P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

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So far Mila McManus MD has created 857 blog entries.

Blood Sugar Made Very Simple

By Nancy Mehlert, MS

  1. 1. We have about 1 gallon of blood. Ideally, it should have about 4 grams (1 teaspoon) of glucose in it at all times for optimal function.  Less or more negatively affects function.
  2. 2. If you consume, for example, 2 ounces of Gluten Free Pasta, it contains 42 grams of net carbohydrate. As it digests, blood sugar rises from the optimal 4 grams to 46 grams of glucose.  This creates a significant blood sugar imbalance and the body responds quickly to address the problem.
  3. 3. The corrective measure is two fold. First, the liver stores a portion of the glucose as glycogen for future release when blood sugar is too low.  Second, the body releases insulin to usher the excess glucose into any cells willing to receive it, which most of the time, it will be fat cells, thus storing the glucose as fat causing weight gain.
  4. 4. This lowers blood sugar back to normal optimal levels and stockpiles sugar supplies in the liver. Next time you fail to eat, the liver will release fuel in the form of glucose, RATHER than burn fat from the body.
  5. 5. So every time we eat excessive amounts of carbohydrate, we are storing excess sugar in the liver and in fat cells and the next time the body needs fuel, it will access the liver stores, rather than burn fat. This cycle prevents weight loss. Learning to maintain stable blood sugar is key to weight loss.
By |2020-03-03T09:12:56-06:00March 5th, 2020|General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

“I honestly did not think I would have seen the benefits so soon.”

from   L.S.

I am definitely seeing the benefits of this cleanse and all the supplements Dr. McManus prescribed. I have more energy, my skin is beautiful, and for the first time I don’t have swelling in my hands and feet (so bad I want to amputate). My pain is about 10% better. But, the best thing I have noticed (for the first time in my life) I am never hungry or crave anything. Trust me I have tried all the DIETs: healthy eating / organic/ algae-E3 Live/ Isagenics/ pills/ cleans/ Eat right for your blood type/ Keto/ Paleo/ Mega Cleans/ Starvation/ and fad DIETs and all I do is DIE every time. Lol.  I finally have hope today, instead of wishing I would die or better, someone put me out of this misery. I honestly did not think I would have seen the benefits so soon. I am losing weight. I lost 7 lbs. I don’t even care about the number, I’m just glad all my work is paying off and I can fit in my clothes comfortably.  Thanks, and tell Dr. McManus she is an Angel

By |2020-03-03T12:25:15-06:00March 5th, 2020|General, Testimonials|

Keys to Successful Weight Loss

By Mila McManus M.D.

weight lossThe three most common excuses given for the inability to lose weight are thyroid malfunction, eating too many calories, and inadequate exercise. Everyone knows that.  Right? Not so fast.  In fact, we wish we had a nickel for every time someone has said, “No matter what I do, what I eat, how much I exercise, I can’t lose weight!”.  Truth be told, there are many variables that can prevent weight loss even when it seems like the diet and exercise are more than adequate. Our stressful and toxic world contributes more than you might realize, along with important lifestyle habits. There may also be other physiological reasons. For most people, there are several variables at play.

Here is a list of considerations when you are at your weight loss wit’s end.

