P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

About Mila McManus MD

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So far Mila McManus MD has created 858 blog entries.

Testimonial – Exuberance for Life Restored

Exuberance for Life Restored
Dear Dr. McManus,
Thank you for giving me back my exuberance for life. My family members noticed a difference in me after just a few days, and my friends are starting to make comments that something is different after only a couple of weeks. I am in my fifties and feel better than I did at thirty. After a full day of work today, I actually took my 3-year–old nephew on an outing instead of falling nearly comatose into bed.

I have witnessed amazing improvements in my ability to think clearly, in the severity and frequency of headaches, in my energy levels, in my physical stamina and endurance, and in the joint pain that I have had for many years. I have completely stopped taking the arthritis medication that I was on for years without relief. I know that I am using healthier alternatives now, and they really work. No longer do I believe that the symptoms I used to have are a necessary part of aging. I feel that I will be able to contribute to our society for many more years, and that is a wonderful feeling to have after the many times that I have worried that I might need to give up my career.

I am very fortunate indeed to have found you and your innovative wellness program.


By |2012-10-10T12:06:29-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonial – Help with Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism

Help with Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism
Dear Dr. McManus,
I still can’t believe how good I feel. I was diagnosed w/ hashimoto’s hypothyroidism nearly 4 years ago. The treatment (synthroid) resolved many of my problems including weight gain, hair loss and suddenly abnormal periods, but I continued to suffer from fatigue & lack of concentration for years. I decided to endure the detox program in hopes that I would regain my energy and concentration. I say “endure” because I have always loved to eat, or “I lived to eat” so they say. Detox was amazingly tolerable. In fact, because I saw results (weight loss and dramatically improved energy) so quickly, I was motivated to continue. My family and friends noticed too and they all started the program and are seeing similar results. The meals were tasty too and I didn’t have to alter all that much. I continued to eat out and when I cooked at home, the meals were still simple and speedy which is important since I am a working mother. I’m on my 3rd month post program and I’ve managed to keep the weight off and am as energetic as I was when I was nesting just prior to the birth of my children. I maintain many of the habits I developed on the program; I now “eat to live”. Last month however, I noticed my hair started falling out again and I was beginning to have heart palpitations. After reviewing my bloodwork, my endocrinologist said that since my labs were within range, she would not recommend “fixing what isn’t broken”. I argued something was indeed broken. She said I should see a cardiologist about my heart palpitations and there are many explanations for sudden hair loss on which she wouldn’t elaborate. So, I checked in with Dr. McManus who explained that lab results don’t tell the whole story and that my symptoms were consistent with hyperthyroidism. She suggested taking a lower dose of thyroid medication which I followed and I’m already feeling better. Dr. McManus has made so many of my friends and family and me feel like we’ve reached the maximum potential of health. I’m just regretful that I didn’t start the program sooner! Thank you so much for your time and dedication.
By |2012-10-10T12:05:53-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonial – Help with Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism

Help with Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism
Dear Dr. McManus,
I still can’t believe how good I feel. I was diagnosed w/ hashimoto’s hypothyroidism nearly 4 years ago. The treatment (synthroid) resolved many of my problems including weight gain, hair loss and suddenly abnormal periods, but I continued to suffer from fatigue & lack of concentration for years. I decided to endure the detox program in hopes that I would regain my energy and concentration. I say “endure” because I have always loved to eat, or “I lived to eat” so they say. Detox was amazingly tolerable. In fact, because I saw results (weight loss and dramatically improved energy) so quickly, I was motivated to continue. My family and friends noticed too and they all started the program and are seeing similar results. The meals were tasty too and I didn’t have to alter all that much. I continued to eat out and when I cooked at home, the meals were still simple and speedy which is important since I am a working mother. I’m on my 3rd month post program and I’ve managed to keep the weight off and am as energetic as I was when I was nesting just prior to the birth of my children. I maintain many of the habits I developed on the program; I now “eat to live”. Last month however, I noticed my hair started falling out again and I was beginning to have heart palpitations. After reviewing my bloodwork, my endocrinologist said that since my labs were within range, she would not recommend “fixing what isn’t broken”. I argued something was indeed broken. She said I should see a cardiologist about my heart palpitations and there are many explanations for sudden hair loss on which she wouldn’t elaborate. So, I checked in with Dr. McManus who explained that lab results don’t tell the whole story and that my symptoms were consistent with hyperthyroidism. She suggested taking a lower dose of thyroid medication which I followed and I’m already feeling better. Dr. McManus has made so many of my friends and family and me feel like we’ve reached the maximum potential of health. I’m just regretful that I didn’t start the program sooner! Thank you so much for your time and dedication.
By |2012-10-10T12:05:14-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonial – Appreciation for a Doctor Who Listens!

