P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

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Nebulizer Treatments

Cutting Edge, Affordable Help for Common Issues

TWIHW is now offering treatments with the use of a nebulizer, a medical breathing device used to administer therapeutic agents such as minerals, vitamins, and medications directly to mucous membranes of the mouth, nasal passages, sinuses, nasopharynx (back of throat), and lungs.  The device changes liquid into a fine mist, which is then inhaled through the nose and/or mouth.

This kind of localized delivery system can directly result in:

  • A moistening of the inhaled air, facilitating the thinning and mobilization of mucus and secretions.
  • A decrease in the need to cough as more secretions are eliminated and infections resolved.
  • The direct inhalation of agents to improve breathing (bronchodilation).
  • The direct inhalation of agents to kill and mobilize infection and/or colonizing pathogens.
  • The use of lower drug dosages which reduces toxic effects compared to when dosed higher and given systemically.
  • A limited degree of dissemination of the inhaled agent throughout the body.

Individuals who would benefit from this 20 minute breathing treatment include those with:

  • Chronic sinus issues
  • Recurrent sinus infections
  • Allergies – chronic or acute flare ups
  • Heart disease (according to Dr. Thomas Levy, cardiologist and author, 98% of all heart attacks come from chronic colonization of dental pathogens that cause chronic inflammation)
  • Cold or flu
  • Exposure to others with a cold or flu, or at the first signs of infection
  • Asthma
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Chronic cough or drainage

Treatments, depending on condition, are recommended as needed, or up to 3 days a week.  Appointments are 30 minutes long and can be concurrently administered with IV nutrition.  Treatments are $39. Call for your appointment today.

By |2019-11-05T05:17:46-06:00October 24th, 2019|Articles, General|

Keto Cranberry Sauce and Pumpkin Bread

Keto Cranberry Sauce and Pumpkin Bread are two great options to make Thanksgiving healthier!

Keto Cranberry Sauce

Keto Cranberry Sauce
Makes 1 ½ cup


12 ounces fresh cranberries

1 cup powdered erythritol (recommend Swerve brand)

¾ cup filtered water

1 teaspoon orange zest

½ teaspoon vanilla extract


  • Combine the cranberries, water, erythritol, and orange zest in a medium saucepan.  Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes until the cranberries pop and a sauce forms.
  • Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla extract.
  • Serve or refrigerate until ready to serve.

Notes and Serving Suggestions: The confectioners, powdered Swerve will prevent the sauce from crystalizing in the refrigerator so if making ahead, use this product for best results.  It is available online and at most grocery stores.  Use orange zest to taste.  If you enjoy the orange flavor, you may wish to increase to 2 teaspoons to intensify the orange flavor.

Keto Pumpkin Bread

Keto pumpkin bread
Makes 3 mini loaves or one standard 8 X 4 loaf pan. Suitable for one dozen mini-muffins too!


6 large pasture raised eggs

1 ½ cup almond, pecan, or walnut flour

½ heaping cup organic pumpkin puree

1 ½ teaspoons pumpkin pie spice

4 tablespoons Swerve confectioners or Lakanto monk fruit sweetener

¾ teaspoons vanilla extract

6 tablespoons grass fed butter, melted

¾ teaspoon sea salt

¼ cup chopped walnut or pecan pieces


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Butter the pans to prevent sticking.
  • Combine all ingredients, except nuts, into a bowl.  Mix with a hand mixer or food processor.
  • Fold in ½ of the nuts into the batter.
  • Pour the mixture into greased pans and top with the remaining nuts.
  • Bake mini muffins or mini loaves for 30 minutes.  If using the larger single loaf, bake until sides pull away slightly from the pan and a toothpick comes out of the center clean, about 45-55 minutes.

Note: This recipe has wonderful texture and taste.  However, it does not rise much so loaves and muffins are not high.  We provide this information to avoid disappointment.  Taste and texture make these worth making!