  • Inflammation affects metabolism. Inflammation stems from various factors, but one, in particular, is a food sensitivity.  You may not realize, for instance, the eggs, almonds, or wheat in your diet are sabotaging your efforts because of an underlying food sensitivity.  Another source of inflammation is alcohol. (Of course, the calories from alcohol don’t help either.)
  • Poor sleep quality and sleep deprivation cause an increase in ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite, as well as cause a decrease in leptin, a hormone that tells you when to stop eating. 
  • Thyroid function may be low despite normal lab results.  Test yourself here for low thyroid symptoms. Your thyroid ratios may be suboptimal because your body can’t adequately convert inactive thyroid (T4) to active thyroid (T3) due to vitamin deficiencies, stress, poor gut health, or heavy metals. In addition, infection and inflammation increase Reverse T3 (RT3) which blocks thyroid function at the cellular level.
  • Guessing at caloric needs and exercise needs without knowing your own biological, physiological needs can sabotage your efforts. Consider having a metabolic test to determine your accurate resting metabolic rate, caloric needs for weight loss and for weight maintenance. It is easy and affordable. Ask for a Metacheck appointment.
  • Trying to exercise your way to weight loss is pretty fruitless when not examining your diet. Dietary adjustments will be a much faster route to weight loss compared to trying to overcompensate with exercise. HCG Protocol or Weight Loss Protocol are good places to start your weight loss journey.
  • Doing the wrong types of exercise is a recipe for long term disaster. Muscle mass contributes greatly to your metabolic rate.  If you are trying to jog off your behind and belly fat, you may find that strength training to increase muscle mass is more effective at burning calories, toning every area of the body, and getting faster results.
  • Hormonal Imbalances for both men and women can greatly impact the ability to lose weight. For example, imbalances of sex hormones (e.g., testosterone, estrogen, progesterone) can impact thyroid function which, in turn, affects metabolism. Have you heard of estrogen dominance?  Men can struggle with this as well if testosterone is declining while exposure to estrogenic plastics, chemicals, or soy causes increased estrogen levels.
  • Poor gut health (even with absence of any obvious gastrointestinal symptoms) caused by medications, poor diet, antibiotics, and artificial sweeteners, to name a few, will often affect weight.  Good gut health is mission-critical for weight loss.
  •  Lectins, which are in many healthy foods, can cause weight gain and inhibit weight loss. Read about lectins here, and read about which foods contain the most lectins here.
  • Nutritional deficiencies affect metabolism. Are you deficient in iodine, selenium, vitamin D, or iron perhaps? Deficiencies here will affect your thyroid function. There are a number of tests available to help identify nutritional deficiencies. 
  • Medications can affect your metabolism, including birth control pills, antidepressants, and beta-blockers. Even Zyrtec and Allegra, common allergy medications, can cause weight gain.
  • Toxins may be sabotaging your efforts, too. Today, our toxin exposure is significantly higher than it was just fifty years ago.  Additionally, some of us don’t eliminate toxins as well as others do.   A good detox program may be helpful!  Read our article on toxin testing and search our site for detox recipes that will help you get rid of harmful toxins.  PEMF Therapy and IR Sauna are two additional detoxifying options available at our office.
  • Inadequate hydration can slow your metabolism.
  • Unaddressed emotional trauma can affect eating habits and have neurohormonal effects that contribute to weight gain. 
  • Emotional eating habits are a common problem, such as binge eating chips or cookies when sad or stressed, or celebrating good times with cake and champagne.
  • Not eating enough calories can be disastrous on your metabolism.  Starving yourself, or eating a normal number of calories, and then following with excessive exercise or exertion, can cause reduced muscle mass and, therefore, slowing of metabolic rate.
  • Eating too late at night can affect weight, mainly because studies show that late eaters tend to make poorer food choices and eat more calories.
  • Eating too quickly will tend to cause you to eat more calories because you’re shoveling in more food during the interval between intake of food and getting the signal from your brain that you are full.
  • Excessive fruit intake can affect weight because the sugar in fruit, fructose, more easily stores as fat than other types of carbs.
  • Stress-yes, stress. Its effects are evil in every way.

medical weight lossReady to do something about it?  Here are ways to get started:

  1. Read Highway to Health, A Nutritional Roadmap, by Mila McManus MD, available in our office and on Amazon. This book includes everything you need to know about nutrition and lifestyle to maintain a healthy weight. The 2nd edition was published in December 2019.
  2. Call 281-298-6742 to learn how we can help you start losing weight today with one of our medically monitored weight loss programs. HCG Protocol or Weight Loss Protocol are good places to start your weight loss journey.
  3. Use our website to find healthy recipes that are sure to spice up your taste buds and make you feel better.
  4. Follow the links in this article to test yourself and learn more.