Appreciation for a Doctor Who Listens!
I have always worked diligently at maintaining a healthy diet and exercise program. I was always up on the latest in supplements and health trends. I was even certified to educate and guide others to obtain their fitness and nutrition goals. So why, with all of this knowledge and commitment to health and only approaching age 40, did I feel so awful. I had progressively worsened after the birth of my second child. I had fatigue, moodiness, brain fog, depression, thinning hair, IBS, fibromyalgia, hypoglycemia, heavy bleeding, migraines, joint pain, diminished sex drive, and well, the list could go on infinitely but I have chosen to focus on the few that were beginning to take over my life. I sought help from physicians who only said…

“Honey, you are just in peri-menopause”. A doctor even said “You are just a type A personality and expect perfection from yourself”. Others said “Here is a brochure that explains it all- you just need to take an anti-depressant, that should help with the moodiness and depression”. This type of response led me down a path with several doctors who only offered a pill….. a pharmaceutical! After several years of this and deciding that I truly was feeling worse and not better- and after adding the 10+ lbs I had mysteriously gained, I stopped all medications and trudged on in hopes that I could at least get back to the not so bad feeling that I felt before the pills! Maybe I was expecting too much for my age (40)? I then had the fortunate experience of meeting Dr. Mila McManus and could not believe the information that I had read in her brochures that very first day….could this be true? Could someone really identify all of these life changing symptoms so easily?…. Well that is where we began my treatment and I must confess I think I have been a tough nut to crack but I have worked closely with her for over a year and we have finally found the right combination of diet and hormone therapy that suits me perfectly. The program is not one size fits all and yes, medicine is an art! She is an amazing doctor who has given my future back to me. I had the opportunity to compete in the Mrs. Texas pageant a while back and, although I did not win, it was a great experience that I really struggled to accomplish. After a year in the program another opportunity was given to compete at my first national pageant for United States Mrs. 2006 – and I won! I had confidence, clarity, and amazing vitality and energy and the judges saw that! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Dr. McManus- YES we can seek perfection!

Much love and many blessings to you and your amazing staff!
Melissa, CPT Mrs. United States 2006

By |2012-10-10T12:04:28-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonial – Blood Pressure and Cholesterol to Brag About

Blood Pressure and Cholesterol to Brag About
January 2006 held promises of a wonderful new year, however I physically felt horrible everyday. Like many people I made my new year’s resolutions, but I felt so lethargic that I couldn’t even muster up energy to think about feeling better. I was tired and sluggish, felt bloated much of the time, had indigestion a couple of times a week and I felt like I lived and moved in slow motion.

Finally, in mid-March I made the decision to take control of my life and not just be an observer, live in discomfort or be older that I already am! My first visit with Dr. McManus was such a relief and filled me with hope. I gained confidence that day that I didn’t have to live in slow gear or feel bad anymore and that I was not alone in making changes and moving forward with new ways of living my life.

Unlike some, I was not taking any medications, vitamins or supplements before my first visit with Dr. McManus. You can imagine what a change it was for me to swallow a jillion pills twice a day! Yikes! I was a bit anxious about being faithful to that part of my life changes. Then, there was the Yeast-free diet! What was interesting was that I was more concerned about taking so many pills than I was about not eating bread! That was a shock, since I love bread so much. But, I knew that every time I would eat something not on the Yeast-free eating program I would feel bad…I didn’t want to feel bad anymore. It took a couple of weeks for me to connect all the dots…vitamins, supplements and thyroid pills to a new way of eating to exercise. But, that was such a crucial shift for me. I was now living and thinking holistically making the body, mind and spirit connections that made the difference in my life.

Now seven months later my blood pressure is something to brag about, my cholesterol has dropped 30 something points, I have lost 30 pounds and my energy and enthusiasm is over flowing. I know that I have a great team that is walking through this time with me. One of the best decisions that I have ever made was to contact Dr. McManus and to actually step into the new way of living that she offered to me. Many thanks to Kim and the medical staff for giving me the tools and encouragement for the journey.

Rev. Mary

By |2012-10-31T05:59:40-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Testimonial – Rick’s Journey at 50

Rick's Journey at 50
My name is Rick and I would like to share a few thoughts regarding my experience with the program at The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness. First and foremost, I want to thank my wife Mary for the research and encouragement that led us to join this program.

Over the years, I have tried, and failed, at virtually all attempts to improve my overall health. With this program of medical monitoring, genuine healthy eating habits, and importance of physical training, I have found a balanced approach I can incorporate into my lifestyle.

Although I have only been in the program for a couple months, I feel better and stronger at 50, than I did when I was 40. I can honestly say this is due to two foundational perspectives.

First, I must be realistic regarding my expectations. I have strong memories of how I looked and felt at 20 years old, but must accept I am at a different stage in my life. I need to give myself credit for success, regardless of how small it may be.

Second, it took years of stressful work and unhealthy habits to produce my current condition. Therefore, I must expect this physical improvement to be a work in process for years to come. For me, it is a journey, not a quick fix.

The bottom line is this, at my age and condition, I realize I will feel better or worse, but I will not stay the same. I choose to feel better; for myself, for my family, and my friends. This program has given me the tools to achieve this.