By |2022-10-24T16:15:39-06:00October 24th, 2019|General, Recipes|

“I am already feeling like a new person.”

I am already feeling like a new person.

“Here is the good part, I am already feeling like a new person. I am amazed that I am not far along with the protocol and I have great energy, no depression at all, I am able to take care of my four year old grandson and do the routine chores here since my daughter has started a high pressure new job. I am doing good on the diet and feel I am starting to lose some weight.”
– L.P.

By |2019-11-25T16:12:04-06:00September 20th, 2019|General, Testimonials|

IV Allergy Buster

Relief for Allergy Sufferers

Need some relief from itchy and/or watery eyes, runny nose, congestion, sore throat, coughing, increased mucous, headaches, fatigue, hives, or asthma?  Want to give your immune system a boost?

IV Allergy Buster may be the perfect solution.  This allergy solution contains the B vitamins, Vitamin C, Glutathione, and Zinc needed to quell symptoms and boost immune response.  Delivered directly to the bloodstream for quick utilization, you can feel restored, revitalized, and replenished. Your immune system will thank you for the extra assistance.

We offer other IV nutritional therapies as well that help to address migraines, infections, fibromyalgia, leaky gut, and more.  For more information about IV nutritional therapies available at TWIHW, follow this link:

To schedule your appointment today, call 281-298-6742.

By |2019-10-01T09:35:24-06:00September 20th, 2019|General|

Guiltessly Good Pecan Pie

This Pecan pie will fool all of your sugar loving friends, without the guilt.  Top it off with Coco-Whip™ and enjoy!

It’s Fall again.  This year, there’s no reason to feel guilty. This Pecan pie will fool all of your sugar loving friends, without the guilt.  Top it off with Coco-Whip™ and enjoy!

Pecan Pie Filling

Fills one 9” pie crust


1 ½ cups Swerve®(Non-GMO Erythritol) confectioners sweetener

½ teaspoon sea salt

½ cup melted grass-fed butter, unsalted

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 eggs, slightly beaten

1 cup crushed pecans

1 cup pecan halves


  • Preheat the oven to 350°F. Combine the sweetener, salt, melted butter and vanilla and mix well.
  • Add the slightly beaten eggs to the mixture and blend.
  • Fold in the crushed pecans.
  • Pour into a 9” pie crust and use the pecan halves to decorate the top of the pie with a design or pattern of choice.
  • Bake for 45-55 minutes.

Almond Pie Crust

Makes one 9 inch pie crust


2/3 cup coconut oil

1 teaspoon sea salt

¼ cup water

2-2 ¼ cups almond flour


  • Mix all ingredients together and then roll out on to parchment paper with a small amount of the almond flour to prevent sticking.
  • Press it into the pie plate and crimp the edges.
  • Pre-bake the pie crust at 400°F for 6-8 minutes.
By |2022-11-16T14:51:25-06:00September 20th, 2019|General|

Mix It Up

Eat variety and mix it up! It is so easy to get stuck in a rut with our food choices.  Remembering that a wider variety vastly improves your overall nutrition and prevents boredom perhaps will motivate you to put these on your grocery list. Here are 4 superfood options that are easy to add to the diet in simple and tasty ways. Add all four and boost your body’s anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, immune building and anti-cancer abilities.

Tulsi (Holy Basil) Tea (hot or cold) – Wow!  I was surprised when I had my first cup.  Why didn’t I try this sooner?  This ancient tea made from Holy Basil and East Indian Basil is so smoothly palatable.  If you like green or black tea, you are likely to enjoy Tulsi tea.  The good news is that it is known for relieving stress while uplifting the mood, supporting the immune system and supporting natural detoxification processes.  It is herbal, so no caffeine. Buy organic. One popular brand is Organic India, available at Whole Foods.