The Plant Paradox by Dr Gundry
Why Isn’t my Brain Working? by Dr. Kharrazian
Adrenal Fatigue by Dr. James Wilson
By |2022-10-10T18:36:30-06:00March 5th, 2020|Articles, Ask Dr McManus, General, Recommended Reading|

One Skillet Spinach Artichoke Chicken

From www.paleorunningmoma.com, Paleo and Whole30, dairy free, egg free

Makes 6 Servings


6 bone-in chicken thighs, skin-on

Sea salt and pepper to season chicken

1 teaspoon lemon garlic seasoning or garlic powder

3 tablespoons ghee

8 ounces fresh spinach, roughly chopped

14 ounce can artichoke hearts roughly chopped

½ medium onion chopped

4 cloves garlic, minced

¾ cup chicken broth, or bone broth

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

Pinch crushed red pepper, optional

Sea salt and pepper to season veggies

¼ cup coconut milk, full fat, blended prior to adding

2 teaspoons spicy brown mustard

2 teaspoons arrowroot



  1. 1. Preheat the oven to 400° and make sure ingredients are prepped.
  2. 2. Heat a large cast iron skillet (or any oven proof skillet) over medium-high heat. Season chicken with salt, pepper, and lemon-garlic seasoning, rubbing in to coat the skin.
  3. 3. Add 2 tablespoons of ghee to the skillet, then brown the chicken on both sides, about 3-4 minutes per side.
  4. 4. Remove the chicken from the skillet onto a plate and lower heat to medium. Add remaining tablespoon of ghee to the pan.
  5. 5. Add onions and cook until softened for one minute. Add garlic and cook for another 30 seconds. Then add spinach in batches until wilted.  Finally add the artichoke hearts stirring and cooking for another 3 minutes until vegetables are heated through.  Season with crushed red pepper, salt and pepper to taste, stir in the broth and lemon juice. Remove from heat.
  6. 6. Return chicken to the skillet and place the skillet in preheated oven and bake 25 minutes, until cooked through, and then return the skillet to the stovetop.
  7. 7. Remove the chicken to dinner plates. Whisk the arrowroot and mustard into the coconut milk and then add to the skillet.  Whisk while bringing to a boil for 2-3 minutes until thickened.  Serve the veggies and sauce with the chicken and enjoy.
By |2020-03-03T12:26:52-06:00March 5th, 2020|General, Recipes|

Integrative (i.e., Alternative, Complementary, and Supportive) Cancer Therapies

By Mila McManus MD

Integrative (i.e., Alternative, Complementary, and Supportive) Cancer Therapies
Photo courtesy Medical News Today

According to cancer.gov website, 38.4% of people will have a cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives.  That’s over 1 of every 3 people.  Fear is a natural tendency.  The saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” always brings to mind cancer first.  If you do get (or have) a diagnosis of cancer, you should know that there are a lot of integrative (i.e., alternative, complementary, and supportive) therapies to consider exploring.

Some of what I’m presenting in this article are therapies I have had some experience with and/or offer at TWIHW. Others I’ve learned from colleagues, research, conferences, and patients. I make NO claims about the effectiveness of any of these therapies, and this list is, by no means, exhaustive. Furthermore, you can assume that most, if not all, of the items listed below are not formally FDA-approved. Also, I want to point out that “unproven” is not synonymous with “ineffective”.  Medical school focuses heavily of teaching us how to manage diseases with FDA-approved pharmaceutical drugs. We aren’t trained on using nutrition, for example, to manage disease or treat illness.  Training us to use diet, vitamins, and other natural substances is a conflict of interest to Big Pharma’s bottom line.

I never encourage patients to choose conventional over alternative therapies or vice versa. It is important TWIHW patients know their available options. TWIHW will support patients’ decisions whichever treatments they choose.  Most of the time, my patients will choose some form of conventional treatments–surgery, chemo, and/or radiation. We aim to support their healing and mitigate their side effects using complementary therapies like these:

  • Mega doses of intravenous vitamin C
    • In 2019, I attended the IV C Academy at the Riordan Clinic in Kansas.  Dr. Hugh Riordan received a patent in 1997 for the treatment of cancer with IV Vitamin C.  You can read more about the benefits of mega dose vitamin C here.
    • To learn more about how vitamin C fights other diseases, I highly recommend Dr. Thomas Levy’s book Curing the Incurable.
  • Essiac tea is a blend of herbs that supports detoxification pathways and supports immune function.
  • Fucoidan is a component of seaweed that has demonstrated the potential for anti-cancer effects, immune modulation, inflammation control, cardiovascular support, and stem cell activation.
  • Protocel is a non-toxic liquid formula that interferes with the metabolism (energy production) and cell membrane integrity of cancer cells, without harming normal, non-cancerous cells in the body.
  • Ketogenic diet, a very low carb diet thought to help treat cancer, by drastically reducing glucose in the body to ‘starve’ cancer cells to death. Reducing glucose is very important, because cancer uses glucose for energy rather than oxygen.  Dr. Mercola wrote a great article about this in 2013 and you can read it here.
  • ONDAMED (biofeedback with PEMF) is an energy medicine device. It applies frequencies (‘signals’) to the body that jump start healing processes.
  • Exercise -many studies show that an exercise program may help cancer patients live longer and have a better quality of life.
  • Essential Oils –in particular, frankincense, peppermint, and lavender for possible cancer benefit
  • CC cream -I very recently learned about this from a colleague. Information on this website is quite intriguing.
  • Melatonin -This is a link to a one-hour video presentation by Dr. Shallenberger discussing all the many ways that melatonin fights cancer.
  • RGCC lab in Greece, offers cutting edge testing and integrative therapies for all types of cancer and has facilities globally.
    • RGCC lab testing includes a vast blood panel that:
      • 1) detects the number of circulating tumor cells
      • 2) tests cancer cells for sensitivity/resistance to natural substances (e.g. turmeric, vitamin C) and conventional chemotherapeutic agents
      • 3) monitors a known cancer
      • 4) screens for cancer
    • Simply having a clear scan and normal tumor markers does NOT mean you don’t have cancer stem cells in your body waiting to wreak havoc.
    • The lab can make cancer vaccines and a therapy called SOT (supportive oligonucleotide therapy).
      • Cancer Vaccines, aka ATA (autologous tumor antigen), are made up of antigens used by the body’s immune cells to determine what cells should be attacked or left alone.
        • Specific antigens are found on cancer cells in the patient’s blood, administered back to the patient intravenously or subcutaneously (under the skin).
          • This stimulates the immune system to attack the specific cancer cells in the body without harming the body’s normal cells. 
        • ATA is administered over 9 weeks, i.e. once a week for 3 weeks, then off for 3 weeks, and then once a week for another 3 weeks.
        • If needed, the protocol can be repeated 3 months after the last injection.
      • SOT treatment effectively silences the genes within cancer cells that are allowing the cancer cells to live. Your chromosomes contain genes which are strings of nucleotides.  These nucleotides are ‘read’ by RNA.  The RNA is then translated into proteins and this is how genes are expressed.
        • SOT is called ‘anti-sense’ which means it creates a string of nucleotides which bind to the RNA, rendering it ineffective, and therefore it cannot be translated into proteins. This will cause cell death (aka apoptosis) of circulating tumor cells and cancer stem cells in primary and metastatic tumors. 
        • Bcause it causes massive tumor cell destruction which can cause a potentially life-threatening condition called “tumor lysis syndrome”, there are some restrictions for using this treatment. 
        • For example, if a patient has wide spread cancer, or a large tumor burden, in highly vascular areas such as liver or lungs, that person may not be a candidate for SOT until the tumor burden can be reduced by, e.g., the vaccine treatment, other alternative therapies, or conventional chemotherapy, surgery, and/or radiation.
        • SOT is administered intravenously as a one-time dose, every 4 to 6 months.
        • The SOT remains active in the body for 24-28 weeks. Maximum dose is 3 full doses (or 6 half doses) for every 12 months. 
        • And even if a patient is unable to get his or her cancer cell count to zero, SOT can be used for years to control cancer.
  • Other nutrients, herbs, and options to explore include mistletoe, turmeric, vitamin D, hyperbaric oxygen, acupuncture, quercetin, and proteolytic enzymes.

And the list goes on…

If you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, it is my professional opinion to have an Oncologist and a Functional Medicine Specialist to partner with on the cancer fighting journey.

