P: 281-298-6742 | F: 281-419-1373|info@TWIHW.com

Help Heal Your Body from the Inside Out

By Guest contributor Tyler Hamel, DC

Edited by Mila McManus, MD

Chiropractors evaluate the spine and nervous system to determine whether issues with these are affecting your health condition.  Your neck pain, back pain, sciatica, or migraine headaches may be caused by spine/nerve irritation and, if that’s the case, chiropractic treatment can help.

What is a chiropractic adjustment?

Oftentimes postural stress causes wear and tear on the spinal joints in your neck, mid-back and low back.  These joints become compressed which causes irritation, pain and muscle spasm. In the simplest explanation, here is what the chiropractic adjustment does:

  • Decompresses the spine
  • Realigns the spine
  • Takes pressure off of nerves
  • Restores proper function

Why be open to chiropractic treatment?

  • It’s very safe and more effective at treating neck and back pain than any other treatment out there, including, e.g., muscle relaxers, pain pills, or surgery.
  • Chiropractic helps the body heal from the inside out naturally by restoring proper alignment and nerve flow.
  • It’s affordable. Chiropractic adjustments are a fraction of the cost of long-term use of pain medicine, ongoing cortisone shots, and surgeries.
  • Everyone can be helped with chiropractic care. Our youngest patient was 7 weeks old, and our most senior patient 99 years old.
  • You don’t need a referral from a doctor.
  • We accept insurance, but keep in mind that sometimes insurance co-pays cost more than our cash prices.

Which Chiropractic technique is best for you?

  • Manual adjusting- you will hear pops and cracks when we release pressure from the spine during a chiropractic adjustment. This is very safe.
  • Instrument adjusting- we use vibrating adjustment tools that accomplish the same result as manual adjusting.

Why do we offer both?

  • Some patients do not want their neck or back “popped”, whereas others love the feeling of a manual adjustment.
  • Depending on the age of the patient, it may be easier and safer to use instrument adjusting. For example, if a patient has osteoporosis, or recently had surgery, instrument adjusting may be preferred.
  • Having more than one adjusting technique makes it easy for anyone to come and experience the benefits of chiropractic care.


Dr. Hamel cares for patients part time at our TWIHW facility, and part time at his Kingwood office.



By |2019-03-21T20:49:59-06:00February 26th, 2019|Articles, General|

The Doc’s Shaved Brussels Sprouts Salad

The Doc’s Shaved Brussels Sprouts* Salad

Edited from Chowhound.com

Serves 2


For the salad:

½ bag shaved Brussels sprouts

2 to 3 hearts of palm, sliced

⅓ cup pine nuts




For the dressing: (enough for 2-3 uses)

¼ cup fresh lemon juice (about 1 lemon)

¾ cup olive oil

½ to 1½ teaspoons Dijon mustard

½ to 1 shallot, finely chopped or minced

2 cloves garlic, minced

Salt and Pepper, to taste



  1. 1. Combine the shaved Brussels Sprouts, hearts of palm and pine nuts in a large salad bowl.
  2. 2. Combine the dressing ingredients in a bowl or bottle and stir or shake.
  3. 3. Pour desired amount of dressing on the salad and toss well. Serve
  4. 4. Save the remaining dressing in the refrigerator.



*These little green mini cabbage like balls are named after the city of Brussels in Belgium.  Most people call them Brussel Sprouts, but the correct name has the “s” on the end.