Parsley – This inexpensive, intensely curly and green flowering plant cultivated as an herb originates in the Mediterranean. Parsley is a free radical scavenger which helps to protect your heart, brain, and GI tract from oxidative damage. Parsley is excellent for your skin and bones and is an excellent source for both vitamin K and C.   It is also an effective regulator for bowel movements and reduces bloating while soothing the stomach.  Parsley has antibacterial and antifungal properties which work to keep your body free of pathogens. Parsley is a wonderful breath freshener.  Eat several sprigs or add it to your salad or green. Just rinse it off, shake it dry or wrap it in a towel for a minute.  Then grab the scissors and cut it finely right into your tossed salad, salad dressing, olive oil or green smoothie. 

Cacao Nibs – These yummy and crunchy little crushed cacao beans are full of flavonoids, a cherished phytonutrient your body uses as a powerful antioxidant.  The darker the chocolate the better the flavonoid content. Cacao nibs come sweetened and unsweetened.  Read labels carefully but you will find some sweetened brands with very little sugar content that are perfect for snacking, trail mixes or toppings.  Buy organic.  Navitas Organics is one brand recommendation.  Use cacao nibs to add to baked goods, plain goat or sheep yogurt, or to your smoothie. Try them in our Chocolate Pecan KETO Fat Bombs. Get the recipe by following this link: https://woodlandswellnessmd.com/chocolate-pecan-keto-fat-bombs.html/.

Rosemary – Attention all grillers out there in Texas!  The herb, rosemary, has a very unique blend of anti-oxidants which protect against the cancer-causing heterocyclic amines (HCA’s) that form on meat when cooked at high temperatures.  If you add rosemary extract to your hamburgers, you can significantly decrease or even eliminate levels of HCA’s, making that outdoor cooking a lot more healthful.  Consider placing the fresh needles in a coffee grinder to finely chop and then blending with salt, pepper and ghee. Rub this mixture on your steaks prior to grilling them.

By |2019-09-20T12:48:20-06:00September 20th, 2019|General|

“I have a whole new life!”

I have a whole new life!

I battled severe IBS for years until I came to see Dr. McManus. She and her staff saved the day after ordering a special stool test and food sensitivity test, giving me a treatment plan to cleanse, and optimizing my supplement regimen. Hallelujah! I have a whole new life! They discovered a parasite as well as 3 food sensitivities. Dr. McManus and staff really cared.  And listened. And followed up. And still cared.  Studies show these matter to effectiveness of treatment.

Forever grateful,


By |2019-11-25T15:58:52-06:00August 27th, 2019|Testimonials|

Chocolate Pecan KETO Fat Bombs

If you can persevere at collecting the ingredients, these take no time at all and are really delicious!  You want to put them on your routine food list.

Makes 25 balls


1 ½ cups pecans

½ cup shredded, unsweetened coconut

¼ cup coconut butter *

2 tablespoons pecan butter**

2 tablespoons chia seeds

2 tablespoons flax meal

2 tablespoons hemp seeds

2 tablespoons cocoa nibs

2 tablespoons Swerve or Monk Fruit

1 teaspoon coconut oil

1 ½ teaspoons cinnamon

½ teaspoon vanilla bean powder or vanilla extract

¼ teaspoon sea salt


  1. 1. In the bowl of a food processor, combine all of the ingredients.  Pulse for about 1-2 minutes, watching carefully until the mixture starts to break down.  It will be powdery at first, then crumbly, and then begin to stick together.
  2. 2. Keep processing until the oils start to release and the mixture sticks together easily – just be careful not to over process or you will have nut butter.
  3. 3. Use a spoon or tablespoon to scoop a portion and use your hands to roll into a ball about ping pong ball size.
  4. 4. Place on a plate or cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and put in the fridge to firm up for about 30 minutes.
  5. 5. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer.

*Coconut butter can be found in the peanut butter section in jars.  One brand is Artisana and can be bought on line as well.  Artisana has single serve packs, two of which work perfectly for this recipe.