Thank you,

By |2012-10-10T11:38:49-06:00October 10th, 2012|Testimonials|

Eating to control Blood Sugar :

Whether you’re trying to avoid degenerative disease or heal from it, one of the most fundamental nutrition concepts to healing and wellness is eating in a manner that controls blood sugar levels and prevents elevated insulin levels.
In the body, blood sugar is called glucose, the most basic molecule that when combined together in complex molecules makes up the food group called carbohydrates. The foods that make up the carbohydrate group are vegetables, fruits and grains. Remember that carbohydrates are a very important component to any healthy diet and most of us need 30-60% of our diet to be carbohydrates. Healing and wellness depend on you choosing the right carbohydrates in your diet.
Vegetables are our wisest, first choice because they include significant fiber, vitamins, minerals and other essential phyto-nutrients. As a result of their components, they digest slowly, are cleansing to the body and alkaline (or soothing) to the body while offering exactly the foods your cells need for healing, repair and optimal functioning.
Fruits offer another good choice, however since they do contain fruit sugar, or fructose, it is important to respect them and control portions and limit servings to reap the benefits while limiting the sugar intake from them.
Unfortunately, despite what the Standard American Diet suggests, grains are the most damaging and unhelpful food source in the carbohydrate food group. Most of our grains are highly refined, quick to digest to glucose and result in elevated insulin levels. Compared to vegetables or even fruits, most grains, especially wheat, do not offer significant sources of fiber, minerals, vitamins or phyto-nutrients. They are acidic (or irritating) in the body, congesting and for many; the gluten can be very destructive.
I can’t remember my grandmother saying, “Eat your grains.” However, I do remember she always said, “Eat your vegetables. I think the precious lady was right!

By |2012-11-18T23:43:00-06:00October 3rd, 2012|NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|


Most of us have favorable emotions attached to the sweet taste bud. Sweet foods remind us of love and comfort or grandma and her homemade desserts. Unfortunately, our food industry has capitalized on these emotions in their marketing as well as discovered the financial gain possible through the sale of sweetened foods. Our sweet taste bud has been so incredibly over-stimulated that we hardly recognize or enjoy the other four taste buds that include salty, bitter, sour and savory. Enjoying the foods recommended for life by TWIHW can be best accomplished by getting to know your other taste buds a little bit better. Exploring new foods requires trying different preparations of the same food on multiple occasions and eating slowly with intention to “taste” and “experience” the smell, texture, flavor and overall food experience.

By |2012-10-03T11:59:28-06:00October 3rd, 2012|NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|


Much of our stress comes from not feeling that we’re in control of our circumstances. One thing you CAN control is what you eat every day. Nutrient and mineral dense foods will support your ability to have a good day and cope with daily stresses. Here are a few good nutrition tips to soothe the stresses in your day:
• “Put your own oxygen mask on before assisting other people” – heard this before? Well it applies to you too. Take care of yourself first when it comes to getting good nutrition. It makes you healthier, better able to help others and you are setting a good example for others to follow.
• Minerals have a relaxing and soothing effect on thebody. Magnesium, potassium, and calcium are just three examples of minerals found concentrated in vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds. Inside the body, minerals are soothing, alkaline, non-congesting, and relaxing, helping your body to deal effectively with stress and tension. Feeling stressed? Think veggies — not ice cream!
• Avoid processed grains and sugary foods. They create acidity in the body related to congestion, aches and pains, inflammation and degenerative disease. Why add more stress to your body?
• Valerian and chamomile have been used for over 200 years to soothe the soul and reduce anxiety. So take a short break and sit down to a cozy cup of herbal tea with chamomile and/or valerian root extract. Think of 5 things for which you are thankful while you are enjoying your quiet time. Done every night before going to bed, this practice can help with a better night’s sleep too.

By |2012-10-03T11:59:06-06:00October 3rd, 2012|NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|


Depression continues to be a perplexing and complicated arena and exact causes are not fully understood. But with increasing research and understanding, it is very clear that nutrition plays a critical role.

Chemical imbalances in the brain can be triggered by nutrient deficiencies from a poor diet, too much sugar, alcohol, aspartame (NutraSweet and Equal) and even possibly too many grains in the diet. There are also a number of chemical additives put in our processed and fast foods which may also trigger depression including monosodium glutamate, Acesulfame-K, sodium nitrate, and some food dyes, just to name a few.

Recent studies are pointing to a connection between insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes with depression. This is to suggest that diets high in sugar and rapidly digesting carbohydrates like potatoes, sugars and processed breads and cereals are not only wreaking havoc with our insulin function but are also triggering depression.

So nutritionally, what can you do to ward off depression? Here at TWIHW we would suggest considering a diet that includes plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds along with quality protein and undamaged fats. Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D are both important nutrients in the treatment and prevention of depression so including foods in your diet such as salmon, scallops, tuna, eggs, flaxseed, walnuts, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, mushrooms and Brussels sprouts can be very supportive. Avoiding or limiting alcohol and sugar as well as processed grains and fast food would also be wise steps.

Eating whole, real, unprocessed food the way it occurs in nature remains a tried and true way to good health.

By |2018-05-21T13:03:34-06:00October 3rd, 2012|NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|