By |2019-03-04T06:34:11-06:00February 20th, 2019|Articles, General, Recipes|

Regenerative Orthopedic Options

By Shaun Lehmann, MD  prp, prolotherapy, and stem cells
Edited by Mila McManus MD


The body is designed to heal itself. As we age, our bodies start to lose the ability to focus a sustained healing response to musculoskeletal injuries. Injuries can occur from multiple sources including trauma, repetitive stresses, or medications. The body’s healing response can also be diminished due to nutritional deficiencies, hormone deficiencies, and genetic conditions.
The field of Orthopedic Medicine is rapidly changing to now include many regenerative options aimed at improving our ability to heal. We are now learning that some of the traditional ways that we have been treating musculoskeletal pain and injuries may actually be causing problems by negatively affecting the body’s ability to heal itself. Steroid injections, for example, are now showing in research to decrease the local stem cell counts and could actually damage cartilage. NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) also have been shown to accelerate cartilage loss.
Regenerative medicine aims to accelerate our natural ability to heal after injury occurs. The goal of regenerative therapy is to optimize the cellular environment by stimulating growth factors and repair cells.

Some of these treatments include:
Point of Care Therapies (same day procedures)

Nutritional Growth Factor Stimulation

  • Prolotherapy
  • Ozone Therapy

Personal Cell Therapy (Autologous)

  • Platelet Rich Plasma (aka PRP)
  • Bone Marrow Aspirate
  • Fat derived Mesenchymal cells – or VSF “vascular stromal fraction:”

Donation cellular therapy (Allogeneic)

  • Umbilical Allograft Cells
  • Amniotic growth factors
  • Placental growth factors

Cultured Cellular Therapies (not a same day procedure… takes weeks to grow)

Nutritional stimulation treatments such as Prolotherapy and Ozone therapy aim to focus the body’s healing energies on the location that needs repaired. They aim to wake up the body’s local healing mechanisms by refocusing and restarting the healing process. These treatments can work well as long as the body is healthy, and the repair mechanisms are in working order.

Personal cellular therapies do the same as above; however, they also bring extra cellular workers to the job site. These treatments are usually deemed stronger than Prolotherapy and Ozone and are deemed relatively safe since the workers are your own cells.

Donation cellular therapies are from a donor person, are more potent than Personal cellular therapies, and are tested for safety (e.g., viruses such as HIV, hepatitis); however, the tissues are not tested for every potential infectious disease, so there may be some theoretical risk.

Cultured Cellular Therapies are not legal to use in the U.S. at this time, but it is legal to process and store these stem cells in the United States. One has to travel to another country to have the stem cells injected or infused. Cultured stem cells can be either Personal (autologous) or Donated (allogeneic).

There is a large body of research done on the efficacy of Prolotherapy and Platelet Rich Plasma, but more is still needed. Stem cells show so much promise that they are said to be “the future of medicine”.

By |2019-02-22T08:55:43-06:00January 30th, 2019|Articles, General|

Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup

From Affordable Paleo Cooking with your Instant Pot, by Jennifer Robins, ©2018

Makes 6 Servings

Prep time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes


6 cups (1.4 L) chicken broth

1 lb (450 g) chicken breast

12 ounces (340 g) fresh or high quality store bought salsa

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon chili powder

1 teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon black pepper

1 cup chopped carrots

1 onion, chopped

Fresh Cilantro (optional)

Sliced Avocado (optional)


  1. 1. Place all of the ingredients except the cilantro and sliced avocado into the stainless steel bowl of your Instant Pot and secure the lid. Close the pressure valve, press the Manual/Pressure Cook button and adjust the cook time to 15 minutes using your +/- buttons.
  2. 2. Allow the cooking cycle to complete and then quick release the pressure valve and remove the lid once safe to do so. Use two forks to shred the chicken.
  3. 3. Serve topped with fresh cilantro and sliced avocado if desired.

Compliant with HRP diet (TWIHW), Keto, Low Carb, Paleo and just plain yummy simple!