**You could first process ¼ cup of the pecans until they are nut butter, then add the rest of the ingredients as instructed.  Pecan butter is also available by Artisana, however you may need to be aware that there are cashews in their pecan butter.  Almond butter or peanut butter are other options.

These fat bombs comply with Keto, Low Carb, and Paleo type diets.

By |2019-08-27T19:09:47-06:00August 27th, 2019|Articles, Recipes|

Nuts! I Didn’t Know That

By Nancy Melhert, MS

We are always encouraging you to include a variety of nuts and seeds in your diet.  It’s because they are deeply nutritious sources of fat, protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients – all packed into convenient little packages.  However, there can be pitfalls when it comes to making your selections, so here are a few tips to making the best choices!

How Much to Eat:

Nuts and seeds have considerable Omega 6 fats, which can be inflammatory.  And though it is important to get Omega 6 fats, it is mission critical that they be properly balanced with Omega 3 fats (anti-inflammatory). The truth is, we need very little Omega 6 fats in our diet, yet the Standard American Diet has an abundance of Omega 6 fats in it.  And the important anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fats are harder to find in foods and more difficult to get adequate amounts in the diet.  As a result, you will want to make ideal choices (see below)  and then carefully limit your overall intake of them to a few ounces a day for nuts, and a few tablespoons a day for seeds.

How To Buy Them:

First of all, choose nuts that are organic, raw and not irradiated, roasted in oil, pasteurized, or coated in sugar or flavorings.  Organic nuts and seeds are also free of antimicrobials and pesticides.   Nuts and seeds should smell fresh, not musty, stale or rancid.  Old nuts can have mold and mycotoxins present on them, which are harmful to your liver.  Roasted nuts are usually made at higher temperatures resulting in degradation of the Omega oils, damaging them.  If you prefer roasted, roast them yourself at low  temperatures, no more than 170 degrees Fahrenheit in the oven or on the stovetop for 15-20 minutes, which should  minimize any heat-related damage.

Always Rotate

Avoid eating the same nuts over and over and over.  This can result in food sensitivities and food allergies.  Besides, you need the wide variety of nutrition offered across the entire gamut of nuts.  So, rotate them often, and when you rotate, be sure to rotate nut milks and nut flours as well. Try new nuts and broaden your palate by including such choices as Brazil nuts, Cacao Nibs, Hazelnuts and Hemp seeds.     

From Best to Worst:

Ideal Choices: Black Sesame seeds, Chia seeds, Flax seeds (must be fresh, and please buy whole. You can grind them just prior to eating, and best to keep refrigerated) Pecans, Pumpkin seeds, Cacao Nibs, Coconuts,

Macadamia nuts (Toxic to dogs!! so don’t share with your furry friends) , psyllium seed husks and walnuts.

Good Choices: Almonds, Brazil nuts, Hazelnuts, Hemp seeds, Pine nuts and Pistachios

Limit:  Nuts mixed with dried fruits, dry roasted nuts, cashews, peanuts and sunflower seeds

Avoid: All nuts roasted in oils of any kind, all nuts coated in sugar or other sweeteners, any nuts mixed with candy, and peanut butter with partially hydrogenated oil.

That’s it in a nutshell. Enjoy.

By |2019-08-27T18:26:27-06:00August 27th, 2019|Articles, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

“Now I owe her my life”

Now I owe her my life

Dr. McManus is an amazing doctor to help with any and all medical needs. I have been coming here for weight loss, allergies and Ondamed. Being a 30 year smoker she suggested that we try the Ondamed treatment and now I owe her my life. After one treatment I have not wanted nor craved a cigarette and have been smoke free for two months. My husband is now under her care for Eczema. She is working closely with him to help solve his issues. We highly recommend The Woodlands Institute to help with all your needs.


By |2019-08-27T19:16:34-06:00July 25th, 2019|General, Testimonials|