As you can see, there is a lot of information out there and it can be time-consuming, confusing, and overwhelming. Remember, nothing is going to help 100% of people, 100% of the time. If you’d like more information, call our office at 281-298-6742 to schedule an appointment.



RGCC lab


The Metabolic Approach to Cancer by Dr. Nasha Winters

What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by Dr. John Lee.

Knockout by Suzanne Somers

By |2023-03-22T16:52:33-06:00March 4th, 2020|Articles, General, Recommended Reading|

“I’m more healthy and I have lost over 100lbs.”

I’m more healthy and I have lost over 100lbs.

I started the yeast cleanse diet in March of 2019. With the help of Dr. McManus and Nancy, I was able to work through it, do some things my own way, and take it slow. I’ve been eating better since. I’m more healthy and I have lost over 100lbs. I have a better self-image and more confidence. The photo(s) was taken in December 2019.

-E. W.

Photos courtesy of E.W.

By |2020-02-27T12:19:42-06:00February 2nd, 2020|General, Testimonials|

Jack’s Cinnamon Keto Granola

From The Metabolic Approach to Cancer, by Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, L.AC.,FABNO, p.319


¼ cup pine nuts

¼ cup pecans, chopped

¼ cup Brazil nuts, chopped or sliced

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

¼ cup MCT oil or Coconut Oil

3 tablespoons cinnamon

2 tablespoons fresh ground flax


  1. 1. If possible, soak the nuts overnight.  If soaked, then rinse well.
  2. 2. Place the pecans and Brazil nuts into a bowl and mix with MCT oil, cinnamon, and vanilla extract.
  3. 3. Preheat the oven to 285°F.  Place the mixture on a baking tray and spread into a very thin layer.  Bake for 35-45 minutes, stirring every 5-10 minutes until nuts are crisp. 
  4. 4. Remove from heat and mix in the pine nuts and ground flax (freshly ground in a coffee grinder) – both of which oxidize in any type of heat.  Let cool and enjoy with some coconut cream (Cocowhip™) and a few blueberries.
By |2020-02-05T11:19:31-06:00February 2nd, 2020|General, Recipes|

First Protect, Fight If You Must

By Nancy Mehlert, MS

Photo Courtesy of I Had Cancer .Com

That “C” word still tends to infuse fear into our hearts when we, or someone we hold dear, is diagnosed with cancer.  Unfortunately, we live in a time where cancer is pervasive and common. There are many good reasons to believe that food has played a large role in the increase of cancer today.  That can be good news in the sense that lifestyle changes can help to prevent cancer or to tackle cancer cells if you already have it. Here are the top three anti-cancer nutrition strategies.

ONE:   Glucose feeds many cancers – Every carbohydrate is formed by glucose and fiber molecules.  Vegetables are more fiber, very little glucose.  Fruits have increasing amounts of glucose but some fiber.  Grains (e.g. wheat, rice, corn, oats…) are primarily glucose and little or no fiber. Obviously, sugars of every kind in candy or any other food turn to glucose. Minimizing glucose intake by reducing sugar and excess carbohydrates (grains, potato, sweets) is foundational in any anti-cancer strategy.

TWO:  Avoid Food Chemicals –  Eat real food.  Most chemicals at a minimum are toxic and inflammatory to the body and many are proven carcinogens.  There are very few laws in place preventing food producers from using them.  They are most pervasive in packaged, fast, and restaurant foods.

THREE: Eat plenty of vegetables, nuts, seeds, and healthy, undamaged fats.  These are the foods that provide the anti-cancer effects, boost micro-nutrients and provide major vitamins that guard against cancer.  They also ward off inflammation, a precursor to most lifestyle diseases, cancer included.

Need help with your diet?  Meet with our staff nutritionist today!  

By |2020-01-25T02:31:11-06:00February 2nd, 2020|General, NANCY’S NUTRITIONAL NUGGET|

IR Sauna: Anti-Cancer Benefits

Infrared Sauna has been found to have several specific benefits for anyone trying to prevent or treat cancer. ¹

Infrared Sauna has been found to have several specific benefits for anyone trying to prevent or treat cancer. ¹

The gentle increase in body temperature creates a form of whole-body hyperthermia that cancer cells struggle to tolerate.  Cancer cells are much more sensitive to heat and become impaired when subjected to it, even to the extent of killing them. According to the National Cancer Institute, research has shown that high temperatures can damage and kill cancer cells. 