By |2022-10-10T21:54:51-06:00January 17th, 2019|Articles, General, Recipes|

Viracid & WholeMune *

Viracid, by Ortho Molecular Products provides support for immune challenges and can be taken to immediately boost the immune system or for immune maintenance.  Viracid strengthens immune function and helps to maintain normal inflammatory balance. Viracid has a powerful combination of key nutrients and botanical extracts which significantly boost immune cell function including antibody response, natural killer (NK) cell activity, thymus hormone secretions and T-cell activation.  Viracid boosts immune defenses by providing nutrients such as L-lysine, vitamins A and C, pantothenic acid, B12, and zinc.  Also included is a synergistic blend of botanical extracts including black elderberry, astragalus, echinacea, and andrographis, all of which have been used traditionally for their clinically effective immune-modulating properties.  This supplement comes in a convenient pill pack to have handy at home or in travel, when you feel like you may be coming down with something. 


WholeMune, by Orthomolecular Products is used to prime and mobilize key immune cells and protects against immune challenges resulting from ongoing stress.  Wholemune is formulated with Wellmune WGP®, the most well-researched, single beta-glucan, proven in human trials to prepare and protect the immune system form repeated and ongoing stressors.  Wellmune WGP® is a highly purified, yeast -free beta glucan extract derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  It is standardized to contain 75% pure beta-glucan and is considered the most effective single nutrient to naturally prime immune cells.  Wholemune increases immune vitality and mental clarity as well as protects against exercise-induced stress.



For information or to purchase, visit our office or call 281-298-6742.


*Information taken from Ortho Molecular Products, Product Info Sheet/pdf.

By |2019-01-05T10:08:00-06:00January 4th, 2019|Articles, General|

Neurofeedback Changes Your Mind, Literally!

Written by Guest Contributor:

Spring Hill, MS, LMFT, LPC
Individual, Couples, Family Counseling
Neurofeedback Services 

Have you ever felt like “if I could just relax instead of being anxious, depressed, or distracted I would enjoy life more?” Well, you’re not alone. The brain controls everything we do in our lives from relaxing, to sports activities, to writing this article. Specifically, it is our brain waves that control what and how we think, how we feel physically, mentally and emotionally, and how we behave with others.
If our brainwave distribution becomes out of balance (much like our hormones), symptoms may result, such as anxiety, depression, lack of energy, foggy thinking, etc. Neurofeedback is a non-invasive, pain-free computer-based technique which retrains the brain to produce brainwave patterns that are beneficial to better functioning. When the electrical system (brainwaves) is modulated through Neurofeedback, the brain becomes more flexible, calming the brain and helping the client to have better control of their emotions, feelings and thoughts. The results of the brain changes are enduring, unlike medication.
What does a Neurofeedback session look like?
• During a session a cap with sensors is placed on the head to monitor the brainwave activity, much like the electrical activity you see when having an EKG. (There is NO electricity going into the head)
• This activity is displayed onto the therapist’s computer monitor. On a separate screen, the client plays a video game or watches a movie that is generated using their brainwave activity.
• Each time a healthy brainwave is achieved, the client is rewarded via graphics and auditory sound. As healthier brainwaves are achieved, a healthier state of mind (e.g., focused, relaxed, less anxiety) is learned.
Neurofeedback is a safe, long-lasting, drug-free alternative to treating symptoms including:
• Focus/Foggy thinking/Cognitive Processing
• Anxiety/Panic Attacks/ Obsessive thoughts, Compulsions
• Depression
• Sleep issues
• Pain
• Other Conditions and Symptoms
The overall goal is to help the client manage their symptoms and improve their performance in whatever area of life they desire such as school, work, or relaxation. For more information regarding neurofeedback contact Spring Hill at shill1@springhill4counseling.com or call 713.927.5093.

By |2019-01-04T12:17:21-06:00January 4th, 2019|Articles, General|

Rising Concerns – Electropollution

We Can’t Ignore It

By Mila McManus, MD


This year, my staff and I have witnessed an undeniable escalation of concern about the constant barrage of electromagnetic radiation and its effects on our health and the health of our children.


