, naturopathic medicines prescribed for cancer patients in Europe?

Did you know that numerous studies have shown Mistletoe Therapy can enhance cancer patient survival rates, improve quality of life, and reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation?

What benefits can I expect from Mistletoe IV Therapy? 

    • Activation of the immune system and the production of defense cells
    • Stimulation of programmed cell death (apoptosis) in cancer cells and blockage of angiogenesis (new blood supply)
    • Protection and stabilization of the DNA of healthy cells against damage caused by cytostatic drugs, such as chemotherapy
    • Improvement in general well-being
    • Reduced fatigue, particularly during and after chemotherapy
    • Reduced nausea during chemotherapy
    • Improved appetite
    • Improved sleep
    • Increased energy
    • A slight increase in body temperature (many cancer patients have a lower than average body temperature and often feel cold)
    • Less sensitivity to pain, so fewer painkillers and sedatives are needed
    • Patients often report a more positive outlook, more courage, and initiative, less fear

Additional information for Mistletoe available here. 