IR Sauna also improves circulation which helps to deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to cells in the body. 

IR Sauna also promotes waste removal from the cellular infrastructure.  Toxicity is a primary cause of cancer.  Heavy metals, chemicals, and pesticides enter the body through food, water, and air.  IR sauna, by creating a higher body temperature and forcing circulation to increase, helps to remove lead, copper, mercury, arsenic, and cyanide from the body as well as balance the body’s pH by neutralizing excessively acidic body chemistry.

IR Sauna increases immune response too.  When cancer cells are exposed to higher internal temperatures, proteins are produced on the surface of the cancer cells which mark them clearly for attack by the immune system’s natural killer cells and macrophages.

Relaxation is a surprising benefit of IR sauna and an important anti-cancer strategy. Heat inhibits the sympathetic nervous system, our fight or flight response system which, when activated, strongly inhibits our digestion, immune function, and sleep, and thus, our healing ability. In our stressful world where often we can be afraid, over-anxious or adhering to a fast-paced schedule, we can remain in this response system for excessive amounts of time much to our health’s detriment.  IR sauna promotes the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system where rest, digestion, and healing take place. This favorable impact on the nervous system can also help to improve appetite, as well as reduce pain and depression in cancer patients.

¹beatcancer.org/blog-post/6 ways saunas help fight cancer

By |2020-02-05T11:26:11-06:00February 2nd, 2020|Articles, General|

Bone Broth

Repair the Gut and Heal.

There is no greater healer for the gut than authentic, properly prepared bone broth.  Consider something as simple as a one or two day fast from food and use bone broth and water as your only nutrition. One recipe should make enough broth for about 3-4 days.

Stock and Bone Broth


Large stockpot or Crockpot

Filtered water to fill

Ground pepper or Peppercorns

1 Tablespoon of natural, unrefined salt

Bones and joints, giblets, skin and meat, from:

  • Whole organic chicken with skin
  • Turkey carcass with a little meat on it, neck, wings and bones.

1 Tablespoon of salt

Onion, celery, carrot, garlic for more broth flavor, if desired


  1. 1. Place meat and bones, or whole chicken, in the pot and add filtered water to cover bones and meat. Add the salt, peppercorns and if desired, onion, garlic, carrots and celery for added flavor.
  2. 2. Heat on high until boiling and then reduce heat, cover and simmer for 3-4 hours. This yields what is called “meat stock” which is very soothing and rich in amino acids.  If cooking a whole raw chicken, this is the time to remove the majority of the meat from the bones if you plan on proceeding to make bone broth.
  3. 3. For the ultimate in healing nutrition, prepare bone broth by removing the meat from the pot, return bones, joints, and fat to the pot, add 1-2 Tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice and top the pot once more with filtered water. Cook on low for another 12-24 hours. Bone broth will be gelatinous when cooled and very rich in minerals and other nutrients.  The vinegar/lemon juice pulls the minerals from the bones.
  4. 4. Using a slotted spoon, remove bones and large debris, then strain in a fine wire strainer or cheesecloth (recommended). Store in the refrigerator for 5-7 days or freeze.  Fat will rise to the top and solidify.  Save some for cooking and leave some in the stock for good nutrition and flavor.

Notes & Suggestions: Both meat stock and bone broth are very healing and very healthy.  Both can be used plain, or add vegetables and meat for a variety of delicious soups.  Microwaving will destroy the nutritional value of your stock or bone broth!  Re-heat on the stovetop or in the Crockpot.

If you enjoy creamy soup, steam or simmer a head of cauliflower, 3-5  sliced carrots, and 3-4 diced leeks, until soft.  Then cool and puree in a blender and add to the bone broth. Mushrooms are another great option.  Saute in butter with onion and then blend in with the soup using a food processor for cream of mushroom soup.

By |2022-11-10T07:47:23-06:00December 20th, 2019|Articles, Recipes|