Other names used for electromagnetic radiation include electrosmog and electro-pollution. This radiation occurs in the higher frequency ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum, usually as megahertz (MHz) and gigahertz (GHz). Our bodies need and require very low frequencies (0.1 to 32000 Hertz, or Hz) to live. These low frequencies are life-giving and restorative.  Unfortunately, we greatly interrupt these healing frequencies, found in the human body and in the earth’s surface, with much higher frequencies that disturb and harm the human body (MHz and GHz).   There is now a significant body of published scientific and anecdotal evidence that supports a correlation between these higher levels of electromagnetic radiation and various negative health effects including cancer, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, ADD, autism and a number of neurological disorders.


Sources of potentially harmful electromagnetic radiation include wireless technologies (WiFi technologies) such as cell phones, iPads, laptops, baby monitors and cell towers, as well as sources of power traveling through electrical wires into our homes and businesses called High Frequency Voltage Transients (HFVT’s).  HFVT’s include electrical appliances/equipment of every kind, fluorescent light bulbs, AC/DC power mode converters, rectangular black boxes on power cords, televisions, computers, printer/copier/fax machines, dimmer switches, “smart” digital readers (SMART Meters), energy efficient appliances, cordless phone base stations and microwaves.


Electrical pollution is a difficult subject because we are all greatly exposed to it and our lifestyles are heavily dependent upon it.  Most of the sources have become routine in the pattern of our everyday lives. We don’t feel it or see it, so it is easy to believe it does not exist. Yet 1 in 2 Americans have a chronic disease and 1 in 4 have multiple chronic diseases.[1] Another real concern is for our children, including those still in the womb. Research shows radiation emitted from cell phones and Wi-Fi negatively impacts children’s development in the womb.[2]


Our exposure increases as greater technological advances occur.  For example, there are great concerns about the Smart Meters being added to residences and businesses, touted as “green energy”, as well as the imminent 5G mobile network and matching cell phones. Both of these additions are expected to increase microwave radiation from electromagnetic frequencies exponentially. Despite the fact that government and corporate entities have been informed of these health concerns, they appear to be far less concerned about potential harm to our health than implementing the next greatest thing in technology to reap the profits from it.  


Here Are Ways to Protect Yourself and Your Family[3]

  • Put your phone in airplane mode when you are carrying it or sleeping near it.
  • Consider a Faraday bag for your cell phone. faradaybag.com
  • When using your cell phone, use the speaker phone and hold the phone at least 3 feet away from you.
  • Decrease your time on the cell phone as much as possible.
  • Explore the use of VoIP software phones that can be used while connected to the internet via a wired connection.
  • Connect your desktop/laptop to the internet via a wired Ethernet connection and keep it in airplane mode as much as possible.
  • Avoid using wireless keyboards, trackballs, mice, game systems, printers and portable house phones. Opt for wired versions.
  • If you must use Wi-Fi, shut if off when not in use, especially at night when sleeping. Ideally work toward hardwiring your house so you can eliminate Wi-Fi all together.  There are USB Ethernet adapters for notebooks that allow connection to the internet with a wired connection.
  • Shut off electricity to the bedroom at night. This reduces electrical fields from the wires in your walls, unless there is an adjoining room next to it. In this case, a meter will help determine the severity of the electrical fields and if you need to shut off electricity in both rooms or not.
  • Use a battery powered alarm clock, ideally one without any light. Talking clocks for the visually impaired work well.
  • Replace your microwave oven with a steam convection oven, which will heat your food as quickly and far more safely.
  • Avoid “smart” appliances and thermostats that depend on wireless signaling. This includes “smart” televisions. Consider replacing the TV with a large computer monitor instead, as this will not emit Wi-Fi signals.
  • Refuse smart meters as long as you can or add a shield to an existing smart meter.
  • Consider moving your baby’s bed into your room instead of using a wireless baby monitor. Alternatively, used a hard-wired monitor.
  • Replace CFL and LED bulbs with incandescent bulbs. Ideally remove all fluorescent lights from the house. Fluorescent lighting emits unhealthy light and transfers a current to the body just being close to them.
  • Do not use light bulbs you can control from your cell phone as they emit radio frequency just like a Wi-Fi router.


Here are some resources to learn more:




Book: How To Break Up With Your Cell Phone, By Catherine Price


Be Well, Choose Health

[1] https://www.drbenlynch.com/chronic-disease/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+DrBenLynch+%28Dr+Ben+Lynch%29

[2] http://electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/summary-and-audio/

[3] https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/11/14/heart-tumors-from-cellphone-radiation.aspx?utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&ut


By |2018-11-30T14:44:41-06:00November 19th, 2018|Articles, General|

Benefits of IV Nutrition Therapy

by Mila McManus MD

Intravenous (IV) nutrition therapy has been used in hospital settings for decades and was first developed and tested by Dr. John Myers at Johns Hopkins University in the 1970’s.  Patients have reported significant improvements from IV Therapy for many conditions including fatigue, headaches, muscle spasms, PMS, seasonal allergies, sinusitis, asthma, anxiety, depression, stress, digestive disorders, nutrient deficiencies, toxicity, dehydration, hives, hyperthyroidism, infection, heart disease, and immune system support.

If you are wondering if IV Nutrition Therapy is for you, here is a list of the benefits to consider:

  • Quick delivery, quick utilization – IV therapy delivers nutrients directly to the bloodstream where they can be utilized immediately. While you can’t expect IV Nutrition Therapy to take the place of a good supplement regimen, it can be used in targeted ways to get quicker results than would be achieved taking nutrients orally.
  • Therapeutic doses delivered to the cells – IV therapy allows delivery of therapeutic (ie higher) levels to the blood stream in cases where it would be uncomfortable or digestively difficult to consume the same level orally. For example, when blood levels of Vitamin C are between 10-15 mg/dL, vitamin C  can help to overcome a cold and fight a virus.  This level can be achieved easily through IV therapy but would be very difficult, if not impossible, to reach through oral therapy. (read a book called Curing the Incurable by Dr Thomas Levy which is about all the benefits of high doses of vitamin C)
  • Immune Boosting Support – IV therapy makes it possible to quickly deliver B vitamins, glutathione, zinc, and vitamin C as added support to the challenged and busy immune system. It can function much like bringing in air support to the ground troops to make the difference and win the battle.
  • Improved energy, resilience to stress– With IV therapy you can begin to experience the favorable effects within hours. Depending on the therapy, examples include an increase in energy and stamina, the ability to think more clearly and a better mood.  B Vitamins help to relieve anxiety and stress while glutathione, our master antioxidant, supports detoxification.
  • Immediate rehydration – IV therapy provides optimal hydration to support all vital organ functions. When done often, it can prove preventative and protective in avoiding kidney stones, constipation and damage to muscles. It can be a great choice for athletes to replenish vitamins and minerals lost through excessive sweating, while also improving recovery time and  preventing muscle spasms and exhaustion.
  • Fights effects of environmental toxins – Toxins in our everyday environment can take a toll on your health and appearance. IV Therapy can supply the antioxidants needed to fight off signs of premature aging and help the body flush out harmful toxins more effectively. Glutathione is especially valuable for this purpose.
  • Preventative care – Therapeutic doses of vitamin C have been shown to be toxic to cancer cells and are effective at building immunity and improving resistance to chronic and upper respiratory infections.

With few exceptions, most can benefit from IV Nutrition Therapy.  Come experience it for yourself!

By |2022-10-10T16:20:41-06:00October 25th, 2018|Articles, General|


CollaGEN, by Orthomolecular Products, is designed strategically to support connective tissue
regeneration and stability. Collagen is the primary protein fiber found in connective tissue,
which gives tendons, ligaments, fascia, cartilage, bone and skin structural stability. The body
makes collagen using specific amino acids along with vitamin C and magnesium. Aging, poor
eating habits, mechanical stress and inflammation can disrupt the process of collagen
biosynthesis, resulting in weaker fibers. CollaGEN supplements the raw materials needed to
restore collagen biosynthesis, thus supporting connective tissue regeneration and stability.
CollaGEN is a tasteless powder that can be mixed with water or another beverage choice and is
available for purchase at TWIHW.

By |2018-10-25T16:57:18-06:00October 25th, 2018|Articles, General|

Drugs That Cause Memory Loss

By Mila McManus, MD

Without question, prescription and over the counter (OTC) drugs are double-edged swords.  While there are instances when pharmaceutical drugs are needed, in many cases there are safer ways to address symptoms and diseases without them.  As a physician, I feel compelled to remind my patients to become well educated about what they are taking and why, as well as to understand the risks.  In a world of risks, dying from a pharmaceutical drug reaction or side effect is among the highest risks from societal activities. Taking a food supplement or herbal remedy is among the lowest risks.  Adverse drug reactions are now the fourth leading cause of death in the US.  Getting struck by lightning is more likely to happen than to be killed by a supplement! [i]     

One common side effect of many drugs is memory loss and cognitive impairment. If you or someone you love has experienced memory loss or cognitive issues, check to see if any of the prescriptions or over-the-counter (OTC) medications listed below are being taken.  If so, consider other options.

Top 3 Types of Drugs That Cause Memory Loss or Cognitive Impairment[ii]


1. Anticholinergics – Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter responsible for memory and learning. Low levels of acetylcholine cause forgetfulness, poor concentration and difficulty finding words. These drugs block acetylcholine.   Many of these drugs start with the prefix “anti”.  These include antihistamines, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antibiotics, antispasmodics and antihypertensives.</p


2. Sleeping Pills – Prescriptions such as Ambien, SonataLunesta and OTC drugs such as Advil PM, Tylenol PM and Excedrin PM are used for pain and insomnia relief.


3. Cholesterol Lowering Drugs– Also called statin drugs, these are among the most profitable prescription drugs in the world. Memory issues have been so prevalent with this class of drug that it is now a requirement that memory loss be clearly listed as a side effect on the label. Included are Lipitor, Lescol, Crestor and Zocor. Generic brands all end in “-statin”. (don’t confuse with nystatin which is an anti-fungal medication and has nothing to do with statin drugs)  Click here for more information about Cholesterol & Statin Drugs.


And these cause memory loss too….

4. Painkillers including morphine and codeine as well as naproxen found in brands such as Aleve and Midol Extended Relief.

5. OTC drugs for insomnia, such as Sominex and Unisom.

6. OTC drugs for allergies, such as Benadryl, Claritin, and Zyrtec.

7. OTC drugs for motion sickness, such as Dramamine.

8. OTC drugs for acid reflux, for example, Pepcid AC, Tagamet, and Zantac.

9. Benzodiazepines are a class of drug most commonly used to treat anxiety and insomnia and include Valium, Xanax, and Ativan.

10. Lithium, commonly used for bi-polar disorder, depression, eating disorders and other mental illnesses, clearly lists impaired memory and poor concentration as very common side effects.

11. Chemotherapy drugs

12. Barbiturates such as Amytal, Nembutal, Seconal and phenobarbital

13. Common treatments for Parkinson’s including amantadine, levodopa, pramipexole, rotigotine, ipinirole, scopolamine, atropine and glycopyrrolate.

14. Anti-epileptic drug, phenytoin


Every drug listed above has a host of other potential side effects in addition to memory loss or cognitive decline, so it is easy to see why drugs should be understood,  and avoided whenever possible. As with any prescription drug, it is best to consult with your physician before changing or stopping any medication.  Be aware and be well.


[i] http://www.positivehealth.com/article/nutrition/food-supplements-risk-even-less-than-lightning-strike

[ii] http://bebrainfit.com/drugs-memory-loss/

By |2018-09-21T10:18:36-06:00September 20th, 2018|Articles, General|